9:51pm Mar 5 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 258
agree with ping! and what I said earlier 'bout the newbies is this - they don't understand the economy at all. If they just bothered to look up the price of thing and learn what the general price is the economy would be much nicer indeed.
11:13pm Mar 5 2010 (last edited on 5:52am Mar 6 2010)
Normal User 
Posts: 1,369
Even older members underpice. Hell, I'd be lying if I said I've not underpriced something recently... The majority of undercutting is done by newbies, that's true, but I'm fairly sure pretty much everyone on res has undercut at some point, new or not. We need to get to the source of the problem; Too common eggs. o-o Raise egg rarity, and let creatu p*censored*ed in foresy be deleted. That would solve a hell of a lot. I'm eager to learn what Pat has in store, though. I'm sure his plan works even better. ;o the 100 egg limit helps a bit, too, but I think it should be closer to like, 50. More than 20, though, because people need to be able to do egg quests.
3:47pm Mar 6 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 540
I still say that we should only be able to pick a certain quantity of eggs of each species every 24hs into the 100 in general. That is, you can pick up to 100 eggs, but only 5 tesuri eggs, 7 myotis and 13 otachies, and so on. That would make them a bit rarer, and would help in seasonal hunting, as there won't be people picking 30 seasonal eggs in a day.
3:16am Mar 7 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 1,369
That's true, but that would severely limit the eggs we would be able to get from egg quests. We HAVE to be able to pick up whatever eggs we need for the quest. Personally, I don't do the quest, but I can seriously make more money right now buying the eggs than hunting for them. It's sad, really. I say just lower the amount we can pick up to 40-50, with a 10-20 day cap on seasonals.
10:27am Mar 7 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 520
On that topic I believe it should be made into a table; Relcore was used as the dummy :c - Berrok 20 eggs per day
- Gondra 20 eggs per day
- Zenirix 15 eggs per day
- Chimby 12 eggs per day
- Vogar 8 eggs per day
- Malal 6 eggs per day
- Paor 5 eggs per day
- Leverene 5 eggs per day
- Jaaku 5 eggs per day
I know at first it may seem extreme, but this means that at the most you can find only 35 seasonal eggs a harvest, opposed to 70-80. Which is insanity.
11:12am Mar 7 2010
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Posts: 1,369
That's true, those getting 50 seasonals and up are pretty unfair, but capping at 5 would mean those of us like myself that only get one day to hunt (If at all,) usually, would be forced to cap at 5 for the whole hunt. I know I was only able to hunt one day for Jaaku, and none for Ebila, Uilus, or Iluvu. I was able to get over 50 jaaku eggs that day in a span of only seven hours. If we limit the days, and not the amount of eggs you can pick up, that would be better. (Three or four days should suffice.) Along WITH and egg cap of say, 10-15 per day. Items for failed hatches are helping to preserve the worth of natties hatched, but not by much. D: Seasonals are hit pretty hard during the few weeks after hunts, but they usally begin to level out. I noticed, though, this year, seasonal eggs from over four months ago are still at 1mil. So very sad. o-o
8:46am Mar 9 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 31
Im just gonna kind of bump this to keep it at the top to where hopfully new players will see this and read about this issue. Has any one started a blog guide to priceing of pets? And possibly posted it in the newbie guide anywhere?
11:09am Mar 9 2010
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Posts: 1,447
Riyo has a pricing blog
1:18pm Mar 9 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 508
Yeah, but that means all us people who don't get a lot of eggs will only get like 5. :C
1:33pm Mar 9 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 540
ResWiki has a great creatu pricing guide by Windkeeper~
10:28pm Mar 10 2010 (last edited on 10:32pm Mar 11 2010)
Normal User 
Posts: 373
I dunno if this has been brought up already or not, but I think that in specifically the case of seasonal pets maybe a good idea would be not to enable an egg cap, but instead edit the percent chance of hatching a color, kind of like the way CS pets work. I know CS pets only come in three hatchable colors including nattie, but the percents of hatching a color are very different from normal pets. Maybe doing something like that would help the issue of underpriced seasonals? I'm not saying take away any of the colors, just make it more rare to hatch any of them, so that way it means something even if you hatch a sepia seasonal pet. I'm not familiar with the actual color percents for normal pets, but making it more rare to hatch a colored seasonal might boost the dismally low prices for them in shops currently. I'll admit it, I'm very guilty of selling underpriced colored seasonal pets, and I bought one for for really cheap the other day as well. I think starting with very rare pets like seasonals is a good place to start in regards to helping the Res economy. As far as beaning goes, I think the percents of getting a hatchable color should translate over to using a bean, but I honestly have no idea how editing the formula would work. I'm sure there's a loop hole somewhere if it's not done properly, but it's just a suggestion. I would say just take away the ability to bean them, but that seems a little too strict to me. Only being able to find them for a week once a year makes up for that, imho. But like I said, this is just a suggestion. :3 EDIT: I saw someone tell another user that a nattie Ebilia was only worth 150k. I died a little on the inside. D:
2:15pm May 3 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 28
sepias are now going for 500tu *rage*
7:24pm May 3 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 125
Lawl! I release my Naturals Sepias and creams. Because now, I can't get there worth. I don't pay 500k for an egg and then sell for less then that. Might as well release. Just like the Aerix, buy an egg for 7 mil or so, and then sell a natural for what? Aren't they two mil now O.o
7:11am May 4 2010 (last edited on 7:14am May 4 2010)
Normal User 
Posts: 1,326
omg yes D: sepia ebis were worth 12mil when i started! (and i thought keeping it would make its value go up -___-)
EDIT: i just realised that sugar said that i said this on the first page, sorry for the repetition.
2:28pm May 4 2010
Posts: 2,155
"I dunno if this has been brought up already or not, but I think that in specifically the case of seasonal pets maybe a good idea would be not to enable an egg cap" This was one of the biggest factors in implementing the cap, because during seasonal hunts, it was a huge problem with dishonest players using autorefreshers to just sit and refresh 24/7 and pick up gazillions of eggs. 100 per day limit kills autorefreshers, is a perfect amount to do egg quests and then pick up eggs you would like to hatch on your own, and was well thought out before being put to active use - it won't be changing. =)
**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚♫ and the haters gonna hate hate hate hate hate ♫**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚
3:56pm May 4 2010 (last edited on 3:56pm May 4 2010)
Normal User 
Posts: 373
I wasn't talking about the 100 egg per day cap; I think that should be left alone. I was replying to someone else's idea of an egg cap specifically for picking up seasonal eggs.
12:10pm May 10 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 6
I only signed up yesterday, but I've been surfing the forums and I can see this is apparantly a big problem. I signed up as a rancher, so I'll do what I can to sell creatu according to the reswiki prices guide, but what I noticed during my surfing is that during the pet auctions you can't really see any details about the pet unless you search for them, which is quite a bother. I intend to sell only trained animals - both intelligence and stats - and it's quite annoying that you can't easily find those details on auction - unless I missed them somehow? But other than that, I think this is maybe a subject that new people don't hear about too much? I wouldn't have known the pricing was a problem if I hadn't seen this thread. I think if more new users knew about this they would oblige, because they'll profit from higher prices in the long run.
5:10pm May 11 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 6
I've thought of something else - maybe make some sort of banner that people supporting the policy could put in their rancher shops? That way you'll know who's in, and also other people surfing the shops will hear about the policy more.
3:23am May 15 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 4,043
I support! Especcially making seasonal eggs harder to find. When I first joined rescreatu, even natural ebilias were worth about 1 mil! Now, they're worth only 100-200k!
12:21pm May 15 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 572
Support Completely. Yes as someone already said but an aerix egg for 7mil and sell the natural for now less than 2mil[shock!] Its pointless. I try selling natural aerixs at 7mil. Guess what. "stary they aren't worth that" D:
-and a new day will dawn, for those who stand long, and the forest will echo with laughter-