Let's Start Something. [Preservation of pet worth!]

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8:08pm Feb 21 2010

Normal User

Posts: 540
Mya- that's not it xD You can pick up 100 eggs in total, but only a limited amount of each egg. That is, 20 otachies, 5 ardurs, 10 meragons, etc.


1:08am Feb 22 2010


Posts: 394
We do have a feature in development that will increase demand of pets of all species and colors greatly. The pet supply will reduce thus increasing their value. The feature is actually already programmed but we are working out the details. Should be ready sometime within the next month or two hopefully.

1:43am Feb 22 2010 (last edited on 1:56am Feb 22 2010)

Normal User

Posts: 1,775


Did anyone listen to this?

'We will NOT be asking members to start culling pets that are underpriced!
As Uwibami stated, that has been tried before and the overwhelming amount of underpriced pets was just too much to tackle with limited amounts of TU.
Therefore, we will be encouraging people who HAVE their pets priced lowly to raise their prices.

Don't fuel their undercutting is what I say.
Boycott them instead.
Refuse to buy undercut pets.'


'Anyways, buying underpriced pets is kinda pointless. I mean if you buy them because their underpriced, people will just sell more underpriced pets expecting you'd buy them. Really, it's just encouraging people. So I'd just say if it's worth an extremely cheap price it belongs in the forest. If you think it's a completely and utterly, quintessentially hopeless (guess which movie I got that from? xD) pet which needs a horridly low price in order to sell, just throw the pitiful thing in the forest! Y'know, increasing it's price isn't really going to do any justice to the poor thing. I'd also like to say, if you can't think of a reasonable name to go an a hatch for a reasonable price, just don't hatch the pet and throw the nameless thing in the forest. Saves everyone trouble in my opinion; no upgrading your shop to support pointless pets, no economists with headaches.'

 I mean, we shouldn't be buying these pets. Just throw all of your worthless ones in the forest and rasie your prices! DON'T BUY UNDERPRICED PETS!

There will always be cheap pets and buying them like this is just encouraging people to undecut!

 Stop purchasing these pets! You're only making the situation worse. I think the best way you could help is not by using your hard earned cash to remove underpriced pets but to spread the word and promote better stewardship!


Oh and it's good to know that we have some programmable solutions for this Pat :)


Feel the love man D:<


2:15am Feb 22 2010

Normal User

Posts: 385

Banner donation. owo

<a href="http://www.rescreatu.com/forum/cat/general/suggestions/let-039-s-start-something-preservation-of-pet-worth-/"><img src="http://i47.tinypic.com/10x8139.jpg"></a>


I hope that programmed solution comes soon. :]

Ping, you have a point. There are two ways to combat this problem; convince people to boycott undercut creatu, or buy up all the undercutted creatu so the minimum price goes up and people price more reasonably. These would both work, but not at the same time! Although the first method is touted by people, we seem to be largely employing the second method, which is totally hypocritical. Either method would work, but we need to decide which method we use and stick to it. No saying one thing and doing another.

I've had to go on a unplanned hiatus and will not be able to get on much, if at all. I apologise for any inconvenience this causes you! If you really need to contact me, I may respond to rmails.

2:27am Feb 22 2010

Normal User

Posts: 540
The second method just won't work. Users will see that their underpriced pets are selling, and they'll misunderstand that as 'if I put them super cheap then more people will buy'. And that way, they'll just put more and more pets at lower and lower prices. And we'll just keep buying them so they'll undercut even more. So that's a no no


2:40am Feb 22 2010

Normal User

Posts: 385

That's a possibility, but it also may combat super-low prices by making the lowest prices higher. People want to make as much profit as possible, so if the lowest cream Ahea is 10K, why price it at 500 tu? Even if their other cream Aheas sold for that amount, they'll still have the lowest prices at 9K.

The main problem is really supply outstripping demand, and people don't buy up the cheapest pets before someone else stocks another for cheaper, then cheaper, then cheaper. If supply and demand were more-or-less equal, then the prices would remain stable because the cheapest pets would be bought before the price could sink too low. If you look through price lists, it's not like there's a whole chunk of, say, black Meikos above, say, 100K, then a chunk all around 1K. There's black Meikos of every price, because someonepriced one at 200K, then someone else wanted theirs to sell quickly, so they priced it 180K, then the next person 170K, and so on, and nobody bought them because nobody needed them. Increasing demand and/or reducing supply is more important than trying to psyche people out of pricing their Creatu cheap, because someone, somewhere's going to buy them.

I've had to go on a unplanned hiatus and will not be able to get on much, if at all. I apologise for any inconvenience this causes you! If you really need to contact me, I may respond to rmails.

2:43am Feb 22 2010

Normal User

Posts: 1,775
We've already tried method in which we buy the underpriced pets. Millions of tu was spent and now I think the prices have actually fallen lower. I mean buying all the underpriced pets would work a tad more quickly, but it will revert to the way it was faster xD


Feel the love man D:<


3:04am Feb 22 2010 (last edited on 3:06am Feb 22 2010)

Normal User

Posts: 385

True, true. I think a combined effort of trying to reduce supply, (rather than increase demand,) and also boycott hideously low-priced Creatu would work best, if not fastest. I don't think the second alone would work, because it would be difficult to convince every member of the Res community, but obviously it would be extremely hypocritical if we didn't do it. >w< Reducing supply by allowing some pets to die, hatching less, and releasing rather than junk naming is probably the only way we could potentially make a difference with no chance of it totally blowing up in our faces, like the buying up pets method could.

I do, however, believe that if you see a particular colour of a particular species that's minimum price is fairly reasonable, you should buy it so the lowest price stays there rather than being chipped down. It's all about evening up supply and demand, and if we can help this happen even a little it would be greatly beneficial.

I've had to go on a unplanned hiatus and will not be able to get on much, if at all. I apologise for any inconvenience this causes you! If you really need to contact me, I may respond to rmails.

3:11am Feb 22 2010

Normal User

Posts: 1,775
As I've said, we tried buying up cheap pets last time and it sorta didn't work. So I suppose spreading the word is our only option.


Feel the love man D:<


8:13am Feb 22 2010

Normal User

Posts: 1,036
Thankyou for your reply, Patrick. It's good to know that an effort is being made to make pets more valuable.
It is greatly appreciated that you posted here. :)

3:02pm Feb 22 2010

Normal User

Posts: 71
I agree. Though, it is nice to go buy a rare pet for really cheap when trying to fill a collection... But I get your point. I think maybe there should be a minimum price that you can price the creatu in your rancher shop...

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4:50pm Feb 22 2010 (last edited on 4:54pm Feb 22 2010)

Normal User

Posts: 508

I made a banner. :D

Sorry if it looks bad, it's my first time making a banner. D:


10:03pm Feb 22 2010

Normal User

Posts: 349
I also remember that when i first joined i didn't know what prices to sell my pets at and used other users prices as an example to my own this could also be a problem with new users.


8:35am Feb 23 2010

Normal User

Posts: 259

I'm not buying any cheap pets. ;/

But I am taking ones from the SB that are offered.

Bloody Tiara Armada: 242

10:16am Feb 23 2010 (last edited on 10:17am Feb 23 2010)

Normal User

Posts: 520
You're a credit to us all Sugar :D

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4:07pm Feb 24 2010

Normal User

Posts: 175
I will help. But I want to be honest in that, I participate in buying good pets low, making them GREAT pets, and selling high. :(

If I had a dollar for every brain you don't have, I'd have one dollar!

5:37pm Feb 24 2010 (last edited on 5:37pm Feb 24 2010)

Normal User

Posts: 540
I bought a cream meragon, cream ahea and ginger chimby which were priced at 2000 tu each .__. and then I told the user to avoid pricing creams for under 30k or gingers for under 150k =0=


11:28am Feb 25 2010

Normal User

Posts: 71
That's good idea. If people buy all the cheap pets and don't say anything, this will just encourage the seller to sell more pets for that same price. But if you tell them, they might take your advice. Hopefully...

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4:46pm Feb 25 2010

Normal User

Posts: 47

Hey guys i'd like to help. I don't buy cheap pets if i can help it. something that has been on my mind for a while is that if all ranchers (or some of us at least) agreed on a price range for the pets we are selling like a minimum price to sell them for? i don't know if this has been suggested before sorry if it has. Just thought i'd put my 2 cents worth in.


8:23pm Feb 25 2010 (last edited on 8:24pm Feb 25 2010)

Normal User

Posts: 583

Sorry, I forgot to log myself off so Ping posted as me xD

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