Limiting Pets

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3:29pm Feb 9 2019 (last edited on 10:00pm Feb 22 2019)

Normal User

Posts: 443
& allow unnamed pets

please read ALL of
this post before

Hi, I'm back with another controversial suggestion!

Look for my responses on this thread!
My posts will contain grey areas like this! :)

Thank you so much to Rae for contributing
numerous excellent ideas to this discussion!!


The Concept:
All pets must be fed to stay alive and retain their names.
Including pets in your showroom and rancher.
Unnamed pets don't need to be fed.

1] Desirable names sitting on inactive accounts will be forced back into circulation
2] People hoarding names will be forced to be more selective & sell names
3] Stimulate the economy in various ways
4] Reduce the difficulty of naming pets in the hatchery for new users
5] Make Rescreatu a viable game for longer 
6]  Fix the broken aspect of this game that allows a single account infinite names
7]  Make Rescreatu ACTIVE again!



I fully understand that this idea isn't going to be super popular. It means changing some fundamental things about the game that are currently broken, and those broken things have become a part of the way we are playing the game. Rescreatu has a unique naming system but no balancing factors to make sure this system doesn't end up limiting the game's potential. It also has other unique elements (like Kir) that require a larger and more active user base than we have now to keep the game running smoothly and capable of growth. 

If this system were implemented it would mean making changes to how I play, but I'd rather change how I play than watch Rescreatu continue to stagnate or fade away entirely because it doesn't have enough new or active users to keep it growing. What are any of our pets worth if the game can no longer function properly? We need Rescreatu to grow again - and bring back old users if possible! Ultimately, this should be everyone's goal for the site, though it's hard to look at it that way sometimes. Trust me, I understand.

Rescreatu has an average of 35 users online during peak hours of the day. 
Years ago I would see 500-1000 users online.
This is not a good trend.

Insisting that Rescreatu keep functioning in a way that is hemorrhaging users is not going to work out for any of us in the long run. I encourage you to read this with an open mind and to thoroughly read everything that has been posted. I know it's a lot, but you're smart and I believe in you!


Unnamed pets would not need to be fed. This would mean that your rancher shop pets, pets that you're waiting to put a name on, and pets you just own for the sake of their color/species would not be a burden on you to feed. How many pets do you have in your rancher shop that have rubbish names because you're just selling them for the sake of Kir or the Shrines anyway? And how many pets are you holding onto until you have the right name for them? Do you like collecting pets but don't really need or want to name them?

- An option to 'remove name' for free
- Allow pets to be hatched without needing to be named
- Allow pets to be revived from the graveyard without a name

This would also ease the difficulty of finding a name for new users that often get stuck during this process.
Name tags aren't typically purchased with CP so this wouldn't be taking profits from the site by eliminating the need for them.


Please read my SECOND POST before commenting about food being too difficult/expensive to obtain. This system can't work without making other changes that are being proposed here, so please read them! Food would need to be much more plentiful & easy to get, obviously.

These ideas include:
- food pen would feed all pets on your account
- more FREE and EASY food
- increase food shop capacity
- add a Farming/Gardening feature

You may feel right now that this would be an annoying hassle, but that's because you're use to the availability of food currently. This would need to be totally revamped! Ideally feeding and maintaining a reasonable number of names would not be difficult at all, it would just require some engagement with the site from time to time.
And remember, any unnamed pets would not require being fed!


To be clear, no one is at risk of losing their pets through this system. Only names. Pets will always still be on your account but they would end up in your graveyard in the event that you did not feed them.
If you are a collector of pets/colors (not names), please read the section about 'unnamed pets'.

I understand we all have names and/or pets with sentimental value to us. I definitely do! For me, if Rescreatu isn't around to enjoy or it becomes a ghost of its former self, my pets won't mean nearly as much to me. They would just be a sad reminder of the fun I use to have on Res. As it is, I already feel that way a bit. I really miss how alive the site use to feel, and I know that so many of my old Res friends just have no interest in coming back to what they see as a "dead site". This is the consistent feedback I hear from friends that left the game.

Ideally with a small amount of semi-regular effort your names will be at no risk at all, and you can keep playing the game mostly the way you do now, there will just be a slight requirement for activity on the site. For some users, bigger adjustments may need to be made. If you have 4000+ pets, you will probably need to 'unname' a fair few and reevaluate what's on your account. For some of us this might be a bit of a task, yes.

I am proposing this system for the sake of V4. It is something that will absolutely need a great deal of time and testing before it could be put in place. No one's pets are at risk any time soon (if at all). 


Lots of answers to this!

1] Food will become a relevant market on Rescreatu. A farming feature would create all new means of income for active players that engage in harvesting food. REs with food could also be 'farmed' by users during egg hunts (both seasonal and normal).

2] Users will also buy food from merchants that price their items fairly - 
circulating tu and providing (hopefully) a more fast-paced income
for merchants than what currently drives merchant sales. 

3] People will be inclined to sell pets instead of letting them rot in their rancher or show room!
This is good for the name market and for the general pet market - think of how this might help kir quests!

4] Give those greedy rich people (like me, hurrah!) something to buy on a more regular basis! Get us involved in the economy again.

5] ALL users, rich or poor, old or new, will have an EQUAL chance at obtaining names by watching graveyards to see what names will be clearing, or just by getting lucky and discovering a name that hasn't been hatched yet. This means more people getting to participate in the name market (the most lucrative market on the site next to Kir/CS pets). Even if you're not watching the graveyard you may still come across names to hatch and sell!



Collecting is absolutely a part of Res. I think just hoarding pets should still be allowed, but I think we should consider allowing those to be 'unnamed' pets. I think a significantly broken part of this game is allowing any single account to hold an infinite number of names. Even if those names are all gibberish, I think on a site with unique names it's a bit odd that there is no deterrent or mechanic in place to keep any single account from taking up INFINITE names. Imagine that this site had more users. We'd have nothing that wasn't absolute gibberish left to hatch, and new users would be settling for never getting their hands on anything that wasn't gibberish. We're close to this point, and I think it's a huge deterrent for new users. As it stands I think this is also the very thing that keeps us from having a larger number of users.

Now, imagine that you are creating a new game, and you want pets to have unique names, but you want to be sure that years from now there will still be a chance of non-gibberish names circulating on the site for as many users to enjoy as possible. Would you allow a single user to produce an infinite number of names, and have no reason to log on in order to keep them? What if one of your first users creates and collects 15,000 pets. And of them, 10,000 are RWNs or RNs? And then, that user only logs in once a year. How do you think other users will feel? Will your game keep growing? Do you think this is a balanced way for your game to operate?

I know some users will say it's just too late to go back and fix this issue. Personally, I don't think it's too late for any fix that means making the site more inclusive to new and active users, especially not when current users could also benefit by adjusting their game play slightly and reap the benefits of a site that functions better!



It's important to remember that inactive users do not help the site. It may seem harsh, but Rescreatu needs to care as much about active users as it does inactive users. Users who need to take a break from the game should stock up their food pens, sell off/clear out unwanted pets, and plan to come back at some point if they want to keep their names. If they don't want to come back in a reasonable time frame, the rest of the game shouldn't suffer for it. And look - I've been one of those people! Not only am I a greedy old person but I also left the game for YEARS. Part of me always thought I'd come back to find my pets gone - and as sad as I would have been, it would have been fair. I feel sorry that people saw my dusty old account full of nice names and thought to themselves, "Oh, so that's how this game works. I guess I'll play something else."

Right now Rescreatu is basically an  "AFK game" - meaning it's a game you can play and still do well on without ever logging in. I'm proof of this. For years I didn't play, and then I came back and found myself one of the wealthier users on the site because there was no repercussion for not logging in for literal YEARS. 

So much of the feedback on this thread has been, "I like that I can play Rescreatu without feeling the need to come back or log in." and "I want my names to still be here even if I never come back." This should raise some red flags right away about how the game is being played. Rescreatu isn't Candy Crush. Candy Crush won't suffer as a game because you haven't played it in three years. However on Res, the site as a whole suffers when users are encouraged to play like this. Names get trapped on accounts, the economy slows, new users see names on dead accounts and the scarcity of names and they presume Rescreatu is no longer a viable game. Then they log out forever. They don't think there's room for new users or room for growth. 

Personally, if I joined Rescreatu today and saw the way things are, I'd feel that it was just too late for me as a new player. Old users naturally have a huge advantage, and then the system further favors them by making it completely effortless to keep those advantages (even if they log in once every 365 days). Plus, the site has clearly slowed to a near hault, making moving items, pets and tu a very slow process for someone starting out. This isn't conducive to retaining new users. It's difficult to commit to a new game where there are so many established players, and even more difficult if you feel like you don't stand a chance of competing.



Unfortunately, there doesn't seem to be any evidence to suggest that new features or events have an impact on site traffic currently. For example, when the Shrines were released we saw a small flurry of activity (maybe +10 users online on average) and then a quick decline back to our typical rates. Events see about the same user response, with Halloween being a slight exception at times. And Shrines were no small feature - this was something in the works for YEARS that took the collaboration of so many different people, and it was surely no small expense for the site. The problem with just adding features is that these other issues still remain and they will continue to unless they are addressed. They will keep poisoning game play for new and old users alike, and even a feature like battle will not be able to compensate for them.

New features will ALWAYS be needed! The site needs new games, events, battle, gardening, training, more shops, more items, more, more, more! It always will, because that's needed to keep the game fresh and fun. It's not a good reason to ignore fundamental problems with the site.



Names are really important on Res and they are finite. We need to find a way to keep the name market alive and make naming less of a daunting task for new users as well. Frankly, I'm surprised there are still any RNs or RWNs on the market. As much as I adore Allen and Air (truly miss you guys!), their accounts are a testament to what happens with the current system - thousands of well named pets sitting on accounts that are never used. It's only a matter of time before that's the reality of all decent names on this site.

By forcing names to stay on active accounts it helps keep Res alive. That's one of the major points of this idea.
And no, it won't be perfect - we'll still be able to hoard plenty of names I'm sure, but it will HELP.

Ideally it will also mean people logging in more often and for longer periods of time, getting more involved with other parts of the site, and keeping users engaged in the game, the market, and the community.



For many reasons I think this is the exact opposite, but it's important that you read my second post to see why. I am proposing we implement lots of new ways to "farm" free food and make it much easier to obtain, so new users will not only have access to free food (with some effort) they will also be able to sell what they don't need, giving them an additional income option.

New users will be accustomed to this system from the start and won't need to weed out pets they don't need to keep named, and they will be most likely to keep their pets fed. Most users that join the site already assume you need to keep your pets fed, and someone inevitably tells them that showroom and rancher pets don't die. So the current system is actually counter intuitive to how they expect to play.

New users will also be able to participate in the name market, for their own personal benefit and to find names to sell. This is the most lucrative market on Rescreatu, and one that most users are currently barred from being a part of - even users that have been here for several years often do not get the opportunity to obtain decent names or sell them.



Yes, there are some users who don't mind
or don't care about names. This doesn't negate their value however. Names have value because they are finite. And they matter whether you want to have nice names or you want to be able to make large sums of tu from selling them. Last year we saw a HUGE increase in activity during a single name clearing, more than I have seen in the years since I've started playing Res again, by far. Even new features or new events haven't compared to that kind of activity! Clearly, there are large numbers of people who really do care about names. Even the feedback on this forum is proof of that.

Having names you care about makes you more invested in the game. Responses to this thread have made that very clear! Ideally, we should want as many users as possible to feel that way about the names and pets they have. And while some users say they are content with not getting any names that mean much to them, I think even they would feel differently if someone handed them their absolute dream name, or even just a name they could sell for one billion tu!



Frankly, I don't think this argument counters mine well. If Rescreatu suits your play style because you don't have to play it... Well... That's not a great reason for Rescreatu to keep operating this way.
It should NOT be a daily necessity to log in, obviously. But being able to go half a year without logging in is not beneficial to the game, and it effectively hurts the game for people that do want to play it.

If you want to appeal to the developers of this site who will get to decide what direction the game goes, would you expect them to value your opinion as someone who logs on regularly and engages in various aspects of the site fairly often, or would you expect them to cater the game to users who log out for 6 months to a year at a time and only come back to passively check out the game? What type of user is statistically more likely to spend money on their site? Is it fair to the active users to make the game "less" to make sure super casual play styles are appealed to as well?

If this was your site, what would you want? Other sites have mechanics like this for a reason, and it's not because they are heartless monsters that want to make you a slave to their game. It's because pet sites are a business, as well as labors of love! So much time and money goes into making a pet site. Active users are the most important thing to ensure a site like Rescreatu keeps running and growing and remains profitable. It might sound "greedy" but remember we ALL benefit from the users that spend money on Res! It means CS items in circulation first of all, and secondly it means money for Rescreatu to create new content for all of us to enjoy for FREE! :)



I see comments suggesting I am just out to steal names. Frankly, no. I foresee myself selling off names if this were to happen. All of my favorite names I already own. I'm quite content with my collection. Regardless, my motives are quite simple: I want Res to grow, and to be as alive as it use to be, and more so! Some may say that's just not possible, or the game has developed too far in the wrong direction to turn this around. I disagree. I just think it would take making some major changes.

I also really feel sorry for new users. Or even users that have been playing for three years and still have no access to the name market. That's not how it use to be. I use to see decent names dispersed over so many different accounts. And I feel sorry that all users don't get to experience the bustling economy that I did back then. It meant making tu and selling pets didn't take years of passive playing, which not many new users care to commit to. We all deserve Res to be the best game it could be!

The state of the site makes me sad. 
And that's my motivation.


I realize not everyone is going to like this. Sometimes decisions should be made that are tough. I know some users don't like the idea of having to get on the site on any kind of regular basis. That's something that would definitely be a part of this system and it may not be for everyone, but I do think it's in favor of the site.

I encourage you to think about the good of the site
and see if you would be willing to change how you play to help keep Res alive & see it grow!

Everyone's opinion
is welcome! :)
But PLEASE read
before you comment!

And please keep conversation polite,
no matter what side you are on!


3:30pm Feb 9 2019 (last edited on 3:28pm Feb 21 2019)

Normal User

Posts: 443

This concept will most likely require a few other tweaks to the game
to ensure a smooth transition and to make sure it works as intended.
 I will update this post as needed!

Thank you to everyone that
has contributed ideas to this list!

A reasonable amount of time should be alotted to warn all players via email & news updates of the coming change, and give them time to stock up on food to prepare.
Perhaps a "care package" should be placed in all food pens or inventories to help with the transition.
[something like 200 apples, etc]

[Either a year-round, seasonal or one-time event after initializing the feeding mechanic]
 extra pets and/or eggs to be turned in to an NPC in exchange for an
amount of food. Could be a nice alternative to releasing pets from the
hatchery into the Atqueen Forest (which seems to already be pretty full
of natties).

- Pets should possibly die slower
OR food should grant more hunger points


- Add common food items to seasonal egg hunts (makes the hunt more fun too!)
- frequent REs that give random food items
- More free food dailies like the Apple Tree (but easier to collect from)
- a Farming/Garden feature - grow your own food!
^ all of these require AND reward you for being active! ^


- could stack daily, so after 7 days of consistent log-ins you obtain the max food
- perhaps even an hourly or mid-day bonus as well
- other log-in incentives too


This would be to prevent ranchers from too much of a burden/cut into their profits.
However, pets should no longer be able to sit "invisible" in your rancher - pets should be priced upon 
stocking them in your shop to prevent users from using it as a feeding loophole.


I think ~30 days would be more reasonable for losing a name. 
Any longer would defeat the purpose of this system, imo.


Food shops should start stocking with much larger quantities of food.
Large packs of food could also be sold to make things easier (value packs).

Create a guide (possibly in forums) to teach users how to use the search function to browse dead pets and tell what names will be clearing. This should be posted in updates BEFORE the change occurs, to make it fair for everyone!


Auction pets should be suspended from losing hunger
Auctions should be limited to one to two weeks


"Certainly not being able
to put them in the food pen, that defeats the purpose, but perhaps
updating the way they act. [...] Perhaps each one can be
used once daily (weekly?) to feed X number of pets (5? 10?). You could
have a list or just a priority ranking (rank profile, showroom/ranch
categories, etc?) and it feeds the hungriest pets in each section first?
 It would also be nice if the infinite food items all fed 100 points but
 that's neither here nor there. This would still require users to log in
 but it wouldn't make these rare, expensive items effectively useless."
(quoted from Wolfspi's post)


I think if users were in control of freezing their account it could be easily abused (ie - I freeze my account whenever I'm not playing), but if staff had the option to freeze an account for a user that could work

- Show what a creatu’s name was before it was lost and if it’s still available

- require "maintenance" on RSTU
(needs to be a more fleshed out idea, but it should be designed to prevent RSTUs being a 'loop hole')


Give an option to select parts of your account to feed
Ideally include showroom and rancher categories as options

ie - pets feed at 50, 60, 70 hunger - etc

Something like a field at the top of the food pen page that says
"Your pen is currently holding x number of items and will feed your x number of pets for x number of days"
Maybe even a color coded system to warn you that your food pen is not adequately filled to feed pets


Pets without names could be stored in a unique location on your account (like a "barn" or "bin" or etc) and not require food. This would allow users to collect certain pets and/or colors without damaging the name market but still encourage them to be active on site for the sake of their named pets. 

New interfaces for pet/color collectors should be created as well. Trophies and rewards would be great!

There should be an option to "unname" your pet as well as the ability to resurrect your pet without naming it, which would place it in the designated area on your account for unnamed pets.

This will change the demand for name tags, but since no one uses CP (real money) to buy tags there will be no financial loss for Rescreatu. 


3:48pm Feb 9 2019

Normal User

Posts: 2,713
At first glance, I was initially against this idea, but after reading through your post, I must say that this is very well thought-out and I truly think that this would help the site by putting more names and pets into circulation. Support!

Officially the Albino Veram King.

58/100 albino Veram


4:05pm Feb 9 2019 (last edited on 4:07pm Feb 9 2019)

Normal User

Posts: 571
Although it has it's benefits, I really hope this idea doesn't come into effect on res because it's the exact reason I, as well as other users I'm sure, have quit so many other virtual pet sites. I hate constantly having to feed and care for them. -I do not support >_>


4:17pm Feb 9 2019

Normal User

Posts: 1,018
Read this all and highly against it.

I'm a collector and my long term goal is to collect one of each creatu. I'm also a mother and like many of the other long time playing players on the site...don't have the time or the ability to make the tu to feed the pets let alone be able to still focus on our goals.

My main source of income was stocks and since those were knocked I can't make my 20 to 23m once in a while anymore. Hatching good colors is very very rare. And it takes forever to make a profit as a merchant unless you are lucky enough to get rare items (and for people not to make them really cheap) or be able to purchase CS items to sell. Making tu to feed my collection will be impossible, along with no tu whats so ever to continue the game even. Collecting it a main focus of this site, maybe if breeding was put in this would be okay but without breeding I don't see the good out of this.

Hatching rates for colors would have to go up for this to even be a thing in my opinion to. Esp with Kir if that is a focus on this idea.

Patrick even hinted that the unique names might be taken away also, so... 

Also with feeding, you can use an everlasting food item, but even that would take time to feed pets to leave no time to do anything else on the site. (would take me a couple hours most likely just to feed) I also find no point on letting pets sit in the graveyard also. The site would lose players and potential players if you can't keep the pets you want.


4:18pm Feb 9 2019

Normal User

Posts: 418
I'm going to support this :o Its a unique and creative idea, and while people would be very against it, a system in place that is something along the lines of this could/would very much help :o

Cetari are puplic transport on Scria and you can\'t change my mind >:O

5:06pm Feb 9 2019

Normal User

Posts: 28
I support this idea entirely (not just because I threw ideas back at Ori but because it's actually a really, really good idea).

It's not a punishment to users who collect Creatu, it's not an encouragement to stop collecting Creatu, it's a means to be more involved with the site, the mechanics of Creatu going hungry and dying and a chance to put Creatu, tu, and names back in circulation.

Food is not that expensive and not that difficult to obtain. The Stocks being capped is not a bad thing, either. With time, the prices on items will drop thanks to inflation going down. You'll be able to make roughly 10m a week with the way the stocks are going now. You can either:
 1) Hire some one to buy food for you (I have done this a few times because I don't have time to play this game often),
or 2) If you have the time, buy up NPC food items OR hit up the players' merchant shops and find their cheapest items and buy them up to fill your food pen.
And the cool thing about the food pen is it is literally limitless. You don't have to pay into it to get more space. Just throw all your food in there and all your pets are fed.

There's also the Apple Tree. Free food every day for every pet. You can keep them from starving to death by doing this.

There are plenty of opportunities to purchase food items. It'll get tu rolling around in the economy, which is very good. I get you don't have time, I get that you want to collect a lot of Creatu. I do too. I have way, way more Creatu than I should and I'll probably end up picking favourites and selling the rest because I might just not be able to afford feeding them all, really.

So as it is, either you start spending a bit more tu to keep your pets, or sell them and help others get their Kir game going OR!!!!!!!!! Help others collect creatu they've wanted as well. it doesn't necessarily have to be about Kir, too. Other people want pets and are just unlucky with hatches. Meanwhile, Buttface McGee here has like 30 of that pet and colour. And 30 of every other kind of pet as well. Of each colour. Butface McGee can't feed ALL of them, so he has to pick which ones he wants to keep and can afford to feed. Now you, the wanting player, will get a chance at a new lower-priced pet that you've always wanted!!!! YES. THIS IS GOOD.

Then there will be those Richy McRich-Pants who will be able to afford to feed all 1k of their Creatu. Good for you. They are going to--more often than not--buy from user shops or hire some one to help them buy enough food to feed their copious amounts of Creatu. YES. THIS IS ALSO GOOD. TU IS NO LONGER GROWING STAGNANT ON ACCOUNTS AND NOW BEING PUT TOWARDS THE COMMUNITY.

I know I just echoed Ori's ideas back again with a few different points, but her idea is legitimate and well-thought out. She isn't just throwing this idea out there to punish people for having a lot of Creatu and to snag up those names (I mean, look at her showroom. It's delicious in there). The idea is meant to help the bolster the economy and help encourage users taking an active role in taking care of your pets. On a pet site.


5:43pm Feb 9 2019


Posts: 2,155
I have to say, this is incredibly well thought out, and I am surprised that I actually love it. Total support.

**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚♫ and the haters gonna hate hate hate hate hate ♫**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚

12:22am Feb 10 2019

Normal User

Posts: 3,011
Ehh,'s a big thought.
I have to go against this.
Would make the game too annoying.

In 38 colors, and a thousand black
Gondras later... I rise over my
Army as the Gondra Queen!

6:16pm Feb 10 2019

Normal User

Posts: 89
in favor for sure. very well thought out. but i also buy 100+ food items each time i log on so i feel no threat. others may feel differently. 


6:22pm Feb 10 2019

Normal User

Posts: 49
I think an Alternative idea is getting rid of the naming convention completely, the only thing that the current naming convention does is reward those who were here 12 years ago when the site started and were lucky enough to get the name.

I think feeding the 1300 pets I have will just be annoying unless I can stick them on my profile and the food pen is changed so that everlasting items feed all your pets and don't vanish after first use.


6:26pm Feb 10 2019 (last edited on 6:28pm Feb 10 2019)

Normal User

Posts: 356
Hey, I'm all for it. I used to have pages and pages of pets that would just sit in my showtoom, while another user would ask me constantly if creatu A or B was for sale. I didn't find it fair that I had a pet sitting, stagnant, while another user was wanting to put the pet on their profile, give it a pet page, and all the love it deserves.

Creature collecting is a really cool and fun concept, but it's not my style. I want Rescreatu to be a website that is welcoming and open to new users who are given a challenge, but a challenge that everyone can participate in of all ages. Making owning pets more affordable and obtainable.  

Edit: I think pet names should remain unique because that's what makes Rescreatu so amazing. A pet you own has its very own name, no other pet like it.  But if you could only keep 100 of your favorite creatu, which 100 would you choose? That's still a lot of creatu. And it would make a lot of other users extremely happy.


6:32pm Feb 10 2019

Normal User

Posts: 2,122
Dearest Kina: u kno ily
plz do not hit me
k thnx u



While this is very thought out and would seem like a good idea...
I'm all with Kelpie on this one.
I have quit/gotten bored/gotten annoyed of many other sites because you have to feed/take care of them everyday.

There are many people who don't even have time to come online and hatch
This would be really devastating to those who can't be online everyday
Or for those who can't come online for any particular reason
(Some big family emergency, have no internet, etc)
It wouldn't be fair to those people that all their hardwork would just be shoved down the toilet.

If I could not come online for a while due to some unfortunate events and I came back and all my hard work was destroyed (names mainly) I would not care to come back/continue/start over.
And I know there are people who share that same opinion.

Rescreatu is unique in the way that you can have x amount of pets without worrying about taking care of them.
I know the whole name thing is an issue, but there are other sites who do the same thing. And they're still up and popping.

If this was implemented it would make the showroom useless.
It would have no purpose.
Who wants to take their pets out everyday to feed them ?

Showroom could be turned into a "hotel" of sorts. Have to pay a small fee to let them stay in there for x amount of days without having to take care of them
But then it comes back to the whole rich players thing

I just don't think this site would survive well if this was implemented.
I feel a lot of older users would quit.
You'd have some newer users sure, but I feel they'd stick around for a few months and quit
And it would just cycle.

And one of the best parts of res is the community
Everyone knows everyone (for the most part)
I truly feel that it would not have that connection anymore.

I do not support this.


6:33pm Feb 10 2019

Normal User

Posts: 736
I support the idea. 

Yes this site is a collectors site, however what is the point of the creatu having a hunger status if you can put them in a box for them to do nothing. If you stick your cat in a cage with no food, it is not going to live happily ever after.

There are other sites that have no feeding option and the pets are more akin to trading cards. The creatu here can actually be interacted with so it is only right that you have to take all the bells and whistles into consideration.

If Users are really adamant against this, couldn't another possibility be that a  'Cryostasis' room (essentially what the showroom is) but there being a limit/cost each time you deposit or 'Thaw out' a pet. 

Knightly Lord of Paor.
33 unique bois

6:37pm Feb 10 2019

Normal User

Posts: 371
As someone who has played this game for many years and frequently left and came back, I don't think I can agree with this. All of the pets that I have spent countless tu on would have been gone. Not to mention, in regards to feeding pets found in rancher shops, it's not necessarily that easy to sell certain pets that aren't as desirable than others. Many pets sit in ranchers for days, weeks, months, maybe longer before getting sold. That would be a lot of food that a rancher would have to buy in order to sustain their "trade," if you will, something that merchants would not have to do. Considering a merchant could technically stock their entire shop with things they did not have to buy/restock, that doesn't seem fair to me.

In my opinion, there needs to be more of a focus on clearing accounts of old users who have quit or have been inactive for a certain period of time. As you said, if this were to be implemented, then there would have to be an accurate and frequent notification method to inform users of dying pets, especially considering many users have literally hundreds of Creatu. Additionally, the NPC shops would have to restock a lot more food to keep up with the demand. 

The fact of the matter is that not as many people play Res now compared to 08 when I started. I haven't seen more than 35 users online at a time in I don't know how long. I think that having to feed and sustain every individual creatu would be a deterrent to new users, not an attractant. And people who leave only to come back later would not want to start over if all of their pets and unique RWNs that they worked for were dead, and would probably just leave permanently. Not to mention many users, such as myself, are mostly passive players who don't want to devote hours upon hours to caring for pets in this manner.

I think there would have to be a lot of adjustments in order to put this idea in place and even then I don't think it would be a good idea. I don't think that this is the right way to fix it or to stimulate the economy. But that's just my two cents.


8:03pm Feb 10 2019

Normal User

Posts: 28
"While this is very thought out and would seem like a good idea...
I'm all with Kelpie on this one.
I have quit/gotten bored/gotten annoyed of many other sites because you have to feed/take care of them everyday."

The cool thing about the food pen is that it does it for you. The Creatu would be eating out of the food pen instead of you having to manually do it yourself. You even have a "Feed your pets now" button there to use so you don't have to go through the arduous task of hand-picking your favourites to feed and let the others starve because you are pressed for time or (like me) are lazy LOL.

"There are many people who don't even have time to come online and hatch
This would be really devastating to those who can't be online everyday"

That's why it takes 25? days for a pet to starve to death and lose its name. Chances are people who have every intention of coming back to the game have a way of ensuring that doesn't happen within 25 days.

"Or for those who can't come online for any particular reason
(Some big family emergency, have no internet, etc)
It wouldn't be fair to those people that all their hardwork would just be shoved down the toilet."

That's what happens, though. You gotta work to keep what you got. It shouldn't be a "hey you achieved it foreverrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr" type thing. It loses its lustre. You achieved it and then you lose the thrill of it because there's nothing stopping you from not having it anymore. You can't tell me that every single one of the dream pets you have that you put effort towards getting you still feel that overwhelming sense of accomplishment. Every. Single. One. Not just the ones you can think of that prove me wrong, but every single pet in your showroom.

"If this was implemented it would make the showroom useless.
It would have no purpose.
Who wants to take their pets out everyday to feed them ?"

Again, wouldn't necessarily have to take them out. Just code it so they eat from the Food Pen.

"Showroom could be turned into a "hotel" of sorts. Have to pay a small fee to let them stay in there for x amount of days without having to take care of them
But then it comes back to the whole rich players thing"

This won't work as a solution because we want to create a flow of tu into the economy. If we're just dumping tu into the abyss. Which solves no problems and creates more. So I'm glad you agree that charging a simple fee will not solve anything. n__n

"I just don't think this site would survive well if this was implemented.
I feel a lot of older users would quit."

Some of the older users have come and supported this idea. They're not threatening to quit because we're suggesting an extra challenge to the game. They're quitting because there is no challenge to this game.

"You'd have some newer users sure, but I feel they'd stick around for a few months and quit
And it would just cycle."

That's what's happening now. I don't think this will be the cause of them quitting down the road when the site generously has given them 25 days to resurrect their starved Creatu before any permanent consequence happens.

"And one of the best parts of res is the community
Everyone knows everyone (for the most part)
I truly feel that it would not have that connection anymore."

I sincerely doubt that people would up and stop being friends with each other if everyone had to feed their Creatu in their Showroom. It is because of this small, tight-knit community that people will be more willing to work together to help one another. To prevent a person from losing their name that they worked so hard towards getting. Jimbob would see that HenryJr's prized pet name, Flufflebutt, is in the graveyard and will probably lose its name.
Jimbob, a good person, will think "Man, if HenryJr lost that name, he'd be really upset. I better snag the name and take care of it until he gets back from dealing with his grandmother's spontaneous combustion condition."
Jimbob will snatch the name when the pet dies, nurture the pet until HenryJr has finally put his grandmother's fire out once and for all, and everyone will be happy.

Sorry if it seems like I'm singling you out, Kani. I'm really not trying to! You brought up some good concerns and I just wish to address them specifically, that's all. I would have done it to my other post but I was on mobile and I'm lazy LOL ;__;

"[...] Many pets sit in ranchers for days, weeks, months, maybe longer before getting sold. That would be a lot of food that a rancher would have to buy in order to sustain their "trade," if you will, something that merchants would not have to do. Considering a merchant could technically stock their entire shop with things they did not have to buy/restock, that doesn't seem fair to me."

A solution to this would be to make it so that pets in Ranchers are taken care of automatically through some lore reason. Like the Guardians or some passing by shoppers or something. Or perhaps since it's technically on a ranch their food is there naturally, Whatever the case may be.
And to prevent users from abusing this would be to either 
1) Pets' names will be lost upon stocking the pet in the rancher (People who sell names make forums/start auctions for that anyways).
2) Putting a limit on how many pets can be stocked in the shop.
3) Pets get hungry slower when in the rancher (Thanks for that idea Ori).
4)  Do nothing about this problem at all and encourage users to price their pets competitively so their stock actually moves instead of letting it sit there forever until some one feels like buying the pet.

There's no trading jobs anymore. Classes are dead now so everyone has a fair chance at making tu either way. Pat removed classes so we all can access both shops now! n__n

"In my opinion, there needs to be more of a focus on clearing accounts of old users who have quit or have been inactive for a certain period of time. As you said, if this were to be implemented, then there would have to be an accurate and frequent notification method to inform users of dying pets, especially considering many users have literally hundreds of Creatu. Additionally, the NPC shops would have to restock a lot more food to keep up with the demand. 
I think there would have to be a lot of adjustments in order to put this idea in place and even then I don't think it would be a good idea. I don't think that this is the right way to fix it or to stimulate the economy. But that's just my two cents."

There does need to be a focus on clearing inactive users' accounts, but then what? After they're cleared and the names shuffled... what then? Return to being an inactive site again? This isn't some mobile game like AFK Heroes where you win even when you're not playing. This site won't survive that way. Right now, what you're seeing is the affects of AFK playing where people rarely interact, rarely do anything, and log off for months and months and contribute nothing to the growth of the site. Rescreatu is a dying game and encouraging users to be active and play in order to keep what they've worked towards is not a bad thing to do. There needs to be something to keep users coming back, there needs to be something that pushes users to interact with others, whether by chatting or offering services/supplies.

Making changes to adjust the site to this fix won't be the worst thing in the world. If it does get implemented, then changes will need to happen, yes. Should we discard the idea because it involves more adjustments? No.

"If Users are really adamant against this, couldn't another possibility be that a  'Cryostasis' room (essentially what the showroom is) but there being a limit/cost each time you deposit or 'Thaw out' a pet. "

That is a horrifying idea. D: LOL

"I think feeding the 1300 pets I have will just be annoying unless I can stick them on my profile and the food pen is changed so that everlasting items feed all your pets and don't vanish after first use."

I'm not totally against you in the idea of making infinite food items actually work in food pens...


8:28pm Feb 10 2019

Normal User

Posts: 3,011
I have 4871 pets.
I don't want to feed them all,
And alot of us pay big for names.
If this Whent into effect,
I would stop coming here.

In 38 colors, and a thousand black
Gondras later... I rise over my
Army as the Gondra Queen!

9:34pm Feb 10 2019

Normal User

Posts: 443

Thank you all for taking so much time to respond to this post! ;u;
I really appreciate all of your contributions to this discussion!
So many great points have been made that I want to expand upon & debate!

I am updating the first two posts now and I will be responding tomorrow when I'm on my pc! :)


9:56am Feb 11 2019

Normal User

Posts: 115
I support this a thousand times. 
I think a must would be ability to "bulk buy" quantities from merchant shops like you can NPC's. I've got so many pets that just sit; it would be cool to pick out which collections or names you really value enough to take care of continuously.
This would help Res become more of a game you play and less of a collection of accounts.

1:54pm Feb 11 2019 (last edited on 2:24pm Feb 11 2019)

Normal User

Posts: 443

Sorry it took me a while to collect my thoughts!
I'll try to keep this as succinct as possible!

First of all I want to reinforce what Tchaikovsky said -
It would be cool to pick out which collections or names you really value enough to take care of continuously."
I think the game really lacks this element currently, and it's part of what creates a stagnant market. There's not enough reason to put your pets back in circulation, to cultivate and prune your collection carefully, or even to give a damn about the pets you have collected.


I should have clarified in my first post that the food pen should be changed to feed ALL pets on your account. This would mean just throwing food in your pen on occasion.
In addition to the food pen feeding your pets I have added to my first post to list other ways we can make this idea easier and more convenient - such as making bulk food buying easier, getting free food from REs and adding common food items to the seasonal egg hunt to further reward and simplify life for active users.

And that's the key here - we don't want to punish users or make their lives harder - we just want to give a reason to be on regularly and continue playing the game! I envision this system as not being much of a burden at all for players. Feeding your pets is really the only requirement currently for caring for your pet - and it's such a minimal part of the game currently that you can easily avoid it all together. This would only mean putting in a bit of effort to keep your pets, which is still significantly less than other pet sites that require caring for your pet.

It will of course require you to log in on occasion and do a bit more.
But we should WANT users to do that! Even if this seems like a burden for you personally, imagine what the game will be like with more active people! The markets will function better, you can play kir with more ease, you will be able to find names you really like, there will be more users to buy your items, pets and services - you will get more out of this game by putting in a small amount of effort yourself. :)

I hear you there! I am adjusting to this change too! I added some ideas to the first two posts of this thread to help with this issue. Multiple ways to collect free and easy food will be necessary. Adding food to features that you already use will also help with the cost - such as getting frequent food (or maybe a chest/bag of many food items!) through REs and the seasonal egg hunt. You might think that defeats the purpose of this idea - but it doesn't! The idea is only partly about getting people to spend tu on food. The main idea is to keep people active on the site! Requiring and also rewarding users for participating in egg hunts and daily activities on site should ease the burden of feeding their pets, and keep them around!

I have to say I am really against this. Names are a BIG part of Rescreatu. A significant part of a pet's value is the name, and if we got rid of that overnight it would devastate the value of many accounts that belong to long time, loyal and active players. There are other pet sites that function just fine with unique names (look at Neopets), they just need to be balanced in ways that keep names circulating through the hands of ACTIVE players.

I really empathize with this concern - I do! I had to stop playing when my life got crazy a few years ago. But to be honest, I would have continued to sign in once a month to feed my pets if I had really thought they'd be at risk of losing their names. With a reasonable number of pets this task really shouldn't take long at all (again - we will need to make food collecting/buying quicker and easier of course). Even with no changes to shops or food supplies, this still shouldn't be a monumental task. I have a good number of pets on my profile, and I haven't added food to my pen in ages.

Other measures could be put in place to help protect users that may forget to feed their pets for a time - such as a warning system through email notifications (most people still check email even if they aren't playing pet sites) to let them know their pets need to be fed.

I also think that if this is accepted as a regular part of the game, users will come to understand and accept it and if they care about their accounts enough they will just keep their pens well stocked with food.

I think the function of the showroom would really remain the same - showrooms are for pets you still like, but are not your favorites and that you don't want to display on your profile. It's still a storage for pets and a nice way to display your larger collection compared to your profile.
This would just mean that they require care to retain.

If you are among the users that can say they've been here for 5+ years, congratulations! That's great! However, for every one user that has stuck it out, or come back after a long hiatus, there's at least 20 others that logged in, played for a year or less, and never logged back in. If you came back from a log hiatus and now play again regularly you are among a very significant minority. It may seem like there's a decent amount of old users around now - but the number of users that are never going to play again is much, much larger. Just looking at my respals (I joined in 2007) there's barely any friends on there that still play who haven't joined within the last few years. If you think we're going to alienate old users, you should consider how few of them are even still logging in, and then ask yourself if the game should be more concerned with losing old users than it is with keeping active, current users around.

Also, as Rae (my lover) said - there are several old users who have come here to support this idea. I think we should value what they are saying, and realize that they are willing to participate in this!

I'd also like to mention here - imagine how this will change the game for newer users. Currently, a new user sees the system as it is and thinks, "Wow, there's no chance in hell I'm getting my hands on a decent name - they stay on accounts forever!" If this system were implemented, new users would actually see the possibility of participating in one of the most lucrative markets on site - the name market - and even be able to have name goals for themselves. This means new users sticking around longer, playing more loyally, and watching those graveyards for new available names! This will also make it MUCH more fair than the last name clearing, where names were freed up en masse, and they still mostly ended up on older accounts. If you are a user with lots of nice names that fears losing them, imagine how the game feels for a user that doesn't own a single RWN or RN. I don't expect you to change your ways out of a moral obligation - this is still a competitive game after all! - but if there was a system that encouraged you to dispense some of those names back into the game you would be making the game more fun for others AND you too would benefit from it!

Well for starters, classes are gone - we are ALL ranchers AND merchants now, so the burden is equal no matter what. However, I do agree that rancher shops could allow pets to get hungry slower. They couldn't go without being fed however, it defeats the purpose of the system.
Pets should also be priced upon placing them in your rancher - 'invisible' pets should not be a thing (even now - this is an issue). And again, easy free food needs to be a part of the game so that people who want to can lessen their monetary burden.

Absolutely. They won't be losing anything except their names however. Which yes, is a SIGNIFICANT investment and would suck to lose in many cases. But again, we need to care more about users who are sticking around and logging in than users that aren't playing the game. This is to improve the game for people that are PLAYING the game!
If someone comes back they will still have their tu, the pets (minus names) and items they left on their account. It will be a bummer for sure - but users should know if they want to keep their names they need to come on more than once in a blue moon.

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