Seen alot of people saying that there isn't enough games ( as well as the games being yonks old and apparently broken)
Ive been trying to use my
to think up some games that would be fun.
Sadly my
isn't all to perky right now and im lacking awesome ideas
(but im going to give it a go and see what people think and how it develops, if it develops at all xD) PLUS ^look it^ (at the link heh)
I would also like to put forward a class idea
Class ideas
Trainer- Sadly this is pretty pointless idea until the battle system is done
Coloured hatch chances- better than merchant, lower than rancher.
Hatch number- two
Perks- discount in armour shack, pharmacy and healthy food store and the scira health centre.
pets have a chance of hatching with better stats
example- berrok stats
Power: 6
Defense: 8
Agillity: 219 health points59 energy points
if hatched by a lucky trainer=
Power : 9
Defense : 12
Agillity- 5
25 health points
59 energy points
( is defence spelt wrong? or Is it a different spelling in America?? xD)
Shop- gym, users select a pet, select a state to rise and a number of days to leave the pet in the gym.
the longer you leave your pet in there the higher the state will have risen, but states will rise a random small amount each day.
maybe only 1-3 points a day ( maybe even 0.5-2 points a day to stop crazily over powered pets)
with a maximum day limit of 4 (?)
(the owner of the pet will not have it on their account for the time it is at the gym)
The owner of the gym cant touch the pets in the gym but sets the prices per day/ depending on the state
oo maybe even just the price of the state and then it will be timed my the number of days the owner of said pet wants to keep it in there
( hope your still with me |D)
Power= 100k
x 4 days = 400k for the trainer
/pfft I have no idea/
cons- crazy over powered pets (?)
might be a confusing system
Ooooo also just noticed this thread
Lors of ideas along the same line as this plus many more! :D
Hatcher class
ability to send hatches
Game/ event:
Ive seen it mentioned before, we ave all these awesome little bits of history and lore and fables here on rescreatu, no ones really aware of it and it just sits there, not being developed not being appreciated.
I also hope this will bring in some kind of planet perk other than the fishing hole~
I was thinking it could be a bit like K1rs quest, you will have to hand it items AND pets for "resources" to your planets guardian.
The Guardians
Adagu- Relcore
Palora- Atquati
Otroe- refilem
Loyna- scira
I mean, it would be cool to at lest see some art of the guardians. See what they look like and meet them
( maybe its too much like FR, I don't know, but judging from what people have said this will be popular and with development and built upon, fun! :D)
when handing in a pet you have the choice to give it to the guardian for this awesome army
or to experiment on it for research (you will then get it back (oooh! may be you will even have a small chance of turning it in to a wyrae or a new planet only special mutant pet) this will give you less resource points.
(^ to stop excessive use a pet can only be scanned three times every month?)
At the end of each month resource points can be traded for special planet based items, HA items ( I know every one seems sick of HA items and we kind of already have some, but cooler HA items like... idk.... OMG make the planets a special shield each or something), weapons, squishes, and stuff like the ikos from kir, and the change to turn them in to CPs (a small amount mind you)
If your planet is the planet that gathered the most resources that month you get a change to get extra prizes, more cp, and effect items ,every one remembers the super secret otachie right? ( if you didn't see it it was awesome and fiery) effect items that can do stuff like that! ( they will be expensive and rare but worth it)
and maybe even a special planet only creatu?
( that would be really cool!!)
You could have the guardians drawn in several ways, if your planet is winning then your guardian looks happy, loosing = sad,
just so you know how your planet is doing as you work up to prize day.
may be change there speech as well, but subtly, as they cant officially say how they are doing that month.
at random times of the year then the planet could rage war, the amount of creatu they have taken for the army will help sway the out come!
So that's all I can think of for now, will probably add to this.
Edits and suggestions:
*Prizes be switched out with new ones (keeps thing fresh and exciting c:)
*gambling class where they had one hatch a day and merchant prices were more expensive but to cancel it out overall had slightly better luck on site for hatches and random events
I hope you like the idea and inspires you to have your own!