Harsh Creatu

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6:47pm Dec 7 2011

Normal User

Posts: 536
In todays rescreatu the typical pet is cute, lovable and friendly. I do realize there are some creatu that arent, but not many. So let me cut to the chase. Rescreatu needs more Harsh or monster-ey creatu. The wyrae is a great example. I think alot of people would support this. The usual SB crowd seemed to like it. This would make Rescreatu more appealing for boys. I for one would find much more pleasure in the game if there were creatu like these. If you support please do comment. Or subscribe.

Sincerely, a mans man


6:54pm Dec 7 2011

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Posts: 2
Power to the Stank, bro. >:/

8:02pm Dec 7 2011

Normal User

Posts: 247
We have quite a bit of these types already. Mutants, Ivik, Halloween Creatu, and Wyrae. These are the monster type I believe you're referring to. Also, bear in mind that Res is constantly being updated. More Creatu are to come.

You can, pardon my wording, 'boyify' the Creatu with its name, color, and if it is a mutant. You can create a story/deion of the Creatu to also give it a monster vibe.

For example, a creepy ghost story can turn a lovable Albino Kayoki into a murderous angel, its eyes crimson with blood, and dangerously mistaken for an innocent, cute thing. ;o

Be creative(: I do however, understand what you're saying. But keep in the mind that you can be creative with everything.

Adopt one today! Please click me! I'm dying! EDIT: Oh crap I'm dead. Click me anyways, cause I'm awesome.

8:18pm Dec 7 2011

Normal User

Posts: 536
I can be creative. Ivik arent very monster-ish to me. And obviously halloween creatu are. I would expect that. Mutants are alwyays too scary either, but i do like some. Thanks for the bump though lol. and those pets you mentioned are about 4 so 4 out of about 30 something.

9:29pm Dec 7 2011

Normal User

Posts: 49
Well as monster/creepy things loving female *ahem* I definitely support this.  I imagine just about all of my creatu as insane and rabid (and cute and fluffy at the same time).  Just don't think the weird and twisted stuff is a boys game, you can take a look at my profile if you don't believe me.

Dark Dragon Egg on Dragonadopters

10:32pm Dec 7 2011

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Posts: 1,003
I have suggested a rabid creatu (basically a fierce creatu)
It got mixed responses 
At one point Patrick responded with

"We have a variety of colors & effects well into production that will be obtained through completely new ways.

The premise of this idea does hold some potential, but unfortunately new colors take ages to complete so I wouldn't count on seeing this any time soon."

Just thought I would put that up as the idea seems somewhat similar and rabies were mentioned :3


10:58am Dec 8 2011

Normal User

Posts: 3,809
I like it. It ain't only teh lads that believe Res can be a bit girly; I think there should be more monster creatu. But hey, just one opinion out of many.

Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually.
... Screw it. HYE. ♥

10:27pm Dec 8 2011

Normal User

Posts: 134
i am a girl, and i LOVE monsters. i wish most could be more creepy.

13/120 Kir quest: blonde Iluvu rmail me if you have one! Kir partner: CJ40

6:52am Dec 15 2011

Normal User

Posts: 138
id like to have a couple more fierce creatu too because at the end of school i somtimes go on and my friends say its a girls game because they see the pink writing that says rescreatu so they  should make it a little more appealing to boys.


1:38pm Dec 15 2011

In Training

Posts: 355
I do not think it's accurate to say that most Creatu designs are based on being cute. The elements are certainly there; but I don't think it's the strongest feature of the majority of designs. (of course babies are always going to be at least a little adorable ;p)
Most Creatu are designed to allow for interpretation of personality so players can make the presented designs their own. The majority of Creatu designs have a nice balance between cute 'n
friendly and serious, leaning towards more serious for adult stage.
Maybe it's just my intrupritation, but when I go down the creatu list there are only a couple designs that strike me as 'oh the cuteness!' or alternately 'wicked/monster'

Mutants are
 intended to satisfy those with odd and edgy tastes - but of course
Mutant designs are also varied.

All that being said, we certainly have more fierce and monstrous pet designs planned, but as Pat
mentioned before on this subject: they take a lot of time to produce.
Good suggestion! It's  something we'll continue to keep in mind for future development :}


3:46pm Dec 15 2011

Normal User

Posts: 3,426
o: I look forward to seeing those new pets.

HypnoxSpazz 5evr

6:37pm Dec 15 2011

Normal User

Posts: 536
Thanks for your comments Xee that helps alot. Your a great artist and I cant wait to see those creatu!
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