Just an idea

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10:46pm Dec 24 2014

Normal User

Posts: 139
Wouldn't it be cool to have a letter search for the creatu search...Like
Say for example, you want the name, Rawry.(Just an example)
Instead of having to look through countless creatu's, of one type and species, with A-Z names,
You could just put the starting letter of the name, and only receive those with certain names that start with the letter picked.
But with the acception that we still have to go through certain species..

Nothing big, just an interesting thought though.
It makes it a bit easier for others to buy, so, up on rancher prices, but it will also effect the prices of name-searching members of Res.
So, it's a little iffy.
Any opinions on why or why not, this should happen? O:


11:55pm Dec 24 2014

Normal User

Posts: 2,057
yes yes yes !

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