Limiting Pets

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10:28pm Feb 22 2019

Normal User

Posts: 443
I like the checklist idea Rin, thank you! I'll add it to the second post along with Wolfspi's ideas for infinite food items. :)

TheHippi, that is a fair point! To be honest that 'tax the rich' bit is a relic from my initial thoughts on this concept and no longer really applies so I have removed it. Through feedback we've reshaped the idea considerably and I don't envision food being much of a cost anymore. Neither the rich or poor through active play should find this system costly, ideally. Just requires a bit of time on the site.

I have no desire to simply hand things over to new users, and I think most of us established players should find this all moderately easy to adjust to and easy to maintain. With the exception of those that own thousands of pets who will probably have to make some adjustments initially and "unname" creatu that they don't want to feed.

I don't think we should just take from rich users and give to poor users, by any means. I'm not a new or poor user so it wouldn't be in my best interest either lol. I do think that the site's ability to retain new users benefits us however. It's sort of like the need to have a stable middle class in the real world. Imagine if the site was actively growing every year. Limited items from previous years might actually start to accrue value instead of being worthless because all 300 active users already have them. This should especially be of interest to a user like you that runs an excellent merchant shop full of LE items just waiting to be bought up! :)

Changes like this can help reshape the site into one that can appeal to more people and be inclusive to new users, as well as encourage more activity on the site. I think a lot of old users would benefit greatly from "fresh blood" on the site and be pleasantly surprised by what a more active site could mean for their ability to make tu and the value of their items.


I was sort of 'on another planet' for a few days and wasn't addressing every post here. I'm going to try to read through this thread again and see if there's anything else I should bring back up. :)


11:06pm Feb 22 2019

Normal User

Posts: 73
So I've read this through, and my thoughts remain the same.

No support.

If food was free, I would hate this idea.
If it was a single button click once a month, I would hate this idea.
if I could buy enough food to feed them hands-off for a year, I would hate this idea.
I would not matter how easy it was to feed my pets. I would still hate this idea.

I do not want to play a game that holds my account hostage for not playing, and for a lot of members, that's exactly what this will be. Play or die. Play or lose everything you saved for. Play or we'll give the thing you care about to someone who doesn't know how hard you worked to get it.

Play, or else.

Yeah, doesn't sound like much fun to me.

This will lose a lot of long-time players. And it's generally long-time players who are dropping actual cash to buy Credits. New users don't care yet. I played for four years before I put any real money into this game. and I didn't have any really good names for those four years. It gave me something to really work towards.

I'm not sure why getting more traffic to the site is such a massive deal. Someone else asked whether the site was funded by player purchases in game, or by daily traffic, and I think that's an important question. Why do daily sign-ins matter so much? Why is that so terribly important? Are people just offended that some members don't like to sign in as often as others? Is it the elitism of someone who plays all the time versus someone who can't, or doesn't want to?

@Patrick, can you maybe fill us in here? Is it about new membership or what?

if it's membership that's the important thing, than I would say than not driving off existing members would be a priority, no? If it's more about increasing membership, I would say that adding more fun, engaging events and activities would be better than alienating a lot of existing members.

Oriette, I appreciate what you're trying to do, but the honest truth is that people have said, across fourteen pages of comments, that yes, it IS an undue burden on them to be forced to either chose the few precious names to save, or find some way to protect what they've worked for years to collect. This punishes players for playing in a way they think is fun. That's not okay.

No. Rancher shop pets should not require 'less food' they should require none. if I have to pay to keep my stock, which is my only way of making tu now that the stocks are nerfed, I'll be pricing a lot higher to accommodate that additional cost of selling. Merchant shops don't have an associated fee to keep their inventory alive, so rancher shops shouldn't either.

Yes, I love the idea of a garden. I posted my support there, not because I think the free food is good, but because I think it sounds like fun. It's something I would like to play because it adds to the game. I would especially like to be able to find seeds the way we find eggs on different worlds. It would give me reasons to explore around sign in more often.

Yes, I love the idea of unnamed pets, and being able to unname pets. I would be thrilled to unname a lot of the creatu I've collected as 'one of every color' collections. I love the idea of moving dozens of unnamed pets to a 'collection board' to get them out of play. I would absolutely use something like that. That doesn't fix the hundreds of names I would be furious to lose.

My final thought is this:

Give us more reasons to play the game. Add content. Add events. Add more engaging things to do. Does anyone remember when the egg hunts revamped so you actually got to 'search' for your eggs? That was great! Or the first Stardust festival? Or how about when the Spring first opened? Everyone was playing!

Even something like new morphs, or a different type of mutant, or some way to actually interact with pets beyond books and squishies. If this site is about the pets, then give us a way to treat them like the pets they are!

Rescreeatu is a game. Don't force players to play. Make us want to. We're still here because we love this game. Don't give us reasons to hate it.


1:04am Feb 23 2019 (last edited on 1:10am Feb 23 2019)

Normal User

Posts: 443

To address the question, "Why do we want more users?" there's two perspectives to consider. 

First, the easiest perspective to understand is from a developer's standpoint. More users = more likelihood of profit. I actually hear from and see new users that spend money, it's definitely not just old users. New users are inspired to spend money in the hope of 'jump-starting' their account and making quick progress. Just last year I knew of a new user that spent several hundred dollars within their first six months playing. Regardless, it's a matter of odds. The more customers that walk into your store, the better chance you have at making a sale. Pageviews do not make money directly (though they could if Rescreatu was supported by ad revenue, something it should do), but obviously a busier site means more people are invested in your game and invested players are going to, well, invest money! :) Site developers should always aim for a large, active userbase.

The second perspective is from the average user's standpoint. First of all, if Rescreatu is profitable we all benefit from the game continuing to run and be able to provide new content! Artists, coders and other staff must be paid to create new assets for new features and so on. We should all want this for the site, so we should all want more active users. But it matters for less obvious reasons too. It means more people hatching and selling pets for Kir. It means more demand for retired items which make our old accounts valuable. It means a more vibrant and interesting community to interact with. More users buying pets and items mean making tu faster, making the site more interesting and fast-paced for everyone. It could bring life back to dead sections of forums, like 'roleplaying' which use to be quite popular on Res but now suffers because there's just not a diverse or active enough community to keep it going.

I've been here for nearly 12 years. I've seen the site at it's busiest and most alive. The site was simply more fun to be on. I could spend hours a day on the site because it was so alive - there was always someone to interact with, someone to buy from or sell things to. Now, part of the reason I spend less time here is because there's simply not much going on. And yes, events and new features will always be needed, but they can't replace users.


I have recently updated the first post to incorporate the concept of unnamed creatu which would not need to be fed. This should make a huge impact on how this system effects ranchers. Most often we are selling pets for their species or color, not their name. If you are selling a name yes, you would need to keep it fed. However food should not be a costly burden if you are playing regularly. 


To be honest if you are against logging on and even clicking a button on a somewhat regular basis I don't see a chance in convincing you of the benefits of this system. However, if I were trying to convince developers to take my side, I would not expect them to do so if I told them I'm not interested in being on the site or occasionally participating in the game just to keep my names - a finite and important resource that is needed in circulation to keep the game viable for years to come.

For old (or any) users that want to keep their names, and they discover that it's pretty effortless just by being around somewhat regularly, I'm pretty confident they will do it. Yes, there's been negative feedback on this thread - some of which I fault my initial ideas for, and I needed to listen to feedback to make adjustments. Of course some users will probably reject this idea no matter what. There have been users on this thread to support this as well though, it hasn't been 14 pages of nothing but negativity. And I can't do much about those who are against this system that didn't fully understand it or read my post before they rejected it.

 Let me tell you a story though.

Years ago, eggs did not spoil. In fact, you didn't even have to click to pick them up - they automatically were given to you upon refreshing. Even seasonal eggs worked this way! So users had collected INSANE hoards of eggs that never spoiled. Developers realized the site could not go on like this, and with the release of v3 eggs began to spoil. You can imagine how angry users were who had thousands of seasonal eggs that were going to rot within a year, when they never had before. They felt they had earned those eggs and they should exist forever! Did users quit? It's hard to remember, but I'm sure some did. Was it the wrong choice for the site? Absolutely not. It had to be done so that the site could function properly. Is this feeding system a bigger change? Yup. Will some users be angry? Yup. Not all users can see beyond their own desire to play the game a certain way. For instance, if unique names were gone, I would be gone too. Even if it's in the best interest of the site, that's not how I want to play. But if it's of significant benefit to the site, I say do it! :)

Rescreatu can't cater only to old and inactive users,  or super casual players that only visit once a year. It needs to view these issues for all users and especially future users and the overall health of the site. Not to mention the profit margins that allow it to run and add new content.


Finally I totally agree about new features! Yes, always and forever! There will never be a time when Rescreatu doesn't need new events and features. That's how pet sites work - always growing. But fixing old problems and adding new features are not mutually exclusive. In fact, until big problems like 'every account can own infinite names without doing anything to keep them' are addressed, new features are just icing on an unbaked cake.

I appreciate you taking the time to share your feedback which is of course valid! I don't expect all users to hop on board with this, but I'm glad you took the time to consider. :) 


9:52am Feb 23 2019 (last edited on 9:53am Feb 23 2019)

Normal User

Posts: 51
I also want to add that this idea does not at all target the rich.

It just so happens that older users (some of whom are not "rich") tend to have quite a large collection of pets - a testament to how long they've been on the site. But also even new users would be affected by this change. It wouldn't merely be the rich users. So it's not really "tax the rich" but just a way of tweaking something that has, in a sense, left the game imbalanced.

If the idea gets implemented, users who have more creatu in their showroom will of course feel the change more keenly than perhaps the user who just started and doesn't have a showroom open yet. However, we all would be going through the same adjustment period and abiding by the same system. 

If the objection is one of the idea's fairness, I don't think that stands. We could also argue that the cost of upgrading one's showroom is also "taxing the rich" with the nefarious purpose of giving someone else's hard earned names to new people. But rationally we know that's not true.

 It's also ultimately up to Patrick and honestly, if he feels this is a direction the site needs to go, it's not an immoral or wrong decision in any way. It's up for him to judge. 

It is first and foremost a game. Games need balance or they cease to become fun or something you play. 

he was a man of suffering, familiar with pain...

1:31pm Feb 23 2019

Normal User

Posts: 878
I think the general idea is "don't bite more than you can chew", typically 'rich' users are the ones with a lot of rare creatu, good names ect.

Food on the market currently is basically worth peanuts in comparison to the net worth of their account when adding on items/creatu/names/cp ect.

I'm more than confident that any user that considers themselves "rich" can afford to buy enough food to keep their important creatu alive. If not they can choose to sell some less sentimental items/pets.


3:25pm Feb 23 2019

Normal User

Posts: 3,011
I agree with hippi.
I feel like this is a jealousy stance,taking place.

We worked hard for many years,
Believe me..
Old users will leave.

People don't appreciate big players.
They buy cs,and put them in users shops
So everyone can buy and enjoy them.
They give out random gifts,
Help people with hard to grab items.
Not only that,
But help with secret Santa,
And they help spread tu as well,
Buy buying stuff from other players that need it.
Or keep back pets,
So users can do a lay-away,
On things they can slowly pay off and own proudly.

If you punish older users even more,
This will die,
And so will the site,in time.

110% against taxing richer players.

In 38 colors, and a thousand black
Gondras later... I rise over my
Army as the Gondra Queen!

4:20pm Feb 23 2019

Normal User

Posts: 1,367

I'm getting too angry reading this thread, so this will be my last post.

I don't feel like anyone is interested in actually hearing and trying to understand why users are against this idea. Instead, in my opinion, those in favor seem to be more interested in being able to claim they sought opinions. The goal seems to be to say they can counter opposing opinions rather than actually listening and trying to see it from the opposing perspective. Users against the idea are made to feel like they're just "greedy old users" for being attached to their pets rather than peers who also have an interest in giving input they genuinely feel will contribute toward the site's well-being.

Aside from losing my pets, what upsets me about this suggestion is that I feel the "feed your rancher and showroom pets" is more about wanting to open up names than gaining or retaining users. If gaining and retaining users is the main goal, other more interactive ideas would be better. If it's about opening up names, clear banned/inactive accounts at a faster rate. But don't pretend that adding this function will revitalize the site because a) many users are upset about it and may leave, b) it adds repetitive and tedious mundane action rather than interactive game play, c) it isn't going to make the site stand out from other pet sites, and d) it isn't going to be noticeable/attractive to new users because they likely won't even realize it's a change.

If you want to attract new users and retain old ones, add interactive activities. Add gardening, change the springs, add a daily log-in bonus, re-establish the battle feature, add cooking options or quests, make it easier or more fun to interact with your creatu, etc. The only thing I can see this suggestion doing is driving away old users and clearing names from accounts. I honestly don't believe it will provide any other "benefit" to the site, and I say benefit in quotes because I don't believe taking names from other users or those who can't/won't feed all their showroom and ranchers pets will help revitalize the site in the least. Instead, incentivize people to play through fun, interactive games/activities/quests. Find a way to make Rescreatu stand out from the other pet sites out there.

Thanks for reading, assuming you took the time to read through that. And thanks to MissHalloween for bringing my attention to this thread in the first place-- I won't be following anymore because it doesn't seem like anything we say will make a difference anyway, but I appreciate the opportunity to try.


6:45pm Feb 23 2019 (last edited on 6:48pm Feb 23 2019)

Normal User

Posts: 472
Lol, perhaps play more of the game, and hang around as long as thehippi(and myself also) has, and put yourself in his shoes. We have more creatu and names because we've played the game for over 10 years, and earned them with time.
The point of game play is to earn your way up, not be given easy hand outs, or cry when you cant get things you want. Yes, its a sad thing to not be able to get certain names or pets right off. But that gives something to work for.
You've played for awhile, it isnt older users fault that you wernt keen on making or not making profits while playing your game. That was your choice. Everyone plays their game differently, so you can't blame users game outcomes on one section of the user base(older accounts). Some users need long breaks from online life, and dont want to have that worry of whether the process theyve made in a games been deleted or removed only to have someone else reap the profits of their hard work.
Mid to newer users can sell items and creatu to earn their way, just as we have and continue to do. Earn your way up!
I believe in yall.

It took me YEARS to get to where I could afford to buy some of my dream creatu, and their names.

Ill mention it again also that this really isn't the way in getting new users to join in on the site.
We need more updates and activities in general. Ones that'll aid in the actual game play of the site. More story lines with the planets perhaps for example. We all chose a home planet back in the day, that alone could be thought into for more event type things or games/races.
Like which planets team donates the most sepia pets of a certain species on said day to a vortex hole randomly appearing from uldavi or something. idk haha
The winners of said events could win points that go into play in like a planet shop that could have pet type boosters for stats or higher saved point payouts for certain color changes for creatu for kir or collections.


6:58pm Feb 23 2019 (last edited on 6:58pm Feb 23 2019)

Normal User

Posts: 443

I suppose there's no point in responding if you aren't reading this, Manga. But I will say I have very much listened to all concerns and I fully understand the sentiments being expressed. I also totally get that none of us want our names taken away. It just doesn't change my mind, the same way my arguments haven't changed your mind. It doesn't mean either of us haven't listened or considered the other perspective.

I think just as some feel that I am accusing old players of being "greedy", I feel like I am being accused of the same, that I am just "greedy" and name grabbing. I have said this already but I'm not being critical of users for how they play the game. I am being critical of how the game is designed.

For me this whole thing boils down to: there is a broken mechanic in this game that doesn't make sense, and that is allowing infinite names on any one account. This isn't about freeing up specifically your names or nice names - just names in general. In fact I think the really nice names are probably going to stay right where they are, because those of us that are playing will want to keep them.

No one is denying that new features and more fun stuff needs to be added to the game. I am in full and total agreement with you guys there! It just doesn't mean that broken things shouldn't also be addressed.


7:13pm Feb 23 2019 (last edited on 7:20pm Feb 23 2019)

Normal User

Posts: 51
@mangadreamer (and also @GG), it's too bad you don't feel listened to on the thread because I was leaning against the idea at first (see my previous posts) and it was only because I felt like Patrick and Oriette answered all of my questions and concerns that I changed my opinion. I also don't think Oriette is trying to make anybody feel guilty and like they are an "old, rich, greedy" user considering she is also an old and rich user. She gets it. I also hope my posts have made nobody feel this way? 

I dunno. I hope you feel heard. I get that the proposed change is upsetting because I too was initially concerned about it and what the fallout of it would be. 

But I think the intended purpose of this proposed change has been transparent and certainly not just to give handouts to newbies or be nefarious in any way, but really more of a way to bring balance back to a potentially imbalanced game. At first I also thought, well why not just delete names on inactive accounts faster? Why not clear them after a year? Why not six months? 

But I also think that the addition of having to feed named pets makes sense now. I think it will cause people to really evaluate the creatu they currently own and limit excessive hoarding. This is not to say that people who have thousands upon thousands of creatu or horrible greedy users. It's a testament to how long they have loved Res. It is not a problem with users but, as Oriette said, in the design of the game itself.

But I really want to point out that this change wouldn't necessarily entail having to get rid of creatu you love. It might entail going through your showroom and making sure, "Hmm... I haven't even looked at this nattie creatu named 'hiiptyglibbit' in two years... do I really need it taking up space in my showroom?" 

Of course you might not think there is anything wrong with the balance and flow of names in the game now or maybe you do and you just think the solution is something different.

I don't think that this proposed change would at all create "handouts". I don't understand how this would be a thing since ALL users would have to feed their named creatu. Names on inactive accounts would no doubt be freed and perhaps less important names that people feel like they can let go. But those then would be free for the taking from everyone and no one seems to be against the idea of names on inactive accounts being freed. 

It's just people who have lots of creatu are worried they won't be able to handle feeding all of their showroom pets and are assuming they will lose pets they love and that is upsetting. I mean, Oriette addressed this in multiple posts and has been nothing but empathetic IMO. I get it if you don't agree with the idea or think it's unwise, but nobody on this thread has been mean or seems to have ulterior motives or anything like that.

 Patrick has been asking questions for the sake of clarifying points, but he's only going to do what makes sense for the version of Res he has in mind.

he was a man of suffering, familiar with pain...

7:31pm Feb 23 2019 (last edited on 7:34pm Feb 23 2019)

Normal User

Posts: 1,018
(typed all this before seeing Hephzibah's post)
Just because there are people who play differently doesn't mean something is broken.

This whole "Limiting Pets" forum is about freeing names and some what bringing more people/activity.
If we want to free names lets DO some of the suggestions that was made; towards those who are banned/inactive. Lets lessen the time it takes to clear inactive accounts, lets clear banned accounts. Not target those who are still around.
I've said it before names go with pets, I make sure to make names to go with said creatu. Like my derp adult Drindian named "Fuud", it's not a real word or proper spelling but it goes with the derp Drindian. Names, even made up names given to a specific creatu can be important to someone, even if there are 100s of them.
Needing to feed rancher pets still doesn't seem like a smart idea, I'd still raise my prices to make up for feeding them which will make them even harder to sell.
People have given very good points on how bad this can be, I see more bad than good. I've read everything everyone has posted. The very good points of how this would be bad, all the suggestions to bring more activity/flow of users are being seen by selective-blind eyes. I keep on seeing those against being told to read, read everything but I still think our(those still very against) points "aren't being read".
And again, there are many users, many ways on playing. Why target those who play in the way of collecting? Just because you wouldn't mind many dead nameless pets, you wouldn't mind catering to the selective few you care about, just because you play a certain way doesn't mean it should be the only and the right way to play.
All I get from reading this is no matter what is said from those against it doesn't matter no matter what. And that if things are as broken as you make it seem, the way this forum is suggesting on fixing what is "broken" is like taking a broken window, throwing away half the broken pieces and fixing it with the remaining pieces. 


8:22pm Feb 23 2019

Normal User

Posts: 280
First and foremost, I want to say a big hello to everyone.   Also, I'm basically just going to let my train of thought run.  So if this is long-winded and has a LOT of tangents, I take full responsibility.

With that said, I haven't been actively playing Rescreatu for several years now... so many that I've lost count.  Although I drop in every now and then, I mainly watched the site from afar.  And there is one main reason that I never really get back into the site.  To be honest, Rescreatu is BORING.  I mean no offense, but truthfully.  The only time the site truly comes alive is for the seasonal events, and other events that have been added through the years.  Everything else is just 1) stock market twice a day, 2) hatches, 3) saving up for a big goal.  And you might say that the community isn't boring, and you would be right.  In my honest opinion, the community on Rescreatu is the only thing that has kept it alive for almost a decade.

The reason I'm starting with that, is that I think something like this could breathe LIFE back into Rescreatu.  Even whenever I was Head Moderator, I got to a point where I was bored playing the game and only logged on to chat with people and perform my duties as staff.  I saved up hundreds of millions of tu, but I've felt for a long, long time that the game is lacking the umph needed to keep people playing long-term.  By having ways that people can earn food for cheap (or free) by being active and PLAYING the game, you're giving your users something to do and strive for.   

Also, implementing this idea is basically going to make me quit the game because I cannot be active enough to always make sure that my names remain.  And I'm okay with that, because a 'game' should be for the people are are actually playing the game.  Not a user (me0 who joined in 2007 who is too busy irl to get on and feed thousands of pets.  With the system as it is, my pets are going to sit here forever and literally no one will ever EVER be able to get enjoyment out of them.  So to be clear I am NOT supporting this idea because I have something to gain.  No, I actually have EVERYTHING to lose.  But I do think that this suggestion will make the game more viable for the people who are active and want to spend their time and money on the game.

Let me break down my thoughts in numbered format.

1)  If you only get on to do basic maintenance on your account (stocks, hatches, etc) are you actually /playing/ the game?  Or are you /maintaining/ these things in an online bank?  Rescreatu is not your Pokemon game from 2007 that you can turn on and everything is exactly how it was whenever you left.  Rescreatu is a site that hundreds of people play on, and I completely believe that being active in a game should be rewarding.  If you only want to dedicate 10 - 20 minutes on this game a day (or even a week) then you should be prepared to face the consequences of that.  And if life gets in the way of you doing that, then I'm sorry!  I really am.  I get it, I have missed SEVERAL of community days on Pokemon Go because of real life responsibilities.  But that does NOT mean that active people on Rescreatu have to suffer.  And as for accounts that have been inactive for years?  At least they would still have the unnamed pets.  Neopets just DELETED the old accounts after giving notice that they were doing so.

2)  I love the idea of gardening and of having ways to get free food.  I think that would be necessary with the super large showrooms that some people have (myself included.  Love my Zaphies~<3)

3)  I haven't read every single reply on this since I'm late to the game, but I have a suggestion.  What if other players were able to feed your creatu?  That way if you 'know' that you won't be able to get on for a week or three months or something, you could pay a user to make sure that your creatu are fed.  This could be as easy as letting other users add food to your food pen.  That way you can pay for a service and stimulate the economy even while you're away from your account.

Although I see both sides to this suggestion, and have friends supporting both sides, I completely 100% support this idea.
I made a suggestion on #3
I apologize if I offended you and your relationship with this game/your pets.  I mean no harm.
It's possible that I won't log on again for several months, so I may not see any replies/rebuttals to this post.  If you really want to talk to me, send me an rmail.  I wlll /eventually/ read it.
I love you all<3  Thank you for making Rescreatu a safe place for me since 2007.

 photo ZaphieBannerProgress_zpsa364f1e4.gif

10:30pm Feb 23 2019 (last edited on 10:30pm Feb 23 2019)

Normal User

Posts: 878
"We have more creatu and names because we've played the game for over 10 years, and earned them with time."
You have more creatu and names because you had a head start at collecting them, when they were still underpriced or heck, not even taken. I wouldn't really call them "earned", more of "given".

The point of game play is to earn your way up, not be given easy hand outs, or cry when you cant get things you want. But that gives something to work for.

Handout - "something given free to a needy person or organization."
I fail to see how this is a handout of any kind. It's not unfair if every user has to feed all their creatu. No one's whining that they don't get someone else's names. From what I can tell on this thread, it's mainly people who aren't active that don't want to feed the ones that they've hoarded. 

You've played for awhile, it isnt older users fault that you wernt keen on making or not making profits while playing your game. That was your choice. 
You imply that a new user understands the mechanics and economy of this game the minute they start. 

Some users need long breaks from online life, and dont want to have that worry of whether the process theyve made in a games been deleted or removed only to have someone else reap the profits of their hard work.

Once again, what are the statistics on this. Just search up "Light" under usernames. That's about 100 accounts maybe? How many have come back? What are the odds that someone from a long hiatus comes back, and is legitimately ACTIVE on the site? Not just "hi, hatch, stock, bye."

Even so, there are many ways to combat this.
1. Send out an email to all users who were more than 2 weeks active, stating that there has been a change to the site, and they have a month or something to do something about their creatu. If they don't respond to this, one can be certain, they're probably not coming back.
2. People can hire others to take care of their creatu. "X sent Y an undisclosed amount of tu to take care of X's creatu of Z amount of time."
3. One again, and I reiterate, food is really damn cheap on this site. you can get food for less than 500 tu. It's just going to get cheaper with farming and other things that get implemented if this feature is added. There's really no excuse as to why any old user who has hoarded all these years to not being able to afford to feed their own creatu. 


11:09pm Feb 23 2019

Normal User

Posts: 3,011
I feel like this thread is getting angrier.

Lets say,
Newbies today..
And other early players,
Start off bad..I can understand the struggle.
Lets say,if res lasts till 2027..
And these players get loads of things,
They are now proud of.
Now,this update here finally made its way,
And everyone feeds everything.
I'm sure,
The players today..the new ones,
Will be complaining as well.

It does take years to obtain.
Took me since 2012,
And I thought I couldn't do it.
Nothing,is easy.
Not sure how its "given"..please explain.
And please don't make these posts in here,
Full of curse words.

I have a feeling,
If this thread gets angrier,
It should be locked.

In 38 colors, and a thousand black
Gondras later... I rise over my
Army as the Gondra Queen!

1:01am Feb 24 2019

Normal User

Posts: 878
@ Hallow
"Not sure how its "given"..please explain."

If you made your account est pre-2010, there would've been plenty of open name slots for RWN and what not. Pre-2015ish i'd say is before the hyperinflation hit Res, when CP skyrocketed from 500k/per to what is about 1mil/per, and names went from 200-500mil to about 800-2bil.

"And please don't make these posts in here,
Full of curse words."
Please take a look @ rule 6.
Words such as "ass", "hell", "damn", and "crap" are allowed, but only when not used toward another user. Swear words other than these will not be tolerated.

also i don't think Heck is even considered a curse word but that's at the staff's discretion.


3:02am Feb 24 2019 (last edited on 3:02am Feb 24 2019)

Normal User

Posts: 4,848
Quick thing I realized while looking at undead Creatu...  If we had to have our food pens constantly full to feed all these guys, what if we want to intentionally starve one so we can bring it back as Undead?  Would every single one of our other Creatu need to starve also?  It may end up killing all of them if your showroom ones aren't save from starvation, haha. 


3:03am Feb 24 2019

Normal User

Posts: 1,764
Ribunny: Its been suggested we can choose certain ones not to feed or a place to put them to die. 


3:09am Feb 24 2019

Normal User

Posts: 4,848
Ah my bad, there's so much to read I mustve missed it


8:49am Feb 24 2019


Posts: 2,155
Lucifer and Rin are hitting the nail on the head all over the place. <3

**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚♫ and the haters gonna hate hate hate hate hate ♫**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚

9:47am Feb 24 2019

Normal User

Posts: 356
I love both Rin and Lucifer's replies. Very thought out and accurate, in my opinion. 

Rin: I like what you said about Rescreatu pre-2015 that there were MANY open RWNs still around and you could still get a pretty good name for an expensive but obtainable price.  Around 2010: I set out to get the names Gilbert, Germany, Prussia, Hungary, etc.  I got every single one of those names. It took me months of dedication but I got all of those names through hard work and dedication to the game. It took a lot of money to save and everything.  Now with inflation, I could see none of those names being anywhere near obtainable. It's reality that inflation affected a lot of the game, but also, collecting RWNs is just not a thing new users can really do anymore. 

Lucifer: I agree about people "maintaining" their account, but not actually playing the game.  That's very true. I used to come on and just do stocks, hatches, and forest and my heart just wasn't into it.  I started to become waaaay more active when I started to work on nourishment and intellect stats, but for another user that has no interest in doing those kinds of things, what is going to help keep their interest?

I also agree that Res was very boring for got to the point that I wouldn't log on for weeks and I lost a lot of good names (Happy, World, Anna, etc.) I like to believe that some new user came on and was able to get one of those names.  And I believe they would earn it because they are actively playing, and I am not, and that's just the way it is.

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