I think we can all agree that the Human avatar system is fun
Buuttt I feel like it does need a bit of an overhaul.
There's a lot that could be done with it but in this post I just wanted to focus on some things that might be an easy fix/ easy to implement
(not that I have any idea about coding!)
* A search bar- some items are in categories I wouldn't expect and if you have a lot of items it's a pain to find what you're looking for. (for the clothing rack too!)
*If you use the different slot to try and make different outfit options and you use the same item in different outfits- if you change the Z index of that item in one slot it changes the index for that item in all of the slots.
(I'm not sure if this is a know issue, and I hope that made sense)
* A way to indicate if you own the item in the dream builder-
Maybe like in the shops where it's highlighted green?
** Ability to swap HA base at any time**
I don't think this really needs an explanation
Other issues:
*Layers need fixing ;n;
* HA's needing to be reset- if there's no way to stop things getting stuck the ability to reset our own wardrobe?
Feel free to make your own suggestions and I'll add them to the list
Or give your own input!