Just a tiny, tiny suggestion about profiles.

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6:07pm Jun 23 2009 (last edited on 3:43pm Jul 3 2009)

Normal User

Posts: 524

It's come to my attention that with both the All Pets module and Creatu pages, it lists your Creatu in alphabetical order by name. However, let's say my favorite-show-off Creatu had a name that started with a 'Z'. Unless I had no other Creatu on my profile, which often isn't the case, he would basically be shoved away until he is no longer in plain sight at all. This irritates me.

So my tiny, tiny suggestion is that all users are given the abillity to freely customize the order that their Creatu show up in on their profiles.

Just a tiny thing that I believe, personally, could make a big difference. So please do publicly agree with me here if you feel the same way. There really is no down-side to this suggestion.


6:12pm Jun 23 2009

Normal User

Posts: 54
I personally dislike how the creatu are put on your profile randomly so sounds like a good idea to me :P


6:19pm Jun 23 2009

Normal User

Posts: 524

I'm glad to see that you agree with this, House.


6:21pm Jun 23 2009


Posts: 2,155
I like this very much. Great idea!

**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚♫ and the haters gonna hate hate hate hate hate ♫**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚

6:35pm Jun 23 2009

Normal User

Posts: 162
Instead of having it based on the selected pet, I'd like to have it customizably ordered. I have Hedwig chronically selected so I can train her; however, the one I'd like to be first is End.


6:36pm Jun 23 2009

Normal User

Posts: 917
I agree, though I don't have any pets on my profile. It's nice to show off your fave pet to the world.


6:37pm Jun 23 2009

Normal User

Posts: 66
i know, I had to move all my my pets to my show room because my kiokas name was Zeao, I wanted to post my sepia uilus natural easero and sepia easero but there names where BurrowingOwl, Lovechild, PurpleHazed, but they all come before Z

[size=30][url=http://www.rescreatu.com/forum/cat/games/contests/-beans-tu-pets-for-those-who-make-res-a-better-place-/]Vote for your Friends![/url][/size]

6:37pm Jun 23 2009

Normal User

Posts: 524

Haha. I'm sure having End first would throw a lot of people off.


6:38pm Jun 23 2009

Normal User

Posts: 1,775
I have an albino meiko on top, still pretty showy ain't it?. But I'd like to show off my brand new black easero now. So I agree.


Feel the love man D:<


6:41pm Jun 23 2009

Normal User

Posts: 53
I agree, but maybe you should put this as a suggestion and send it to admins. These kind of threads remind me of riots or something like that. ;o


6:42pm Jun 23 2009

Normal User

Posts: 1,447
I agree, I don't have a showoff pet yet, but if I ever get one I'd like it to be first and I can't be sure if it'll be the first alphabetically.


6:42pm Jun 23 2009

Normal User

Posts: 524

How does it remind you of a riot, Cracker?

The point of these forums is for people to post their suggestions and get as many people to agree as possible. That's how some ideas are put into action.


7:36pm Jun 23 2009

Normal User

Posts: 86
I think it's a good idea. It'd be awesome to have more control over the order of the creatu on your profile. ^^


7:39pm Jun 23 2009

Normal User

Posts: 162

lol Zoie.

Good luck with your idea.


7:45pm Jun 23 2009

Normal User

Posts: 524

Thanks, everyone.


8:42pm Jun 23 2009

Normal User

Posts: 159
I agree, but it looks like you've got plenty of support already (:


9:57pm Jun 23 2009

Normal User

Posts: 192
I agree. c:


12:02am Jun 24 2009

Normal User

Posts: 1,062
I agree with this. Though I like Chris's idea of customizing them. I really hope it happens.


7:06am Jun 24 2009

Normal User

Posts: 676
I really find it annoying why our selected pets aren't the ones on top...


10:34am Jun 24 2009

Normal User

Posts: 1,036

Coincidentally, for about two weeks, my show off pet, a black kioka, had a name beginning with Z.

So yes, a good idea, Water. One that several have suggested in the shoutbox but never posted here. I agree. =)

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