Kir: Quest Creatu Changer

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10:02am Jun 13 2013 (last edited on 7:51pm Dec 12 2013)

Normal User

Posts: 1,326

Along the same lines as skipping rounds, but not really, so here goes!
For example, Kir wants a Blonde Goiba:

Here is your assignment. I have an order for one of these Creatu: blonde Goiba

I will give you 100,000 tu and 2 points for your efforts!

Using the Creatu search I find out that the cheapest ones are 15mil.
I don't really want to pay 15mil for 2 points!

So, I'll change it to something else.
The fee could be tu, round points, quest points.
We mulled over Cash Points in the SB but until everyone
can earn them via third party, we don't like that idea.
Credits aren't an option since those are to be phased out.

My current Kir Quest pet will then
change to
something else that has the same quest point value.

The Blonde Goiba is 2 points so it could 
change to...
Silver - Blonde Everyday Creatu
or Black - Ginger Seasonal Creatu

Say it changes to a Black Vaspi
. (Black Seasonal)

Here is your assignment. I have an order for one of these Creatu: black Vaspi

I will give you 100,000 tu and 2 points for your efforts!

Again, to the creatu search. Oh wow, only 4mil now! Much cheaper.
I can buy one, hand it to Kir, get another quest, and then buy more!

Kir won't be any 'easier', the pet is of the
'same value'

Potential buyers will not get 'stuck'.
They can
change for a chance of something cheaper.
They can continue to participate in the Quest
and add to Rancher tills instead of being stale.

• Creatu values will equal out.
Some blondes at 1mil? Others at 15mil?
The cheaper ones will be bought out via this method
and there will come a time when blonde have a smaller price range.

Currently the only downside I see is that this
might not be as useful anymore when that previous point happens.

Feedback and suggestions are welcome! <3

• System selects according to pet abundance
• Multiple options for current quest creatu


10:15am Jun 13 2013

Normal User

Posts: 53
Nice.. here is my thoughts on kir.
The system needs to know and monitor how many of what pet/colors are available and select our choices from that.
I.E. to many verams, zenerix and kayoki in the system this month kir asks for those creatu/color.
This would even things out all around and shouldn't make it any easier or harder.

Don\'t let people drive you crazy, when its within walking distance =)

10:18am Jun 13 2013

Normal User

Posts: 53
I like a changer idea also, or maybe even a multiple choice, say get him 1 of 3 choices...would be nice.
I am tired of getting stuck myself and have gotten so addicted to this game.

Don\'t let people drive you crazy, when its within walking distance =)

10:40am Jun 13 2013

Normal User

Posts: 1,326

The first one would be great but coding might be a problem.
Not sure, if it isn't, I hope they do that!

As for your second one, I really like it.
Multiple options would be quite nice to have.


10:46am Jun 13 2013

Normal User

Posts: 336
All i know is something needs to be done <.< 
im only on my second level and he wants an Albino Ulius from me for only 100k and 3 points <.<
 Which i cant afford. So it'd be great if something can get done about bino's D: or something! /bla


11:19am Jun 13 2013

Normal User

Posts: 1,752
I support! This is a very good method!


11:56am Jun 13 2013

Normal User

Posts: 611
I really like this idea! It would make kir a whole lot more interesting, and fun!


3:09pm Jun 13 2013

Normal User

Posts: 4,093
Ooh, I love this idea.

In addition, I suggest that maybe it could only be done every 5 or 10 levels. Just so people aren't changing every single pet they get. Otherwise things like albino seasonals would just.. never get bought. People would just keep changing and changing until they got something a TON cheaper that had the same point value. Every single time. And while your idea would make it more fair and interesting overall, having it available with every pet would be overboard.

Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe

3:17pm Jun 13 2013

Normal User

Posts: 777
Nice idea is what I would say is put a limit on the number of times it can be done. Otherwise everyone will just use the change everytime say an albino vaspi pops up.  Perhaps it would cost half or even the full value of the quest points it is woth to hand in the pet. At the end of the day you dont HAVE to buy these pets from a rancher which is why I see this as something that should be restricted use. And while you say costing the points of the pets value to skip it is harsh. I think lower levels should be more likely to be asked for lower colours so there is pleanty opportunity to grab some points before bino seasonals are thrown at you.


5:25pm Jun 14 2013


Posts: 348
We have been discussing improvements to Kir's Quest, one of the main topics being some kind of 'skip' feature.

I do like this idea. The assignment asked (points given) does not change, only the specific type of Creatu. 
The kind of penalty should be given consideration. Should it be a points penalty? A "one step back, two steps forward" concept. (Example: If you choose to 'skip' an assignment with a 2 point reward, you lose 1 point.)
 Would love to hear more thoughts on that aspect.

Definitely agree that the amount of times that you skip should be limited in some way to prevent abuse of the feature. There also should be a way to get more 'skips' if they want to spend the resources.

We will be fixing Res' currency system. Credits are still going away, but our future plans involve allowing you to earn CP for free (not third-party)! Hopefully that little hint inspires some more ideas.

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