Limiting Pets

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8:35pm Feb 19 2019

Normal User

Posts: 104
As an older user with many, MANY pets with awesome names I'm totally against this idea as it's unrealistic for people like me to feed thousands of pets, hundreds that I spent special care in naming and names that have meaning to me. What this would do is enslave me to keeping all these pets names alive, which in the end is IMPOSSIBLE and it's very unfair. If you're so concerned about inactive accounts, delete them, don't punish users like me. I spent tons of TU on my show room to keep my pets alive. This 'great idea' is just about stealing names from people you think are 'hoarding' them. Instead, why not just add more letter spaces or let people have the same names, because that's ALL this is about, the NAMES, not 'the economy' or the 'newbies'.

8:55pm Feb 19 2019

Normal User

Posts: 33
Absolutely against this, for exactly the reason eenobegeeto said.
For people with 1000+ creatu this is more of a punishment.


8:56pm Feb 19 2019

Normal User

Posts: 28

There's no correct way to play the game. You are absolutely right, but there is a beneficial way for all players to play and leaving for months and coming back is causing problems for those of us who are able to remain for extended periods of time because our lives are in a place where we can afford time to play this site.

Not to mention, the other obvious reason that people have been beating around the bush. This website costs money. I don't know how Patrick has managed to keep it afloat with no ads revenue coming in and such very little traffic. I'm impressed, really. But speaking from a business perspective, it's a stupid way (no offence, Patrick) of maintaining a business practice by... not necessarily encouraging AFK playing styles, but allowing it to happen.

This isn't something to target old players and punish them for leaving us. Seeing this as "punishment" because the idea enforces the fact that if you sign up to play this game, you should actually play it is not the mentality that you should be going in to. The positives have been pointed out on numerous posts by various people. This is something to encourage overall maintained activity from new and old users alike.

Rescreatu is dying because of the AFK format of playing it has. One day it's going to go away because nothing is being done to stop this style that the website has allowed for too long. We need ideas to 1) Generate activity. 2) Stimulate the economy. 3) Create a more in-depth way of interacting with the website and its main theme (pets). 4) Make people really consider the pets they have. 5) Maintain the close community we have. 

This idea is not about:
1) Punishing people. 2) Stealing names/Name-grabbing, 3) Forcing people to part with their much beloved pets. 4) Forcing people to pick between real life and this website.

We want people to play smart, not just hoard and hoard and then leave while the rest of us are what keep the website afloat. Most importantly, we want people to play! It's outright discouraging for people who have played for a long while to see people leave. We're not targeting the people who have real life issues come up. Throughout the post, several ideas have been offered up to balance out people who have to leave due to illness, work, or (god forbid) a death. Reading the first post does not give you the scope of thought that has been put into this idea after counter protests have been made.

Most of what I have just said has been posted throughout the whole forum. I know 12 pages is daunting to read, but skimming through, you can see what people have said about certain things and most of peoples' reasons for why this idea shouldn't happen have already been addressed and another idea come up with to balance that concern, but it's been ignored by a majority of people who are posting why they don't like it. If you don't want this to happen, there needs to be more ideas given to help encourage activity on this site, not just your conspiracy theories on how Oriette is just name-grabbing and all of us supporters are greedy. Counter our ideas with yours. This website needs fixing and Patrick is very obviously looking for ideas, so come up with some of your's!


9:03pm Feb 19 2019 (last edited on 9:15pm Feb 19 2019)

Normal User

Posts: 443

I think it's entirely fair that everyone gets a chance to state how they play the game and also their hopes for the future of the game, and Lilith and I are simply stating our preferences and what, in our opinion, would benefit the site going forward. We are all equally entitled to do so, and it shouldn't be viewed as an attack on other users just because we feel differently. Ultimately, it's exactly as Hephzibah said - Patrick will decide what play style the site should encourage. If Patrick decided tomorrow that the best thing for the future of the site is to force all users to own 2 pets and also wear clown shoes on every avatar I'd say weird flex but ok. Ultimately I want whatever means Rescreatu thrives like it did back in the ye olde days of my youth. :)

From my standpoint it seems logical to want to form the game around encouraging as much activity as possible. There is a reason other sites do this, and it's not because the developers are insensitive monsters who don't understand how life works. It's because of exactly what we're seeing on Res: stagnation and decline. Pet sites are a business and they are also a complex machine that requires many parts and many people to contribute to its success. If the site suffers, it's not good news for anyone that wants to enjoy the game.

If Patrick decides that my play style isn't a viable option for the site and decides to change the game in a way that no longer suits me, that would be a bummer but he has every right to do so for the health of his site.

I'd really love if we could keep this thread devoid of all emotion but I know that's not possible, it's a sensitive subject. Just remember that the best use of this thread would be to put forth your best logical arguments to inform Patrick's decisions. 

And remember that an idea like this would take YEARS of developement. My reason for sharing my thoughts were for the sake of v4 and the hope that gradually over time Res could move in this direction. I've been here for nearly 12 years, I don't mind waiting. I'm in it for the long haul baby! :D Unless I get assassinated, which is entirely possible now that this thread is getting so much traffic. :'D Anyway! There's no imminent threat (seriously we're talking YEARS!) so I encourage you to not stress, especially if you may not be interested in playing the game years from now. :)


Wow didn't expect 6 more responses while my slow fingers attempted to type this up rip :')
I will second what Rae said and to be honest I am losing steam to keep debating the same points aha ;o; But I will keep updating the first & second posts.


9:22pm Feb 19 2019

Normal User

Posts: 1,764
I have two kids, I'm a single mom and was working 7 12s a week at one point while combatting depression and I still managed to log on at least one every two weeks. I'm not saying its the same for everyone but I'm saying it IS possible to simply type in your info and log on for two seconds at least once a month. That's not much to ask for. Considering another suggestion was food being more plentiful and cheaper it really won't be that big an issue. It comes down to what's best for the long term health of the site. Because as stated before its dying and stagnant. Would you rather see the site die or a few pets go? Hoarding pets in the thousands is not logical anyway and it's exactly that. Hoarding. 


9:24pm Feb 19 2019

Normal User

Posts: 11
I haven't read the entire thread and quite frankly I don't wish to read all the drama and ego polishing that i'm sure has happened. 

I am HEAVILY. HEAVILY. HEAVILY. AGAINST  EVER making showroom pets need to be fed.

there are 1,335 unique colorations right now.  and thats ONLY if a person has exactly one of each species and its corresponding unique color.   

this site's main draw has ALWAYS been collecting said pets. not minigames,not avatars, not breeding(Which of course doesn't exist) or battling(which was taken down). collecting.   If we make showroom pets need to be fed then why bother collecting beyond a certain point? Yes the apple tree exists. but does anyone genuinely want to pull out every single pet,spend 2+ hours grabbing apples and then rearranging them. EVERY day? no.

Its been said this isn't punishment..yes it is this will punish those who have been actively collecting. it will punish people who just love to collect a certain species or theme. It will be a deterant to collect above a certain range. No one will actually benefit from this except rich people with little to no pets. there won't be any incentive to hatch because it'll just mean another mouth to feed.

I myself have a slowly expanding collection of digimon and pokemon names. I have no attachment to them beyond a fondness for digimon and pokemon... No ones ever asked me to sell em. Theres simply no demand. But if this were implemented I'd straight up release em all. or maybe just even leave. I've never stayed on a site that required me to feed my pets or they die cause i generally get bored and wander off til the next event. 

That is a fact of any pet site. you will always have people who play a few days and then leave never to be seen again. you have people like me who tend to sign on once in a while for events. then of course theres people who sign on every day like its a new religion.  Theres people who sign on just to talk.   Theres people who deeply loved the site and simply never showed up again. You don't know why. Maybe they had to go do an internship in africa and simply don't have time anymore. but they still love their pets.

This is NOT a solution. I much prefer Wolfspirit and EXPECIALLY malik's ideas far far better.

9:37pm Feb 19 2019

Normal User

Posts: 104
Rae: I DO PLAY THE GAME. LOOK AT MY LOGINS. I spend hours thinking up names for my pets...which I have cut way back on hatching. If the site is in as much trouble as you're making out then it's doomed anyway. I'm a pauper, but there are older players and others who spend the real money on this site, and if they leave over this then the site dies faster...which may be a blessing. As for alternate ideas, what do names have to do with people not playing? People play pet games with names like 123xxBradPittxxx56 and they're happy. WHAT HAPPENED TO BATTLES? The battles I spent so much time training pets for? Oh, but now the old stats aren't the only thing, now you need 'intellect' among others...and people are building that up, for what? Battles that never happen?  For all the years this site has been around it's been about collecting pets...names and colors. So now we suddenly have to 'play smart' (whatever that means). We used to have more than 2 classes. There used to be digging for treasure. What about exploring? The caves are fun, if seasonal. We've had quests. Give people something new things to DO...let us keep what pets and names we have and STOP MAKING NEW CREATU AND COLORS if you think there are too many. Make more classes...make a retired class for ex ranchers or something...if it's about money make special upgraded accounts with great perks that people will want. At this point I don't care if paying customers can buy the battle stats I worked so hard for, or a name-cloning tag or other special privileges. I'll stop hatching eggs and buy newbies creatu and wander around the caves in winter getting glyphs and whatever else I do now. Just...I spent years getting my names. Taking them away in some misguided idea that it will make the site more appealing and profitable will just tick people off and accomplish nothing. Piece said

9:58pm Feb 19 2019

Normal User

Posts: 21
I'm 50/50 on this, but I think I am more against it, sorry.
I struggle to pay for my internet, and often go without a connection because it's so expensive.
My last period of inactivity was just shy of four years and I couldn't get back to Res, I had a few pets die, but thankfully none had special names.
But the ones I do have that are named, i.e. my babies Spooky and Satire, are very dear to me.
The stocks being changed has ruined any chances I had of making decent tu, I don't have time for the other games, quests, kir, etc. Most of my stuff doesn't sell and I never know when I might get hit with another bad and long inactivity burst.
The showroom exists for a reason, and I do agree with inactive account clearing to an extent, but not dying pets, more food stress, and especially not changes to infinite food items.

10:00pm Feb 19 2019

Normal User

Posts: 28

Then you should have nothing to worry about, Eeno. Dedicating a bit of time every other week or so to buying up some food items in order to feed your pets (or, as I have suggested in the thread earlier, creating an event where all your pets get fed in full by participating in it once a month). You are active enough that doing something like this shouldn't be so jarring to your schedule. You don't have to withdraw all your Creatu to feed them. It was suggested that they could be fed directly from the Showroom as well with this idea. We've made accommodations to peoples' valid concerns over this idea being overly arduous by coming up with solutions that make it a little less awful and less ridiculous.

I agree with you on this, though. I really do want to stop with making new Creatu/effects/colours for a while until everything else can get fixed. The mentality is that creating these new things will generate a spurt of activity and give people another goal to work towards, but then when it's easily achieved, what now? This isn't a long-lasting solution to the inactivity this site suffers from.

Patrick has said that battles won't be a thing in this version of the site, but more than likely the next version. Classes were a novel idea, but there just isn't enough for the game to support them. If they bring back classes again, I would like ones that don't involve affecting the Creatu obtaining. Thinks like Digging/Treasure Hunting, Exploring, Farming... things that can be done as an activity with Creatu rather than "I'm a rancher and I sell pets :B" lol 

Pets aren't getting taken away, no one is putting a limit on Showrooms like Flight Rising does to their Lairs or Neopets does to their accounts, you will still be able to enjoy your plentiful Creatu. All that's trying to be done is encouraging people who love the game to please play it.


10:17pm Feb 19 2019

Normal User

Posts: 104
Rae: BUT I HAVE TOO MANY in my showroom to FEED! That's why I put them there! That's what the show room was for, to show all your creatu colors AND NAMES that you collected without having to feed them. We used to keep them in our ranchers for that. Making me feed all my creatu to keep their names is NOT going to make me enjoy it. I'm old, I have responsibilities, I have health issues and I can't devote huge chunks of my time trying to buy food for all my creatu. IF you could make a 'pick-all' button for the apple tree and it picks enough apples for all my creatu and puts them ALL in my food pen (which isn't upgraded enough for ALL my creatu) then I might have a chance if they don't need to eat every day. I think a lot of people will stop playing Res if their creatu lose their names. We can't play the game every day of our lives. X(

10:19pm Feb 19 2019

Normal User

Posts: 443

I just want to say for my part collecting pets by color and/or species has pretty much never crossed my mind, despite playing for almost 12 years. The fact that we have over 1000 pet options has never been more than that to me - options. I feel no desire, personally, to hoard every single possible creatu. I always felt those options were there so a wide variety of tastes could be appealed to and you could single out the ones you most wanted (like pretty much every other game).

I'm not implying people aren't collectors on here - clearly there are color and/or species collectors - but they don't represent absolutely everyone. So this game can be enjoyed (very much so) without hoarding/collecting huge sums of pets. It's not the single most enjoyable or important part of the game for everyone, in my opinion.

Also the more I see people saying that any one account has a right to own infinite pets/names the more broken it seems to me that this is how the site functions currently. I don't see it as an argument in favor of how things are.

Also also - see the section about unnamed creatu & how they could be pets you don't have to feed, if you're a fan of collecting.... If anyone is reading the first posts at all anymore. :') 


11:09pm Feb 19 2019

Normal User

Posts: 104
Oriette: What about the NAME collectors? There are supposedly several different ways to play the game...taking away an option doesn't make it better. I love the names I've chosen for my creatu...I've worked for them, thought hard about them, I don't want a showroom of nameless creatu. Look at all the other pet sites that don't allow duplication of names. You don't call them 'broken'. And the ones that have pet limits? THEY STARTED OUT THAT WAY. They didn't let you keep huge amounts of pets and then say, 'oh, now you can only have 5' or 10 or whatever'. What this is basically saying is, 'oh, we let you collect all these great names for years and now we're going to make it much harder to keep them because we don't think people are playing enough'.  Really?

11:41pm Feb 19 2019

Normal User

Posts: 443

Totally agree with you on part of that point actually, Eeno. This should have always been a mechanic in Res - some way of limiting pets instead of having unique names and no restrictions whatsoever to keep the game balanced and able to grow. It does suck that the game may need to implement a drastic change to fix this, but just letting it remain dysfunctional seems counterintuitive to me. If it were my game I would take the plunge to fix it, for the sake of a potentially larger playerbase. Personally from a developement perspective I don't think the site should favor a few hundred accounts with thousands of names verses a few thousand accounts with hundreds of names. 

Also in no way is this thread suggesting you should only be able to keep 5 or 10 names.


12:31am Feb 20 2019 (last edited on 12:42am Feb 20 2019)

Normal User

Posts: 479
I've been following this thread for a bit and I have to say I am also against it.  I have about 2,000 pets altogether so far and maybe half of them are Kir fodder.  I actually went and counted and maybe 180 of them are RNs/RWNs that people would want.  I have 10 main profile pets that I feed once a week manually with my "Slice of Endless Pie".

I log in every day for springs and hatches if I have eggs.  And stocks are now completely useless to me when they used to be my main form of income.  Pets in my rancher don't sell too often and having to pay to keep those alive long enough to sell would be pointless and I would end up spending more than I make.
And as for my kir fodder, I wouldn't mind them being nameless if I could just hand them straight in.  But I saw a suggestion about having to resurrect them to hand them in.  And for people who may try to do Kir without spending (AKA hatching and springs alone), I can see that method raising not only Res potion prices but the ingredients.  Then the measly 100k per pet he gives you is so not worth it.

And then, as others have said, there are the names no one else would care about that may have some meaning to the person who owns it.  Like a natural Omni I have named 1styear for the 1 year anniversary of my now fiancee and I.  Or a nattie kioka named NMRM for one of my nieces' initials because I couldn't get her name like I could her older sister's.  Or how about a sepia (I think) Veram named FailSaidMrWhale.  Or any of the pets I've gotten as gifts over the years.  I hate to say it, but if this was implemented, those would be among the first I would let go of.  "GetWellSmuh" from a friend when I was in the hospital.  Esmie, Smarshmellow, Smuhji, SoulOfSmuh, SmuhsSoulInANutshell, and Every Single Veram in my veram army is a reminder of a very good night in the SB when an old Res friend literally bombarded me with about 500 verams because of a conversation.

And then as someone else said, The Pet and The Name are sometimes one in the same.  You obtain a name and you find the perfect pet to put it on.  Festival on a Trance Kioka.  Charmer, Cheater, Exes, Smooch, Hormones, Kissing, Fantasize and more all on iluvus. 
Kathy on an Indigo Kayoki for my grandma who passed away since she loved cats (and I have memories of feeding raccoons that came to the window of her basement level apartment and eat cat food from our hands).
Cierra on an Orchid Veram because my favorite person in the world loves the color purple and what better than to put the name of my favorite person on my favorite pet.

I paid 800mil for the name Nathan once upon a time.  I have names I have been trying to sell in my rancher since the day I got them for what I honestly feel isn't unreasonable for a RWN/RN.  So if this is implemented and you have to feed the pets in your rancher to keep them alive, what is going to stop people from saying "eh, they'll get sick of feeding it eventually.  Why buy it when I can get it for free when that happens?"  It won't be worth it to be a rancher if you have to keep investing more and more money in pets that aren't selling.  I'm not sure how it's easier to make tu now because my income has been pretty stagnant.  Rancher and Merchant wise.

And sure, if you're active you CAN feed pets, but why would I want to spend an hour or more extra every time I need to stock my food pen.  Not to mention the cost.  I barely make time for egg hunts anymore.  And like I said, I keep 10 pets on my profile on a regular basis.  I feed them manually with an endless food item once a week.  Click a pet, click the item, hit feed, click next, select the next pet, repeat repeat repeat.  For 2000 pets -including pets I am trying to sell- that is far too much effort.  Maybe I'm not one of the more active users, but I do log in every single day nonetheless.  So a point could be made that even logging in every day won't make much difference.  Idk.  I know this is long and most likely spitting up the same old arguments against but I had to at least put in my two cents.

Edit:  as for a suggestion I saw about a fee for keeping pets in your SR, isn't that what you do when you upgrade it?  I'm well up to 700k+ tu for every time I upgrade mine to hold another 5 pets.

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1:10am Feb 20 2019

Normal User

Posts: 80
This would make me quit the site pretty fast. I get why you think such a system is needed, but it doesn't need to be this drastic. Having to come everyday with no proper way to deal with in case I will be gone a long time (e.g. springs and such) already kill a lot of enjoyment

I think a better solution would be to have them identified by an ID (which the graveyard does do)... And eliminating the idea of name exclusivity. You could have a dozen pets named Spot then

As for buying from npc merchants, I do that partly because there's no good way to buy in bulk otherwise - I'd probably pump a lot more into the player economy myself if I could buy items en masse from players

Punishing inactive (year+) players is a decent idea though - lots of stuff is stuck on their accounts

9:20am Feb 20 2019

Normal User

Posts: 9
I for one would love not having to name pets at all. This is the only site where I'm forced to do so. Names mean nothing to me.

Some of these suggestions - more areas to get food, maybe cheaper prices (especially when you're new and starting out) or a garden - maybe an hourly fishing ability for a maximum of X hours per day. All reasonable ideas. I love hoarding pets; it's what I do. I'd prefer not to have to name them. Having an unlimited number of pets named "unnamed" is just fine with me unless you're breeding them - which this site does not do at present.

I also wish that when you shop at a player's shop you could fill your basket with items rather than buy things one at a time. Like if they are selling 15 pizzas, the ability to buy all 15 of the pizzas (unless someone beats you to it) at one go.

And what if the pets you put in your showroom were unremoveable? They could be unnamed and act like a museum feature were you could look at them and admire them but not need to feed them since they weren't really living. There would be a limit to one of each species/color so the number could never exceed the number of species/colors available.
just a few thoughts.


1:16pm Feb 20 2019 (last edited on 8:28pm Feb 20 2019)

Normal User

Posts: 443
switching to yellow highlight in the hope
it works better than my previous efforts :')

I don't think increasing fees in the SR would work either, so I'm in agreement there. Too many of us already have showrooms that can house an obscene number of creatu and some of us (myself included) wouldn't need to upgrade for ages still. And even if there was a fee, it would have to be pretty extreme to make any meaningful difference. (Also this was previously discussed on this thread if you're interested in more debate about that)


All assumptions that this process would take "hours of work every day" are disregarding a lot of the first two posts and the discussion that happened already. That wouldn't be in anyone's best interest and we've talked about many fixes for this. There's a bunch on the first and second posts about this as well as pages of discussion. I know it's a lot to read so I'll just encourage you to look for those points if that's the reason you're against this. :)


RE: "I'd like to buy items en masse from players"
ME TOO! I know this has been brought up a few times but I'll keep echoing it - being able to have a cart, or some way to buy in bulk from user merchant shops is SO needed and would help this a lot. Adding that to the second post (because I keep forgetting oops).


Also I'm against removing unique names and Patrick has, to some degree, implied he's not interested in doing that (see earlier posts on this thread). I don't see why it's beneficial to completely dismantle a big part of this game instead of just putting things in place to balance it out better.


"I love hoarding pets; it's what I do. I'd prefer not to have to name them."
Really nice to hear some new feedback! I 100% feel the same way! So many pets are just meant to be fodder for Kir or my rancher, I don't need or want to name 90% of the pets I hatch and it only makes naming harder for new users.

Which makes me think of another point -
unnamed RANCHER pets could eliminate the need to feed them, if we go with the unnamed pets idea.
I mean if we're selling them for the sake of their species/color anyway, why not? Yes, selling names will still mean having to feed them, but again it shouldn't be very taxing to feed pets so if you have a name you want to sell it should be easy to keep it alive. So this would make my argument of "it could help kir" a bit invalid, so I'll need to change that, but I do think it could contribute anyway since people will (in my mind) be more inclined to sell their unnamed colored pets.

Perhaps the entire focus of this thread should instead be "Pets that are named need to be fed" and that could clear up some of the panic that is going on here.

I think I'll rework the first post to just make this the idea outright.
(when I have time)


1:23pm Feb 20 2019 (last edited on 8:27pm Feb 20 2019)

Normal User

Posts: 104
If the site is in as much trouble as it's being painted recently, the only 'drastic' option is to wipe it and start from the ground up. That way all the new blood you're looking to entice can have a fresh new site, all the new rules and a vast array of 'good names' to last over the years to come. The rest of us can start over...or not. It would break my heart just as much as if I had to take a hiatus and came back to a dead museum of nameless pets that couldn't be taken out or trained or even gifted if I had the desire.
I remember when some people sold the more common albinos for a million tu. I remember Kir was created to 'add value' to the rarer colored pets by making them rarer. I remember dead pets losing their names, old accounts cleared to release more desirable names...this was all supposed to 'fix' 'the economy'. I'm not on any pet site that doesn't think 'the economy' is 'broken'...for crying out loud the WORLD economy is 'Broken'. Yet life goes on.

EDIT: Yes, almost forgot about 'fail hatches'. Remember when that was supposed to 'fix' things?

Yes, I have many rare pets, most of which I hatched myself. But most of my pets are 'poopie junky nattys' with great names. That gave them value, of which I remember Pat saying, "name your pets well...nobody wants to buy a pet named, 'yur Face." Actually If I saw that pet I'd snap it up because it makes me laugh.

Whatever happens it's going to happen no matter what I think. But feeding ALL pets so they don't lose their names in itself shows what matters; NAMES. That's the motive, no matter what excuses are made. As always I'll sit and watch like the moldy old troll that I am.

6:53pm Feb 20 2019 (last edited on 7:02pm Feb 20 2019)

Normal User

Posts: 3,011
I'm trying to read everything I can,but its a lot.
Mostly I hear,
That.."if this game takes too much time,
And its too annoying,creating stress and
Worry or anxiety,and too much tu,people will leave,
Or stop playing."
I agree.
If new players come here seeing how hard it is,
To play and start off..then they will quit before trying.
Old players,like me and older..
Gotten used to playing this way.
And no,collecting really Isent easy,nothing is easy at first.
We sold a lot,done a lot to make tu to Earn our collections.
Now,we have many,hundreds,thousands.
Now your hinting around about the possibility,
That we might loose them due to lack of food,
Or lack of tu to feed them all.
We are FORCED to play,or we loose our work. what I'm getting to.
Because feels like a Punishment.
**you hoard too many,why have all those names**?
Because we worked hard for them,
And because it gives us joy.
People don't realize,
Most of us come here to relax.
Enjoy the game..enjoy our friends company.
Anxiety..isent a joke,depression is not a joke.
It's a serious thing.
Rescreatu has saved so many,
In different ways.
We love changes!
A punishment, be forced to play,
Over the loss of your joy,
Is not the way to go.

It took me since 2012..
To get one of every color planet creatu,
And my black gondra hoard.
Took, between 2 to 8 hours a day,
To earn,work my way,
Took billions of tu.
I don't have a good life in the real world.
I'm suffering from deep depression,
Due to the loss of my grandmother,
And my future To Be husband,due to cancers.
I'm all alone.
Just the thought,of losing more in my life,
My creatu..all my names,even the silly ones.
The gifts from dear friends,
Even resians that have passed away,
Kills me inside.
Yesterday,I tried to part with as many as I could.
And all I could part with was 220 out of 4,680.
It hurt me too much.

My anxiety shot up.

People have attachments NO ONE CAN UNDERSTAND.
This game isent..*not being played**
I'm not sure where this is from.
But it is being played.
If it wasn't,
Then this would never be a problem,
And no one would have an issue with this change.

This site,needs to be a fun game site,
Among the list of online games.
It needs advertising.
It needs,animations..sounds..battles..gardening features,
More mini games!
This is what it needs!
I see so many game store apps...
And games with these features get more sales,more

If you can't see this,
Then maybe you need to study up.

This idea,
This change I think wasn't thought out,
For everyone.
Hinted around,but got serious now.
Now..I'm serious.
You need to think for everyone,
Not just for the sake of you name grabbing,
Or what You can do with your time,
Or how good you life is.
But,you need to consider the fact,
That is will severely effect everyone.

I can see new ideas,
Trying a figure out a way to make this better.
I have news for you,
Its not going to get better.
You want a drastic change like this,
Before all the better changes are made.
**You can't put on pants, after you already put on your shoes**.
Its not going to work.

In 38 colors, and a thousand black
Gondras later... I rise over my
Army as the Gondra Queen!

12:47am Feb 21 2019

Normal User

Posts: 80
I thought of one thing that completely destroys your entire idea:

The Kir Robot Shells. You put a pet soul into them and they never need to be fed. So you'd be forcing people who really want to keep names to slaughter their pets and put them into the shells

I still think unique names is a bit ridiculous btw. Think about it - do new players care? No, they may go, "I can't name my pet any of these names screw it I'm leaving". If you want to have some semblance of unique names, you could have it that maybe the first pet with that name has a star or something so its name still has value
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