9:57pm Feb 14 2019 (last edited on 10:26pm Feb 14 2019)
Normal User 
Posts: 20
I understand what you're trying to do/say but I am not for this at all.
I'm an oldish user and I left the game accidentally once for 2 years, then took a long time to get all my pets back from the grave, I use the food pen to feed my pets and don't use a rancher shop or a showroom, but I completely understand the people that do and their needs for it to be a place where they don't have to feed their pets.
My suggestions for solutions are ones that have already been put out there: A) Shorten the timespan from inactive user to non-existent user B) Consider having nameless Creatu in circulation Or C) Get rid of the unique name feature, as that's what seems to be causing all of your problems.
My voice generally isn't heard because I stay out of issues usually but this time I am so very against this that I would consider leaving the site, even though I don't currently use those features, if their purpose was destroyed, out of solidarity to the people who need them to stay as they are.
Also I'm one of the people who doesn't mind mixing words and adding letters to names to get the names I want because to me the names don't matter, but I understand that not everyone is like that.
(Also: as to the leaving the game accidentally: I didn't have regular access to the internet and forgot the web addresses of the sites I frequented, which sounds dumb but I have bad memory)
10:00pm Feb 14 2019
Normal User 
Posts: 16
Responding to Patrick:
That point was made for the argument of forgetting or being unable to stock your food pen. For people who have a ton of creatu, I could see the food pen running low very quickly. Life happens and obligations/outside influences can keep us from Res for extended periods of time, so being unable to log in for one month straight doesn't seem far-fetched to me. I think it is a lot more reasonable to have a handful of profile creatu die while retaining the rest of your collection than having one bad month result in the loss of your entire collection, and having the option to store creatu in the showroom if you know for sure you will be unable to access the site for over a month in preparation seems more than fair.
If this system is implemented, it will also take time for people to figure out how much food needs to be put in their food pen in order to keep their creatu fed. It is not unthinkable that a lot of us would stock our pen with what we believe is sufficient, but will turn out to not be enough, and users may lose their entire collections due to aforementioned absences.
10:10pm Feb 14 2019
Normal User 
Posts: 1,367
My opinion is unchanged, but in response to Unicorn’s suggestion, any sort of “pass” would need to be available by means other than CP as well. Otherwise, users who are able to purchase CP and/or who have tons of TU with which to buy CP would be at a distinct and nearly insurmountable advantage.
10:12pm Feb 14 2019
Normal User 
Posts: 16
In response to Unicorn and MangaDreamer: maybe it would be a black market item? Although that still means the wealthier users would have easier access to it. At least it wouldnt be CS only in this case.
10:13pm Feb 14 2019
Posts: 394
"That point was made for the argument of forgetting or being unable to stock your food pen. For people who have a ton of creatu, I could see the food pen running low very quickly. Life happens and obligations/outside influences can keep us from Res for extended periods of time, so being unable to log in for one month straight doesn't seem far-fetched to me. "
Gotchya. I asked because I'm just trying to keep a distinction between hyperbole and exaggeration.
10:22pm Feb 14 2019
Normal User 
Posts: 620
Perhaps a ‘pet sitting’ NPC could be paid to look after pets on your account for a given time, maybe up to a month, so if or when a player experiences a chaotic period of life they can easily pay for their pets to be taken care of.
As for the circumstances involving disasters or difficult events, I’m not saying everyone goes through these things similarly, not at all, but in the last year alone I was evacuated from my home for a flood, a wildfire, and spent time homeless because the people trying to raise my home and keep it safe from flooding ended up uh dropping it. And I mention this because in all those events I still managed to stay reasonably active both here and on other sites as well? Filling a food pen only takes a handful of clicks, and buying food isn’t all that time consuming either? I could flood again this year, or be in danger of losing my home to a fire, and I still support this. Once again, not saying anyone goes through such experiences the same as I, just giving my two cents on the matter.

10:31pm Feb 14 2019
Normal User 
Posts: 1,018
Pet pages. Those would be useless for those who have worked hard to code and add stories, graphics and art to them. Stories to go with their name. Can be as silly as 'Juuebug', a nice little story someone worked on. Oh you won't lose the collection if that's the point, they'll end up nameless in the graveyard you won't lose them. You can still have a pet page with nameless dead pets from the graveyard, but you have to manually each and every one to get the link to show them off. And my random name 'Juuebug' could mean something to someone, and that example "story" would go to waste if the pet is now in the graveyard, nameless, only able to be seen if the user who "owns" it manually puts the url for the pet page in the url bar to see it. I'm a collector, but there are others who have a ton of pets with good names or even random names of OC's they may have or just random made up names they made a special pet page for. There are some users I think have a ton of, where they worked hard (just as collectors did to get where they are with their beloved creatu collections) to set it up to make it perfect. While they'll still have the creatu, and the pet page. Someone else may snag the name which will make their pet page useless and have to dive in to fix with the name "Nameless" and a new story and such.
Like maybe make it where you can only have one of each creatu/color in the showroom you don't have to worry about. Like each creatu one of each hatchable and dye color, and mutants you can only have 9 of each mutant so that you can have a natural and one each of each dye color. Showrooms still safe from needing to feed because I imagine showrooms being like a barn to show off and they can "graze" around your land, lol. (or kind of like a zoo, our 'habitats' for our beloved creatu) And if you get extra's or doubles of colors you have to keep them on your profile to feed or stock in ranchers and need to price them or they bounce back to your profile after not being priced in a certain amount of time and a limit on how high you can price them so that people can't just price them that dreaded long amount. Ranchers being free from needing to feed still as I imagine they are grazing around your "land". That's my suggestion. :3

12:29am Feb 15 2019 (last edited on 12:29am Feb 15 2019)
Normal User 
Posts: 443
...OKAY SO... I see a lot of commenters that clearly only skimmed my first post, at best, and have not read any of my other responses. I understand everyone is feeling very emotional about this so it's natural to want to get your thoughts out right away! But there are a lot of concerns about things I have proposed solutions to already or things that are simply not an issue, and I just can't keep answering the same things over again, I hope you all understand! :)
Of course thank you to those that did take the time to read everything, and for the unique questions/ideas that have been brought up! There's some really great thoughts in here that I hadn't considered yet! I'll try to dive into more of them & see what rebuttal I can offer tomorrow when I have more energy. ^^
For now I just want to mention a few points -
1] There seems to be a lack of distinction between "losing pets" and "losing names" - one of which isn't going to happen at all. For people worried about their pets ending up in the graveyard the idea of having unnamed pet collections has been brought up, which I stated I support. If you're curious about that, please read earlier posts. If your concern is about losing names, please clear up that confusion for me, as it's hard to tell from some posts which you are concerned with - "losing pets" or "losing names". :)
-- --
2] I am most confused by the argument, "If I can't play the game by not playing the game, I'm not going to play the game anymore," and comments such as, "I leave/forget about this game all the time". Honestly I think that's only more argument for why this game is broken in the ways I have stated. It's why we rarely have more than 45 users online at a time. It's why so many aspects of the game are barren or lacking. It's people playing the game in this manner that are arguing FOR my ideas. If you leave the game for a year at a time, and see no reason not to do that again in the future, and wouldn't be interested in playing the game if it required playing it slightly more often (again - as I've stated - it's not like you'd be expected to log on absolutely every day), what incentive does Rescreatu have to cater the game to your play style? If you feel like you would just walk away from the game if a change like this occurred, how invested were you in the game to begin with?
What about the users that absolutely would put in the extra effort? Should they suffer for users that don't even want to be on the site? Should the site keep stagnating to ensure users can keep playing at such a casual rate? Is it really so awful for a game to ask it's players that it relies on to function properly to not disappear for months and years at a time?
I think a lot of these comments fail to think about users that will happily fill that void. I, for one, would be happy to step up and participate in the game. I see other users stating they would too, and that they wish more people would be active. I hate thinking that some users may quit, but if they are users that don't plan on or who rarely participate in the game, their departure may only be of benefit to the site and users who want to play and put in the effort. This seems very harsh, but it's just the reality of the situation.
I think I haven't explained my perspective very well. For me, I log on pretty frequently. Despite being here and putting in the effort, the game moves at a snail's pace, because I spend time waiting for other users to influence my game experience. I wait for someone to buy a pet. I wait for someone to hatch the pet I need for Kir. I wait for merchant sales. I wait for stocks. And I wait. Aaaaand then I get bored and I too walk away. I keep coming back, but it's very clear to me why new users don't. They have no investment in the game yet and the game doesn't seem to care about new users or active users, so why should they stick around?
I know your response to this may be, "Add more features that make users want to play!" but it doesn't address problems that will still be there, poisoning the game for a lot of players. It's sort of like putting frosting on an unbaked cake. The frosting may be yummy, but I'm not going to enjoy it as much as a baked cake with frosting. ;) [disclaimer: do not eat uncooked batter]
-- --
3] To those stating this is giving you anxiety, please know I have as much influence over this game as you do. I'm just another user! :) Nothing is happening. In fact, I highly doubt something like this could be implemented before the release of v4. And even then, I have faith that many measures would be put in place to prepare you and help you manage feeding your pets, if you're still around to play the game. ;) Please take a deep breath, relax, and keep enjoying Rescreatu as it is and will be for a long time!
Dear lord I'm sorry for the text wall... o_o
1:12am Feb 15 2019 (last edited on 1:33am Feb 15 2019)
Normal User 
Posts: 2,049
i'm still having formattingg issues im sorry !!! i'll post a new comment :(
 <---HA by shino || Buck by Zen--->
1:21am Feb 15 2019
Normal User 
Posts: 75
The Creatu Log feature should be deleted or a new foodless, nameless storage system is introduced. I don't want a catch-em-all page laughing in my face. It's better to have a system to tell you the creatu you DO have without showing you all the ones you don't. Not many people are pet collectors, so we shouldn't have a whole page subliminally encouraging you to do it. I am a longtime Pokémon fan and empty dex entries mock me. I do not like being mocked.
I support the idea of only caring for pets you really want to keep. Keeps hoarding down and gives me an excuse to sell off some of the pets that I don't really have an attachment to. Would still encourage the removal of features that imply that you should aim to collect every color of every pet on the site so I wouldn't feel compelled to keep them in the first place. Hopefully this polishes up the Kir market. I've been hatching Berrok for days now and I don't even like the species. All of the 'binos are priced like their shops are secondary showrooms: 2bil+. The only reason I hoard rare pets is because I never see them on the market and I want to have them in case Kir wants one.
The time from 100-pt hunger to death should be AT LEAST doubled, if not tripled, OR have 1-point food items greatly buffed. The Apple Tree gives me so many Poison Apples some days it's hard to keep my pets fed as-is. I keep my pets in my showroom so they don't die. If neither of these happen, the increased shop stock would have to be tripled minimum so they don't sell out instantly. Antonio's shop is always empty when I show up there. I want pizza. :(
Free food should be FAST AND EASY. Random events should automatically drop the food in your hoard instead of requiring you to pick them up like the planet berries or aura candles. I have skipped over dozens of planet berries entirely by accident. I shouldn't be punished for muscle memory. My reaction times aren't always fast enough to rectify the mistake.
I LOVE the gardening concept. Growing my own food would be absolutely integral to my support of this feature, and it appeals to my excitement for crafting systems. I would also be interested in a feature that allows you to cook basic foods into high-point foods at the Cooking Basin, which could desperately use a new coat of paint and some extra attention. There's a bunch of Raw Meat items, it'd be cool to make some dishes with those.
1:28am Feb 15 2019
Normal User 
Posts: 87
Straight up, I read the whole first post but haven't gone through the rest of the responses so sorry if I end up repeating things. Just wanted to get my two-cents in before work.
Whilst I do see your point and what you are trying to get at I can't really support this idea. I love res and although I'm mostly a lurker and don't really make myself known, I'm on here a lot and would consider myself an active player. If this change were implemented it would be a massive deterrent for me.
I'm not really a name collector, in fact I'm not interested in names at all but I would dearly like to keep the names I have. They're nothing rare or special but for the past couple of years I've been using the naming system as a sort of bullet journal and going through my showroom is kinda like going through a photo album...albeit a boring one. Of course there's no way I'd be able to feed all my pets...I tried that idea with the Relcore Comet festival and I've been working on reviving them since. Whilst this change would benefit people who are interested in RWNs and all that it would be pretty sad for people like me who love mundane names. My styles more passive buying and collecting. I don't like things with pressure like I can't even handle the squishy quests. I just want to chill in my corner and collect natties with bad names like xxxGhostxxx and not worry man.
1:33am Feb 15 2019 (last edited on 8:43am Feb 15 2019)
Normal User 
Posts: 2,049
Alright, so I was directed to this thread by an rmail from MissHalloween (thanks!) and I've spent the last hour reading through every single response. Here are my thoughts, and so sorry for the gigantic wall of text, and sorry for the formatting issues :(
I've been on this game since 2011. I remember how it was back then, and after coming back to Res following a hiatus of a few years, I was disappointed to see how much /slower/ the game moves because there seems to be a huge divide between the extremely rich and the newer or poorer players. I can't say I like this suggestion and what it means for my gameplay experience- but I do support it. Something has to change to allow Res to stay relevant and active. It's better to have this site, with some drastic changes, than to have no site at all. I don't believe this site can run forever on 35 users online at any given time, and we won't get a significant amount of new users unless Res starts doing something different.
I do have a few suggestions of my own/things to consider:
1) perhaps a new feature for 'favourite creatu' that would a) allow a user to designate which creatu get fed first in the event of a food pen shortage; b) act as a lasting record for a user's achievements even if their favourite creatu starve to death due to inactivity. This would be a feature that would allow people to revisit saved/favourite pets even if they have died and view their name, image, stats, effects, and pet page if desired. Another site I used to play is Lioden, where they have a similar feature called a legacy or ancestry or something similar. I really liked this feature since aging and dying naturally are a part of that game's structure.
2) Make a user's graveyard visible to other users, so it can act as a showroom of unnamed pets. Users might want to show off a pet they've collected because of its high colour/beauty/etc., and others can browse and rmail offers on pets just like in our current showroom system.
3) edit: not really feasible !!
Not sure whether any of these suggestions of mine are feasible or worth looking into more, but ultimately I think Patrick is more invested in this game than anyone here and wants to see it thrive. If he chooses to implement Oriette's proposed suggestion, I'd trust him to analyze and examine the effects and to determine if further adjustments (or reverting back to how the game is now) is needed.
(post edited for coherency because i wrote this at 2 am last night :O )
 <---HA by shino || Buck by Zen--->
1:41am Feb 15 2019 (last edited on 1:46am Feb 15 2019)
Normal User 
Posts: 472
I am against this idea. Res is unique in how the pet system is, hatching included. Not everyone has the time to be on all the time. I go to college full time and work part time, plus take care of my grandpa. I get busy for long duration's of time sometimes.
Names are something to work towards or become creative with. When I first joined I didnt up and start with real names or words on my pets either. I saved tu, sold merchant items, and hatched creatu.
To up and give others who havent spent that much time into the site after all these years or effort for that matter access to names in a easier way is not something I am for. Users should have to earn what they have, versus gaining on another users misfortune of perhaps running into a real life struggle for a bit of time. There is legit a thing in place for older in active accounts being cleared due to inactivity.
How about coming up with other content that would legit get more items moving in the game. For example a quest that requires items that give the user an accumulation of points that can be used in say a shop that has previously mentioned cleared accounts pets/items. But the amount of points needed for the items would be set high and as something that needs to earned with time. Other creatu could also be turned in for bits of points, no naturals/creams/sepias, and these creatu could also be then in turn bought with earned points by other users. Just a random idea, and me gabbin about it. xD
I get that some want to try and get Res more active, but there are better ways, and more creative ways to go about it. Verse up and changing major fundamentals of the site.
If I came back after a period and all my names were gone, I wouldnt stay or come back. Ive spent too much time and money here.Time is money. Most of the names that I have mean a good bit to me.

2:29am Feb 15 2019
Normal User 
Posts: 344
To respond to your most recent post:
I don't want to lose my names. I just really don't want it to happen. I like the ones I have and put them in my showroom so they don't die and I don't have to worry about anything happening to them, them get rid of the ones I don't. It's really simple.
I play this game when I can. I'm invested in it and show it in the creatu in my showroom. Just because users don't seem as "invested" to the game or in the same way that you are doesn't mean they aren't still invested in the game. There's only so much game you can play. How on earth am I supposed to be more invested other than sales and purchases (the thing that moves the game forward).
I understand you want to keep users that come around but I strongly believe this isn't the way to do it and a good way to drive away some of the current player-base.
Perhaps increasing the price of showroom slots would be more accepted, since there is no risk of completely decimating a users showroom pets for no reason :) It would increase the need to make tu and interact with the market.

3:38am Feb 15 2019 (last edited on 3:41am Feb 15 2019)
Normal User 
Posts: 1,326
this will be a difficult change but it's in a good direction for a more active userbase allow me to suggest something to compliment this constant hunger.
personally what i would like to see is an immortality item - account locked and non transferable - apply to pet and it wont die no matter what
- can be removed from pet to be used on a different pet
all new accounts start with 1 immortality pass (or spirit tag or whatever)
more passes can be earned through activity but......
NOT distributed through winning contests or events. you will NOT need any form of money to earn them.
i am reluctant to impose enchanted spring system where you get 1 after consecutive streak because a big reason why people want this pass is because they cant be around all the time.
so maybe more like.. if you joined in march 2018, as long as you log in during march 2019, you will get a pass automatically. no need to collect. just an alert you got it. simple. you get one every year just like that~ AS LONG AS YOU LOG IN.
i would suggest that users with accounts over a year old at point of implementation retroactively receive an amount of passes equal to their account age IF THEY LOG IN. so if your account was made in dec 2007, you will get 11 passes.
logging in after the cut off period results in... some kind of reduction/none at all? go figure.
i should bold highlight underline that we should NOT be allowed to purchase these. or if we can, it should be along the lines of increasing cost and restriction, like so; - 1st additional pass costs 200CP - 2nd additional pass costs 400CP - 3rd additional pass costs 800CP - 4th additional pass costs 1600CP
furthermore, CP derived pass functionality is different from earned ones; it is SINGLE USE. if you remove it from the pet, it's gone. you cant swap it around.
i think this is good for keeping us active and resources moving but some kind of concession should be offered for users who have been active. basically all ur pets are still gonna be very hungry but this small handful will be ok! if you dont log in for a while, dont worry ! ! ! ur favs are ok!
also i only read the original post.. my bad if this has already been mentioned.
other foreseen issues (but w/o solutions); i would assume NPC shops need to sell a lot more food? will everlasting foods provide immunity from this new feature?
yea!! that's all im not active much anymore but received an rmail to participate so hello!!
edit: would like to clarify that they will not be 100% immortal. if you havent logged in for 8 years they're still gonna be wiped haha.

5:16am Feb 15 2019
Normal User 
Posts: 9
I-I guess I'm not going to stop the site creators (?) and/or programmers (?) from making this change if they do decide to implement it-- And it would be really sad to lose pet names :( I mean-- although it's explained that they won't die and will still kind of be a part of your character's life, it's kind of like having to let go of an old friend... I personally come onto Rescreatu every day, and even other pet sites (?) like CS or FR :0 But I've also got a lot of time I need to direct to other things like school work or spending time with my family, going out with friends, etc. I leave even the smallest bit of time just to go online onto each website, though it usually means staying up late because we just came from somewhere else- I enjoy playing Rescreatu because I didn't really have to worry about losing my pets or anything, given that they were tucked safely away in the showroom. And I come online everyday, even if it means using my data ;0;) just to check on my unstocked and growing pets, as well as hatch eggs and do dailies- stuff like that- And if the creators do decide on bringing this feature into the game.. I'm afraid that I'll lose many friends (those being pets, that it-- because I don't really have any close-knit friends on this site :') If they do manage to convince everyone to bring the feature in,, I guess I probably might just donate everything on my account since I might lose everything eventually.. If that means having to know that others will take good care of my pets rather than them losing their names over me not being able to give a whole lot of time due to other activities and work, then it'll be easier than still being a part of this community, knowing that I'm only wasting my time on taking care of these creatu that may, after a while, disappear... I'm glad that someone suggested this- I guess-? For all those that agree and all the reasons about fairness and all.. Which I don't really understand-? So I can't say I have the right to say much. To me, this site is a form of relaxation. And I enjoyed playing Rescreatu as a laid back and chill game without me having to worry much about the creatus health all at once. It was nice having to relax,, But whichever way this goes, I guess I congratulate the winners.. Thank you. Have a great day/night ahead of you all
wwoof •w•\r\nFind me on Chicken Smoothie, if you\'re interested at all uwu) I love doin\' offsite trades (( my TU and inventory here for CS pets owo ))My username there is 8sidesoneguy ^^\r\nThank you so much for your time !\r\nI hope you all have a wonderful day/night ahead of you ! \r\n•∑• hhoot
5:20am Feb 15 2019
Normal User 
Posts: 570
Do not support. I read through your points and I see the logic but this idea just isn’t for me. I’m a very casual player now but I’ve put a lot of work into this account when I used to be way more active. I still log in everyday which makes me an “active” player but the amount of time that would be required to maintain my account is not something I’m interested in quite frankly. I’m someone who hoarded a lot of pets because I enjoyed the art and it was a goal for me to work towards. The idea of having an “unnamed but still alive” section is interesting but 90% of people who hoard pets like that aren’t collecting them to hold RWNs or good names at all which seems like one of the main driving factors behind this suggestion, but personally I like my fake madeup names that just look pretty.
Perhaps if showroom pets don’t need to be fed but rancher pets do, I’d be more open to the idea. Most people who sell pets in ranchers now a days do so for the color not the name so it doesn’t matter so much if those could be sold unnamed or die or whatever. I firmly believe that showrooms should retain the same function that they always have.
5:38am Feb 15 2019
Posts: 2,155
Since one of the main objectives is to encourage more activity, perhaps users who login say, weekly, have pets that require less food/attention?
Another way to reward active behavior would be to change how the springs works. There are some users here who have years worth of daily dips going, and all that can be lost in one day. It would be nice once you've reached a certain amount of days that you can "lock" your level to not fall back more than the days you miss, as long as you're logging in weekly.
Daily login bonuses, where you get prizes based on consecutive days logins (think advent calendar sort of) would also reward activity. Maybe even a CP bonus for logging in consecutively for X months.
**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚♫ and the haters gonna hate hate hate hate hate ♫**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚
8:25am Feb 15 2019 (last edited on 9:24am Feb 15 2019)
Normal User 
Posts: 28
Enabling a "pause" feature will only allow people to abuse it. It's only an extra step people have to take in order for them to abandon this site once more. A person can easily check back in once every month and hit that pause button again and abandon the site. That won't help.
Everyone is fussing over their ability to be able to feed their Creatu, so if we implement this idea (again, if), then what if we included an extra feature that involves you interacting with the website in order to feed all of your pets (if not just a percentage of them)?
We already have the Shrines. How about if we go through the arduous task of filling up the bar full 3 times, another bar will be filled along with it and the Guardians will bless your Creatu with full health and full hunger. This is still requiring you to be active and you will have to obtain items for this, but it won't be as copious amounts as having to feed them as they are now.
The catch? You can only do this once a month, and it will be a random time each month. It'll be a site-wide event where people can rush to fill up their favour bars with the Guardians and then get their pets cared for 100%. Once a month should be enough so if people miss the 3 day -1 week long event, they won't have to stress as long to care for their pets the "hard" way.
Not only is this user friendly, it won't require a whole event for the artists and writers to make up and only the Programmers will hate it. ;)
9:03am Feb 15 2019 (last edited on 10:04am Feb 15 2019)
Normal User 
Posts: 418
Heyyy its me again :o
I'd just like to say that the amount of time it takes for creatu to die could potentially be extended in addition to more food being available (ex. 1-2 month to die, 1 more month to lose the name or something like that..) this would still allow for the creatu to die on inactive accounts, but allow more inactive users to lose their pets slower, and allow poorer/less active users to spend less tu to keep their creatu alive
Alsoalso kind of adding onto the cooking basin having recipes that make foods of lower points into a bigger food with more points: A cooking quest. I mentioned this in sb a week or two ago and realized this would really work with this idea (OR just in general) ;o. It could be like the other quests where you only have 25 turns a day, and would function sort of like the squishy dye quest potentially? You can use food and utensils needed for the quest to make a bigger food like a salad, fancy dinner, or something else! It could be utilized to make the cooking supplies shop useful and allows for the potential to add more items to the cooking supplies shop
Ps: I know the food growing comment from Pat was pretty much a joke but y'all should know I am 1000% for gardening or farming on res! :D Edit: it was not a joke and that makes me 100% excited and happy
Cetari are puplic transport on Scria and you can\'t change my mind >:O