Incubation Button

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5:11pm Aug 29 2010

Normal User

Posts: 26
I feel it is a problem to keep incubating like this, one at a time. I litterly spent a half an hour incubating all of my eggs and it was a pain. I suggest an addition to the Hatchery. An incubation button! You just press it and all of your eggs are being incubated. Thank you for reading my idea. Staff members, please consider and tell Patrick, too.

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"Those who think that sunshine brings happiness have clearly never danced in the rain."

5:15pm Aug 29 2010

Normal User

Posts: 502
Incubation is supposed to be a pain, it's desinged that way. No support.


9:39pm Aug 29 2010

Normal User

Posts: 1,444
Incubation was supposed to slow things down, that's the point. Besides, you can't hatch more than 3 eggs a day anyway, why do you need to incubate them all? Just incubate 3 when you hatch 3 others (or 1 if you're a merchant) and you're set.


12:29am Aug 30 2010

Normal User

Posts: 21
I'm not sure, but I think she means just pressing the incubation button below each egg is a pain. Not waiting for it to fully inucbate. Like say you have 20 eggs, it might take awhile to get them all incubating. But I don't know. Support

"Rather be dead than cool." - Kurt Cobain

1:02am Aug 30 2010

Normal User

Posts: 159
Yeah, when you pick up a basket-load of eggs everyday, I definitely think that an incu-button would be pretty nifty.  Support.   ^^

What sort of morbidity is this?!

1:37am Aug 30 2010

Normal User

Posts: 502
Yeah Sven, but that's to make it harder too. Staff have said if anything they will be making incubatiom more difficult. :/


1:51am Aug 30 2010

Normal User

Posts: 2,220
What? But there wasnt any incubation needed in v1, and really, it didn't make any difference of how it is now with the incubation. Anyway, it doesn't matter if you have an incubate all button, eggs take a long time to be fully incubated!! I mean, seriously. And why does it have to be a pain? that just makes the game more annoying.

By Me
I'm Feline♥

4:08pm Aug 31 2010

Normal User

Posts: 218

I dunno, i think i support. i mean, whats the point of clicking every single button? even if it is to slow things down, you can only hatch a maximum of three eggs per day anyways XD


But i found out if you pressed the incubate button on three different eggs BEFORE the page loads, all three will start incubating... Hurr Hurr, is this a glitch?


6:40pm Aug 31 2010 (last edited on 6:43pm Aug 31 2010)

Normal User

Posts: 11
Thank you for support everyone. This button is NOT to speed up the time it takes to incubate. It justs begins incubating all the eggs for you so you don't have to press a thousand messages saying "Not Incubated". Thank you again. All bumps and support are appretiated. "iluvtwilight" is one of my besties so SUPPORT.

7:50pm Aug 31 2010

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Posts: 3,642

Well you really don't have to press a thousand incubate links anyway. ;P Just incubate three at a time every day, and you'll be set.


1:37pm Sep 1 2010

Normal User

Posts: 431
lazyness thats all this is, doesnt take more that a min to click over 3 eggs


9:32pm Sep 1 2010

Normal User

Posts: 2,220
Yeah, but you take a long time to wait for the eggs.

By Me
I'm Feline♥

10:15pm Sep 1 2010

Normal User

Posts: 1,679

That's the point.  If you really want to be able to hatch your eggs, be patient enough to incubate them.

Although, the way it is now you don't really have to take a long time to wait.  After you've already hatched for the day and can hatch no more, incubate the three eggs you need for the next day.  When you get on again they'll be ready to hatch and you'll have incubated eggs and hatches available the moment you log in.

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6:59pm Sep 2 2010

Normal User

Posts: 26
i now see that there is a bit of laziness in my idea so......i agree against this idea. (even though i made it) 0_o No support. lol

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"Those who think that sunshine brings happiness have clearly never danced in the rain."

7:00am Sep 3 2010

Normal User

Posts: 437


"What? But there wasnt any incubation needed in v1, and really, it didn't make any difference of how it is now with the incubation."

Really, there is no difference? RoFL, than what are you complaining about now?? xD

You complain because you feel the difference and that was the point.

All you have to do is incubate six eggs every day(not three but six). Tooks like 2 minutes. As you can only hatch 3, another 3 will remain for the next day. Then the next day you incubate six again and hatch 3. That means 6 incubated eggs remain for the next day. Do it like that for 2 weeks and you will have tons of pre-incubated eggs of all kind, even if you step back to incubating-only-3-a-day speed.

Summary: No support.

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