ok so the weapons are pretty much useless right now right? the weapons and armor are not being used. I think to help Res economy we should put the weapons as handhelds and the armor as wearables.
I think you could even come up with like sets and sell them in the cash points shop.
Eggs (lots of ideas on this one)
okay so this idea I have shared in the sb a couple of times and some like it and some don't.
what if we could have spoiled eggs hatch as undead creatu? I mean don't make it like as oftan as mutants but make it a lot easier to accomplish. (mind you I am referring to after the undead effect looses most of its coming in money)
I thought maybe also that we could put a potion or effect on spoiled eggs to make them undead.
Blurb: um what about a new type of creatu born as a skeleton not like the ebilia but like born from the egg as a skeleton? someone on sb I think it was LLama also had meantioned a jellyfish creatu and Ratchet said it could be aquati's second seasonal egg/creatu.
the other thing I thought was what if we had hatch tokens? it would be the same theory as barter tokens but have the programing of each hatch on it? maybe it could go bad after awhile or just not work. but people could gather their hatches and sell them a lot easier I feel. that way the user can do it themselves instead of over the sb.
Make up
I thought in the next generation that the make up could also be coded for use?
I think that it would also help the economy of res and maybe create a bit more money movement through out the game. I also think that a one time use and its gone thing should happen with this. that way it brings in more money and it helps with exploring new ideas with the users. I also think other things beside lip gloss and lipstick would be good. such as, eyeshadow and glitter, eyeliner, blush, nail polish. I think maybe you could sell kits of make up for a different look like goth, earth,fire, water, or name it after the worlds to. you could do cs pets style makeup kits. it would make a lot as well I think.
clothes ideas
I think that there needs to be a bigger variety of styles of clothes as well. I know I will want to be able to purchase goth clothes if I get goth make up see what I mean?
I mean like try punk and retro and stuff like that. The new pants you guys came out with are so retro but now we need like tops and stuff. I don't go all out I guess I mean im not good with art and drawing but you guys come out with some great ideas.
anyways that's my ideas forum I guess comment or something never done a forum before so yeah. have fun ressies