11:38am Feb 19 2019
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Posts: 17
So I saw that the admin, Patrick, asked for clarification over if it was the pet we were so dearly attached to, or the name. And my response is BOTH. The name completes the pet, and if it had a different name, it wouldn't be the same and you lose attachment because that's no longer your baby. I've worked very hard for my babies and I've been able to obtain a few names that I thought would surely be taken already. If I had to lose either, I would be so outraged. I'm at this point right now where I want to stop playing because of this ridiculous update, but I also want to keep playing because I truly fear for losing my babies that I've loved for so many years. With my college work on top of my high school and my new job, I don't see why I should be punished for not being able to get online consistently enough to feed 60 pets and keep tabs on all of them to prevent them from starving. Once again I will leave with this, I've seen Rescreatu take a lot of great strides in the right direction lately, and I would truly hate to see it take this direction because it negatively affects not only old users, but any new who join. I think new minigames and adventure type updates would be a better idea if you were trying to gain more users. Also investing in merch/adverstisement would prove useful as well I believe.
Surrounded by a pack of cyancus at all times <3
11:44am Feb 19 2019
Posts: 2,155
Merchandise would be AMAZING. I'd buy tshirts and plushies.
Minigames aren't likely to bring in any new users. They didn't the last time they were added. New adventures would be nice, but those don't add anything to everyday gameplay.
It seems many of you are immediately rushing to the conclusion that you'd be slaving away every day and in danger of losing your pet names at all times...I'm curious why this is the immediate conclusion?
Also I'd just like to point out that this is only a suggestion being discussed, it's not an update.
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11:48am Feb 19 2019
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Posts: 615
Liyure or Cyid Plushie. OMG! I'd buy too.
12:03pm Feb 19 2019 (last edited on 12:03pm Feb 19 2019)
Posts: 3,217
12:14pm Feb 19 2019
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If unique names were taken away from Res, I would absolutely quit. That's a hard thing for me to say considering I've been playing semi-regularly for the last 11 years, but I have invested a lot of time and money (both tu and USD) into getting some of the names that I own. The name market is important on Res. I don't think that removing it would do anything to help.
Officially the Albino Veram King.58/100 albino Veram
12:57pm Feb 19 2019 (last edited on 12:59pm Feb 19 2019)
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Sorry for formatting , I'm on mobile
Yes I know Res isn't static. But the memorial pets were either FROM those people or based off Res specifically
Rundi the Zenirix is sepia because my first online friend who I believe is no longer in this world, who I met on Res, had a character that was, well, basically a sepia zennie and named Rundi. That particular person has affected my life more than they ever will know, being my first ever RP partner and planting the seeds of many of my ideas and stories that are still part of my identity today. I cried when I found that name available.
Other special pets were gifted to me by another friend who definitely also shaped my life. I don't know what happened to them either, there's a chance they have passed also but I'm not gonna think about it. You can see why they can't be replaced as a different pet and name. Snap Skrawl and Nny are important to me because of that. Two of those are such dear references to things we bonded over while Nny is based looks wise on their own character that they entrusted to me. They worked their butts off for those names on those creatu to fit the themes and they entrusted them to me, it's so special to know that. And I'd like to keep them as long as the site exists. I hope they know somewhere how I still appreciate them and their work and trust.
Re: only filling up food once a month. That's still a chore. Also I'd need a steady supply of money. If I just want to play the game casually and not worry about money that'd be hard if I need money yo feed pets
Also; it's a big reason to come back after long hiatuses. If you came back to all your pets gone, why would you wanna get back into it? I know many sites that I've been away from a long time that I then can jump right back into even though the pets were unfed. I won't name them because I'm not sure if that rule is still around that we dont talk of other pet sites, but it's a check for those sites that you can just go right back in. Even though that site doesn't have unique names they do have unique IDs that some users go super crazy for to buy. As well as each pet is unique. It gives them a big advantage that allows their users to just jump back into the swing no matter how long they were gone with their account pretty much the same. Like a big reason I'm even playing now is that I can come back to my account just being the same... I wouldn't want to start over every time I forget or don't want to play. Even if I still have to log in once a month to feed thats a huge chore and wouldn't be fun at all.

2:00pm Feb 19 2019
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Posts: 76
I do agree wanted names on inactive accounts is a huge issue, but I am against this wholeheartedly.
I have over 800 pets, and that's after I recently did a huge cleanout of my showroom. I have a lot of names I'm attached to, but most of them aren't even RWNs that anyone else would want, just ones that I think sound really nice, and I've had some of them for almost 7 years. If I ever end up taking a break from Res (like I occasionally do, though they rarely last longer than a few months) that's long enough for my pets to die and lose their names there's absolutely no way I'm going to remember every single name of even my small handful of top favorite pets, and even if I can remember some names I doubt I'll remember which one was on which pet. For a lot of these creatu it will feel like if I lose and forget their names I might as well have lost the beloved pet I've had since 2012. Not to mention the cost of all the resurrection potions it would take to revive them all. There’s also the issue that if you make it difficult for people to keep pets there’s going to be significantly less people buying pets they would normally want. It would make it a lot more difficult for people to sell anything other than Kir food and result in huge losses in a major source of income.
I usually come onto Res to relax and de-stress but just the thought of having to constantly be aware of and worrying about keeping 800+ pets fed or I might end up losing what feels like everything I've worked to get for 7 years has been giving me overwhelming anxiety since I heard this was a possibility. I have so many good memories on this site and even met some of my closest friends on here, but I feel like implementing this feature would absolutely drive me away from Res for good. I agree with the several other people I’ve seen saying that not having to worry about losing your pets for is one of the main features that's kept me on Res for so long.
But if you do end up putting this system in place, please at least make it so the Graveyard shows what a creatu’s name was before it was lost and if it’s still available, to at least make it a bit more tolerable for people like myself who love the gibberish names their pets have but won’t remember so many.
4:02pm Feb 19 2019 (last edited on 4:54pm Feb 19 2019)
Posts: 2,155
If I ever end up taking a break from Res (like I occasionally do, though they rarely last longer than a few months) (emphasis mine)
Why should any website, especially one designed for daily play, cater to those who choose not to log in for several months? Why is there such (seemingly) objection to logging in?
What if you took a break for a few months and there was no Rescreatu to come back to because it just completely died, and not worth it to the person who pays all the server bills? Or sold for that same reason? Why does it seem this isn't a possibility that is considered, especially since it is more likely to happen than any other scenario brought up in this thread?
It's frustrating to read over and over that people don't want change, because they don't want to change the way they don't play.
(Edited to clarify - when I say "don't play" I'm literally referring to the time spent not playing, not saying you don't play)
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4:13pm Feb 19 2019
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Its not that they don't play,as much as..Real life happens.
In 38 colors, and a thousand black Gondras later... I rise over my Army as the Gondra Queen!
4:15pm Feb 19 2019 (last edited on 4:16pm Feb 19 2019)
Posts: 2,155
Real life happens every day to every person, and will not prevent you from logging in for months at a time. Unless it's extreme. And that's unfortunate. But it is not a reason to not make changes.
**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚♫ and the haters gonna hate hate hate hate hate ♫**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚
4:15pm Feb 19 2019
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@lilith It's frustrating to see you claim that the only "correct" way to play is your way. My break off from Res was three years and I'm getting into it again. I might do another one, I might not. And you haven't argued or acknowledged my point against the literal sabotage it is to do to mentally I'll people! I don't want to worry about stocking food once a month! I don't want to be paranoid about it! Joylessly Grinding for TU just to keep important pets to me! It's joyless. It's monotonous. It's BORING. It's why I've quit many other pet sites.
Also; news flash, res isn't stagnating due to names, it's because the same features eventually get boring over time! And I can see it being worked on with the new alert systems and such, but adding a new thing to mindlessly grind and stock is not fun for many people, as you can see from the testimony of multiple users.
I really feel like you are skimming my points and picking out parts you don't like, which is quite frustrating as I am trying to look from your point of view And I feel no effort on your part to do the same.
This is really stressing me out to argue. Like I had to step away to calm myself and so i didn't accidentally snap and be nasty like I have during arguments in the past. I don't want to be rude but it really feels like talking to a brick wall here. So what your hiatus is a few months? Your experiences are not universal, and you should widen your empathy to understand that not everyone functions on your level.

4:17pm Feb 19 2019 (last edited on 4:20pm Feb 19 2019)
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Posts: 4,848
Seriously? Do you hear yourself? Real life happens every day for everyone? What kind of condescending person are you? You know why I quit res for a long time, huh? I was suicidal during that time. I was put on many different meds, going through different programs, for three years I can't even remember all the crap I had to go through. O dropped out of collrge. I wanted to die. I am only just coming out of it and I like using simple sites to cope and having a stressful thing of your pets will die always hung ovrr my head is going to make res not good place to get my mind off things. You really need to mind your mouth and remember not everyone is you.
Inb4 your response of "well not everyone goes thru that so it doesn't matter to me."
4:19pm Feb 19 2019 (last edited on 4:20pm Feb 19 2019)
Posts: 2,155
Where did I say my way of playing is the right way? I didn't.
There's a lot of talk about how something like this idea would "punish" users who don't log in but a few times a year, but the point has kinda been missed that electing not to make changes in order to keep the players happy who don't log in for months at a time is definitely a punishment to more active players.
I'm mentally disabled. I'm on permanent disability for it. A change like this wouldn't damage me.
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4:21pm Feb 19 2019
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There's the thing you always go back to. Me. It wouldn't damage me. It wouldnt harm me. I don't care so no one else should.
4:22pm Feb 19 2019 (last edited on 4:27pm Feb 19 2019)
Posts: 2,155
I've been suicidal as well. I was gone from the site for a couple of years. I have stage 3 cancer right now. I've had two major surgeries in the last 12 months, and more to come. I am not lacking empathy, real life DOES happen for everyone every day. As to your comment about what only concerns me, I feel that is twisting things. You asked that I argue the mental illness angle. You are saying it would damage anyone with mental illness to make a change like this, from what I can tell. I am saying no, that is not true. It is up to each of us to manage our illnesses and challenges ourselves, not expect the world around us to conform (because it isn't gonna).
PS getting heated is normal, we are all passionate about Res! <3
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4:24pm Feb 19 2019
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Then maybe you should try at least to open yourself to the idea that this change really could be harmful for certain users who don't need Another stresser in their life. Casual players that come on to hatch and collect. People who play the game different.
Sorry if I got heated btw. I get emotional very fast. I think I need a bit to think about your points.
4:25pm Feb 19 2019 (last edited on 4:25pm Feb 19 2019)
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Posts: 76
Lilith when I said a few months I meant about two or three. Considering I've been playing for over 7 years, a two or three month break once every couple/few years really doesn't seem that long to me.
"A change like this wouldn't damage me." Awesome! I'm glad it wouldn't! But the same can't be said for everyone.
7:54pm Feb 19 2019 (last edited on 10:32am Feb 23 2019)
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Posts: 51
Just noticing some people are worried about how often they would have to worry about logging in when life is chaotic or they are taking a break...
I do think that despite life issues, I kind of expect to have to "start over" on a virtual pet site if I've been gone a long time. Let's say six months. I expect to have to, in a sense, "start over" in some ways.
This is quite subjective, of course. And once again, the decision lies with Patrick. It is his site, and what kind of site it is and who its sort of user base is lies with him and the staff. I've also got a diagnosed mental illness and I get it. Life gets tough and it's no fun having to stress about virtual reality either. But not getting on in a year or two or three and expecting everything to be the same when you come back if you come back.... that's really something for Patrick to decide and it certainly wouldn't be immoral or unwise for him to do so.
I do agree that taking breaks from sites is normal, even fun sites. We just need a break. But I think just to be fair that all one would have to do is stock a crap ton of food for your pets before you know you're going to take a break from Res - or pay other users to offer room and boarding for your pets for a time. Which is something I am sure would naturally happen between users.
A room and boarding service might prove useful for those who would want to pay to not worry about their pets dying whilst they are taking a planned long hiatus, actually.
he was a man of suffering, familiar with pain...
8:20pm Feb 19 2019
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Posts: 20
@LillithI'm with @ribunny123 on this, you have been making it seem like the only "correct" way to play is the way you play. You both say it outright and imply it in all the responses you have been posting at other people. I play the game differently than you so some of your "suggestions", while not hurting you in any way, would hurt me and other players. There isn't one way to play this game, and some of the current changes have already alienated players, this one would alienate more. I understand that it wouldn't hurt you at all in the way you play the game, but the way that you play the game is not the same way that others play the game.
Please try to be more empathetic and understanding that not everyone is the same, we all have different lives, we all have different reasons for playing, and we all have different ways to play.
8:28pm Feb 19 2019
Posts: 2,155
I am sorry that I came across that way. That's a misunderstanding, never did I think anyone is "playing wrong".
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