2:28am Feb 26 2010
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Posts: 1,775
I say don't buy pets because of their price. Just buy them because yu like them. There's no need to purchase anything, just tell people that they're pricing too low.
Feel the love man D:<
12:26pm Feb 26 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 259
Lolbot, I think I just busted a spleen laughing at your sig. I agree, buying the outrageously cheap pets is only fueling the fire.
Bloody Tiara Armada: 242
12:41pm Feb 26 2010
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Posts: 508
If it's not good to buy cheap pets is it good to adopt pets out of the forest and let them die?
1:30am Mar 1 2010
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Posts: 540
6:27am Mar 2 2010
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Posts: 444
I bought a pet the other day that was over 3 mil below the price it should have been. I agree, the Res economy needs to be better, and I can't wait until Patrick releases the feature that he said something about. My curiousity is peaked, to say the least. I agree with all the stuff that I've seen here (that I've read anyway, I didn't have much time). but yeah. Let's make the creatu of Res actually worth something<3
I have to get this thing to level 1,000. Please, help.
 Click Me!
12:39pm Mar 2 2010
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Posts: 557
I wonder if this programmed feature will be Pet Quests.. Handing over certain coloured/species pets for tu rewards. o:
10:40am Mar 3 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 520
I like that idea very much, but I suggest making the prizes high, not for my own desires, just so people will be more willing to make the prices of creatu higher.
9:12pm Mar 3 2010
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Posts: 1,248
acctualy i think i know why pets are getting so cheap well me i sell my pets cheaper then everyone elso so someone will buy it and then someone sees mine but they r selling theres then they end up selling theres for less then mine see what i meen
1:27am Mar 4 2010
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Posts: 1,576
Statistic | Amount | Total Citizens: | 20,175 | Merchants: | 5,534 | Troupe: | 39 | Society: | 1,580 | Ranchers: | 13,017 | World Wealth: | 4,986,876,821 tu
Okay, I get it's for pet. But guise, this is insane! There was 6billion tu in circulation last December! Guys. Please. ;C
2:25am Mar 4 2010
Posts: 2,155
Another thing to keep in mind that is affecting the value of pets a great deal are multiple accounts. In fact they are probably the biggest contribution to this problem. I ban them every single day. Dozens or more. Every extra account is an extra 1-3 hatches, extra searches in the forest, an extra 100 eggs to be picked up...the list goes on. If you know someone or suspect someone is cheating, report them! You will always remain anonymous. If you are cheating by using multiple accounts, I will find you eventually. *evil grin* As a side note: There was discussion of beans earlier. I think the price should be raised to 20M (200 credits) per pack of 3, rather than 10M, and they should be pulled at random from the credit shop with no prior announcement, and put back in with no prior announcement. We have some users who spend upwards of $600 in the CS in less than 2 weeks and then sell the items below CS value. Also a contribution to the devaluation of pets, since they are too easily obtainable.
**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚♫ and the haters gonna hate hate hate hate hate ♫**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚
4:27pm Mar 4 2010
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Posts: 380
I'm All in!!
4:29pm Mar 4 2010
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Posts: 1,036
You go broken. Multiple accounts are one of the worst things to contribute to this, broken is right. :) Reporting them will definitely help. 8D
7:01pm Mar 4 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 258
wow, support 100% ~ not just pet's value is falling. as a merchant, I've noticed that items I used to sell for millions of TU are worth but 40,000 TU right now. This needs to stop. Personally, I think it is the new users who are messing with the economy. They probably just set a price, which is uber-cheap, and then other users have to drop their prices too if they want their items to be purchased. It is quite obnoxious if I may say so myself. ~ what also realllly bugs me about the economy is the prices of CS pets. The eggs can go for millions, but the pets can go for super cheap.. i just saw a reasonably-named aerix in a shop for 1.8 million TU. That's just retarded logic people :/ ~ finally, colored pets have gone down in value, naturals are worth practically the same as a sepia or a cream pet. ugh, that's so stupid!
8:58pm Mar 4 2010
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Posts: 540
Cheapest natural aerix in rancher shops are 1m. That makes me SAD :C
1:59pm Mar 5 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 930
Why is it all blamed on newbies? :c
2:33pm Mar 5 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 71
I agree with Daisy. I'm currently a merchant, and the Dye Kit Squishy Patterns, which I could sell for 250,000tu are now selling for 98,000tu! It's robbery!
Please click! =D
3:05pm Mar 5 2010 (last edited on 3:17pm Mar 5 2010)
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Posts: 1,369
...I know this probably doesn't help, but recently I've been going through the creatu and buying the ones priced at 1-50tu from dead account and letting them either die, or if I run out of room forest them. at least it gets them out of shops, and if I forest 20 of those pets a day, at least someone only has a chance to find 5 of thema day again. To be honest, if pat installed a 'delete this pet' option, it would be so lav. I'd take about 20mil and go through shop search buying and deleting as many cheap pets as I could afford with that 20mil. I know people are against this idea, but it would have more benefits than just higher prices. It would also save server space and possibly even put a little dent in the lag. Take the Wajas site for example, they had no way to get rid of extra wajas. Just recently, they installed several features that gave you a money reward for 'retireing' your extra wajas. SO many people retired wajas, and the prices rosequite a bit, espacially with the fact wajas wouldn't be able to breed after a certain age. I forget what that age is since I haven't played in forever, but it helped. I also agree with the deleted pets if you p*censored* them in the forest. I really do miss that feature. I don't agree with getting items from failed hatches of normal pets. We'd be ovverrun with that item fairly soon. At least they can be deleted, but I still think it's a bad idea. I don't like the idea of seasonal hatches only once per year. Seasonals would be so amazingly high in price, they would be up there with CS eggs. That defeats the purpose of the hunts. The hunts are for people to get a chance to get a pet they like, though it's been used as a huge money-making venture these past few hunts. I can say, quite proudly, I didn't participate in the hunts this year. I haven't been hatching recently, and if I have, I've deleted every single pet regardless of colour besides blacks, since that's what I'm going for. I only get one hatch so...;o Well...I'll be off now. I have no ideas, but they're silly.
3:52pm Mar 5 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 31
Ive been reading alot and agree on several things. Ive not been here but a few months and have seen a very large up rising in population of new members, and a decrease in prices per pets. -The pets that are now WAY under priced (Berrok Egg =1TU in shop/They were at least 200TU when I started just a few months ago). Make these pets rare. Over night the price will shoot up to WAY over 1m TU. Because people will then be hording them in m*censored*. This then will open doors for the "new pets" that are being created. -I saw a post with the "season" per egg. Jan-Feb let Berrok eggs be something easily find. And then afterwards, let them slack down. Feb-March let Murren eggs be easy to find, ect ect ect. That would help alot I think. -Ive gotten to where Ive stopped gathering eggs. The eggs I have are either in storage, gallery, or over priced in shop. Eggs I find that are lower marked I try to buy. - Cut the 100 eggs in 24hours down to 50...20 even. Or have an aged account benefit. The more active account and the more older the account is, have them able to find more eggs. The newer the account, lessen the eggs. -I read several times of the forest pets "dieing" after a while. This idea sounds good to bring back again. -Seasonal eggs. Im two sided on it. I liked being able to have an extra day to find an Iluvu. 7 days was abit much though. I read one players blog saying they found over 30+/- Iluvu eggs. I was happy to find the one I found, along with the other 8. Seasonal finds/Rare Finds, should be limited to each person per year. (1st years, 2, 2 years 4, ect ect ect) v.v Thats just my ramblings and overkilled repeats on what Ive though has sounded good. ^.^ Im still quiet the noob though when it comes to Rescreatu.

5:50pm Mar 5 2010 (last edited on 5:55pm Mar 5 2010)
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Posts: 1,369
Not buying cheaply priced pets also encourages people to lower them even more. If someone prices a ginger at 40k, and nobody buys it, they may be tempted to price at at 20k. If someone buys that 40k ginger, thet same person will price their next ginger at that same price, or higher. It's just a matter of keeping the prices there. Is nobody buys that 40k ginger, someone else will price thiers at 30k, the next person at 25k, the next at 20k, because they want to have the cheapest prices in hopes of selling. That's how undercutting happens in the first place.
7:56pm Mar 5 2010 (last edited on 9:16pm Mar 5 2010)
Normal User 
Posts: 1,775
Like I said earlier, you shouldn't really be buying pets because of their price, just buy them because you like the pet. I don't really see any point in you using your money like this. Act as a real life client, buy it because you need/like it. It's not like you go 'round buying 100 vacuum cleaners just because they're cheap in real life xD Buying cheap pets to remove them from the market's just bad. Muh. Culling is just a short term solution; and everyone who does geography or history know that short term solutions = bad. Why? People put cheap pets in their shop to expect money cheaply. If you imagined these people were robots that respond in a certain way in a certain condition. This is what will happen: - Sell pets for cheap price
- Pets are culled, it recieves response from market and calculates 'pets sold = earn money = good marketing strategy'
- Repeat 'good marketing strategy'
- Pets culled, earns money
- Repeat 'good marketing strategy'
- Endless cycle of cull/sell. More cheap pets on the market, cullers wasting time and cash.
Besides, culling was attempted last time and it failed! Quote from Uwi: "I remember when something like this was attempted before. Hopefully it will go better than last time. I remember being the only one culling gingers, and eventually everything fell anyways. Good luck. I might help here and there." (PS, I was culling gingers with you too Uwi, it's like that kidney connection again D:) This is the most expensive short term solutions to this situation, and thus it fails and we just threw all of our cash at dead accounts Dx Sorry, but I'm really, really, really, really, really, really against this technique. I didn't participate in any of the seasonal creatu hunts in he past year. And I've only hatched about 5 seasonals in my life; the rest were bought unnamed. I hardly pick up eggs 'cause colours and species hardly interest me; I just like names. So I don't buy any creatu unless their names are awesome. I just wish everyone was picky like me so we won't have so much of a problem D: It's not just newbies that are the fault to this 'kay? I mean loads of people who have been here for some time that also undercut majorly. In my opinion it's just that people have just a really strange marketing strategy. It's logical to be have the cheapest thing on the market, but quality attracts customers a lot better doesn't it? Many people eventually learn that ranching doesn't really have any benefits monetarily and just find it as a way of 'retiring', only getting tons of tuif you're lucky xD
The ability to delete pets is horrid. First of all, you wouldn't need tags to transfer names onto an unnamed creatu. And that is just poop in my opinion, don't you agree? If someone names 'deleting the pet will not free up the name' as a way of solving this. That's just like throwing it into the forest eh? I know there's a way of killing the pet to free the name, but that's just for the patient people; and all of you know that a majority of rescreans aren't patient. So yeah, deleting creatu will sorta make the game less hard, and make it less interesting. Dx Decreasing the limit of eggs you can find each day to is one of the best solutions in my opinion. Makes people a bit more selective and stuff; also a bit more patient, which is really what causes all of this mess- everybody wants to sell their pets QUICKLY and expect to get rich. It doesn't really make sense, just slow down everyone. It's not like you have 3 days to complete all of your goals xD
Feel the love man D:<