Like, how do we get rid of future dead accounts?

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6:31pm Nov 27 2009

Normal User

Posts: 1,775
Uh, Marine, how is that supposed to work? I mean the main purpose of the account deleting is to free up names. How would we know about their life history anyways?


Feel the love man D:<


10:34pm Nov 29 2009

In Training

Posts: 355
I see no staff have commented on this yet, so I will give my opinion:

I have always been against any kind of penalty for inactive accounts.

The predominate reason current users want this feature is to have pet names that belong to inactive accounts, which I see as an attempt to steal something someone else earned.
Yes, stealing, tisk.
Inactive account owners gained their pets fairly and have the right to do whatever they want with them, which includes leaveing them to rot.
Even given lengthy periods of time, this is still punishment for inactivity, which is not fair.
As a player, I would never want to see this done.
As a staff member, I see too many problems with implementing it fairly.


1:52pm Nov 30 2009

Normal User

Posts: 2,440

I disagree. My points are arguable but, if their pets are tkane out they would die form hunger if they were offline. And what if it was one of thos epeople who took a break from rescreatu and decided to come back....5 years later even? I just odnt find it a good idea.


Laya on Dragonadopters Click please<3

11:07am Dec 4 2009 (last edited on 2:16am Dec 21 2009)

Normal User

Posts: 167

How are banned accounts dealt with at this time? Pets stuck in banned showrooms and rancher shops will stay there, since they can't go to the graveyard. Is there already a system to take care of these banned accounts? If not, it would be great if they were cleared periodically.


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3:03am Jan 1 2010

Normal User

Posts: 1,293

In my opinion, unactive accounts shouldn't be cleared out. God forbid someone wants to have a life outside of Rescreatu for a few months or even years. Their hard earned pets shouldn't be 'killed off' just because they decided to interact with the outside world, said: "Hey, I like this!", and didn't get on for a while. XP

Now, banned accounts are another story. If they've only been banned for a short period, thier profiles are fine, but if they've been perminatly banned or banned for years, those users who actually play Res and haven't done anything wrong to be banned so harshly should have the chance to use those pet names that have just been locked away in a dusty old Showroom to sit and rot.

Also, is there a way to get your account deleted at this point in time? I think users who truly do not want an account on here anymore should have the option of deleting it.


2:25pm Jan 1 2010

Normal User

Posts: 2,148

I agree with the last three posts. The users who have good pets and items must've been active and very helpful at one point in time, meaning they supported our website. What if they suddenly decide to come back just to see all of their pets gone? It'd be rude of us to say "Hey, thanks for the support you gave, but the users want your pet names so we're just gonna give it to them, kay?"

To answer your question, Acid, nothing is being done about banned accounts. I'm not thrilled that thre are shops open on banned accounts with items and pets. People are buying from them and that's basically like taking a hand full of tu and throwing it in a bottomless pit/black hole. I would much rather see the items be taken from the accounts and possibly used for site-wide contests and such, and the pets to be moved to the profiles to die. They were banned for breaking the rules, they don't deserve to keep the pets or anything they had on that account.

Of course, staff do make mistakes and so if we /were/ to do this, then I'd like for a month waiting period before the pets were removed from shops or showrooms.


3:27pm Jan 1 2010 (last edited on 3:30pm Jan 1 2010)

Normal User

Posts: 8
I support Whit's idea :D

4:20pm Jan 2 2010 (last edited on 4:20pm Jan 2 2010)

Normal User

Posts: 1,293
Whit's idea makes perfect sence. I agree with it completely. :3


7:17pm Jan 8 2010

Normal User

Posts: 167

Totally understandable and a nice dea, Whit! It makes sense for the situation and works well, especially with the grace period before enacting the process.

It would be nice for users who are banned to let the rest of the community benefit from their mistakes, especially if it is clear that they aren't returning. It just doesn't make sense that banned users are still able to take up pet names even though they aren't here anymore. 

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3:03pm Jan 9 2010

Normal User

Posts: 3,469
Yes. I fully agree with Whit, and Acidic. I have plenty of names that I want from banned accounts.

"You're off the edge of the map, mate. Here there be monsters."


6:57am Jan 10 2010

Normal User

Posts: 1,326
i think that we should clear all the names from banned accounts since i dont think those are ever going to be un-banned.


6:13pm Jan 24 2010

Normal User

Posts: 255
Yes, I definitely agree that something should happen with pets left in the showrooms/shops of banned accounts. I spent a long time sifting through pages and pages of creatu listings looking for my dream name; only to find out that it was rotting in the showroom of a banned user. There shouldn't be a penalty for inactive accounts, but permanently banned users will never come back, so it would only be fair for their creatu's names to be freed.

1:54am Jan 27 2010

Normal User

Posts: 1,326
or patrick could just delete all the creatus in the banned accounts and save them in a compact file somewhere else so that we can still see the names and the user who owned them but we cant use those names.

The amount of names on banned accounts are accumulating, so this is just to 'save' some space i guess, if you dont want to delete them.


4:34pm Feb 4 2010

Normal User

Posts: 508
Support because it's an awesome idea c:


8:55pm Feb 8 2010

Normal User

Posts: 19
I support. This isn't a new idea I guess on all the virtual pet sites I've been on- there are already sites deleting inactive accounts if not much sooner than two years.

An email notification prior to the deletion of an account or when there is an announcement for account deletions can work too. I for one check email daily and wouldn't be hard for me to log in and out to prevent my account deletion.

4:56am Feb 9 2010

Normal User

Posts: 1,326

oh wait o:

what about, at any point of time, while we are on res,
we can make a 'will'?

like, for example, if A gets banned, A's pets will go to B and C and D and some of A's items go to C and E and G. the person can write down what they want to happen to their petsif they get banned. If they want, they could also chose to put all their pet and items in the forest or trash.
etc etc

seems like an okay idea to me :/


8:28am Feb 11 2010

Normal User

Posts: 1,937
i was thinking like; when you have been inactive like 2 yearz, OR banned, then your pets goes to atq. forest for anyone. ?

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