Gender Options / Pronouns

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11:16pm Nov 4 2014 (last edited on 7:16am Nov 5 2014)

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Posts: 1,444
I'm with Llama on this one. I try to be open minded, but it's just too much having a list. Like Dust said, there's a practically infinite list we could write and if we didn't fill in one that someone identified with then we might upset them, which is against the entire point of this decision. Even the pronouns, who knows how many there are out there. No matter what gender we selected too, our HA would be female or male and assumptions would always be made.

I think there's a simpler solution. Stick with male and female, but include an "other" selection as well just for what shows up on your profile. Maybe include "undisclosed" that's fine too if we want to keep it quiet. Then, have the HAs not connected with the gender on your profile. Then you can switch between HAs (first of all, very useful for gender fluid individuals) or pick which you want.

As to the pronouns and gender you want to be identified as? That's the very definition of what your profile is for. Just put it up there in the HTML/CSS box and bam! Everyone knows what you want to be identified as and what pronouns you like. You don't even have to know CSS or HTML for it. You can just have it plain text and that's fine too. If it's important enough to make a giant list on signup of any sort, I think that the individual can put it on their profile and when someone sees "other" they'll know they have to read the profile or just guess (if there's nothing on the profile). Besides, you can explain 100 times better exactly how you want to be identified using your profile than a single word identifying your gender ever could. Even a list of pronouns isn't as good as a short deion on the profile. Since we have to go to the profile anyway to see the gender (other than on forums with HAs but that wouldn't be solved by any of this stuff that's been discussed anyway) it's not like it's that much more work for the user that's curious.

Edit: I also agree that this is a game and can be treated as such and the character you make doesn't have to be you, but I have less standing to argue that point since I'm a female and have always identified as female.


12:18am Nov 6 2014

Normal User

Posts: 156
You whippersnappers. Back in my day everyone on chat boards assumed you were male and we liked it!

I agree with having an undisclosed and/or other option for the gender, since it has to show up on the profile. I don't feel like pronouns belong in the main info panel any more than nicknames do. That type of stuff seems more suited for an "about me" section.

"as long as it's not abused by writing silly, trivializing stuff like 'gender: magical rainbow unicorn'"

If someone can abuse it, it will be abused. In fact, there is nothing stopping me from putting this on my profile right now, along with "pronouns: uni, unis, uniself" in jest. But I have a feeling implementing a text box for gender and pronouns will invite this type of ridicule more than making users put this information in their text/html.

10:52am Nov 6 2014

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Posts: 4,093
Hm, that's fair. I suppose pronouns don't really have to be a part of main profile info. For genders though I really would like just a few more things from just male/female/other/undisclosed. Even just nonbinary, since that can technically encompass many people who simply don't identify with male/female. Other than that I'm all for other/undisclosed options, to offer people privacy if they want it.

Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe

5:10pm Nov 19 2014

Normal User

Posts: 73

I support, in a way.

I find Cisgender to be offensive, because Cis is not a label picked by people who are Cis for their own gender identity group and a lot of people who aren't Cis take offense when someone refuses that label for themselves. I also see it being used as an insult all too often and that's becoming problem for gender-normative supporters of non-binary groups.

I support any/all gender pronouns being available, as long as Cisgender is kept out of it. Let's stick with the old standbys for that.

Excepting that comment, I would love to see options for people who are not gender-normative. Let's at least have he/she/they/xir/zhey options or something comparable so no one has to stick themselves into an uncomfortable category.


4:34pm Jan 2 2015 (last edited on 9:52pm Jan 2 2015)

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Posts: 1,062
EDIT: I support Matt's idea.


9:02pm Jan 2 2015

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Posts: 611
I propose the idea of giving the option of whether to disclose gender or not on our profiles. I also propose a simple "other" gender that could also have a blank space to write whatever you'd like to identify as. That way we don't need 684382627283928 different options listed, like the site above has. It also gives people the chance to freely change what they'd like to identify as as much as they would like. I also think we should have a Human Avatar that has no gender specific body parts. It would be nice if users were given the option to freely change their HA gender along with profile gender - that way if someone is opting to identify as "other" they can also create a Human Avatar based around their identification. Just a random idea that I thought I would throw out there for you all! :>


7:38am Jan 4 2015 (last edited on 7:40am Jan 4 2015)


Posts: 2,155
I'm all for the option of disclosing or not, and I believe having "other" rather than endless options is the best way to go because we cannot include every possible other option. But I am wary of including a blank space because of the potential of abuse it opens up. It sucks that we have to think that way but we are an all ages site.

Oh and absolutely for HA gender selection. That's in the plans already for the next site version! 

**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚♫ and the haters gonna hate hate hate hate hate ♫**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚

1:46am Jan 15 2015

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Posts: 1,477
supports blues's idea :o


4:34pm Feb 12 2015 (last edited on 12:05pm Mar 27 2015)

Normal User

Posts: 1,062
So I posted on here a few weeks ago, and I was a jerk about a lot of things, maybe passive-aggressively. I'm sorry about that. I shouldn't be so quick to shoot things down.

Everyone keep being lovely, okay? <3

I still support Matt's idea, btw. xD But I am wondering about the blank space thing, too. :c Hm...

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