12:58pm Feb 24 2019
Normal User 
Posts: 89
For those of you who actually support this I want you to look at the history of this site. Some of you that are new wont know these things, but the older ones will.
The continual limiting of things is what has put this site in the place that it is.
Continuing to eliminate or limit things from the site will be its death.
There used to be four different classes to play, different areas to explore. Ancient caves are an example of was a very cool area of the game eliminated.
All these things eliminated from the site. So that all that is left is to collect names, pets or items.
And now you want to limit that. Then what? Nothing else to do because your limiting that too. This is a implemented system to take your names just because you could not feed them, just because someone does not feel you play enough. And the rest of us suffer the consequences. Sounds like fun, huh?
If your truly in for the actual improvement and future of this site to exist for years to come. Then the continual limiting and elimination of things to do on the site is definitely not the direction things need to go, and stop this implementation. I truly feel this as I have seen the whole demise of things being eliminated.
Expansion of the site, with more actual real things to do on the site besides just collect names, pets and items is the future of the game. Period.
"I Touched Her Thigh And Death Smiled" 
2:22pm Feb 24 2019 (last edited on 2:43pm Feb 24 2019)
Normal User 
Posts: 472
@Rin It used to be 100x harder to earn tu back in the day. More tu may be around now, but it wasnt always the case. So I'm missing your point there. It took a lot more game play and time to earn tu. It only seems like names are inflated now because the access to easier tu became a thing.
Nothing was given, sure friends gift other friends sometimes. But I'm most certain you've also had friends or family send you a gift or two at some point or another, so I really fail to see the relevance in that statement also.
Lol, not sure how you hit the nail on the head when you missed the point in all that I was saying. You imply to understand statements I'd said, yet missed the mark. This isnt about just you, this is about everyone. Legit everyone matters, yes getting new members is important, but at what cost? Elimination of all the veteran players who've remained here through it all.
Create new content and a chat box for newer users, and one for users who are underage. Have mods in both channels. Have chat restrictions on both for language and certain postings. Make it known that they can post at anytime for help. If they need help they can post and ask for aid at any time.
Offer to aid new members when they join, there is a difference in lending aid or offering to help and sending those users free pets. If users want change they have to work for it, do something, be the change. A person cant just expect things to poof and be different over night.
I used to help a lot of people, went out of my way to message and teach others how to do things around site. We need that base again.

2:28pm Feb 24 2019
Posts: 2,155
I was gifted millions of TU by one user when I was brand new, who also taught me how to play the stock market. I've gifted billions in return over the years. I've seen other users do the same, from the time I joined. Yes there was tons of gifting. There isn't as much now, simply because there are not as many players.
**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚♫ and the haters gonna hate hate hate hate hate ♫**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚
3:09pm Feb 24 2019 (last edited on 3:10pm Feb 24 2019)
Normal User 
Posts: 878
"It used to be 100x harder to earn tu back in the day. More tu may be around now, but it wasnt always the case. So I'm missing your point there."
Correction: It was 100x harder for EVERYONE to earn tu. There's more tu around for OLD users now. Thats why pre-2015, things were considered to be priced "fairly".
"Nothing was given, sure friends gift other friends sometimes. But I'm most certain you've also had friends or family send you a gift or two at some point or another, so I really fail to see the relevance in that statement also."
You completely missed the mark with this. “Given” was loosely used to say that "effort" you put in back then for say, creatu X would've been a fraction of what the effort required to obtain X today. You were "given" more opportunities to get what you wanted, not because you put in more blood, sweat and tears than others, but because you made your account before them.
Lol, not sure how you hit the nail on the head when you missed the point in all that I was saying. You imply to understand statements I'd said, yet missed the mark.
I think it's safe to say that back.

7:53pm Feb 24 2019
Normal User 
Posts: 3,011
Hippi has a point here.
I'm about done with this thread. Just seems more arguing then understanding.
The ones that agree to this change, Are so few,to the one that pop in here, Explaining why this will kill the site, And hard work, Which seems to be ignored from those, Agreeing to limiting..terms.
No one seems to remember,the hours, The years of hard work. Like a parent forgetting about the struggles of Being a kid. It seems to be one way.. "Because I said so."..
"You can't run before you walk." This idea is just that. Other changes are needed before this can Ever be a thing. And even then, Can it?
Think I'm going to stay away from This thread for awhile.
In 38 colors, and a thousand black Gondras later... I rise over my Army as the Gondra Queen!
9:23pm Feb 24 2019 (last edited on 11:02pm Feb 24 2019)
Normal User 
Posts: 443
Just because you haven't changed someone's mind doesn't mean they have ignored you.
There seems to be a misconception that I'm totally ignoring posts that disagree with this idea. I truly am not. I have rewritten the first post many times to adjust to feedback and add suggestions from people on both sides of this debate. I have read every post and considered every point of view. I hear you when you say you don't like this. But just because someone disagrees with me doesn't mean I'm going to automatically change my mind. There just hasn't been an argument that has fully compelled me to think this is the wrong move for the site yet, so I am still here expressing my views and offering my rebuttals. Which I have every right to do. You can't expect to silence an idea just because you disagree with it, and I have made no effort to silence anyone else, only discuss concerns. I have welcomed anyone on either side to share their thoughts.
Some of us may have to agree to disagree and that's ok! :) No one needs to convince me of anything. I have literally no control over anything that happens with the site. Patrick is ultimately the one who gets to decide so we should be forming our arguments to influence him, not each other. The fact that my mind hasn't been changed means nothing.
This is a direct quote from Patrick on this thread: "In the end, I don't make any decisions based on popularity contests anyway. The number of people for or against this idea really won't have much sway in any decision I ever make. The arguments presented are much more likely to influence what we do in the future." -Patrick
We all have an equal right to be here. We all have the same chance at being heard.
I know debates can be stressful. I'm sure you can imagine how I feel when I'm receiving personal attacks for sharing my thoughts. It's what I expected though and I can handle it. I will not make personal jabs at anyone else. Everyone is welcome here.
If this thread is stressful for you and you have shared your views fully there's no need to keep engaging in it. I have every confidence that Patrick will read your responses and take them to heart!
If you have something new to add, please do! :) If there's a specific point you feel I have not responded to, please let me know! I'll do my best to respond.
-------------------------------------------------------- ***
"Limiting things is what's ruining Res."
The concept of limiting or removing things that aren't making the game better doesn't automatically mean the game will be worse. In regards to removing classes, this opened the game up significantly for all users. They were "removed" but that added options for users. You get to utilize two shops instead of one. You don't have to choose between one half of a whole game experience. By "limiting" names we could make the game more balanced and inclusive for years to come. I've written numerous ways in my first post that this makes the site more appealing for more users, who simply want a fair shot at naming their pets something other than gibberish. I've also written about why new users matter, and why we should care that the site is catering to such a small population of users currently. If there's anything I can be more clear about, let me know! :)
Old users do matter. I hope we do anyway! I've been here since 07. Our feelings and needs matter but they aren't the only ones that do. Disgruntled masses of users that have given up in frustration and left the game shouldn't be ignored. We can't keep denying these issues and saying well I got my mine, to heck with anyone else! I use to feel that way, but as I have watched the site shrink I realize this method isn't helping me either.
"Be the change you want to see" and "Help new users"
I agree! I definitely want to be the change I want to see, which is why I'm here sharing my thoughts on how to improve a flawed system. Charity and kindness are great, but they can't make up for these problems indefinitely. We should work to improve the foundation of the game so that more people can enjoy it. And look I'm no communist lol. I'm not looking to rob the rich or make us all equally wealthy. I'm quite certain us rich folk will do just fine as long as we make small adjustments to how we're playing. This is besides the point but I personally don't bother giving hand-outs anymore because I have little faith that new users will even stick around to enjoy whatever I give them, to be honest. The rate we retain new users is pretty poor.
"Add new features to get more users"
I've responded to this a few times but I'll say again: YES! I totally, fully agree that new features are needed. Sites like Rescreatu will always need new stuff - more games, more events, more pets, more features! They have to keep adding content to keep players engaged. This will never not be true. That doesn't mean they can't also address problems in how the game is built or running.
We have seen how much the player base grows with the addition of features currently. Not much, if at all, according to how the site reacted to Shrines. This makes it clear to me that all of the complaints over the years I have seen about the inequality and imbalances on Res are poisoning the game for players. These things can't be masked with shiny new features.
"Old users had it easier." I absolutely did have an easier time obtaining names in the ye olde times. Half of the RWNs on my account I hatched myself. In fact I didn't even stress about trying to hatch every name I wanted (like I should have, ugh!) because I didn't realize one day the game would be the way it is now. I thought decent names would always circulate, I'd be able to trade names to own my select favorites, etc. Obviously that was naive of silly teenage me, with people able to own thousands upon thousands of names it was only a matter of time before it would be a struggle to give your creatu even a name that could be pronounced by another human being. I don't really remember how easy or difficult it was to earn tu, and that has fluctuated so much over the years anyway. Kir radically changed the market, stocks brought inflation.. It's all kind of irrelevant to this discussion imo. But old users absolutely did have easier access to names. Which is how it should be and that's fine! If you stuck around and kept playing I agree you deserve nice names. However, that doesn't mean there should be no limit to it. What if Allen or Air had succeeded in owning every single RWN and RN on the site? Two accounts, with every decent name. Even if they were active, do you think the site shouldn't question this? Is that not a flaw in game design? How would you feel if the game was like that, would you stick around? Can you understand why new users feel there is no room for them and their hopes for the game? It was entirely a possibility that one or two users could have accomplished this, and really in some ways we're not far from that.
I understand the sentiment that we were here first, we stuck it out, it's not our fault, etc. I don't plan to give up my favorites either - I'm going to feed them if this happens. I also don't think it's reasonable to expect the game to cater to a handful of users instead of trying in some way to make it more fair to as many users as possible.
I'll echo what Hephzibah said as well - if you are active and want to keep your names under this system you would be able to. It might just encourage you to take a closer look in your showroom and decide which names you're actually enjoying owning enough that you'd be willing to feed it. If you can't recall owning it, is it really enriching the game for you?
I'm not going to argue that anyone doesn't have attachment to all 6387 names on their account. I can't prove that. If your memory is that good I sincerely applaud you though because I have less than 300 names to consider and on a good day I can recall about 20 without looking in my SR.
-------------------------------------------------------- *** I'm on mobile so I'll keep editing this post to respond to other comments.
Thank you to everyone that has posted!
10:36pm Feb 24 2019 (last edited on 10:36pm Feb 24 2019)
Normal User 
Posts: 878
Oh yeah, before i forget: Minor suggests that i'd be actually hella salty if they weren't implemented:
Food pen displays how much food you have in there, as well as the cumulative hunger points in the food pen.
NPC stores having unlimited stock of certain foods. i.e. red apples are always stocked in the healthy food store for a fixed price of X tu. Users can buy as much as they want.
10:44pm Feb 24 2019
Normal User 
Posts: 443
Thank you Rin and Lucifer for the new suggestions! I will add those to the second post tomorrow when I'm on pc. :)
& I know I am missing some as well, please remind me if you notice something I forgot! X_X Didn't expect this to be such a big project lol
8:16am Feb 25 2019
Normal User 
Posts: 51
I agree with TheHippi that Res needs new features. But I don't think it's as simple as limitations are what is killing the site. Certainly the fact that the site actually lacks things that you can do makes it less fun. But I also think broken aspects of game design such as allowing excessive hoarding and not taking care of inactive accounts is also something that needs to be taken care of moving forward.
Which you might not perceive as a real problem, and that's okay. That's what this thread is for voicing. IMO, we want balanced gameplay AND new features. Hence why talking about gardening and re-introducing other features like battling is a conversation that is also being had on this suggestions forum. :)
Also, I don't think somehow the argument of just how easy or hard it was to get rich has much to do with the conversation at hand?
he was a man of suffering, familiar with pain...
2:22pm Feb 25 2019
Normal User 
Posts: 89
I am not opposed to a solution to inactive accounts in some manner, I agree that after some point that if you have not logged in, your probably not coming back.
Excessive hoarding is a matter of opinion. Some may say I hoarded many items. But look what I stated above, the state of the game as it is leaves not much else to do but exactly that. To be collectors of your choosing, weather it be names, pets or items. You cannot complain about someone collecting or hoarding as you want to calling it, when basically that's is all the site offers anymore. Because nobody wanted to develop the other aspects of the site that were here and deemed them useless to the game and deleted them. Not much thought was actually giving to that when you delete or limit what we do here. Delete or limit one part of the game and other parts will suffer, if something new is not added to the game to counteract the imposing limits, in order to actually give some sort of balance.
So now we have no classes, and for years we only had merchants and ranchers. So guess what ranchers of course hoarded names and pets, that's how they earned there tu. Which in turn goes back to an earlier point I made about, why cry about that play the game as it is and earn it.
I just dont see how this one is going to really fix the general problem that you want to fix, unfortunately I see this one as adding to the problem in the long run. It's not going to achieve a long term fix, it will be another short lived patch to a greater problem and things will be right back to the way it was.
"I Touched Her Thigh And Death Smiled" 
6:22pm Feb 25 2019
Normal User 
Posts: 51
@thehippi, yeah I get that right now the game pretty much is all about collecting. But I guess I was thinking about this proposed change following or going along with other changes that would not be "limitations" but rather adding features. Not just "more stuff to collect" features (though I am ALL about those too) but the gardening and battling and exploring hidden caves and making pet's stats actually mean something and such.
Because I agree that merely just this change without others would do something for a little while but not have much impact. But together with other things like addition of, say, gardening, and I think it would be rather good. Because then we have a more balanced game where there is more to do than just collect, you know?
If Patrick were to add new fun features first and then implement a change like this, would you be for it or would it still be problematic to you? Do you think that no matter what it's just unnecessary for the balance of the game?
he was a man of suffering, familiar with pain...
6:51pm Feb 25 2019
Normal User 
Posts: 89
To answer your questions at the end.
It would depend on what other new features that are added. That would determine weather or not this would actually work in the current context that is laid out for it. Or the context of it could change to fit with the whole scope of the site after new features added.
Then I could determine weather this would be necessary or not.
But for now, it is not necessary, for what I have already stated.
"I Touched Her Thigh And Death Smiled" 
8:27pm Feb 25 2019
Posts: 2,155
This is not a "now" change, this would take potential years to fully flesh out and develop, all the while developing and adding other site features.
With that in mind, what's your stance on this thread, after reading the updated first posts explaining all the solutions to barriers mentioned?
**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚♫ and the haters gonna hate hate hate hate hate ♫**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚
9:31pm Feb 25 2019 (last edited on 9:32pm Feb 25 2019)
Normal User 
Posts: 89
Reading through all of it again, my stance on it still the same. And for me it has nothing to do with having to log on and feed my pets. Im here on the site pretty much every day. Im around all the time.
My problem with it is this. Most of the argument being made that the site is like this at the moment due to names.
I truly do not belive this is the case. And implementing this is not going to change people to play the game in the long run.
In the short run it will. If this was implemented players would only come on to get names that are up for grabs from inactive accounts.
After all those names have been grabbed up, then what.
Game play will be back to what it is now. That's the point I'm trying to make, it is not all about the names, it the rest of the site that needs more things to do to keep people here. In order for the site to even be able to support this idea.
And if things were in place to keep people here, this probably would not be brought up to be a issue to people.
"I Touched Her Thigh And Death Smiled" 
8:20am Feb 26 2019
Normal User 
Posts: 51
@TheHippi, thanks for taking the time to answer my question. I get where you're coming from, I think. I agree the site needs new features. I'm looking forward to the future version of Res myself. :)
he was a man of suffering, familiar with pain...
12:09am Mar 1 2019
Normal User 
Posts: 536
No support. What will we do next, raid peoples banks of tu if they don't log in often enough? I don't want to have to feed all my pets in my showroom and rancher. I have pets with names that aren't valuable at all that I love and that are sentimental because I've had them for so long. Not to mention I already feed over twenty pets on my profile as it is. I'm a busy person and I don't have as much time to play Res as I used to. I wish I could play as much as I did twelve years again but sadly it's just not possible. There was an event in my life that rendered me homeless with no access to the internet and I wasn't on Res for a long time. When I built myself back up and had the resources to hop back on I was so happy to see all my pets and rediscover my love for this game.
2:20am Mar 24 2020
Normal User 
Posts: 67
I want to hop in on the inactive accounts part! Please don't take all my stuff and pets while I disappear! I am really bad about playing for a few months and then dipping for 1-3 YEARS, I'll be back! I promise.... I do take super long hiatus from time to time though. It would kill me to have to start over because I took too much time away from the site...
11:50pm Mar 24 2020 (last edited on 11:50pm Mar 24 2020)
Normal User 
Posts: 110
One important part about games is that people need to be actively playing for it to survive (aka inactive players can't spend real money or stimulate the economy to keep other players going) Res needs to prioritize the players that are active. If inactive accounts become affected in some way, it's likely something as simple as logging in once a year will mark you as active again. If res prioritizes inactive players that don't support res; it'll eventually die more than it already has.
365 days in a year. 8760 hours in an entire year, almost everyone can log on for just a few minutes in a year. (Obv there are some that can't; but majority is the deciding factor in things, not the few)
9:11pm Jun 16 2020
Normal User 
Posts: 858
I disagree that there aren't enough names in circulation. There are tons available for purchase if you look/ask. I've got a Rancher full of them, but barely any traffic. Names are expensive, yes, but rightly so, because there is only ONE of each in the game. That means an individual name is the RAREST item in the game, even more rare than an Rray, so why shouldn't it be expensive? I think where the frustration comes from is the name you really, REALLY covet is not available. That really stinks, but it really is just too bad. There are others that are nice too.
I would support an auto delete/purge of abandoned accounts if no logins after say, 3 years or so.
It would be cool if we could have a Creatu Collection, just like the Item Collections. We could fill up the slots with one each of every color and effect of creatu, and their names would disappear as soon as we add them to it. They would become a permanent fixture that could not be removed, just like item collections. And we could earn trophies or avatars or something for filling each species. This would generate some additional demand for buying creatu. In fact, I think I'll make this a separate suggestion.
5:39pm Jun 20 2020
Normal User 
Posts: 243
So I've read this thread and everyone's responses, and I have to say that while I agree with the general concept of revitalizing the site and a need to generally stabilize the economy, I find that these are all missing the fundamental issues that Res has.
Specifically: the name economy. Yes, it's here, it's powerful, and people are allowed to hoard as many names as their hearts desire. It's mostly older users, and newer users fight for the scraps unless they buy CP. Instead of treating this like this the reason why Res is struggling, let's look at it as a symptom of an overall failing system. There are no other strong markets. Name collecting and general pet color collecting (ie. black verams, albino gondras, etc.) is really the only thing we do with our pets. For a pet site, there's not really much we can do. That's not even talking about what we can do with our items and the lack of prioritization towards the item market. We have the squishy shelf and the library, why not create incentives for more people to engage with it? What happened to trophies? Why not give out mini, non-economy based, "rewards" for having a certain number of pets with an intellect of 100, or owning every single sepia creatu plushy? Why not let creatu have "hoards" where we can give them items and have that list displayed, to encourage further character-building? We used to have a battling system (as evidenced by the utterly useless stats on our pets) — why not advocate for that revival? That would introduce a secondary pet-based economy, high statted pets. That would not only encourage a different type of market, but being able to battle with our pets would actually let us engage with the pixels we call our pets. Why not create tu-sinks in battling or training, or give certain pets stat advantages/attributes because of the lore? There's so much wonderful work written about the creatu, but none of it is really utilized in any sort of meaningful way.
If we limited pets, yes we would have to feed them, but what else is there to do with them? In the long term, there's not much retaining ACTIVE engagement. Eventually, users with desirable names might just set an alert to come on once every 30 days, get food, and stock up and then leave. There's simply nothing holding us to the site, even with the threat of pets dying and losing their names. What else is there to do here besides hoard, chat, and maybe commission some art? This may be a chicken-and-the-egg cycle, but I pop in, do some dailies, and pop out. Meanwhile, on other active petsites, there are frequent events, the forums are lively, and there are so many things to do besides just hoard names (even when they give you the option to do so!). Those petsites also have very engaged staff members, admin who are on top of things, and tons of reasons why users may want to spend actual cash on supporting the site.
As I said, I don't disagree with the premise of bringing life back to Res by motivating users to come back. I've been around for the beginning of tons of features, for the v2 transition, for many hackers and legendary glitches, and for the days when the SB was moving so fast I couldn't keep up. I'd like to see it return to glory. But limiting name hoarding really isn't the answer. Consider the demographics of people who are able to log in consistently, spend a ton of time on the site (using the aforementioned examples, gardening and getting food), AND engage in the site in other ways beyond that. It inherently allows for people with tons of time on their hands (and not necessarily money: I was a broke teen who spent more time than healthy on here) to succeed. Sure, we want active users, but we also want users to spend real money to benefit the site.
We need to consider the bigger picture, rather than the individual aspects that are flawed. The system needs to be overhauled, there needs to be a priority on finding ways to engage users for longer periods of time, over the course of the calendar year. Coming in to feed pets isn't going to keep user numbers high if there's nothing else to make them stay. If we're going to implement this suggestion, there needs to also be a prioritization of new activities and events that are interesting, engaging, and fun. Our front page isn't updated as frequently as it should be, our events are consistently delayed, and there's nothing that genuinely gets users to come in and engage for long periods of time asides from the vague dailies, egg hunting, and maybe chatting on the SB.