Limiting Pets

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2:09pm Feb 11 2019

Normal User

Posts: 2,713
You continue to make very good points, Ori. I enjoy reading all the discussions about this subject.

Officially the Albino Veram King.

58/100 albino Veram


2:13pm Feb 11 2019


Posts: 2,155
I'm enjoying this as well!

I am an older player. I have been here for 10 years now. This is fresh and tasty, just the type of thing that we need IMO.

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2:59pm Feb 11 2019

Normal User

Posts: 115
Great follow up Oriette!
I think overall this would help Res become a game you “play” rather than wait for!

3:58pm Feb 11 2019

Normal User

Posts: 3,011
Even if pets take out of the food pen,
I still would not be able to keep up
In feeding almost 5 thousand pets daily.

I mean the setback of the SR is the pets not
Growing up.
For not being able to feed them,
And they don't age.

If you feed them,
Then this will age them,
To be to state,
I want pets at certain ages.
Not just stages.
And Just for'll need an Rray
To set them back.
And we all know those are rare.

Everyone would clutter the food shop,
Soooo much,that you would be even lucky
To grab anything.
Not only that but,
People have lives off of res.
You can't expect some to be here everyday!

I still do NOT Support this at all.

In 38 colors, and a thousand black
Gondras later... I rise over my
Army as the Gondra Queen!

4:26pm Feb 11 2019

Normal User

Posts: 1,018
I can only see this working if every food item gives 10 hunger points, bunch of more affordable food doesn't and it can add up and not last as long as other foods that do give 10 or more hunger points.
Going to the Apple Tree and get two times the amount of creatu you have of apples automatically. No more taking creatu one by one. Esp since there is a chance of getting Ice Apples which people will want to save for the Tunnels and not just feed willy nilly.

Unique names aren't set in stone, Patrick even hinted that during a convo about unique names. I even stated 'Would upset those who worked really hard for their names if unique names were taken away.' or something along those lines and Patrick didn't say anything against it or denying it.
Also collections and collecting/getting unique names are the same thing in my eyes. If needing to feed every single creatu comes into play, which highly risks a lot of creatu on dying SO easily instantly; unique names should be taken away to make things fair.
The site also has a way before needing to feed each and every creatu. Like I said about dying so easily. What if someone decides on actually selling a name? It's being talked about in the SB about the sell/buying of said name. The seller takes the creatu out and it instantly dies and instantly loses its name. "Oh no, where did it go?!" In the SB, someone notices it died and the name is free...and snags it for free. The seller loses the sale/tu and the buyer loses the name they were about to get. There is a glitch where pets taken out of showroom can die instantly and losing its name instantly also(before it even reaches 0 hunger).
Also I can see prices of creatu raise every single day. Because I for one would add on to the price of the creatu I sell, which is not many, every time I have to feed them to make up the price of the food they consume that I have to buy to feed them, and add on even a bit more to make a profit with needing to feed them as well.
If getting tu is a main issue. How about people suggest quests? Each tier, with the squishy one you can make like around 5m if you are able to complete them. There are times I over pay in merchants so I don't lose all my tiers, same with others. Also if people hunt and sell eggs more that'd bring more tu to players.
Maybe even bring back creatu getting sick every couple minutes, that was a blast! x'D


5:13pm Feb 11 2019


Posts: 2,155
Just a clarification on that dying glitch - it won't die and lose its name instantly. At reset it would happen, BUT, since the way feeding has changed to prior to reset, that glitch might not happen anymore. Either way, there has never been a dying glitch where the name was lost instantly upon removing from the SR.

**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚♫ and the haters gonna hate hate hate hate hate ♫**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚

5:47pm Feb 11 2019 (last edited on 5:48pm Feb 11 2019)

Normal User

Posts: 1,018
It's happened to me recently. Didn't realize it's hunger was low, one reset and bam right to the graveyard nameless. And even so, what if these transactions happen around reset? It can happen.


5:59pm Feb 11 2019 (last edited on 7:46pm Feb 11 2019)

Normal User

Posts: 418
Uhh hey what's up, kind of adding on to the 'we would need more food in circulation/it would cost a lot/they die quickly'.. 
Right now a stick of butter costs 978 (according to the item database). 
Let's say you make 20mil to buy food for pets.
The stick of butter gives 5 hunger points per use, which amounts to 20 sticks of butter to feed a pet from 0 to 100
20mil devided by the 978tu cost is about 20450 sticks of butter. 
20 sticks per creatu means you can feed about 1,022 creatu from 0 to 100% 

This leaves users paying about 20mil every few of weeks(not sure the exact amount of time from 100% health to graveyard) if they had 1k pets on their account if we just suddenly switched to having to feed all pets :v
(About 100mil for 5k pets)
(About 2mil for 100 pets)
Of course this is just one item and other price to hunger point ratios probably vary and please let me know if I did some math wrong because I'm doing all this quickly on mobile lol
Also this implies  you are able to obtain that amount of butter to feed creatu for npc shop prices which would be VERY time consuming for just one user
I support this still I just wanted to put some numbers out here to  correlate with some people's points and concerns!
For users who don't come on for very long or don't have enough time to spend earning tu in more time consuming ways (finding and selling eggs, doing quests, etc) it would be a little difficult to not lose tu trying to keep pets alive
(Though you could probably make about 20mil a week from stocks if you sell at 200)
So I def think that changing stuff to keep pets living easier(longer to die, easier ways to get food, etc) would be important :o

EDIT: I checked cheese pizza and it also gives about 1k pets per 20mil health from 0 to 100.

Cetari are puplic transport on Scria and you can\'t change my mind >:O

6:22pm Feb 11 2019

Normal User

Posts: 443
Okay, wanted to respond real quick to some of your points. :)

Nope, you probably wouldn't be able to do that very easily, I agree. And I know that it's asking quite a lot to say you should go through and reduce the number of creatu you own, but I struggle to see the appeal in owning 5000 creatu to be honest, of which you probably wouldn't notice if even 100 of them disappeared suddenly tomorrow. I think if we had to choose which pets to keep it would make them significantly more valuable to us! And don't you think that one person shouldn't be able to own 5000 names? Imagine that all 5000 of those names you own were RNs or RWNs, and that no one else on site could own them. Do you think this would be a balanced, well-functioning game? I know it's hard to see past your own investment in the game - I have areas like that too, I totally understand! - but you should consider how the mechanics effect the site as a whole.

This being said, a minor adjustment to ranchers and showrooms to allow us to directly dump creatu into the forest (or delete them entirely, if we wish) should be made to make this transition easier.

I think it still makes sense to not have pets in the SR age. For the exact reason Miss pointed out - some pets you don't want to age, so we need a space for that to be possible, regardless of whether we have to feed them or not.

It still works, in my mind, that only profile pets will age. Our profile pets should be the pets we love the most - the ones we care about, that we want to show off first to people who visit our profile. It makes sense then that these pets should be able to age, because it matters more to you that they show their age.

You're absolutely right - and I don't expect that! In fact, I don't count on being here every day myself. That's what is great about the food pen! Ideally, a user should be able to stock their pen once a month and have it manage their pets just fine. In no way would this imply users should be here on a daily basis. Once every other week, or once a month, is not too much to ask in my opinion. Do we really need to worry about people who can't log in even once a month? Are they really playing the game? How invested in this game are they? Are they spending any money on the site? Do they contribute to the economy or community in any way? If you can't be bothered to log into the site once a month, or to put food in your pen, do you really care that much about the names you own? Do you care more about them than a user that would play every day and feed that creatu?

I already addressed this a bit, but yes, food points could be adjusted, and/or the accessibility of food would need to increase - a worthwhile fix to improve a large issue in the game. I listed multiple ways in my second post that we can make food easier, and cheaper to get! Ideally there would be a lot of 'free food' available just by being on the site and picking up things like REs and doing dailies. I agree the apple tree is a bit of a pain, though like xAllurcore stated we have to consider that ice apples are gathered there and need to maintain their value, so a "collect all" button might not work well for this.

I would suggest something that gives you 1 free food item per profile pet, maybe with a max of 50-100 items per day, would be best. This still requires users to log in on occasion, collect the food and stock it in their pen, ensuring users who own names are active users.

I also suggested that pets in rancher shops die slower. In terms of 'making up for their cost of feeding', this is where free food should hopefully come in as well. This idea is, again, not to burden the user with costs - but to make sure they are involved in the site on a semi-regular basis.

We should also remember that creatu do not always consume one food item per day. According to my food pen log, most of my pets go several days between eating an item. Even with the current food system I probably have enough food in there to last my profile pets a year, and I usually have close to 20 pets on my profile, and this took me hardly any effort at all.

This is literally not an issue - pets take time to die, quite a bit actually, and after that they take even more time to lose a name. This could be increased easily as well, as I suggested, maybe 40 days or more to lose a name would help make things easier for users. I will trust what Lilith has said about that glitch as well, since she has quite a lot of experience with site glitches!

-- sorry will continue when I have more time! --


6:32pm Feb 11 2019

Normal User

Posts: 1,018
That explanation just screams  how hard it'd be for us who worked hard for our creatu. (collectors) Esp those who can't be on for long let alone all day to keep up with feeding, doing dailies, quests and events when they come along. These past 10 years I worked hard for what I have and I adore each and every one. Only ones I can let go are maybe my extra natural seasonals which don't sell for what I'd sell them, lol. Esp if you'd have to keep up with hunger for rancher pets, I'd add on the price for what I spent on feeding them.
Also with that explanation just makes me think feeding pets every day will turn into those events where shops have to be changed into one item purchase at a time, no bulk buying food to give chances for others to buy food. Everyone will be buying food to feed their creatu and to sell for a profit. And those selling for a profit will keep buying what they can so others will have to buy from them for more than NPC shops. With no leaderboard with special prizes for feeding pets/buying food.
And with the stock market knocked, my main source of income is quests which I have to be lucky with NPC stocking, hoping merchants are low if I am not lucky with NPC resets. Because if your tiers resets you start over, away from the good tu rewards. I'd be playing to just feed what I have and not for any of my goals. I'm sure I'm not the only one who has a goal of one of each creatu/color. Which has been my goal since I started and I am still far away from.
Res is the only pet site I go on anymore. Others which rely on feeding was hard on keeping up with playing and feeding. What I'd make wouldn't be enough to feed my pets on those sites and on those sites it was 20 or less pets! It was crazy and not fun.


7:16pm Feb 11 2019 (last edited on 7:17pm Feb 11 2019)


Posts: 2,155
Rather than requiring food for the pets in SR and rancher shop, perhaps there can just be a (bulk) "feed" button, requiring interaction to feed pets but not necessarily a cost.

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7:16pm Feb 11 2019

Normal User

Posts: 28

Miss, you're the prime example of a user that we want to encourage to consider selling some of their Creatu.
There are SWATHS of Creatu sitting in Showrooms and people need them for their own goals whether that be for their own collection or Kir. This idea is not only meant to be an implement for a feature that will consistently keep tu rolling around the site and keep the economy somewhat stimulated, but it will help people be able to achieve their own goals without having to wait months upon months upon months because we just don't have the player base number to satisfy the people hoarding and pursuing Kir's Quest.

Of your 5k Creatu, you cannot possibly tell me that if 5, 10, 25 died, you would be so upset that you would quit. That would mean that you have a personal connection to each Creatu that would result in you quitting if even 1 died. I will bet you that there is at least 3 pages of Creatu in your Showroom that you would be willing to give up in order to make it more affordable/manageable to feed them if this feature was implemented. I think you're more worried about the easy way it is to "AFK" on this game and not have any active role in actively playing it. We forget too easily that this site is a game and not a social networking site with a petsite flavour to it when it should be a healthy balance of both.

If you want to keep your pets, then we are happy that you want to; however, you are going to have to put an effort towards doing that with this idea. That's all that this is. It's not an attack on people who hoard, it's not a system implemented to punish players for having a lot of Creatu, it's more incentive to make you work a little more towards keeping your Creatu that you clearly value.

I'm glad you brought up the quests, XAllurcore! That is MORE incentive to allow players to play the game to generate more tu in the economy in order to feed their pets! The issue was never to generate tu, but to make it move around. You don't stimulate an economy by creating more money to circulate (Japan for example). You stimulate the economy by making the money that's in circulation ACTUALLY circulate. There are plenty of ways in which to generate tu through quests on the site, but now we need to get a way to make that tu move around. We do that with this idea in hopes that it will cause these effects:

1) Spur users to use their Merchant Shop by stocking up on excess food items that they have in order for other users to buy up the food, thus transferring tu to those who lean more towards using their Merchant than their Rancher shop.
2) Encourage users to take a critical look at their collection and decide on if they are able to feed all those pets, or if they will need to part with some of their less personally-valued Creatu.

Users who wish to simply buy food have multiple sources with which to generate tu if they do not wish to sell their food nor pets.
Squishy Quest
Toy Quest
Weapon Quest
Book Quest
Clothes Quest
Stock Market
Random TU
Rock Paper Scissors
Mystery Box
Precious Pearl Quandary
Mysterious Item
Word Scramble
Egg Count

If you don't sell anything at all, you can use those features to gain quite a bit of tu to be able to afford feeding your pets within a reasonable number. More users playing the quests, the more demand there will be for the Merchant shops to stock with those items, and they'll probably price them a little more sensibly since expecting 250k for a Squishy that can be bought for 10k in the NPC shop is insanity and people should feel bad for pricing like that.

As it is, I do believe it would be a fantastical idea to make adjustments to food items so you will be paid more for what you eat if this idea were to be implemented. I can't imagine it'd be hard to fix, either. 

And having an "All Pick" feature for the Apple Tree would be marvellous. To be honest, I think it's the most annoying and pointless thing in the world to make it so you have to select a Creatu, then tap the tree. Select a Creatu, the tap the tree. Rinse and repeat. Garbage mechanic entirely. I know it's meant to "give the illusion that you and your Creatu are interacting" but c'mon. There's other ways to do that. This is just arduous and unnecessary. PAT PLS FIX KTHNXILY <3

The pros and cons of this idea aren't completely unfair, either!

  1.  * Market is stimulated
  2. * Players become more active to care for their Creatu (thus, more active on the site)
  3. * Names that are on "untouchable" accounts that haven't been seen in 8 years are now made available
  4. * More Creatu will be available to buy from users culling their Showrooms
  5. * More competitive pricing for items and Creatu, which will counteract the cap of the Stock Market in time
  6. * An end to "AFK playing" 
  7. * The mandatory (and much-needed) adjustments to the website to accommodate this feature

* Spend more tu to keep your Creatu
* Having to potentially part with a large number of the Creatu that you collected
* More effort put towards playing this game (I'm super lazy and any extra effort into anything I despise, but do what has to be done anyways lol ;___; )
* People quitting because they don't want to do more to feed their Creatu????

I dunno. At this point, I feel like I'm beating a dead horse with a stick. I usually find lists are easier to compare with rather than my awful blocks of text that I throw out. >__< Sorry for making you read so much lol.


7:16pm Feb 11 2019

Normal User

Posts: 3,011
I agree with

What about newbies as well?
I mean they got to work harder to create collections,
Because they spend everything on food.

I will be spending so much on food,
I will never be able to afford anything ever,

And I look threw my sr,every chance I get.
I even film my sr,so I can see my collections.
I need to hoard black gondras..
It's a need and a compassion to keep me coming

I agree..this is Why I avoid other pet sites
As well.

And,we Don't need it.
You feel like we do,
But we don't need this.
Sr,is suppose to be like a
Suspending time.
So you don't go flat broke.
This decision ,this topic was solely based
On greed to snatch other peoples
Hard earned names up.

I don't see this happening.
People will leave.

For future reference..
IF res..
Becomes so popular that thousands
Log on everyday,
THEN maybe changes are needed.
But res I sent that popular in demand yet.

If you want more names,
Then maybe bring back spacing in naming again.

This is upsetting me..
And I hope Patrick does Not put this into effect.

In 38 colors, and a thousand black
Gondras later... I rise over my
Army as the Gondra Queen!

7:27pm Feb 11 2019

Normal User

Posts: 2,315
hugely disagree and dislike


7:47pm Feb 11 2019

Normal User

Posts: 49
Out of interest for those people who have limited time to spend on site.. I.E looking after a 1 year old and having cancer.

How does forcing people to spend more time on site become a fair situation?

I have limited time, between looking after my daughter and spending time at the hospital for scans, operations or specialist appointments.

This suggestion seems to be all about penalizing people so people can name grab.

I've worked hard in the year I have been here, losing it all because people want good names.. seems unfair.


7:56pm Feb 11 2019


Posts: 2,155
How does this seem to be about grabbing names? I feel like that is a ridiculous accusation.

EVERYTHING in the game requires time spent on site. Can't play through your mind lol. Stagnation kills. Change allows evolution.

(I have cancer too btw. Sorry you're going though that.)

**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚♫ and the haters gonna hate hate hate hate hate ♫**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚

7:59pm Feb 11 2019 (last edited on 8:10pm Feb 11 2019)

Normal User

Posts: 678
If we really want to clear names and tax, in a way, the users that have a lot of names and/or pets that don't care to come on - a shorter time period between clearing names needs to take effect. I personally do not see how making every user feed every single pet of theirs would help - it would drastically decrease all pets circulating on the site, making all of them rarer, and thus forcing prices back up. (I know I would personally stop hatching pets if I needed to feed them, because I don't have the tu or the time to care for them that way, especially when I stick most of what I hatch in my Rancher to try and make some tu. And more pets would be in Graveyards, keeping colors out of reach for Kir Questers, when they are already hard enough to find). I haven't sold a pet in my Rancher for a long long time, so these pets would be awful to try and feed and would take away from the pets I care about. I understand that you see the Graveyard as being a storage for pets, just nameless pets, but some people do still sell names, and I know a lot of people wouldn't have time to try and make a thread to sell pets from their Graveyard because they couldn't put these nameless pets in their Rancher anymore simply because they cannot afford to feed them. My Rancher would become useless, because I am not going to feed every single pet on my account that isn't dead. And I don't even have that many, only maybe 200 ish pets total between my Rancher and my Showroom. 

Now, if a pet could be sold in the Rancher without a name, I might be more on board, but that just seems silly. Or if our Graveyard somehow became a Rancher and we had two Ranchers - one for names, one for colored pets that we didn't feel like feeding that lost their names. 

I feel that a huge aspect of Rescreatu, and why a lot of people started playing this game in the first place, was to collect all the Creatu their heart desired. If they had the tu and hatches to get as many as they have, why would we punish them? If I went away for a year and came back to see the names and pets I have spent over 10 billion tu on at this point were gone, I would be devastated. I'd never come back. Because yes, there is a foreseeable time in the future where I will be gone from Res for a little while simply because I need to focus on school and take a break. I have been gone nearly every summer because I don't have internet in the summer, and the food pen does not stay stocked long enough to sustain the Creatu I'd want it to. 

I think there are other things we could do if we wanted to encourage collectors to sell their creatu, but I will never agree with forcing people to give up all they have worked for or force those with very large showrooms to pick and choose what creatu they truly want.  I do agree that names on inactive accounts need something done, but this doesn't seem like a good idea to help with that. I don't support this because I don't want everything I have built up in my Showroom to be gone because I needed to take a break. 

I apologize if this is all over the place. I only had time to read the first post and skim the rest of the comments, so maybe something had been addressed before, sorry if it has. If I need to clarify something, I will. 

Sleepy Art by ZenSleepy Mira by Zen

Art by Zen

8:02pm Feb 11 2019

Normal User

Posts: 49
This is only about grabbing names Lilith.. the whole idea is that if your pets dont get fed then they die leads to a whole lot of names being cleared.

And I am very sorry you have cancer, it sucks.. I hope at least there is some hope for yours.. I went and got a rare one with no treatment.. just a lot of stalling.. but I'll do whatever it takes to stay around long enough for my daughter to remember me.. at least that s the hope.


8:08pm Feb 11 2019


Posts: 2,155
Fuzz, feel free to rmail me if you need someone to talk to. ♥

**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚♫ and the haters gonna hate hate hate hate hate ♫**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚

8:28pm Feb 11 2019


Posts: 394
"Patrick even hinted that the unique names might be taken away also, so... "
If I said that, it was in jest.
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