Limiting Pets

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2:10am Feb 21 2019

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Icalasari: XD  Kir shells are so expensive though, who could afford even one at 500mil? Which in fact there is only one for sale 

5:02am Feb 21 2019

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Posts: 443

Miss, I truly am very sorry for your loss, and I'm sorry that this is such a sensitive subject for you. I don't think there's much I can say without sounding insensitive to your situation. I will say that if a change this big took place it wouldn't be until the release of v4 I imagine, so we're probably talking years of development, if ever. I wouldn't stress about it any time soon.


I don't think RSTUs destroy this idea but I'm glad you brought it up Icalasari! I was discussing this with another user and we tossed around the concept of RSTUs needing "maintenance" - some form of interaction to keep their name. RSTUs are quite rare and expensive, like eeno said, so I don't foresee it being a very big issue. But in my opinion there's nothing on site that is set in concrete that can't be tweaked for the sake of other more beneficial changes. I'll add this point to my suggestion list. :)

As for getting rid of unique names I don't see much point in discussing it since Patrick has (as I said - see earlier posts on this thread) to some degree implied he's not going to do this. I'm not here to silence anything just because it goes against my preferences for the game though and if you feel strongly about it I encourage you to start a thread and get your ideas heard that way. :) Personally I would stop playing without unique names, but I'm just one user and if Patrick decided that was the right direction to go for the sake of the site I would hope he'd do it.


I'm sorry I haven't been able to respond to every post on here! It was moving very quickly for a while there... I'm going to try to go back through and find anything I may have missed discussing that is still relevant to bring back up. It was never my intention to ignore anyone! Just a lot to cover and so much has been repeated already.


8:45am Feb 21 2019 (last edited on 10:33am Feb 23 2019)

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Posts: 51
I do feel that if ranchers are able to sell unnamed pets and therefore not have to worry about feeding them in this system, it would be a lot more doable. Actually, it reminds me how on other virtual pet sites, people buy and sell unnamed pets and sometimes that is a plus for people because then they get the buy the pet and name it something for themselves according to their preferences. 

In fact, regardless of the potential feeding-all-your-pets change, it'd be cool to be able to sell unnamed pets and just have unnamed pets. Sometimes it does get tedious having to name every single pet you hatch, you know? Sometimes I know we just come up with a random name and just feed the pet to the shrine or something.

he was a man of suffering, familiar with pain...

1:20pm Feb 21 2019

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Posts: 1
I haven't seen it through this thread But what about the option of having pets die of old age? Like if a pet is over the age of three years they die unless you have some sort of item that prolongs that(Like giving the ageless extract or resurrection potion a second function). This would essentially release Pets that are stuck in inactive accounts with Desireable names. This would work for all pets excluding CS pets. Another neat thing would be for those pets to wind up in the Atqueen Forest to be able to be adopted at the baby stage

3:38pm Feb 21 2019

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Posts: 777
I am against the idea. People have worked very hard sometimes to build collections up. I have nothing against clearing up inactive accounts but as someone who ended up taking a years hiatus do to mental health reasons in all honesty if Icame back and found that suddenly names I spent months saving up for even buying then for 2bil from an old inactive rancher, I would not return to rescreatu.

Second I dont mind there being reasons for people to log in or incentives to play regularly bit I think we need to reward those that do rather than scare people into logging in for fear of something they worked hard for. I know I dont always have tome to visit the apple tree 200times and when I am logged in half the time the npc shops sell very limited food leaving people constantly thinking about how best to feed their pets. But the question is, is this fun? Are people who suffer from anxiety going to be ok with such a drastic change?

Tldr: would rather we just cleared inactive accounts as a much simpler way and less stress free. I also feel it is much fairer than telling collectors that they should have to start prioritising based on their ability to work rescreatu around how active they can be at a given time of their life


3:55pm Feb 21 2019 (last edited on 3:58pm Feb 21 2019)

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Posts: 104
If pets die of 'old age' I will certainly leave Res because most of my pets are OLD. Like me. They will die and I'll go away, eventually to die and never be seen again. Unless I decide to haunt. There are a few people I'd probably haunt. X3 There's only one pet site I know of that does that and I never joined it. I'll never play a site where my pets die from 'old age', and life prolonging items will be expensive and yet one more thing to have to do.

Llama: Is that me eating a zenirix? There is a kind of resembance there. So now we know what Kir does with creatu.

4:06pm Feb 21 2019

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Posts: 878
Haven't read the entire thread since it's just been a wall of text

But the mechanic seems decently easy to follow, I support.

There's no particular reason to hoard 1000+ creatu in my personal opinion, and since there's the option of "unnaming" the creatu for K1R pets, I think this would push people to be slightly more active on here. 

One of the things I can think of is paying someone to take care of their creatu for a while. 

The odds of someone coming back from a huge hiatus I feel like is pretty much close to none. How many have left and never come back? what are the statistics? The easiest thing to do is probably send out an email to everyone and be like, "slight changes to game". If they care enough about it, they'd come back and check it out, if they don't care enough, why bother then?


4:13pm Feb 21 2019 (last edited on 4:15pm Feb 21 2019)

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Posts: 443
Made a few big updates to the first post to clarify that this idea ABSOLUTELY should include UNNAMED pets. I think after all the feedback on this thread it's very clear that we would need unnamed pets to make this system work :)

I also made an effort to better answer some of the things that have been brought up repeatedly. If there's something I didn't address that you posted about, please check the first or second post. If it's still not there, let me know! I spaced out for a few days during this discussion so... :')


I think the concept of feeding pets achieves the benefit aspects of pets dying of old age without just straight-up punishing old users. Most of my pets are atleast 10 years old according to birthdate. :') And some of my profile pets are 7+ years old by age. So from a personal standpoint I don't think I could get behind this idea, and I don't think it has as many benefits for the site either. But it does make me think maybe old pets should get some attention - maybe some sort of status/achievement for being really old pets, or even a special effect that gets unlocked at a certain age! o: Definitely stuff to think about there.


'I dont always have time to visit the apple tree 200 times'
Please read the first & second posts regarding how we can update and streamline the process of getting food. :) This idea shouldn't require anyone to log on constantly if they stock up their food pen as they are playing and have a reasonable number of named pets. Lots of ways to get food easily through normal game play should make it almost effortless to stock up.

But yes, being gone a year would probably be difficult unless you only had a few named pets. I don't see Rescreatu being able to accommodate users who take year-long breaks forever, to be honest. I have done it in the past too, as I said in my first post, but I always expected the game to do what was in it's best interest - take my names because I wasn't playing. This is a big issue on Res - inactive users have been made as important as active ones. From a development standpoint this just doesn't make sense and it hurts the people that are playing.

Either way I agree that inactive accounts should be cleared more frequently as a first step, and I would envision Rescreatu gradually evolving to a feeding system like this in the future (V4).


Also I fully agree Rin! I think I was typing while you posted :'D
I would love to know those statistics too. It certainly seems like we hear from a fair number of people that took huge hiatuses, but then if you do a username search for something like "dark" and see three thousand users who never made it past the first few days or months on the site, you realize what a problem this is...


9:33pm Feb 21 2019

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Posts: 104

You keep bringing up the 'player activity' of the site as being the problem. Does the site make money on user traffic? Or does it rely on users spending money? Because the two have nothing to do with each other. If the site gets money by user traffic, then why don't you do something people will LIKE to do, instead of omg HAVE to do or I'll lose my pets names. 
I USED to play much more when I trained and battled my pets. I was training some for sale as well. Quests and stuff never paid much to get by on, and the loss of battles killed my goals. There wasn't much else to do except collect. So now I have a huge collection of MEANINGFUL NAMES.

 Oh no, to people like you that means nothing. I'm a sick-O name hoarder that has no right to exist., because the biggest value of pets is the name. There are 5 pages of albino roditores, but only ONE 'nattie' roditore named Babboon. Pat had a whole little speech about the importance of that. 

And I've had hordes of people messaging me to 'buy' a certain name. Not the creatu, just THE NAME. Where are some of my best names? On poopie-worthless NATTIES. Buy the poopie nattie, buy some tags and slap that great name on an albino liyure...who cares what name goes on the nattie, call it gjhfjjbhb and dump it in the forest. How nice if all those worthless natties lose their names so they can be used on the all-important 'rares'? Because, do you know who messages me about names? RICH users. Newbies message me about my albinos. So 'good names for newbies' as an excuse for this charade flies like a pet rock.

10:09pm Feb 21 2019 (last edited on 10:24pm Feb 21 2019)

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Posts: 443

Eeno with all due respect I don't really care to engage in discussion unless it's going to be civil. I'd really appreciate if we could avoid making personal attacks, and if anything I have said has come across as an attack on any players it's not what I intended and I really do sincerely apologize. I only meant to be critical of the game, not its users. It's hard to differentiate that at times when I'm trying to explain things.

 I don't fault anyone for playing the game one way or the other. If the game allows a play style that hurts the game, that is in no way the fault of the player. I do see fault in game design that allows a single account to hold infinite names (whether they are gibberish or RWNs makes no difference in this context). It doesn't make sense for a site with unique names to not have some mechanics in place to atleast encourage some limits on individual accounts and to encourage the distribution and circulation of names among active accounts. I will freely admit I have no solutions for a perfect fix to this problem but I have done my best to propose things to point Rescreatu in a better direction, in my opinion.

 I have even said that if the game needed to go in a direction that I wouldn't enjoy but was better for the health of the site I would encourage Patrick to do it. There's nothing I can say to convince you my intentions are 'pure' enough. I'm well aware that's a futile battle, so the best I can do is provide explanations for why the site would benefit from fixing these issues. I will say that if I were interested solely in expanding my own name collection I would just do it, I can afford to. I wouldn't bother writing essays about making changes that won't effect the site for years at best.

I'm not clear on all the points you are making, but I will say - no, the site does not directly profit from page views to my knowledge. However it makes sense to assume that active players who feel the site is alive enough to merit investing their time are more likely to spend money here as well. Indirectly, I would wager that site traffic does have a connection with profits. If only ten people visit the site per week (just as an example) the chance of making money is no doubt lower than if 500 people visit the site per week, and so on.

*edit - 
I also agree we need more features, especially battle! But I don't think new features and fixes for old problems are mutually exclusive. I also don't think new features can fully compensate for these underlying problems that will still be there at the end of the day, effecting the site.


Also this is late (it's hard to acknowledge every post, I am sorry!) but I just wanted to say Hephzibah, I totally agree with this sentiment - "[...] it reminds me how on other virtual pet sites, people buy and sell unnamed pets and sometimes that is a plus for people..." I will add this to the first post because it's a very good point! :)


10:58pm Feb 21 2019

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Posts: 104
Oriette: I said, 'people like you' AKA who don't think collecting names matters and don't understand 'name hoarders'.  The sick-O part was for those who consider us some sort of bad, greedy people. I didn't hear you say that, just how it's 'not fair'. 

I just can't imagine why all the focus is on the names if it supposedly has nothing to do with freeing up names from the 'hoarders' so other people could feel the game was 'fair'. Is this a job for Robin Hood?

 Why not just say, "eeno, you have a 490 showroom, you get a 500 size limit and you can't store any more frozen-in time creatu than that." Give me an incentive to NOT hatch or buy any more, Don't give me a punch in the gut for having so many. Let me keep the names I worked for and give me something better to do. Because implementing this change is an incentive for people to quit, not play more. I want my showroom creatu in-tact, with their names and colors and effects and ability to take them out when I want to age, train or go in the frost-light caves...I don't even care if the names are unique any more. A stagnant museum of mostly blank, nameless natties sprinkled with some nameless colors, CS and retired CS pets is DEPRESSING and Worthless.

12:01am Feb 22 2019 (last edited on 12:02am Feb 22 2019)

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Posts: 443
This definitely is about names. In my mind this is equally about names and about active users, both important issues that need to be talked about. :) I knew this would make a lot of "powerful" people on Res unhappy with me for questioning it but I believed it was the right thing to do for the game. I saw newer users who dared to bring it up were ignored or recieved backlash for it. Sometimes they would rant about it on certain off-site blogs and chatrooms. I felt I stood a better chance on site than some other users. Don't get me wrong - I'm not a big fan of this whole martyrdom thing I've got going now. XD But oh well, here we are. I certainly don't think anyone who hoards names is a bad person, or etc. They're just playing the game the way it has been designed, which has some flaws imo. Heck it's how I've always played the game too!
And I do think it's important that the game feels atleast somewhat fair to users. I have seen many users quit over the years due to perceived inquality. Retaining users is so important, and giving them proof that the game is making an effort to keep things balanced and inclusive to new users goes a long way.

As for having straight-up quantity limits I don't think that's out of the question (in fact I think it could work in conjunction with my ideas) it just doesn't go far enough in my opinion to address the issue of keeping players involved in the game. I see 'feeding' as a mechanic that can be utilized to "kill two birds with one stone" while also making conceptual sense within the context of this being a pet site. I understand fully that some users view this as punishment, rather than incentive, and I totally acknowledge there is a difference. I just also think incentives are not always effective enough from what I have seen on various pet sites. This may be down to personal perspective - at which point I can only turn the decision over to Patrick & co. However we can also make this "punishment" something that doesn't feel like one - but instead a natural and effortless part of playing the game regularly.

As for your showroom becoming a depressing museum it sounds like you could just combine your nice names with the nice pets you have and ditch the natties if you don't like those? I'm sort of confused on this point..


2:14am Feb 22 2019

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Posts: 104
Oriette: I like my natties just fine...I'm proud that I took the time to find good names for pets that other people considered 'junk'. They are names full of memories and emotions, tributes of lost loved ones and good times with friends on this site, things that I EARNED here, no matter how 'fair' newcomers think it is. Robin Hood is not 'fair' either; I didn't become 'rich' by stealing from 'the people'...and I'm not powerful either.

6:49am Feb 22 2019

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Posts: 615
I think the name uniquer should be forgotten about, so we can have multiple of every name, that would solve that problem :p


8:55am Feb 22 2019 (last edited on 8:56am Feb 22 2019)

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Posts: 51
After having discussed my concerns here with Oriette and Patrick, I want to say that I've made my mind up and I'm in support of this idea. I still think that in order for it to be super effective, other new and fun features will have to also be eventually put in place. But I do think that it would be an interesting change to the game and it would help circulate names. 

But most importantly of all, it takes care of the inactive users problem Res has. I do agree that on a site like Res where names are limited, when a user becomes inactive for a period of time, there needs to be some way to prevent hoarding.

It seems to me that ultimately this change will not punish users who are relatively active on the site, but it will effect users who are inactive. I know the majority of people who oppose this idea are worried that they will lose pets and it will be a pain to feed all of their pets... But in this system, so long as you are even relatively active, the system should not punish you. As Oriette has stated, food would of course become much more plentiful and easy to buy in bulk and your food pen would feed ALL named pets associated with your account. I agree that there should be an option that allows you to delete a pet's name and make it unnamed.

I think that users will also be able to make tu by offering rooming and boarding/pet lodging services to users who know they are going to be gone for a certain period of time. To that end I would suggest putting in place a way to send another user multiple creatu at once. This could actually be fun where members compete to offer even more services. Like not only will I feed your pet but I will read them this collection of books and raise its intellect and give it squishies to play with etc. 

(Although that kind of service might only be appealing if stats become useful again *hint hint* - an idea for another thread haha.) 

 Also I think if in a future version of Res this was implemented alongside gardening, it really works. Because food now becomes something that is not a chore but a fun and even potentially lucrative part of the game. It can become an activity users do with their creatu. There is so much potential there and I think if users were able to grow their own food, be able to sell food, and have fun growing seasonal things (roses for Valentines day, pumpkins for Halloween, poinsettias for Christmas, etc) and being able to get trophies and compete to be on the leaderboard... we would enjoy the process. I know I would. It would be a genuinely fun part of the game. 

Also I love how this idea relies upon unnamed pets being a thing. I think this is a great idea and one that other virtual pet sites have implemented to their benefit. It would certainly benefit Res. 

Also I think being able to add symbols into a pet's name like _ - + & and spaces would be a verrryyy great update to do alongside a change like this. Allow people to be as creative as possible with the names. 

So after having read through this thread very carefully, I think I am in support of it. Probably especially since my concerns about rancher shops were addressed - unnamed pets would certainly fix that issue. 

he was a man of suffering, familiar with pain...

12:36pm Feb 22 2019 (last edited on 12:39pm Feb 22 2019)

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Posts: 104
Hephziba: I DO like the growing seeds event. Still, over 200000 real life is too demanding and...eventful to guarantee any regular 'activity' like hunting for seeds, planting and harvesting and feeding. I usually log in to check messages, hatch an egg, check the stocks, buy a few random collectibles fron people's shops or do a bit of an event. I only got 9 out of 12 Iluvu eggs and 3 of 6 vaspi. That's all the time and energy I had (yeah, I need new glasses too). It's just one more chore on my long list, and it will have to be on the bottom because I'm caring for an elderly mother in a ramshackle house, dealing with a sister with cancer and the remnants of a deceased father and brother who were real-life hoarders and I'm no spring chicken. I never know when something is going to happen, and if I could manage all this 'feeding' it would probably be the only thing I'd do here...which would be boring.

As for the rancher, the only thing I have in there are natties with reasonable names, probably most of which are bought to transfer the names onto 'better' pets.

12:51pm Feb 22 2019

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Posts: 443
I totally agree we should be able to keep what we have earned, to a reasonable degree that doesn't harm the game's future. That doesn't work out for any of us in the long run. I think if you're an active user that still cares about playing the game it shouldn't be difficult at all to maintain a reasonable number of pets through all of the changes that have been proposed here. I understand if you simply can't get on board with this, I'm sure there are users that I just won't convince.


As for getting rid of unique names, if you feel that is best for the site I strongly encourage you to make a new suggestion thread about it! :) I just don't have anything to add to that discussion here, I've already said what I'd like to about it.


I super agree that implementing this alongside/after gardening would be the best possible course of action! I'm really impressed and inspired by all the discussion on Void's garden thread, and I really hope that happens. Without your feedback and others' I wouldn't have realized how important unnamed pets were to this process and I'm glad to see someone come around to the idea! :) I agree about allowing other characters in names as well, I don't think it could hurt. The only rule I'd like to see in regards to that is to not allow a name to end or begin with a space so names like "  Bob" or "Bob  " couldn't exist and confuse users. :)

I will also add the 'pet boarding' idea to the second post! Whether this is given an official feature or not, I definitely see it being a thing in this system. There is currently a multiple pet transfer option - the link is at the top of the Hatchery page - but I think it's limited to pets on your profile, so that could use an update too.

Thanks for taking the time to read everything so diligently and for keeping an open mind! And for being patient with me haha :)


2:31pm Feb 22 2019 (last edited on 2:32pm Feb 22 2019)

Normal User

Posts: 878
Ah just a minor suggestion:

Infinite food items should be a bit easier to use to feed all pets.
i.e. after clicking it you can open a checklist of which creatu on your profile to feed. 
mainly because feeding creatu rn with those things are a huge pain in the ass


5:44pm Feb 22 2019

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Posts: 51
@eenobegeeto I just don't want to judge this decision based on how much a pain in the butt it will possibly be to feed my pets. Are we just assuming it will be that way based on how it is now? 

 I have faith that Patrick and the staff would find a way to make it very easy and seamless to do. If it took you near zero in time cost and you assume as Patrick said that food was free, would you be more for it? 

I think that's where we need to begin because this idea is not even in development yet. It has only been suggested. 

Also 200,000 pets is definitely a testament to how long you've been on Res. And that's really awesome. It's certainly not a bad thing that you have 200,000 pets, and I certainly do not want to imply that at all. It just goes to show you've loved Res for a long time. :)

But I also know that if I had 200,000 pets, I would probably at some point want to "Konmari" my showroom so to speak and make sure that every creatu there is really one that sparks joy - or can I do without? The fact is I can't even browse through that many creatu without spending a huge amount of time and therefore am not even getting any joy out of them. Kind of like something in your house you got at one point and liked - maybe even loved - but now you suddenly realize you haven't even looked at it for over three years. 

So even if you had to go through your showroom and evaluate things, that might end up being a good thing for you and definitely for the game.

he was a man of suffering, familiar with pain...

8:27pm Feb 22 2019

Normal User

Posts: 89
3] "Tax the rich" and stimulate the economy

And that is supposed to ba a valid point to you for wanting to do this.

What a joke!

So I have to spend more tu to keep what I earned, just because someone that's only been here a month cries that they dont have what I do, or feels they are not going to obtain what I earned.

Guess what I played the game as it was and earned it, weather the game was in good or bad shape. Or whatever shape your viewing it as. I suggest they do the same, actually play the game and earn it as I did.

I'm all for a better Rescreatu, but that point is just plain ridiculous.

"I Touched Her Thigh And Death Smiled"

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