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1:05am Sep 6 2009 (last edited on 3:24am Sep 6 2009)

Normal User

Posts: 281
  • I think that we should have a section in the collections of collections that you are trying to complete at the moment, in which you would choose all the collections you are completing at the moment, or maybe have categories, because I find it really annoying having to search for certain collections in the 17 pages that there are...
  • I think we should get an alert everytime someone posts on one of our threads. And like reeses mentioned in my other thread, I also think that we should be able to disable alerts for certain things.
  • I also think that we should have a link to: 'My Threads', like there is to 'My Auctions'... and to your Posts, or just to your favorites maybe? you can choose which ones you want there...It would be easier to keep up with all your threads instead of having to go through pages looking for them.  (referring to miki cool's idea of an advertisment finder)
  • I think that maybe, when a pet gets sick, only with certain diseases, I think that it shouldn't feel like eating, even if it is hungry, until you have cured your creatu because I think it would be more realistic, coz when I get sick, sometimes I just don't feel like eating. ... I don't know, just an Idea.

Any comments/ Suggestions?

I apologize if any of these ideas have already been mentioned by other members.



3:23am Sep 6 2009 (last edited on 3:26am Sep 6 2009)

Normal User

Posts: 281

GAME IDEAS (also posted in MiniGames (NOT FLASH))

  • Guess the number your creatu is thinking of out of 0-100? You could have a certain amount of guesses, if you don't guess it right then your creatu gains 1 intellect but if you guess it right, then depending on how many guesses it took you you can gain a certain amount of tu or an item if you get it on your first go. The higher your pets intellect the more difficult the number is, even 0-1000 or something and the better the prizes...
  • Have a card game where there are two cards, one that you can see the number of the other which is face down. You have to guess whether the card face down is higher or lower than the one thats face up. If you get it right then you get like 20tu added to your stash, and as you keep playing to earn more. However if you lose after you keep playing you lose everything. Or you can say end game and earn everything that is in your stash. I think it should cost like 50tu to play.
  • umm.. you could have some kind of races, you bet on which ever creatu you think will win and then every 10 minutes they announce the winner, if you win you get triple the amount you bet...
  • You could have a quiz game of 50 questions and a time limit for it, and if you complete it (you get a trophy), depending on how long it took you, maybe you could have access to a secret shop that gives you 30% off certain items, or you could hatch one more egg for that day, or Not have to wait fo the incubation process, the questions would be quite difficult, like some would be riddles, other just short etc If you don't coplete it and you get half way you could get a little amount of tu for getting that far...
  • you could have a wishing well...
  • hmm.. maybe a maze type thing, where you click on arrows for which way to go. you could click for a certain maximum amount of times, and if you get to the treasure, the gaurdian of it could give you a small piece of its treasure, then if you get to the end (for the first time you would get a trophy) and then you could get like 1000tu..

10:55am Sep 6 2009

Normal User

Posts: 556

I like your idea about the pets not eating when they are sick. I think it would give a purpose to illness because then you would want to make your pet better or else it would die from hunger. Or if the dying thing would be a problem there should be a little white tent that say QUARANTINE in place of your creatu. And it should stay like that untill you cure it even if it goes into the showroom or rancher shop.


3:03am Sep 7 2009

Normal User

Posts: 40
i like the advertisment finder but isnt it my bids cause my auctions arent working?

Call me Spyro plz! Motto: Growing old is invetible, Growing up is optional!

6:58am Sep 7 2009 (last edited on 4:53am Sep 8 2009)

Normal User

Posts: 281

Thanks zebez for commenting, i like your idea of the little white tent as well, yes i came up wih the idea of the creatu not eating to give a purpose to getting sick, im glad that you were thinking of that too =D.


Thanks Sheza for your comment, and yes, thank you for correcting me, it is 'My Bids' at the moment, although that only takes you to your bids, not the things you have up...


1:14pm Sep 7 2009

Normal User

Posts: 193
I really like that idea for sick pets. xD  It's manipulative in a good way.  Even established petsites like Neopets don't really give you much motivation for healing your pets, so this would be a great way to get people actually looking after their Creatu.


2:27am Sep 8 2009

Normal User

Posts: 3,642
Awe. But then the Bushy Brows legend would become impossible to attempt. xD


4:56am Sep 8 2009

Normal User

Posts: 281

Thanks for commenting tamia and yoshi! =D, Oh and I was thinking, maybe we could make them get sick if people don't take care of them enough, like depression and stuff, if there is not enough care, or playfulness. Instead of it just being a random event. Although im not sure, is it only a random event, and with potions and things?


6:41am Oct 20 2009

Normal User

Posts: 281



6:32am Oct 22 2009 (last edited on 6:33am Oct 22 2009)

Normal User

Posts: 281

I hate it when i go to the stock market, and all the shares have already been bought. So i was thinking, that maybe we could have a limit to how many we buy each day, or have a larger amount of shares to be bought from...


8:22am Oct 22 2009

Normal User

Posts: 1,444
There already is a limit, the trading limit (buying and selling) is 50k/day.


9:19am Oct 24 2009

Normal User

Posts: 281
Oh lol, well I still think there should be more stocks, coz the ones i want to buy are never there.

9:55am Oct 24 2009

Normal User

Posts: 3,642
There are always being more sthares added - two thousand in each stock every day. ;o People just swoop in on the good ones. Even if you added more, I'm sure stocks like BOO would still hit zero, perhaps just not as quickly or not as regularly.
And in a way, the gradual increase is better, I'd say. It keeps the amount of shares in the market stable. If we didn't have new ones every day, the supply would gradually become thinner and thinner as more people join and start using the stocks. And conversely, if we had much bigger amounts added or threw in a ton of them at once, no one would ever buy the slower stocks because they'd be using all their tu or all their trade limit on the more bouncy ones. Thus, the market would seem overrun with a huge supply of less profitable stocks that would never sell. Poor GLO would feel so lonely.


10:53pm Oct 24 2009

Normal User

Posts: 281
lol ok, thanks for informing me on that, it was just an idea =D

1:55am Nov 9 2009 (last edited on 1:56am Nov 9 2009)

Normal User

Posts: 5

I think they are good ideas :)


6:55pm Nov 19 2009

Normal User

Posts: 281
thanx :)

8:47pm Nov 19 2009

Normal User

Posts: 124
i think you should be able to change your planet of residence like you can change your cl*censored*.

Create your own banner at!

8:47pm Nov 19 2009

Normal User

Posts: 124
*change whether you are a merchant or rancher.

Create your own banner at!

10:09pm Nov 19 2009

Normal User

Posts: 320

I agree with all the ideas actually XD I hate it when I've been off Res for like a week and my board is like 7 pages away, and it takes my like 30mins to find it coz I always end up p*censored*ing it up over and over again! I'd love to have a place where you can have a list of all the forums you made :D

I also think it'd be nice to have the alerts for when someone posts on your foum. Sometimes I accidently forget about my forum and keep the people waiting a long time XD

Most people just ignore it, cuz it has no affect on anything, so it's like what's the point, why waste tu? So giving the sickness a point would make people notice more and actually have to cure it. But, what if someone has to go somewhere and they put food in thier showroom and doesn't realize that their pet is sick? I'd die right? But I guess that's what showrooms are for XD


4:07am Dec 8 2009

Normal User

Posts: 281
Glad you like my ideas :) thanx for the support everyone
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