Let's Start Something. [Preservation of pet worth!]

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10:10pm Feb 20 2010

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Posts: 930

I think 1 week for seasonal eggs is perfectly fine.

5 days maybe then?

People do have a lot of school now, so 1 day is far too little. ;/

I'll help here and there, even though I don't do much to the economy anyways.


10:41pm Feb 20 2010

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Posts: 99
I'll probably start releasing pets under black, and trying to adopt any pet I see in the forest. But I thought they were deleted after you didn't adopt them? Forgive me if I'm wrong. o_o

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12:44am Feb 21 2010

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Posts: 89

YO! i'm always happy to help a good cause!

i'll support this any way i can!

i already don't search for seasonal eggs, so no worries of those few extras xD

i have a drastic idea,that ABSOLUTELY will help this economy,but i bet NO ONE will like it...


this is it.


On top of making eggs harder to find,we need to have a Population wide limit. in other words,there will be a daily release of only a hundred or less of each egg,which will make their worth soar. problem is,so many people will disagree,this idea will most likely not go through. however,i can't think of anything simpler,AND more effective than a limit such as this. can you? 

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6:41am Feb 21 2010

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Posts: 1,036

Some people get on at reset and others don't, coryn. It'd be awkward for people with timezones other than close to Res ones.


And in response to the Res Economists, that's great, you guys can post here all you like, but the right to preserve pet worth shouldn't be exclusive to a party. d:

And also!

We will NOT be asking members to start culling pets that are underpriced!
As Uwibami stated, that has been tried before and the overwhelming amount of underpriced pets was just too much to tackle with limited amounts of TU.
Therefore, we will be encouraging people who HAVE their pets priced lowly to raise their prices.

Don't fuel their undercutting is what I say.
Boycott them instead.
Refuse to buy undercut pets.

Although if you as a member feel that is your way of doing it, go ahead. ^o^


6:55am Feb 21 2010 (last edited on 7:14am Feb 21 2010)

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Posts: 1,775

Well, I've already started helpin'out ages ago. I only like hatch like once or twice a month. xD

I suppose it wouldn't hurt people to stop hatchin' if they aren't really aiming for a speicific colour. So maybe we should just encourage this? xD

Anyways, buying underpriced pets is kinda pointless. I mean if you buy them because their underpriced, people will just sell more underpriced pets expecting you'd buy them. Really, it's just encouraging people. So I'd just say if it's worth an extremely cheap price it belongs in the forest. If you think it's a completely and utterly, quintessentially hopeless (guess which movie I got that from? xD) pet which needs a horridly low price in order to sell, just throw the pitiful thing in the forest! Y'know, increasing it's price isn't really going to do any justice to the poor thing. I'd also like to say, if you can't think of a reasonable name to go an a hatch for a reasonable price, just don't hatch the pet and throw the nameless thing in the forest. Saves everyone trouble in my opinion; no upgrading your shop to support pointless pets, no economists with headaches.

Oh yeah, something else I'd like to say. I'm not sure if anyone's going to agree with me but, could we have some people just try and hatch seasonals less? I mean even the facy coloured ones have pretty worthless prices. I'd also like to tell some of them psychos who could find like 30 eggs seasonal eggs a day to kinda tone down their rabbid searchings. Increasing the rarity of seasonals isn't really going to help by the way, some people only find 5 or so because they have lives outside the internet xD


Feel the love man D:<


9:54am Feb 21 2010

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Posts: 520

Okay. If I had more tus I would have liked to have started big, with albinos or blondes. But, seeing as I'm still pretty much a newb I have bought nearly every ginger under 20k. They have been stocked into the Hoard known as my Showroom. Until somebody else makes a move I will continue to focus on bringing the ginger to 500k +. Because it is hard to hatch a ginger and people should recognize that.


So yeah. Take that society!

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10:04am Feb 21 2010

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Posts: 6

o3o Im willing to encourage this to go.

We have to make less of zenirix, drindians, gondras and otachies eggs lesser. Some un rare eggs going for 1 tu. D: Its ridiculous. I'll make a banner when i have free time. :) Its no good, that people said, ' Drindrians are cheap pets ' .

 If they do the hatchings, after they are named. Dont name those with bad names and then abandon them in forest? exp: vhsfdksadhakl  <-- the name of a pet. a junkie.

Just release them. Or after you named them, Feed them and get a name tag for them to rename them. They are millions and millions of word you can named them not the lousy works naming them.


(゚、 。 7
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Get a gender pendant if you can afford it to change the gender of pets if it was male/female named.


          Get a showroom to display your awesome well name pets. That is all i can say.

I suggest people not to over offend the prices of pets. for exp: 500k went to 15 million. Think about the poor rescrians. :)

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10:05am Feb 21 2010

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Posts: 649
I totally agree ;] 


10:14am Feb 21 2010

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Posts: 349
I noticed alot of newbs buying badly named and priced pets.
You have to encourage them as well.


10:23am Feb 21 2010 (last edited on 10:26am Feb 21 2010)

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Posts: 6

Recruits have to know/realize that its NOT worth it to buy bad named pets with a high price.

After you recruits getting more experience member, they may regret or not.

I agree with Moonsilver445 :3

Funny phyduck Pictures, Images and Photos

10:36am Feb 21 2010

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Posts: 520
Pft. If a ginger is at 8k, buy it, regardless of name :o It all helps in the end.

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11:45am Feb 21 2010

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Posts: 1,713

i let go of most og my colored pets 

(can't collect all of them) 


12:18pm Feb 21 2010 (last edited on 1:22pm Feb 21 2010)

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Posts: 256

I just performed lolbot's suggestion. What is wrong with some of these pricings? I found a blonde gondra for 40000! Blondes are worth a lot more than that, even common ones. I found a ginger ahea for just 100, I mean I know aheas are cheap but a ginger is worth more than that.


2:56pm Feb 21 2010 (last edited on 2:56pm Feb 21 2010)

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Posts: 508
We should call ourselves PPPP (People for Preservation of Pet Prices) XD


3:09pm Feb 21 2010 (last edited on 3:10pm Feb 21 2010)

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Posts: 3,642

I recall Riyos has a very nice guide on what she figured decent prices (for both seller and buyer) on Creatu would be with regard to color. I used it quite a bit when I was still a Rancher. Maybe directing undercutters to it could help? ;o



6:25pm Feb 21 2010

Normal User

Posts: 520

Ew, this was disgusting.

Cream Aheas were selling for more than black Chimbies (Chimbys?) I promptly sorted out the problem but really, this is getting out of control. 

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7:08pm Feb 21 2010

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Posts: 89
Horse,that's a good point about the timezones,but i still think there should be a limit on eggs. i know 100 or less is a little extreme,but also,people getting thousands of thousands of eggs a day and selling them for nothing is also..plain stupid. if anything,there should be a limit,per person,for each egg they can pick up only 10 otachie eggs per day. xD

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7:16pm Feb 21 2010

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Posts: 540
Coryn- I suggested that on the first page xDD;


7:38pm Feb 21 2010

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Posts: 508
Maybe it should be like that you can get 20 Oatchies and only 5 Ardur, and for Iluvu you can pickup say, 10.


7:47pm Feb 21 2010

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Posts: 6

But, when you pick a limited amount of the same egg/random egg  per day is way to boring. ): Unless , one person is lucky to get a rare egg? per 3 day. Maybe less a popularity of a species and make them worth. :D

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