Limiting Pets

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7:22pm Feb 14 2019

Normal User

Posts: 1,764
I think adding this feature would give people more to do and more to think about. Currently you're just sitting and waiting it seems. Waiting for the next event or reset or whatever it may be. I feel this will also make food events more interesting and even maybe add some new events and other cool features to accomedate this. As stated before numerous times its a pet site, you should need to feed your pets instead of tucking them away in a corner. Its a step in the right direction and I truly hope its added. 


7:31pm Feb 14 2019

Normal User

Posts: 17
This is a big mistake and I think a lot of people will just quit playing honestly. I'm not an "old greedy user". I saved money up for SIX YEARS to get a gold and silver kioka, and I love ALL my pets, but I don't have time to feed them with my stressful schedule. The only reason I even play is because I have faith that my babies in my showroom won't die on me. If that's no longer the case, I don't see how I could possibly continue. This makes me really sad to see this game is even contemplating taking this direction. Just.. sad. 

Surrounded by a pack of cyancus at all times <3

7:35pm Feb 14 2019 (last edited on 7:50pm Feb 14 2019)

Normal User

Posts: 1,367
I’m pretty new to this discussion and admittedly haven’t read all of the previous posts, but I feel strongly about the issue regarding feeding showroom and rancher pets so I wanted to voice my opinion. I am strongly against this idea. First, it doesn’t make sense to me economically. Users with more TU will be able to afford more food to feed more pets, so it’s not necessarily doing new users without TU who want pets any favors. Additionally, as someone has already mentioned, it makes it difficult to keep pets stocked in the rancher if they’re priced too low or not selling fast enough. I think it would contribute to a loss and shortage of low-colored pets.

Second, and personally important to me, is that it puts users who are less active at risk of losing their pets. I’ve become active again recently, but I went through a long period of inactivity. I came back for my pets. I have a busy and stressful life as a medical student that isn’t going to get any easier, so I know there will be times again when I go inactive. If I didn’t have my showroom pets to come back to— the pets that I worked really hard for and love dearly— I honestly wouldn’t come back. It wouldn’t be worth it to me to start over. I understand clearing names from totally inactive accounts after a certain number of years, and I fully support that because if a user hasn’t come back or logged in at all after a few years they probably aren’t returning. Someone already said this and I agree: if this suggestion is about clearing names and making more names available, it would be better to clear names from completely inactive accounts at a faster rate.

Thanks for reading! I normally wouldn’t write a long post like this, but I feel strongly about this issue. In my mind, huge changes like this could become deal-breakers regarding whether users remain on the site or not, so I wanted to give input. It would fundamentally alter the way users interact with the site and how much work it takes to remain active here, and many people aren’t able to give time and energy almost every day to feeding showroom pets or obtaining enough food to stock their food pen.

Edit: I just saw the post above mine (posted while I was typing this), and I honestly agree.

Second edit: If you’re trying to find ways to make the site more interactive or exciting, please consider updating/adding quests, games, events, etc. I believe the shrines were a fantastic step in the right direction and would love to have more changes like that. I really don’t think making the simple task of keeping and caring for pets more stressful is going to attract new users or retain old ones.


7:51pm Feb 14 2019

Normal User

Posts: 174
I, personally, am not a fan of the idea of having my showroom pets being capable of starving. I have been on Res since 2008, before showrooms existed, and remember having issues with keeping my pets alive. 

From what I understood, showrooms were created so that we could collect pets without worrying about them passing. I understand now that this was not what the original plan was for creatu, so perhaps some kind of compromise could be created, so that people can collect pet colours without hoarding specific colours. Since we have a creatu log, it stands to reason that colour collection is a large part of a lot of peoples enjoyment of the game.

What if we had collections for pets like we do for items? Potentially allowing some repetitions, such as: collecting all the creatu in black, colleting all divuin colours, collecting all Iluvu colours, etc. This would allow older users who have collected multiple of the same colour to keep a couple of their favourites for display, without the risk of them dying. Then the suggestion to have normal showroom pets capable of dying won't be such a shock, hopefully, to those of us who have been collecting pets for a number of years.

If my memory serves me right, there is a plan to release names/pets from inactive counts after a specific amount of time. I feel like this could apply to all aspects of members accounts without too many unhappy campers.

My personal reasons for not wanting all pets to be at risk of passing are not great arguments, but I feel like they are reasons a lot of old members may agree with:
1) Resurrecting dead pets is not easy, or cheap. There is this idea that all old members were/are rich. I for one am proof that that is not a real fact. When I came back to Res after years of being away, school took over my life and I didn't have time for Res, I saw members with more TU than I had ever seen before. Members who had started just that year had millions of TU, and I had maybe a million. Many of my pets were dead, only a few had gone into my showroom, and it took me a while to revive them. Even now a sizeable amount are dead. The only reason I have as much TU now as I do, which is not that large of a sum compared to some, is because I happened to purchase an R-Ray back in ye ol' days and sold it as a retired item.
2) CS Pets. CS Pets are not cheap. The more expensive a pet, the more I want to keep it from dying, however life can make it difficult to log on to Res enough to keep a food pen stocked, or to make enough TU to keep a food pen stocked. If CS pets had an option to stop them from starving, or an easier way to revive them, I again would be less opposed to allowing showroom pets to starve.

If it is decided that showroom pets can starve, perhaps they can starve more slowly? Perhaps it could take double the amount of time for a showroom pet to die?

I believe I saw somewhere that it was suggested that rancher pets require feeding too. I don't think that is a realistic option from the point of view that, if a pet is going to die if no one buys it we are going to have less pets in rancher shops making it harder for people to find pets for kir, but also cheaper. Why do I think that? Good question imaginary person, personally if I hatched a common colour and knew I was going to have a hard time selling it for more thank 10K before it dies, I'm just going to release it. This is great news for people exploring the atqueen forest, but not for the person who needs it for Kir and has already used up all of their explore chances.

Anyway, those are my thoughts. Hopefully they are not too scattered or controversial. Thank you for reading and stay awesome! Especially you staff people, you are all great!

Click it you must or else I will release my fat cat (seriously I have a cat thats very fat)

7:55pm Feb 14 2019

Normal User

Posts: 1,044
I am surprised but i am actually for this!
at first i thought i would be against it but after reading it and seeing how well thought out the idea is i agree with a lot of the points you have made. 
One of my biggest issues with Rescreatu has been how much it caters to users who are no longer active and things being fair for them more then our users who are active every day and bring life to the game. 
I hope this is given considerable thought and gets implemented. With all the new changes that have been happening i hope Rescreatu becomes as active and full of life as it was when i first started playing so many years ago. 

Work in progress

7:57pm Feb 14 2019


Posts: 394
"I’ve become active again recently, but I went through a long period of inactivity. I came back for my pets. I have a busy and stressful life as a medical student that isn’t going to get any easier, so I know there will be times again when I go inactive. If I didn’t have my showroom pets to come back to— the pets that I worked really hard for and love dearly— I honestly wouldn’t come back. It wouldn’t be worth it to me to start over. "

It is a good point but I feel players making this point should expand upon it so the rest of us can better understand. 

What about this suggestion would cause you to lose the pets you love? Is it the pet you love or the name? This is a genuine question. The distinction is important. I appreciate any clarification :)

7:58pm Feb 14 2019

Normal User

Posts: 1,764
People are missing the point that Pat made a few posts back. If your pet dies you don't really lose it. You still have your pet in the graveyard and it stays there forever. If it dies its not gone completely. 


8:02pm Feb 14 2019 (last edited on 8:03pm Feb 14 2019)

Normal User

Posts: 1,367
Thank you for asking for clarification. In some cases it’s the pet itself (higher colors, CS pets). However, in most cases it’s the name I’m most concerned about. If I woke up tomorrow and could only have 10 pets, the first ones I’d think about and try to save would be those with names that are important to me. Most of those took a lot of time and energy to save up for and earn, and if those pets die in my showroom, their names are gone.

Edit: Please don’t say we’re “missing the point.” I personally found that condescending and offensive, as I understand the pet remains in the graveyard while the name is released.


8:02pm Feb 14 2019

Normal User

Posts: 3,011
If you have pets you love,I would be the pet..that you named out of love.
Why love it,
If you didn't name it something precious to you.

That's about 60% of my pets right now.

In 38 colors, and a thousand black
Gondras later... I rise over my
Army as the Gondra Queen!

8:15pm Feb 14 2019

Normal User

Posts: 2,088
I support this idea. c:


8:25pm Feb 14 2019 (last edited on 10:01pm Feb 14 2019)

Normal User

Posts: 443
Thanks for all the feedback guys! :) I understand there's a lot to read through here and that this isn't something everyone is going to be a big fan of. I hope you will hear me out and explore this idea with me fully! ^^ I'll try to respond to as much as I can!

A lot of these concerns have already been addressed by myself or Patrick (who has not stated he is for or against this idea, just to be clear), so I encourage you to read what has been said about this already and I will summarize some of it here again.

1] Collectors that aren't collecting names would not actually be at risk of losing their collection. If anything, they would end up in the graveyard and just require resurrection. Pets are never fully removed from accounts, ever. No matter how much money you put into a gold and silver kioka, that investment will always be there unless you remove the pet from your account yourself. To help make it easier to resurrect pets it absolutely makes sense to make rez potions easier to obtain & therefor more affordable.

2] A system has been proposed for collectors that would allow pets to be "unnamed" and not require food. I'm pretty strongly in favor of such an idea! Again, collectors of just pets are not at risk of losing anything - but this would prevent them for being in your graveyard.

3] Name collectors are at risk of losing names, yes. But names are the most finite resource on Rescreatu and should be treated as such. I have some very valuable names myself and if anyone should be scared of this system, I'm definitely among them! I have a good deal to lose! Which is why I hope you can see that the benefits of this system to the site as a whole really matter to me.

And again, ideally this system would come with SEVERAL other modifications to the site (please read the second post on this thread) that would make it nearly effortless to keep your collection fed if you are logging in once in a while. Things like free food, login bonuses of food, cheap food that can be bought in bulk, etc. If you think this system would break the game if the only change was to require you to feed your pets then yes, absolutely! We wouldn't have enough food or tu to make that work! But that's not what this thread is proposing - it's the idea of many modifications to the site's mechanics and economy that would support such a system. :) I encourage you to look at the WHOLE idea that is being put forth! I know it's a lot to read through.

Again, I am not looking to make the game extremely difficult or time consuming for users. Feeding your pets should be cheap, quick and easy, it would just mean being a little active on the site. I see a lot of arguments in favor of being able to play the game by NOT playing the game and unfortunately, that's what is hurting Rescreatu right now. It supports "afk gaming" on a site that is extremely dependent on having an active user base. So much of what drives various activities on the site relies on users playing the game and contributing to the economy. It should also be stated that users that only log in once every few months or once a year are less likely to spend money on the game, something that is important to keep it running for everyone to enjoy. We should all want Rescreatu to do well financially! It means new pets, games and features for everyone to enjoy. Really active, invested users are deterred by the fact that so many users aren't playing and that ruins certain aspects of the game for them, so we lose out on really active people in favor of "afk gamers". Rescreatu needs to make a choice between people that want to play and those that don't. 

Ultimately, if you want to keep playing and your progress in the game matters to you, I imagine you would adjust to feeding your pets. Which (one more time with feeling!) should be streamlined to require little effort or cost! I hate to say it again - but there are SO many ideas that have been proposed to make this system easier for all users! I encourage you to check them out!

I've responded to this numerous times already and I encourage you to reread the very second post on this thread and some of my other responses. :) I don't want to type out another lengthy response to this, but I will say simply that if you think the cost is too great it's because you are envisioning this change coming without any improvement to the availability of food, and that would be an absolute necessity to facilitate a change like this! :) If you can explain why those fixes would not be enough, please do so!
Please read my second post & other responses
 (look for the GREY HEADERS!).

Honestly, as someone that has been doing Kir's quest for several months now, I can say I'm not afraid of this happening to pets that are priced within reach to begin with. Kir questers keep the availability of pets low to begin with. If you go to buy something like a blonde ardur or even a calico zenirix you're going to see that there's already only a few that are priced affordably. Anything reasonably priced is going to be bought in a pretty good time frame, especially if you consider that this change would mean more users on site more often and therefor more likely to hatch and sell creatu.

If you haven't seen the updates Patrick has made to the rancher stock edit page, go check it out! It's great! It makes it SO easy to price your pet because you can see the cheapest price for that pet RIGHT THERE! It's awesome! This change means users pricing things quicker and more fairly, so they are going to move more quickly. :) 

The colors we're at risk of losing are ones already priced way out of reach to begin with. And if that user isn't getting online to feed them, they're not going to adjust their prices or respond to your rmail about haggling. Could it mean occasionally losing colored pets? Sure, definitely. But ideally this system would mean there'd be a larger number of hatches that more than makes up for those occasional losses.

I don't want to down play this concern because I feel that way too! Some of these pets really are special to me. I have pets I was gifted from friends that I've lost touch with. I have pets I hatched during really good and really bad times in my life. I can't own pets IRL because I have an immune/inflammatory disorder that means I have to live in a very 'sterile' environment, so my virtual pets are my only pets. I feel ya, man! 

The reality is, if Rescreatu doesn't become sustainable for years to come, we REALLY are in danger of losing those things on our account that we feel attached to. I have a lot of years & great memories attached to Res. It's my feeling, as I have watched the userbase decline, that a pretty big change needs to happen to help Res stay afloat. The most important point of this idea is to stop users from walking away from the game, and if they do, prevent that from hurting the game for others.

I also think, in all seriousness, that Patrick is an awesome dude. He started this site as a TEENAGER! He's been screwed over by staff members, he's made Res a priority in his life at times that were really difficult for him to do so, and he has invested a lot of time, energy and personal money into the site. I would LOVE to see Res succeed because he deserves it, really. He's given a lot of weirdos like myself an awesome platform to make friends, make art, learn new things and have fun. I don't mean to gush, but dang, I love to see friends do well in life and I'd love Res to do well too!

For starters, even if we moved the inactive date up to just 1 year, it doesn't do much to fix the day-to-day issues this forum is giving solutions for. It's not going to greatly effect how often users are playing the game if they only need to log in once every 365 days to keep hoarding those names. (I'm going to start referring to them strictly as names - because again, they're not at risk of losing their pets). Those users will still be "afk gamers" that don't participate in the economy or community. 

Plus, it just means an endless cycle of names ending up on dead accounts and waiting 1 year (or 7 years) for something to happen about it. I know people that said they plan to get back on Res during the next name clearing, but haven't logged in since the last one (roughly one year ago I believe). I don't want to just start throwing out feedback from supposed people who aren't here, but I've had them tell me there's just no reason to log on currently.

Again, this is a point I have covered in my previous responses (look for my posts with GREY HEADERS to easily find my posts & the subject you need!) but I realize a lot of people are feeling this way so I will add a blurb about this to the main post! ^^

Just to answer very briefly -
1] New users would have access to the lucrative name market
2] New users would be the most likely to do tasks for free food
3] New users would feel less discouraged by the inactivity of the site
4] New users will have access to new means of making tu
I expanded upon most of these points already, so please read my other posts!


Sorry I'm on mobile right now so I will 
have to post this & keeping editing it afterwards!


8:30pm Feb 14 2019

Normal User

Posts: 443

Oh my gosh, did not expect there to be six new posts during the time it took me to write that one, wow!  Sorry to interrupt the flow of conversation there! Really glad to see all the feedback :)


9:15pm Feb 14 2019

Normal User

Posts: 17
Im just going to be short and say that if this happens ill probably leave....i already have moments of severe dislike for this game with how unobtainable some pets are due to the that.....

I just dont know......

ill just probably leave. 

9:16pm Feb 14 2019 (last edited on 9:18pm Feb 14 2019)

Normal User

Posts: 16
I would most likely leave Rescreatu if this idea went into effect.  I often forget about my account and I live in a very remote area where hurricanes are a threat. Just in October I was without power/water/internet for two weeks and the same was true for all the towns within a 60 miles radius so wi-fi wasn't an option either. I understand wanting to attract more players and re-inspire older ones, but I really hate this. I do appreciate the thought and time that went into it! It's just not for me. 


9:19pm Feb 14 2019 (last edited on 9:24pm Feb 14 2019)

Normal User

Posts: 16
Breaking away from arguments about whether this idea is good or bad, I think one of the things we need to ask is whether the tradeoffs between benefits and drawbacks are worth it. As much as we can discuss ways to force this system to work, it still relies on the web dev to implement the changes, implement them efficiently, be able to balance changes, and be able to solve the inevitable significant issues that will arise during implementation. 

We could argue for days about how to balance this system and what the outcomes may be. To me, I think the potential for failure in any of the areas of name loss, creatu loss, losing market saturation for Kir pets, and most importantly losing users who aren't favored by this new system far outweighs the potential for names to be released from old accounts and to keep Res "fresh" and keep users engaged.

I say this, because there are better ways to release names and so many ways that content can be added to Res in order to keep it healthy without disrupting the very things that attract a lot of us to this site in the first place.

I also think it should be noted, we can't assume that getting people online to feed their pets will mean more participation in other content on the site. If we want people to be engaged in content, then the content itself needs to be engaging rather than forcing unengaging content on users in order to lead them to other content that isn't strong enough to keep Res healthy in the long run. I think if the underlying problem we are trying to solve here is keeping Res healthy, then this system just isn't worth the potential for a mass exodus of users if it were to fail.

edit: I also think the idea that "if your pet dies, it just goes to the graveyard" is extremely weak and kind of insulting. One natural disaster, busy week, or emergency could result in a user's entire collection ending up in the graveyard. I doubt at that point they would feel enough loyalty to the site to resurrect every beloved creatu, especially if names are also lost upon death.

9:30pm Feb 14 2019

Normal User

Posts: 493
As i have read this and I can understand the concept you wish to aim for I unfortantly would have to go agenst this Idea 

1- mainly because I would be unable to feed all of my pets I’m constantly out of tu 

2- I have type 1 dibeties I can’t always be on to feed my pets it would seriously stress me if I was unable to keep my babes alive because I was sick (( I know they are only pixels but still !)) 

3 - I feel being able to obtain food for them would be proven difficult unless more portions were Gavin out on the apple tree or the stocks 

4 - I feel a lot of my very good friends I value and love would leave for their own reasons 

5 - I feel Kir would become a lot harder due to less people being able to collect and only focusing on keeping the baby’s they want and love alive over the top of Kir quest making Kir quest pets even more pricey and harder to obtain 

6 - I feel in many ways the value of certan pets would decreases at the beginning in hopes to sell off hord pets and later on increase when certan pets become even harder to find.

~★Dreamless sleep, follows the Nowhere King★~

9:34pm Feb 14 2019

Normal User

Posts: 141
Not sure if someone else already mentioned this, but I live a pretty busy life. I am in college and I'm working part time, so it's not that I don't want to play res all the time, I literally don't have the time to. I've been playing this game on and off since 5th grade. It is very important to me and has been a big part of my life. I remember seeing a calico ebilia for the first time and loosing my mind over how pretty it was, and deciding righ then that no matter what, I had to have one. Then I spent the next year collecting ebilias in every color. That being said, I have spent years amassing the creatu collection I have. They are my babies. Unfortunatly, I can't dedicate much time to it anymore.
I love the face that I can get on here and binge-play for days and not get tired of it, and then leave for a few months when my life gets too busy. When I come back, everything is as I left it. This is Rescreatu, not Tomagotchi.  
I don't care for RWN's so I don't care if other people hoarde/collect them, etc. I can always get pretty creative with my names. I care more about the art. 
If the suggestion simply put more names in rotation, expecially from accounts that are certifiably dead, that would make sense. But, it is too subjective. What does a "dead" account really mean? The user could log back on at any time. Maybe a player forgot about the game for a few years. Is it fair for them to log back on, excited to see what they left, and find all their pets are dead? The only way I could see this working and being fair for all users would be to recycle pets from banned account after a certian ammount of time, allowing that user sufficient time to try and get their account back, depending on the reason for the ban. 
Additionally, users with more money are already at an advantage being able to buy more food in bulk to feed their many pets. What about players who don't have the money for food? This would also limit how much a user can put back to save for an expensive pet or item, because they would always have to ensure they had enough to keep buying food. And who is to say how many pets is too many? This game seems pretty capitalistic to me: you make more money, you buy more pets or items that make you happy. No one should be able to limit that. 
Basically, to sum up my rant (sorry), there is an issue with names, but forcing users to log on more regularly and feed all of their pets or risk them dying does not solve it. It will really only hurt the people who are not able to play as often, for whatever reason, or who have less money.


9:47pm Feb 14 2019

Normal User

Posts: 344
I really appreciate how well thought out everything is, however I don't like it.

Rescreatu is one of the only sites I've joined and stuck to for years, mostly because it's so easy to get pets and keep them.
I hate feeding pets. Its why Im here.

It's an annoying and only forces people into an annoying daily task.
So far on Rescreatu all daily tasks are optional. The spring, stocks, feeding pets, quests, hatching pets. I vastly prefer this to a site forcing me into religiously playing a game or something bad will happen.

Tasks like mandatory feeding make me insanely upset because I have memory issues and from time to time I completely forget this site exists. That's why most of my pets stay in my Showroom.

I also can't feed all of those pets. I've collected all 2000 of them over the years and didn't just buy them all at once. I'm not a rich user. I use most of my funds to add to my collection in my showroom.

I just. Want to play the game casually.



9:51pm Feb 14 2019


Posts: 394
"One natural disaster, busy week, or emergency could result in a user's entire collection ending up in the graveyard."


9:55pm Feb 14 2019

Normal User

Posts: 2,057
Ok so if this does happen Here is my idea for the users who are opposed:

first of all sell an item in the CS for 200 cp that lets us not have to feed our pets for 6 months at a time.

we could have variances of this like a 1 month to a 1 year pass that ranges from 100cp to 500cp or something....

This way everybody wins in some form.. limit 1 pass per account at a time aswell 

Also some ideas for user involvement:
- More games with other prizes ( less tu more weird items / clothes)
- more micro-events 
- scratch card or slot games
- games like words with friends that you can challange other players in
- private chat boxes for you and your friends?
  - items that are given out only if you log on to click for "the daily giveaway"
- new ways to train and interact with pets
- perhaps clothing for our pets followed by beauty contests that users vote on?
- perhaps an update to forums
- more quests that are time limited. such as you have 2 weeks a year to do this event quest and it is done. 
-more things related to kir. perhaps a riddle challenge or something 

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