Limiting Pets

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7:19pm Feb 12 2019

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Posts: 1,764
I support. Would give me a reason to cut down on my collection. Would need to feed pets in auction as well?  So it doesnt become cluttered. With this I think pet trades should come back as well. 


7:22pm Feb 12 2019


Posts: 2,155
Curious, what would the reason be for bringing back pet trades?

**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚♫ and the haters gonna hate hate hate hate hate ♫**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚

7:27pm Feb 12 2019 (last edited on 10:13pm Feb 12 2019)

Normal User

Posts: 443
Thank you guys for those great ideas! I think turning pets in for food is a fabulous way to help transition us into feeding pets regularly. It will help ease the trouble of having to sort through your pets and gathering food initially - two birds with one stone!

And I like the idea of buying Large Packs of food, and I think separate pens is an excellent point too and could help with the aforementioned issue of "how make certain pets starve".
I'm working on adding all of this to the second post!

Okay, on further contemplation I realize everlasting food items in food pens would defeat the purpose of this system. I'm sorry it took me a bit to realize this! The issue is that if someone placed an everlasting food item in their pen, even if they only had one item that fed one pet per day, it would still allow for name(s) to remain permanently on an account without that user logging in. So overall I must say that everlasting food items should remain manual use only. They would be handy for someone that only wishes to be a merchant and own a few pets, or just to save on some of their food expenses. But they should not be used in food pens.

Yeah I'm totally on board with this! I don't think it's absolutely necessary in order for the system to function properly, but it's a great feature to have around, especially for Kir questers that would like to trade - ie, a calico murren for a blonde goiba, etc. :) Personally I'd love to use it so I could post a pet to trade and not have to advertise my kir quest every 30 minutes in the sb.

Also yes - pets in auctions (and trades if those come back) should be fed too.


7:29pm Feb 12 2019 (last edited on 7:54pm Feb 12 2019)

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Posts: 1,764
I feel it would make sense if we are limiting our pets. It would be another outlet for selling them besides just auctions or ranchers since people would most likely be selling their pets a lot more. Just for more circulation basically. 


8:12pm Feb 12 2019


Posts: 2,155
Okay for pets that we want to die (so morbid lol) it would make a lot of sense to have a certain area where they won't feed and this can happen. Can't use COTU (afaik) unless the pet is in the grave, and fed pets aren't gonna go in there of course. So, we need more ways to die. I'm thinking something with a story behind it that makes it not so these pets WANT to be undead creatures of the night and are choosing to sacrifice life for it...? Maybe some sort of event similar to the scanner event, where they are "marked", and do not consume food after being marked unless fed by hand. Once resurrected, the mark would be gone.

just thinking out loud!

Oh and a note on the everlasting food items. I was thinking the same thing today, one item to feed all the pets wouldn't be a good thing. My thought was to limit it to feeding X amount of pets per day. So for example, to feed 100 pets forever on everlasting items, you'd need 5 of them, assuming the limit is 20. The everlasting items should make a significant impact on feeding, but not be a means to feed every pet you own forEVERRRR lol.

**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚♫ and the haters gonna hate hate hate hate hate ♫**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚

10:33pm Feb 12 2019 (last edited on 10:33pm Feb 12 2019)

Normal User

Posts: 443

Sorry about this -
I edited my above post to address everlasting food items! Sorry for the hassle! I realize now why everlasting items should not work in food pens, and I explained that above. 
I really agree & like the idea of having a plot device to make "starving your pets to death" a bit less morbid and more palatable haha! I'm not great with inventing plots so I'll gladly leave that up to you guys! xD


10:42pm Feb 12 2019

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Posts: 2,713
I'm glad you like my idea, Ori. ^^ After reading everyone's comments, I agree that everlasting food items should remain manual-only. While it would be nice not to have to worry about feeding my pets, I concede that that would give me an unfair advantage over users who don't have an everlasting food item.

Officially the Albino Veram King.

58/100 albino Veram


8:41am Feb 13 2019 (last edited on 10:08am Feb 23 2019)

Normal User

Posts: 51
EDIT: Concern addressed by Oriette, Patrick, and other users.

I realized after discussing this through at length that some of the points I brought up here do not stand and I did not have a fully fleshed idea of how this idea would truly end up playing out.

Original Post [unchanged]:

Hello! I am a relatively newer user in comparison to many of the people on this thread. So I definitely don't own many RWNs. But Res has still been fun for me. One of the things I enjoy about Res is actually its economy. 

I understand prices for things look high (I'm certain prices have increased over the years this site has been alive - that is a natural part of the development of an economy), but I don't see that as inflation coming from tu being randomly printed and dispersing into the economy but a natural kind of price inflation that happens when people on the site are wealthier (or when perhaps wealthier users happen to be more active). Basically, people have more wealth - people are now willing to pay more for stuff and everybody is competing against each other to get things that are of limited supply. 

Imo, that's not necessarily a bad thing so long as new users are able to also have fun on the site. As a new user, I am having fun on the site. :) Also people here have been incredibly generous to me.

 I've still found I'm able to achieve some pretty amazing goals on the site. Kir's quest is the one feature on the site that is the least accessible for new users (like, I simply do not have enough established capital to even begin playing it). Having said that, I also as a new user am able to have this niche where I can sell my good hatches to wealthier users who are willing to fork over loads of tu just to get their cyanu, galta, and ivik eggs. I've been able to achieve some pretty cool things because of this. 

And that's also not a bad thing. That's kind of how economies naturally work.

Here is the thing. I am all for the idea of incentivising people to sell their creatu. 

However, I am deeply considering whether or not this idea will do that in the manner that is expected. 

I think the incentive for people to sell valuable creatu already exists without making people pay to feed all of their pets. Both from the consumer's standpoint and the potential seller. 

I think this idea is one that really needs to be thought a lot about before being implemented, because it would mean every single user on the site, both wealthy and new, will incur a cost (whether that be in time or money or both) - and yes, it would be newer users like me who suffer the most for it, regardless of how easy you make it to get food. That's just unavoidable. 

Because of this cost, it might temporarily cause price inflation to decrease, but I think it also has the negative side effect of making everybody poorer. New users have to spend more of their time and earned wealth getting food and have to now incur the cost of selling something for less than they otherwise would have liked to sell it.

Wealthier users also have to incur the cost of selling something for less than they otherwise would have liked to sell it. They're keeping it precisely because they would have sold it had the price been right but the reason they are keeping it is because nobody could offer enough to make it worth it for them to part with it. When people say something is "priceless", economists still know there is a point at which somebody would be willing to part with whatever that thing is. But the "price" has to be right. Sometimes because someone very highly subjectively values that thing, there isn't anybody who wants what that person has for the cost that person could stand to give that thing up. 

When people in an economy start suddenly having to sell things for less than their initial value.... that is concerning to say in the least. It's not really a sign of a healthy economy, even if it is moving things around.

I also think you cannot determine whether it's all that worth it for newer users such as myself to go such lengths just to make the really "good" RWNs available. You have to ask whether this is something that newer users are actually concerned about and want and if it's really negatively impacting their game play. 

For me, it hasn't.

 Just a thought. I notice about Res is that it's really a lot of the wealthy users who value the "good" RWNs so much. That makes a lot of sense because if you've been around a while you've been eyeing certain names for a while and their value, to you subjectively, has gone up. You'd be willing to pay boat loads for it, but some other user doesn't want to part.

To me, that is just part of the game, though.

I, as an incoming user, don't really have that in my list of goals. Maybe someday when I have gained more capital, it will.

I enjoy coming up with one-word-names for my creatu. And there's definitely a lot of turnover there because people are feeding their creatu to the shrine and feeding creatu to Kir and names really do open up. Also wealthier users sometimes end up feeding some of their nicer names to Kir, and then they open up. 

The incentive is there.

We're never going to run into a point on Res where we just run out of cool names because of measures that are already in place to make sure that doesn't happen. So what do we gain by making all users incur such a cost? 

And the wonderful thing about names is that the value of them is so highly subjective. That's another reason why putting a measure in place to try and redistribute this kind of wealth can actually mess with the market value of things in a not-so-good way.

To me, a much better solution if name-availability and the economy is really the concern here is just to say make it three years or five years or heck - even one year - of inactivity instead of eight that determines when some old inactive user's creatu are gone.

Just my two cents.

he was a man of suffering, familiar with pain...

11:51am Feb 13 2019 (last edited on 10:16am Feb 23 2019)

Normal User

Posts: 51
EDIT: These concerns also addressed.

Just kind of a follow-up point. I think another solution other than just perhaps lessening the years of inactivity before names are circulated back into the system is also just to start putting more things like the shrine and Kir's quest into place. 

Basically, anything that makes you fork over creatu for a cool item or egg or effect. This is probably the best way of getting users to actually enjoy forking over their creatu and continue to keep names circulating but without putting measures in place that "force" them to get rid of creatu they would otherwise like to keep but now they simply cannot afford to do so. 

I also think one of the unique things about Res as a virtual pet site is how it's a really a place for collectors. A concern of mine is take that aspect away and people have less incentive to stay on. I know other people have already mentioned that, though. 

I know I do like it that I don't have to worry about the pets in my showroom - and compared to most users on this site, I don't even have a large collection. I hope someday to have a larger collection though. :) That could be hampered by having to feed all the creatu there. 

EDIT: Another idea would be to up the cost it takes to upgrade showrooms. That way it's an up-front one time cost and people have less of that mental nagging worry that their pets will die if they don't put food in their food pens or have to spend time getting food they'd rather put doing something else. Also gives people a goal: expand showroom so I can collect even more cool creatu.

Another bit of food for thought. I mean, right now it's pretty absurdly cheap to expand one's showroom. 

FYI I'm not entirely against the idea proposed here in this thread, I'm just thinking through the costs of it. My husband (user Radaga5t) was just telling me he thought it would make the game less "fun" in some ways but also change things up and make it more "interesting". Haha. So we're of mixed opinions. 

he was a man of suffering, familiar with pain...

2:51pm Feb 13 2019 (last edited on 2:56pm Feb 13 2019)

Normal User

Posts: 3,011
Well,if we are talking about doing this to pets,
To grab names.
Why not..
**Do this for items too?**
To make things fair.
I had an idea.

Since people **hoard** items too much,
And to get a chance to grab something.

If a user doesn't put on,
Lets say a dress,a cs one or regular,
Clothing shop over a month.
Why can't we make it into a
**"Lost and found" item?!**
*Even if it sits in a gallery,*
It i sent FAIR that people can own,
Cool items,that they don't use! Right?!
If they don't take them out,use or read about it,
Then after a month..
It'll be a **lost and found item,**
Straight to the *trash!*
Then people can grab a chance at owning an,
Apparently...**Unwanted...forgotten item.**

If we are *circulating,food,pets,names,*
I only see it FIT and FAIR,that *items* are as well.

Its all about hoarding,not using,
And grabbing up grub,
If a user* Can't *play the game.
I came up with this** lost and found feature.**

Just so this doesn't look like ,
*Greedy named grabbing,*
I'm sure people favor items as well,
If you don't use then..*Why Have them?*

In 38 colors, and a thousand black
Gondras later... I rise over my
Army as the Gondra Queen!

3:03pm Feb 13 2019

Normal User

Posts: 620
Support! Huge Support!
I've been looking for a reason to get back in the game and honestly this could be it.

But, if I may, I'd like to maybe add a few more notions?

Pet Auctions: You shouldn't have to worry about keeping pets in auctions fed because in a sane world auctions would only last about a week or so? There's no intelligent reason why we should be able to set an auction with an end date 20 years from now, they should, typically, last about a week, tops. Auctions are a means for a quick sale, not a carrot dangling at the end of a very long stick. If a hungry pet is auctioned off, they should at least be able to last until the auction end date when, if the player who purchased it is keeping their food pen filled up, it will be sufficiently fed.

Food Pen: Killing pets and the graveyard are both a huge part of the game (admit it, we all let our critters die from time to time...right?) and should continue to be so. If the Food Pen allowed you to select which areas of your profile you want pets to be fed in (ie: feed pets in Rancher Shop and Showroom, let Profile pets go hungry, or vice versa) then we could have the ability to decide WHERE our food goes. Even better, if we were able to select individual categories in our SRs or RSs to be fed or not fed, then we may devote a category to killing off pets.

RWNs: This. THIS. HUGE. Such huge. A lot of the more, well, successful folks on this site have fancy names like 'Bob'or 'Linda' or, if you're really lucky, 'Jiggles'. And that's totally fine. Especially if they're the folks who remain active, take part in events, and basically keep the site alive. The folks who have stockpiled names and then vamoosed off into the sunset so no one else can have them, not cool. The site has been rewarding the players who have abandoned it for long enough and I'm all for the new blood having the chance at some names if that's what matters to them. Graverobbing is a rather unique 'feature' of Res, and my one and only notion to add here is perhaps someone could be kind enough to make a tutorial, explaining how one would use the creatu search to look for dying, well-named pets so that each player is on the same level when it comes to name-snagging. There's nothing worse than seeing the SB explode with people getting all these neato names and you have no idea how to do the same.

Pet Trades: I too would like to see a pet trading system similar to that of the item trades, if only as a means to browse through and see what pets are up for grabs in a more user friendly fashion than individually searching rancher shops. And folks looking to trade several pets for one won't have to make a forum post to get the word out there. These pets could remain on one's profile and be fed there while they are in trades? Just a thought.

Food Items: There's not going to be a 'famine'. I don't think Res is any place to run out of food, and the shops will not run completely dry. To waylay any concerns, perhaps a daily log-in bonus of a basket of goodies, or even a larger garden plot that can be put to use growing and harvesting bushels of fruit/vegetables every hour?

Long post is long. Perhaps too long? If you made this far, I both apologize and congratulate you. Have a cookie.

Lovely suggestion, again, I'm all for it!


3:07pm Feb 13 2019

Normal User

Posts: 356
Love Malik's ideas and suggestions!


6:41pm Feb 13 2019

Normal User

Posts: 49

You have to realize, Kir players are the cause of inflation and the ones arguing that higher colors need to be more accessible, so that they can be thrown at Kir.

They just dont like that doing that increases the cost of higher colored pets.

In my opinion these ideas arent going to hatch more colors, make higher colors available or help Kir players at all.. and they particularly wont help new players because as with any site when new players joining it takes them time to get accustomed to everything so they wont know to be stalking peoples profiles who havent been on for a few weeks so that they can grab names.. only old experiences players will be doing that.


6:54pm Feb 13 2019

Normal User

Posts: 443

omg you guys like to make me read
;D Thanks for all the feedback, I'll try to respond to as much as I can!

First off to respond to Hephzibah - I hope that this doesn't come across as sounding elitist in any way, but a lot of these concerns are ones I do feel long-time users are a bit more knowledgeable about. I hope you hear me out and know that I also value your input as a new user! I hope I can help explain some of these issues! :)

To be honest, I am not an expert on this subject, but I will defer to the expertise and experience of older users, staff members and Patrick who have said that inflation is a concern for the site. It was Patrick himself who decided to take measures to deal with the economy and I trust his judgement on this. My suggestions are merely to continue working in the direction Pat and his staff have deemed best for the site.

I really disagree, for multiple reasons, some of which I have stated.
I will expand upon this however.

New users are typically more willing to do tasks that wealthy/old users are not: daily egg hunting (which means coming across those free food REs I have mentioned), seasonal egg hunts (which would mean finding food in the egg hunt) and other tedious tasks that older/wealthier users are not interested in doing anymore (apple tree, other new food-farming tasks that will hopefully come about). Further more, old/wealthy users will pay new/poor users to do these tasks - which means yet another income for new users by selling off excess food that they don't need.

And again, new users will suddenly be able to participate in the name market. I don't know if you are familiar with how much some RNs/RWNs sell for, but even ones that are deemed less desirable in general sell for tens of millions or hundreds of millions. Take a name like 'Desire'. This is a name that would net you somewhere around 1 billion tu currently. Take a name like 'Strawberry'. Not quite as desirable to most, but will still probably fetch close to 200mil, at the very least. Imagine you're a new user and you managed to hatch this name because it just cleared. If new users don't take advantage of this, or participate in any other methods of gathering food and making tu, then yes perhaps they will 'suffer'. But again, if they aren't willing to play the game, we can't do much about that and we can't build a game around people that don't participate.

I definitely do not foresee this happening. If a seller wants a certain price, they will simply feed that pet (hopefully with free/cheap food) until they get a seller. Or, they will trade it for a name that is more desirable to them. If they aren't willing to feed a pet, they probably don't really care that much about how much tu they get for it, and that's why they would sell it for a lower price (probably a more reasonable price than most name sellers ask for now). If they price it reasonably, someone WILL buy it. A lot of name sellers are currently asking huge sums for names that are just 'meh', so they don't sell, but those sellers also don't really care. This is why names are scarce. Imagine that no one cares enough to feed the pet named 'Table'. Well, that name sits unclaimed then, waiting for a user that REALLY wants to own that name. That seems like a better outcome to me than the name 'Table' sitting in a rancher shop for 500mil indefinitely.

Yes, names are definitely subjective. But there's still a large number of names that are considered valuable - real names and real word names, specifically, because everyone on site recognizes them. Imagine having the name Goopdeboop and the name God. It's subjective, but I think we all know which is more desired by most, and that's the key here. If you have something more people want, it has more value.

The value of RNs/RWNs doesn't just matter to wealthy/old users either. Even if you don't care about owning the name "Love", many people do, so it has value to you because you can sell it for a huge sum of tu. Even as a new user who doesn't care about names, I bet if someone handed you the name 'Love' and said you could sell it for 1.5 billion tu, it would matter to you too. ;)

It's great if you can enjoy the game without worrying about names! I'm glad to hear that new users do not all feel that way! However, there's a huge number of users that do care, a lot, and some of them are new users (or users that quit because of it) who I see disgruntled about this issue. And then there are a lot of users that are more or less "in the middle" too, people who are a bit more wealthy and would love to own certain names but never get the opportunity. This was abundantly clear during the most recent name clearing, when the site was the most bustling and alive that I have seen in years - so many users online at once that clearly DO care, very much, about names. Even if they didn't care to own those names, they cared about obtaining them to sell - because they could make more tu on some of those names than they could in months, or even a year. I saw several new users make tidy fortunes when they were able to snag & sell names.

Further more, if users are given a task for trading in pets, like Kir or anything else, they simply are not going to turn in names. It's just not going to happen. Partly because names are, like you said, subjective and there's no way for Res staff to determine a value system for names - only for the pets and their colors. I'd take a good name off of a CS pet and toss in the CS pet before I'd toss away a name, simply for the fact that even the rarest pets are still more common than a name. There's multiple albino kioka - there's only one name such as 'Comet'.

I think the closest I have to a solution for people who just want to collect one of every color or species, or all of the above, is to allow users to have 'unnamed' creatu in a separate storage area that would not need to be fed. Otherwise, I don't really think the burden on collectors having to feed their pets is enough of a reason to veto this system, the benefits are too great. And collectors would still be able to keep those collections - they might just have to be more reasonable about it, and perhaps sell off some pets (again, helping put colored pets in circulation).

One of the main issues with this is that it simply won't effect most of us. My showroom can hold hundreds more pets than I have in there even now. Many users have showrooms that can already hold thousands upon thousands of pets, and even if they did need to expand the cost would have the be quite significant to make an impact. This is something that would definitely unfairly impact new users who didn't get to upgrade their showrooms when it was cheap to do so. This also does nothing to impact inactive users who aren't adding to their showroom but already have three thousand pets just sitting in there.

Pets and items are in two totally different categories, so I really don't think this comparison works. Additionally, if people are at risk of losing absolutely everything on their accounts that's much, much worse than just losing names, which is what we are proposing here.


I'm going to make a second post for Malik's suggestions! ^^
Sorry, I'm a bit sick right now so responding may be a little slow-going.


7:08pm Feb 13 2019

Normal User

Posts: 356
"The value of RNs/RWNs doesn't just matter to wealthy/old users either. Even if you don't care about owning the name "Love", many people do, so it has value to you because you can sell it for a huge sum of tu. Even as a new user who doesn't care about names, I bet if someone handed you the name 'Love' and said you could sell it for 1.5 billion tu, it would matter to you too. ;)"

100% true.


7:21pm Feb 13 2019

Normal User

Posts: 3,011
Makes me wonder if,
Res should just make a restart.

If big changes are needed,
And users are going to suffer.
Maybe res should wipe clean,
And everyone starts over.

That way,
Everyone has fair game once again.
Then we can wait for
The big revamp.

Big new changes on something old,
Can destroy what it stands for,
Or what it is,or an idea.

The lost and found idea,
Was my test to see how you all feel.
And you felt the same way as I do,on pets.


In 38 colors, and a thousand black
Gondras later... I rise over my
Army as the Gondra Queen!

8:03pm Feb 13 2019 (last edited on 8:22pm Feb 13 2019)

Normal User

Posts: 443
Wow Malik! These are all great suggestions in my opinion!
I feel like quoting this specifically -
"The site has been rewarding the
players who have abandoned
it for long enough"

I definitely agree pet auctions should have a more reasonable time frame! This bothers me now too lol. I think 1-2 weeks would be great. Also very good point, hunger should be suspended for the sake of the buyer, very good point - I hadn't considered that at all.

Honestly I think this is the most streamlined, ideal version of this idea so far - like a drop-down menu or check box system that allowed you to say, feed your showroom but not your rancher, or only feed categories in your showroom, etc. This would be simple and hopefully not require an extreme amount of coding. I really think this is a great idea!

TOTALLY agree! This was hard to watch during the last name clearing to be honest, even though I was someone that was definitely "in the know" about where the names were and how to get them. We absolutely need a guide for all users about using the search function to watch for names. I think one in forums would do the job, and newbies can be linked to it, and ideally it would be written before this change takes place so it can be posted in the news update. I think this addresses Fuzz's concern as well,  about new users not knowing to do this. It's true, and a guide would help. Of course new users will always have to make the effort to learn the game - as they have to learn the value of pets, how Kir works, how to sell things effectively, etc. But guides can help users that want to learn and put in the effort! :)

I feel like I'm just echoing you on all of this but YES, I really like this! Great way to ease the burden further for active users. So if you're someone that logs in every day, you benefit more than someone who only logs in once a month. :) Really like this, again!

I'll add these to the first/second post!

I don't think this is a very productive solution to these issues. I'm not here to destroy things or needlessly punish users or "take their names". The things I have suggested would be of benefit to the site as a whole, and to many users if they are willing to adjust to some slight changes in how they play the game. I think Res has a GREAT foundation, with tons of potential, lots of great art and assets, and a great community even if it is currently small. There's so much here that DOES work really well! It wouldn't have lived this long if the site didn't already have something great and special. I don't see a reason to wipe everything clean and I can't imagine other users would want this either. Plus, that's a huge investment for Pat.

*edit: I seem to recall you disliking the change in classes, too Miss. Which is totally okay! It's hard to agree with big changes like this, especially if we are comfortable with the way the game is already, I totally understand. But how do you feel about the classes being gone now? Do you like being able to sell pets and items much more easily? Maybe this change would surprise you as well, and you would find new means of income and more access to things you currently don't have! :)


I feel like I have probably missed some things, or not addressed some concerns.
If there's something specific that you think I didn't answer or explain well enough, please let me know! :)


8:41pm Feb 13 2019

Normal User

Posts: 49
I really would like to see names being gifted by older players to newbies as I have seen repeatedly seen stated as being one of the consequences of this... I mean why does this need to be implemented first.. it doesn't right?.


8:59pm Feb 13 2019


Posts: 394

I’d like to preface all of the following with a warning. Don’t take anything I say as a statement of support or not. I'm just writing out my thoughts as I read through the forum.

I will say that on the surface level, it does seem wrong that some users are able to hoard hundreds or thousands of names that they’ll never even log in again to enjoy. I will also say that I have observed several people IRL (recently) who have started playing the game who found the name issue to be a major disruption in their experience, and without my coaching through, probably wouldn’t have kept playing. One of the very first actions a new player takes is hatching a pet – and then they immediately get stuck on the naming screen and can only find a gibberish name. That definitely is a big, immediate turn-off.

Throughout this thread I see people repeatedly failing to make an important distinction. You never really lose a creatu. Even if it dies – you still have it in your graveyard. All you lose is the name. Those who collect pets will always have the pet, as long as they want to. And if at some point you can’t feed it unexpectedly, yes it may die, but you haven’t really lost it.

I can’t think of many scenarios that would suddenly prevent players from being able to log in for such an extended period of time as to where fully fed pets would starve, then die, then lose their names.

If you are truly collecting pets and not names, I don’t know why there would be much opposition to this idea. What if there were a collection feature where you submit a creatu to, and it records the fact that you’ve collected this creatu, but you no longer possess it? Maybe you can even take it back out of the collection, but you’d have to rename it (I actually don’t think this would be a good idea. If there was such a feature, I think the submission should be permanent). 


9:08pm Feb 13 2019

Normal User

Posts: 356
"One of the very first actions a new player takes is hatching a pet – and then they immediately get stuck on the naming screen and can only find a gibberish name. That definitely is a big, immediate turn-off."

 - hadn't even thought of this - I am so used to having to juggle through names from years of playing the site, I had not even thought of how discouraging it would be to new users that are just trying to get their bearings. 

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