Limiting Pets

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12:16pm Feb 16 2019 (last edited on 12:22pm Feb 16 2019)


Posts: 394
"With all due respect, Patrick, in your initial response to this thread you said not to take anything you said as being in support of or against the idea. However, after reading through your posts, my feeling is that you tend to challenge or question responses that are against the idea much more often than you do reasons in favor of the idea."

This thread is about a specific idea. I'm attempting to help the discussion by pointing out incorrect statements, to guide people away from obvious hyperbole, and to challenge weak points. This actually gives users an opportunity to build a stronger case for their opinion - either way, they lean.

For example, if someone makes the argument that all their pets will die within a week if this suggestion is implemented, then I really can't take the argument as seriously as I maybe should, because it's not true.

Another example - the discussion goes nowhere if everyone just keeps repeating it would be too expensive to feed their pets (disregarding pages and pages of responses to that point). So to help nudge it along, I made the suggestion that we pretend food is free.

Again, not a statement of support or no support. Just trying to challenge people to make their best case.

It won't be possible for me to use input either way in this thread if the arguments aren't well reasoned. I believe the real reasons some people don't like this idea are getting obfuscated. I'm hoping to help people make more clear arguments so that I can have a true understanding of all of your opinions.

In the end, I don't make any decisions based on popularity contests anyway. The number of people for or against this idea really won't have much sway in any decision I ever make. The arguments presented are much more likely to influence what we do in the future.


3:55pm Feb 16 2019 (last edited on 3:57pm Feb 16 2019)

Normal User

Posts: 1,018
I'm on a tablet so I'll just say I still stand by all my previous posts.

Food need to show hunger points, even if this doesn't go into effect. Once upon a time before I had an everlasting item; I would have more pets on my profile than I do now which is around 20. And back than I would be mainly buying food and it was way slow to go on with anything else in the game...but my point is food in my foodpen would last 2 to 5 days for around 40 pets. How many hunger points food items give can make pens empty faster in the long run.

Plus if food was free. And someone still went past that idea? Either way that'd help if we got free food every day that'd help each pet we own. But that'd go passed one of the two main focus of this thread.  Freeing names and getting tu going through players. Everyone would buy from NPC shops; to try to keep up with feeding their pets hopeing the food feeds enough hunger points, or sell for higher to try to make the tu to keep up with the hunger/demand. I for one wouldn't price my rancher pets cheap or affordable to make up the cost of feeding them. And like I said one of the two main focus of this thread is to get tu closing through players which buying from NPC shops and the blessing of free food for all creatu we own won't help.

At this point in time with everything else you can do on Res I can't see feeding being without a one year warning.

Like I seen some ideas in here to maybe help bring activity. Like more mini events. Like how Toby thought he found a new creatu which lead to the whole take away the Shrines bit BUT with helping Toby we got a lunch box! Maybe more mini events to give out items to go with the problems of us helping the NPC's. Bring back Madigan or whatever the name of the Zenirix around St Patrick's Day, bring back the beads around Mardi Gras, special squishies like on Mothers and Fathers Day but a new creatu each time. OH maybe even a new mini event that lasts a week? Spring cleaning of items which each time you hand in an item you get more and more points and stop at a certain number to make get a reward and have tiers of rewards. More updates like mini events or new clothes new food new toys and such will also help bring people around.

Another thing that kept people around in the past was role-playing in the forums. At one point there was a few active displays going which brought in a good amount of people. I think I was maybe on a hiatus when my daughter was born and was unable to get on more than once in a blue moon the first few months and maybe during that time the forums died. Maybe the forums need updating to bring the followers back?

I also wanted to point out, but wanted to think so I myself didn't seem harsh. But someone said they went through something really bad and was able to still get on and do what they needed. Not everyone can. I for one don't have a cellphone to get on, recently this Christmas I just got a tablet for my daughter and myself to share. If a flood or something would happen I wouldn't be home on my computer or be able to plug in to charge the tablet to get on. If I were to be in the hospital for whatever reason I wouldn't be able to get on. If I didn't have this tablet I wouldn't be able to get on if my computer crashed for good. And I have no other way to get on and no friends to go to to get on. Not everyone can get on if something sudden happens. And if something sudden happens you don't have to worry about most of your pets dying. Just wanted to throw this last bit out aswell. I for one as I stated before was gone basically for the first few months of my daughters life, only my profile pets died which wasn't that long to revive them, comparing hundreds if they had to be all fed.


4:46pm Feb 16 2019

Normal User

Posts: 3,011
How about a new section,
Prior to the SR.
Maybe a Cryo~freeze chamber..system.
We can start with 10 cryo tubes..
That can be viewed like the SR,
So you don't have to feed,and it'll never age.
Every time we would want a new tube,or chamber..
It'll be 1mil deposit,or upgrade.
I don't know,I mean the sr is like one to begin with,
But its an idea.

I Super Support a gardening system!
Trees,bushes,plants,vines..and more.
But instead of a potted planter,
Can we have a garden area outside,
On planets??
Like in there own Martin soils?
Maybe pizza trees can only be planted on
Reiflem,and atquati berries on atquati?
Maybe random event seed packets,you can find.

I like the ideas that it'll take a lot longer
For pets to get hungry in the sr.
I mean they aren't with you..
They laze around.
So why not.

Still I am against feeding my hoard,
Of 5 thousand,plus rancher pets.
That is insane!
I'm used to an old way,
A way of collecting without much
I feel like,I'm going to be Punished,for playing
The game as it is now.
What if people lost internet,
Due to a storm,or due to not having the
Money,or late on bills.
Its not fair.
I got an idea though.

Lets say,you are going away,or sick,
Or net is going to be cut,for who knows how long.
Well...why not make a 'freeze'  button in the SR.
It can't be abused..because,
This button will deactivate,once you log back in!
See??!! Right when you click the freeze,
It'll stay frozen in time,for till
Next log in.
But the freeze button will log you out of res,
As a frozen log out.

I still think,
A rancher is a ranch,
And should not needed to be fed.
Maybe limiting ranches to only stock up to 100,
So people don't use them to stock pets for the sake,
Just to not feed,and not sell..maybe?

In 38 colors, and a thousand black
Gondras later... I rise over my
Army as the Gondra Queen!

5:11pm Feb 16 2019


Posts: 2,155
Ooh, adding onto the idea of planet specific foods, I think only planet residents should be able to grow foods from their planet. Bringing back planet-specific eggs would be awesome also. It gives new users an absolutely free way to make TU, and keeps the value of the eggs more balanced from what I remember.

**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚♫ and the haters gonna hate hate hate hate hate ♫**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚

10:23pm Feb 16 2019 (last edited on 9:13am Feb 19 2019)

Normal User

Posts: 89
Do not agree with this, not one bit. Cannot support this idea at all. That is the whole purpose of having the showroom and such. 

There can be other ways to stimulate the economy. There has been many other suggestions over the years and basically they have been ignored.

Stop making the site worse off, instead of actually making it better.

Doing this would make certain things basically useless like the showroom. Just as the auction has now been basically dead now that classes have been removed, the once ranchers dont use it, now theres only a couple things in there to bid on.

By doing things like this your actually limiting the things to do here on the site instead of actually expanding on the site.

And as far as your comment of doing things like to to bring back some of the older players. I am one of those original players an have seen all the changes. Its changes like this that have chased them off, unfortunately. I dont see changes like this to help progress the site in the right direction it needs to go, especially in Hope's to bring back older players.

There should be no changes at all to the infinite food items to limit how many pets they feed per day or week that's why its called an infinite food item.

And on another note, it seems that many are on the trend that prices for items and pets need to be reduced in shops. You actually think that this idea is going to achieve this? In the end it will not, it will actually raise the prices of pets being sold, when you have to feed them every day before they get sold. These prices will get folded in prices set for pets.

"I Touched Her Thigh And Death Smiled"


12:09am Feb 17 2019

Normal User

Posts: 557
I do not support this idea as well.


2:24am Feb 17 2019

Normal User

Posts: 65
I am against this idea. 
I love hanging around on here.... when I have time but, I work, have a baby and other real life commitments and as such don't have a lot of free time. 
Personally, I come here to relax, I do not like spending all my time working through quests, picking apples or stalking shops. I barely take enough time to gather eggs to hatch for each day. I am also not a collector of names, so this aspect of the game is not of huge interest to me. What I do enjoy is collecting pets, attempting to get one of each color etc...
 I know there are some suggestions on here to work around some of these concerns and some of them are quite good so i will be interested to see what does come from this thread but I do hope that the feeding of all your pets does not come about. 

8:29am Feb 17 2019 (last edited on 10:31am Feb 23 2019)

Normal User

Posts: 51
Edit: All concerns addressed by Oriette, Patrick, and other users. :)

Original Post [unchanged]: 

I will say for sake of argument, Patrick, if food were truly free, I would be for this idea much more, mostly because then I wouldn't have to pay to try and sell pets in my rancher. But as soon as food is not free, it does make a big difference for me and I am not for it.

I think that the proposed idea would need to be paired with other changes that really add the the site's gameplay (instead of merely adding restrictions) in order for its mission to be truly successful. 

Feeding creatu on your account aside, I would love it if there were gardening and gardening was something you could do with your creatu. 

It would be cool to actually be able to do something with a creatu's stats. Right now you can't really do anything with your creatu except stock them and make pet pages for them. It'd be cool to be able to engage in activities on the site with them.

I know this has been suggested before - different creatu with certain stats help you find rarer eggs or, you know, just have some impact on your gameplay and it incentivizes upping your creatu's stats. Now people want books for more than just collections, but for raising their creatu's intellect. That's pretty cool. 

Also something that Res could do that would be pretty fun is make there some competition between users from different planets. Like, users who give the most creatu to this one guardian deity of their own planet win certain bonuses on the game ie, greater chance of hatching rarer colors, maybe rewarded something that gets them some cool egg, etc - but you're rewarded more from said deity by giving them creatu where you've actually upped their stats or something like that... 

I dunno, something like that. I think it would be something we could definitely implement on Res.

he was a man of suffering, familiar with pain...

1:05pm Feb 17 2019

Normal User

Posts: 5
I have played on res for quite some time, on and off for years. I think the idea WOULD actually benefit the site more so as a pet site, although I understand the other side. I like to collect the pets I have, snd I don’t habe any RWNs but as someone pointed out, I did name my pets something specific to the pet and it would suck to lose the name. But it isn’t just about the NAME, it’s that that particular pet lost its name. I think if it was set up in a way that, like you said, pets died slower, it would continue being as beneficial as expected and not as far-fetched and hard to keep up with as some people are assuming. I think maybe something else that would put people at ease is having the option to maybe message admin in a case where something comes up and you are going to be unable to be on Res, you could have something like an account freeze, for a specific amount of time. I don’t know how difficult that would be, but maybe a system similar to support tickets, it would Almost be an application for account freeze? As someone else mentioned as well, I think a trial period of this and a sufficient buffer between warning and start of revamp would be a really great idea for everyone to get a feel for an understand how it’d apply in every day gaming. Maybe even giving people a chance to vote on new revamp before officially and permanently implementing it? 

1:06pm Feb 17 2019

Normal User

Posts: 5
Also ps sorry for crappy typing, I’m on mobile

5:58am Feb 18 2019

Normal User

Posts: 570
This probably has been said before but I’m gonna throw it out in case it hasn’t. 

I’m a hoarder style player but I also have a few pets that have been named/given effects because I find them well suited. If this was implemented, I have a lot of pets that I don’t particularly care about the names from but I do have some that I do care about. I’d be much more receptive to the idea if there was a way to only feed certain pets while letting others starve i.e. as others have suggested, only feeding certain categories in your SR rather than the entire thing. It’s incredibly daunting to imagine having to suddenly feed >2000 pets vs 20. Also preferably during the process of killing most pets to save the names I care about, I don’t want to have 100-200 pets on my profile to feed because that impedes other game functions especially because of the way we have to select specific pets for certain tasks. 


11:39am Feb 18 2019

Normal User

Posts: 615
I am sorry, but I can not support this idea.  I can not feed all the pets in my show room, but I wanted one of each in each colour, which makes the Show Room large.  I log on regularly, but do not have time to do this let alone buy/collect the food.  Part of the reason I like Res so much is that you do not have to do the daily hassle of finding/buying food just to keep the pixels that you have invested a lot of time and effort into.  People have worked to get a nice collection of names/Creatu, I don't think they should be penalised for that.


11:44am Feb 18 2019 (last edited on 11:54am Feb 18 2019)

Normal User

Posts: 615
P.S: but I do like the fact people are discussing it and offering other suggestions, so it's like a suggestion, suggestion thread.  From a personal point, I also would not mind the majority of my creatu being nameless and just keeping the handful of names I want to keep fed, I would still have the creatu I have worked/Spent an ton of Tu on, so a separate Barn area or something for creatu hoarders, with no name creatu really appeals to me.


12:28pm Feb 18 2019

Normal User

Posts: 4,848
I would very much not like this to happen.  I'm about to go on a long emotional explanation and I'm gonna make it clear that I gosh darn know that these are pixels and they don't exist.  You don't need to tell me.  I know.

A few pets in my showroom are extremely sentimental to me.  To the point that I'd be so crushed if they ever were taken away.  I also go inactive for long periods of time.  Hell, if I never went on this account I'd still want them to be there.  Why?  Those pets represent the last remnants of people that mean a lot to me.  People who I will probably never see again.  People who may even be dead (I know at least one is thanks to context clues from friends of theirs).  I am the only one who feels the emotional background behind those pets.  Knowing that they're still in my account, even if I'm never on again, feels like it's keeping their memory and my love for them alive.  It feels...  Extremely grimy and invasive to think that if I forget about this site for a long period of time (like I do a lot, I havent been on here a long time before now and probably will have another long time I'm away again) Someone else will snatch them and their names up, not knowing how important they are and not knowing they literally are all I have left to keep my own memory of someone alive.  I guess some of my pets are like a memorial, if I think hard about it.  If they were deleted or released or whatever it'd be disheartening.

Also I'd like to say that a lot of people (like me) suffer from depression and lack of motivation, and this idea of making them feed all the pets they care about is actively sabotaging people who can't keep up with the food pen and such because of mental or physical illnesses.  I sure couldn't keep up with that even if there were a million alerts.  My life is stressful enough and I know for a fact this would add to the stress.

One more thing.  I have a ton of crappily named natural Vaspi and Zaphao.  I love them.  They're so cute.  Am I to be punished for having a bunch of pets that literally no one else would want?  Like no one wants my natural Vaspi named MrBuggoBoy or my natural Zaphao named SnicketyDoo or ziviawi...  It'd be pointless to make me have to feed him just because I want to keep him because no one else would even want them and at the same time I wouldn't want to take resources away from pets I super care about and abandon my naturals...

So, yeah.  This subject is really... Hard to talk about.  I had to take breaks and think about what to say, and I still feel like I barely got my point across.  I just really hope this doesn't ever happen.  It'd be really painful for me to deal with on top of all this other real stress, I don't need virtual fake stress too.


2:10pm Feb 18 2019 (last edited on 2:19pm Feb 18 2019)


Posts: 2,155
ribunny, if all you had to do was log in once a month to keep your account active and pets safe, would that be acceptable? If no, why not?

(editing to add that it would take longer than a month after not logging in to lose any names, it's not like they'd be lost instantly.)

**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚♫ and the haters gonna hate hate hate hate hate ♫**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚

10:30pm Feb 18 2019 (last edited on 10:39pm Feb 18 2019)

Normal User

Posts: 443

Sorry for my lack of posts here! 
I needed a 24 hour mental hiatus from life in general :'D

I've decided to just refine & update my first two posts at this point since I don't see too many new arguments against the idea being posted. At this point I don't expect any sane human to read all 10 pages of comments! So I totally understand if you have repeated points that were already brought up! I just don't think it's a good use of my time to repeat myself a bunch, I hope that's understandable!

I've pretty much entirely rewritten the first post to make more clear arguments and respond to some more common concerns. Reading the first post might have a response now to something you brought up! :)

It's a bit slow going but I'm trying to add improvement ideas to the second post as well, I just have to read through and find them again... o_o So many great ideas in here! A lot of these ideas I really liked but didn't respond to because I had nothing to add! But I'll make sure they get added to the first or second post!


I would like to say, to anyone who has created memorial pets for loved ones or etc, I encourage you to create other, more secure monuments to their memory. Not just because of a suggestion like this, but because Rescreatu is not the most static thing in the universe. In the past it has been hacked and experienced data losses. In the future it could cease to exist entirely. If this is the one and only place you keep such things, and would be devastated to lose them, it might be a good idea to save them elsewhere or maybe take screenshots of these pets, etc. Games are always subject to change, especially one that has been running as long as Rescreatu! So yeah, might not be a terrible idea to consider alternative methods for this.


11:28pm Feb 18 2019 (last edited on 11:28pm Feb 18 2019)

Normal User

Posts: 110
One thing I'd like to add to the rancher shop part:
 People shouldn't be allowed to price pets at that "2,147,483,647" price, or anything super outrageous that no one will buy it for
Maybe limiting max prices for certain pets/colors too? Not super low, like a natural findable pet can't be priced higher than 10m, natural seasonals shouldn't go over 15m, etc

For those that sell names, maybe a special slot or forum that is linked from the profile for name sales that go higher than the limit

10:01am Feb 19 2019 (last edited on 11:45am Feb 19 2019)


Posts: 3,217
Whoa, I tried to read through this whole thread and make notes on the way but honestly, I just ended up skimming a lot of the posts here. 

This means I'll probably be covering stuff that's already been covered before. 
For those of you who are worried that they have nothing to contribute to this discussion, I feel like even a simple "agree" or "no" will be appreciated by everyone! Don't be afraid of voicing your views

*P.S can we add in a "support" counter on these threads aye*  

I'm terrible at compiling my thoughts so this is going to get messy
Firstly, I'm going to get it out of the way and say that I'm a tentative "NO SUPPORT" for this, even though it is very well thought out. 

There's a lot of points that people seem to be missing when they comment on this. 

Pet's "starving time" will be nerfed> it will take longer to starve 

There will be more food in-game, free and paid for> easier to fill the food pen and bulk buy.

Let's also look at the -nature- of most games, there's countless games that have consequences if you don't keep up with certain things. They don't care about holidays and jobs; they can't cater to everyone's lifestyle, problems, and even time zone. 

I work full time and actually have quite an active social life, I go on trips pretty regularly, and if i'm not doing any of that I'm -working- for Res, I don't have tons of time to spend on anything, let alone -playing- Res, but I do appreciate that this is the nature of games like this. 

Games -need- to stay balanced and active. 

It's not really disputed that Res falls short on both of these and BIG changes need to happen. 
I simply don't believe that this is the way to go. 

*I feel like there's a huge risk users will buy out NPC shops and reasonably priced food from merchants, even if there were restrictions in place. this will only get worse if the average user online number grows. 

A way to counteract this would be: 
- Impose a limit on the number of items that can be brought at once> though I feel like this won't help much. 
- NPC shops are constantly stocked with an unlimited number of items, the types of items stocked just changes per shop reset. 

*Free food via log in bonus and activities (RE's, farming etc) are great and I fully agree that these should be implemented! However, I don't think even this will sway me towards feeding all pets. For me, there's too much against this idea for this to really pay off.

Also, note that now there is no Merchant discount people who will sell bulk food in their merchant shops will have a hard time providing food at a discounted rate, they won't be able to make a profit on NPC food items that they managed to bulk buy unless other things are implemented first. When it comes to economic growth and the movement of TU I think this point counteracts any chance of this idea making a huge difference. 
If you were to implement the free food ideas this will help Merchant sales enormously. Also, if we were to implement planet based discounts in NPC shops.* cough*   

Rancher shops

Just like most things here it's already been pointed out that having reasonably priced pets in a rancher shop could be worth more than the reward. 
This is me saying it could potentially cost more in food to keep a pet for sale than what you'll get when you sell the pet. 
I've had some very reasonably priced pets sit in my rancher for yonks. 

I think this will affect new users who haven't built up a big catalog of -good- pets to sell to pay for them with food stocks they haven't been able to build up yet. 
Let's face it, it can take ages to get a good hatch. Nattie streaks have plagued us all and it can be hard to make money from rancher shops at the best of times, but they are still a big part of the game.

Why stick pets in your rancher when you'll be continuously "taxed" on them anyway? Why don't you just sell it to someone else from your SR/ profile/ via SB ADs or a thread etc and save you the trouble of obtaining food for it anyway? 
I know I would get sick of that. 

There is an issue with rancher shops, especially old ones, where pets are priced so high no one will buy them and they're just kind of stuck there. 
I think a time limit or even a small charge per pet (one-off payment) will suffice and even free up some names. 

I also think it's quite a stretch to say that this idea will help with Kir, I mean, technically you're not wrong, in theory, colored pets will be sold but I don't think it'll be a big enough boost to -mean- anything in the grand scheme of things. Or will even make a big enough difference for me personally to even count as a pro.


Names are a huge thing on Res, for better or worse and they are what this whole idea boils down to. 
That is not a bad thing, names do need to be freed up and more put into circulation. 
But let's look at what happened during the last clearing, it was great and very much needed BUT, and maybe I'm just a big old cynical blob, BUUTT I just felt like most of these names went straight back to the richer users. 
Names will still be worth a ton, even if names are freed up in this way.
How can most users square up against someone who has billions in assets if someone was to sell a name?
I honestly think, for the most part, it'll just be good names being sold to the richer few. 
Don't get me wrong, I have a lot of nice names and I'm lucky to have them.  

I think auto-clearing inactive users after a shorter period of time (after multiple warnings) and auto-clearing of perma-banned players after a short period of time will be best, as well as allowing spaces and extra characters (-, _, + etc etc)  

Active Users who have alot of good names probably have enough time/ TU to stock up on food to an extent this doesn't even affect them.

Other ideas: 
- higher cost to upgrade SR 
- small fee each month if your SR is above a certain level 

There's probably a ton I missed here 

in short, 
There does need to be changes but I don't think this is the way to go. 
I think there are many other options that can be implemented to have the same effect. 

The Showroom and the way it currently functions makes Rescreatu unique and appealing, I don't want to lose that.



10:32am Feb 19 2019

Normal User

Posts: 221
I've read your post Ori, and I have to say one thing. I highly disagree for one reason.

When a game becomes a required daily chore just to keep progress, it is no longer a game, but a time eater. Time to quit.

At the moment, I am too busy with other concerns to stalk shops for food constantly in order to feed pets. I don't have many good names, and those I do have, I'd like to keep. I wouldn't care if names could be reused like they can on other sites instead. Of course, that would kill the all-powerful name market on Res, which is one of its unique features. Would it stimulate the merchant shops? Possibly. However, with merchants constantly raising prices to meet demand, that may not be a good thing for new players who are not yet established.

I won't always be this busy, of course. My family is going through a transition phase, and I have another game I am playing that I CAN save my progress on because it is not online and is not competitive with other people, only myself.

The only reason I left then came back was because I did not have to start over.

Tax the rich... perhaps we should make closets like showrooms with limited inventory so you had to pay storage for clothing items too. LOL. People love the limited clothing too! Should we force players to get rid of those things to make room for new things?

Rather than forcefully remove good names from player accounts that are inactive, why NOT just remove the unique names? We could be like every other petsite. The best names would no longer be worth hundreds of millions. 

"How sad the world is when everyone holds out their hand when you have something to offer, then withdraws it when you are in need."

10:42am Feb 19 2019


Posts: 2,155
Asking once again, if you were only required to log in once a month to keep your account active, would that be acceptable? 

**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚♫ and the haters gonna hate hate hate hate hate ♫**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚
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