Just some ideas, that's all.
1#.Sence we all come from alien planets,we should be able
to choose more type of skin colors.Not just human skin
tones. Like blue,green, or purple.Also maybe some
diffrent eye colors too.
2#.I think we should be able to chance our creatu names.
when they grow up.. they seem to change appearance.
I don't want to name a pet Misskittin, when it turns out
to look like a lion fish later-on.
3#.It would be nice to buy out pets collars, and be able
to put the collars around the necks, and see it in the pics
or avatars as well.
4#.I have a good one... here.
when out PETS get auction off, or out-bid.Please put a link
on the number of that creatu, so we can easily get back to it
and bid again, instead of hunting for it all over again.