12:30pm Feb 20 2010
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Posts: 259
OMGLOL. I luled hysterically at your sig, Lolbot. I'm also collecting Verams from the ACS & neglecting my hatchery. ;o!
Bloody Tiara Armada: 242
12:40pm Feb 20 2010 (last edited on 12:43pm Feb 20 2010)
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Posts: 989
I shall commit! *waves sword* I'm gonna start releasing hatches instead of my usual give away or name something stupid and forest. Maybe I'll start buying up pets and leaving them on my profile to die after my food pen empties. I'd benefit from that personally, too.
12:59pm Feb 20 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 259
Good Idea. ;o I never thought of adopting pets & making them die. Taking them from the forest also weeds out the chances of others finding a lame-o pet in the forest.
Bloody Tiara Armada: 242
1:02pm Feb 20 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 155
I didn't know there was a release option when hatching, so thanks for the info. I havent' hatched in so long, so I guess I've already been following this. I also support more egg quests, or better pay for the ones that exist. I also support forested pets dying when not adopted. Many very good ideas here.
Thanks to SoulyTer for the wonderful Siggie!
Bring back the Publish a Book Contest!
1:07pm Feb 20 2010 (last edited on 1:16pm Feb 20 2010)
Normal User 
Posts: 369
The original idea put forth for the incubation of eggs involved a penalty if they were incubated for too long, making it marginally more difficult to hatch pets. The +10% to hatch colors for ranchers was supposed to be a tradeoff. If you ask me, the main problems are 1. Patrick doesn't like listening to anything involving the word "economy". 2. Eggs are ridiculously easy to find. 30% chance to find a drindian egg on any page in scria? You get an egg every 3 pageloads. 9 pageloads and you have your 3 eggs for the day. I think that ALL eggs should be the same rarity - maybe the rarity of paor/leverene eggs. This would prevent certain pets from becoming worthless while others have a comparatively higher value. 3. Pets/colors are too easy to get from eggs. My guess is that the breakdown is as follows. - Natural 50%
- Sepia 20%
- Cream 10%
- Black 8%
- Ginger 6%
- Silver 3%
- Blonde 2%
- Albino 1%
One original idea brought forth by Gunmetal was 'empty' or 'unfertilized' eggs. If all of the above percentages were halved, and the remaining percentage replaced with empty eggs, ALL pets would be more rare and more challenging to obtain, and therefor more satisfying when you actually do get a pet. 4. Forested pets used to be deleted if they weren't adopted. That isn't the case anymore. 5. Pets released before they are named should give the 50tu reward. 6. When pets are forested, they could give TU proportional to the value/rarity of the pet's color. This would put a somewhat artificial cap on how low a colored pet's value can go.
"You must always remember that the only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good people to do nothing." - Alucard, Castlevania: Symphony of the Night.
1:14pm Feb 20 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 259
Pft. Allen only wanted to sling fetuses. ;/ notrly. It is eerily too easy to hatch an albino, I agree. Now days, having an albino isn't as impressive as it was a years ago & it irks me. Even my black Verams are more or less worth nothing to most users, hence why I obtained over 100 in less than a week.
Bloody Tiara Armada: 242
1:27pm Feb 20 2010
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Posts: 540
I have to say that I really like that idea of the empty eggs 0:
1:53pm Feb 20 2010
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Posts: 1,036
There are far too many albino pets. More and more people are hatching them.
I''ll put these ideas and so on up v. soon. :) Love the discussions going on here.
3:21pm Feb 20 2010
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Posts: 259
After I get Cheri, I'm going to stop beaning pets. :/ I may even just buy an Iluvu off someone instead of adding to the problem by making more albinos. I sort of feel like a hypocrite saying how many albinos there are then go & beaning another. lol
Bloody Tiara Armada: 242
4:19pm Feb 20 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 540
Now Sugar gave me an idea. Beans should be retired, or at least made more expensive. Instead of getting three for 100 credits, you should get 2, or even one. That way it will be even harder to change your pets colours, and so rarer coloured pets would be worth more.
4:33pm Feb 20 2010 (last edited on 4:35pm Feb 20 2010)
Normal User 
Posts: 256
I had another idea to increase egg rarity. Make all creatu eggs have an on and an off season. The general ranges would probably be from 1-6 in and 11-6 out depending on the breed. (very rare breeds could have extended seasons while the common ones could have shorter ones so as to balance it out) So if you have somthing like an otachi for example make them have a 1 - 2 month nesting season with the rarity being higher at the begining and slowly dwindling to 0% at the end of the season when all of the eggs have hatched into wild creatu, and there are no more left to be found. The off season would bring up the value of that species up due to the fact that the eggs are unavailable, and it would also give time for the population to recover. If all breeds have differing seasonal lenghts and times that would mean that there could still be a variety of eggs available while some are unavailable. The seasonals could still have their distinctive one week window, but a nesting season is a perfectly natural occurence and it could help boost the values of all pets. All my egg rarity ideas are posted on my forum thred, Rarer eggs if you're interested in looking at more ideas, or posting your own egg rarity ideas on it.
4:36pm Feb 20 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 259
Zada's got a good point. o_o I think beans should be retired. *shot* I know a lot of people would protest, but I wouldn't.
Bloody Tiara Armada: 242
4:41pm Feb 20 2010 (last edited on 4:42pm Feb 20 2010)
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Posts: 256
I just had another idea, maybe seasonals shouldn't be rotated, but the window should be shortend to a 1 day period instead of seven days. This would mean that the amount of eggs found would be lessend substantially.
5:02pm Feb 20 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 159
I disagree on the beans. They're not the problem at all, when you think about it. When the economy was better, beans really didn't have any kind of negative effect. It just needs to be harder to hatch colors. And now at the same time I agree, because if a color's rarity depends soley on hatches its price will go up at least a little, since people would have to buy the pet color they want and name tags.
6:02pm Feb 20 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 540
I don't think beans should be retired. Just make them harder to get, and more expensive. And Zada- I wouldn't say one day, but maybe two or three. About the 'nesting' seasons, I'm really not sure on that. I do indeed agree in that it would make the pets rarer and such, but what about a new user that joins just when the, idk, zenirixes are off-season, and they have to wait for months to buy one. And even if it is for a few months, it's still making them seasonal-ish. I say, if we are to retire a pet, then retire them to not come back, like kiokas, omnis and liyures.
6:14pm Feb 20 2010
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Posts: 2,963
I'll help!
Resident mounted archer
6:20pm Feb 20 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 508
If you want to help, Todeo just release cheap pets instead of giving them bad names, adopt badly named pets from the forest and leave them in your lookup to die and uy cheap, badly named pets to die too. o3o
7:17pm Feb 20 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 259
Ok fine. :c But Beans should cost more then. Maybe get one per order.
Bloody Tiara Armada: 242
9:33pm Feb 20 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 349
This is what we Res Economists are already doing and have been doing.
10:00pm Feb 20 2010 (last edited on 10:01pm Feb 20 2010)
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Posts: 1,731
I remember when something like this was attempted before. Hopefully it will go better than last time. I remember being the only one culling gingers, and eventually everything fell anyways. Good luck. I might help here and there.