Limiting Pets

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10:00am Feb 15 2019


Posts: 394
"Ps: I know the food growing comment from Pat was pretty much a joke but y'all should know I am 1000% for gardening or farming on res! :D"

Wasn't really a joke!

10:05am Feb 15 2019

Normal User

Posts: 356
yes please to the gardening! Sounds like a really fun idea, I loved doing the quests with the planters on Atquati!


10:40am Feb 15 2019


Posts: 2,155
Gardening would be awesome!

**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚♫ and the haters gonna hate hate hate hate hate ♫**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚

10:41am Feb 15 2019

Normal User

Posts: 25
I have been on Res for a good long while now, and had this been in effect before hand I would have been in trouble. I think it will take a huge adjustment period for the people who have been here for so many years. This will mean there is going to be the need to spend more time on Res and work harder to keep your pet names. As a student there are times where I have had to push Res into the back of my mind and hope for the best, but never in a period of time where my pets have died. 

I don’t see this as a bad thing overall. I understand the reasoning behind it, and it may be challenging at first but the site needs to grow and change to fit the needs of everyone. Otherwise it will grow stagnant and die. The amount of things being altered in recent months has only made me want to stay. I like the kind of change and growth that I am seeing. I like some of the ideas coming from this. 

Overall, I support it. 

It\'s just one of those days.

10:56am Feb 15 2019 (last edited on 10:24am Feb 23 2019)

Normal User

Posts: 51
EDIT: These concerns were addressed by Oriette, Patrick, and other users. Points made in this post now no longer stand in my mind. 

Original Post [unchanged]:

Hmm. Something that comes to my mind whilst reading all of these posts is... what sort of age group/walk of life does Res seem to be appealing to? It seems like, as I've thought, it appeals to an older age base and a lot of the people who play like to play it casually - including the active ones! 

Whether or not the whole "feeding all of your pets" is a good idea, it does seem to me that implementing this drastic change would be indeed a major turn off for many users and Res would be at serious risk of losing its loyal base. That is definitely a concern. 

Also I'm gonna say a few things because it feels like this thread is about more than just this one proposed idea and its effects.

I can also say that I do enjoy Res and I do play on other virtual pet sites. I do like Res because being able to focus on collecting all possible colours and whatnot of creatu is fun.

Sure. It'd be cool if there was some extra focus also on interacting with one's creatu, but I don't think it's bad that Res has become something with a "gotta-catch-em'-all" focus - that actually could be built upon and seen as a unique strength. I believe after playing multiple pet sites that it actually IS a strength of Res and an attribute that could attract more users. 

Heck, think of what would happen to the value of creatu if you started offering rewards or special effects of eggs of special creatu if people completed a collection of of a certain species of findable creatu? Or for collecting all findable creatu from a certain planet? Oh man, so many people on this site would jump on that so hardcore - I know I would, and I'd be hatching and selling and having a ridiculously fun time trying to collect that reward.

Why not try and embrace the collection-driven part of Res and start rewarding it and giving people something to work for? Why not say on the front page of the site like try and collect all the creatu! And really reward people for reaching those goals.

^ that is like an aside and is not something that makes me either for or against the implementation of this new proposed idea, it's just... while we're already discussing this I thought I'd bring it up. 

To that end, I think adding more effects available for creatu and just making sure to add some new creatu or cycle some creatu out to make them retired (not just the CS pets!) while bringing in new ones is a great way of making the site interesting for everyone. I mean, really. Think about the strengths Res has and what users are saying makes them like the game in the first place.

Change like that is what make playing a game exciting. New things to participate in - like quests to gain what everybody is most excited about: getting more creatu, hatching in rare colors, putting new effects on their creatu... THAT is what people enjoy playing this game for. Finding a decent name is part of the challenge, and it also makes it fun.

It kind of feels like you've lost your creatu when it loses its name. It almost becomes like a different creatu that has lost a significant part of its value - so I understand why people are also saying just putting out the fact that you can revive creatu in the graveyard doesn't really address their concerns.

Also, while the RWNs from way back are indeed near priceless at this point due to their value, I will say that I still believe Res due to measures already in place won't run out of cool names. I don't know what to say if you are concerned about the massive amount of wealth due to those names that some users have accumulated. I still can't sure for sure whether implementing this proposed change is the best way of addressing it, but once again, that's up to the site developers!

Also in regards to TU-making - I pretty much never participate in the quests we currently have. I don't know why - I guess it's because it's just not exciting to do a quest unless I feel like I get something valuable and cool out of it. For me that would be an egg, a cool creatu, or some neat effect. Earning TU is something I like to do via selling items and creatu. Unless I'm like super broke or something. I mean, it costs money just to do those quests. They simply do not interest me whatsoever. I'm sure that's probably true for many users.

But I love buying, selling, and collecting creatu.

Add more quests like Kir where we have to fork over creatu and you'll only increase name turn-over, 100% guaranteed, although you won't solve the "issue" of those extremely valuable RWNs from accounts that have been around for ages. 

^ anyways, not bringing all this up to say that implementing this proposed change will "ruin" the collecting part of the game. But if you are hoping that this will pave the way to making Res a "different" kind of pet site and you're trying to move away from making it about collecting (which does include names!), you probably are alienating people for whom that is why they play the game. *shrugs*

Er, I am concerned now about having to keep pets fed in my rancher. If you're trying to incentivise people selling their creatu, taxing creatu a user is actively trying to sell is a backwards way about doing it.

Actually, having to feed pets in my rancher could totally break the game for me. I am a rancher. That's how I make my TU now that stocks aren't the same. Creatu prices have already gone down with the class change - not saying that's necessarily a bad thing, but I have noticed a loss of value there. It's probably because there is now an increased supply in creatu. That's just a natural part of supply and demand, but it has made a real impact for me.

EDIT: Also I really should only post once I'm done thinking about everything but it always seems after I post a thing I have a new thought. Haha. Anyways, other than the option of having to feed creatu in one's showroom, which is legitimate, there is also the option of, of course, changing the naming system. 

But instead of now just letting people name their creatu whatever, you could still implement a rule that users cannot name a creatu a name that they personally already own. It is a way of still helping names retain value, it still makes it fun to collect, and I'm sure users would still try to be creative about names because nobody wants to have a thousand "Allens".... OR maybe they want to collect all the creatu named "Allen" hahahaha. Could be a thing! I mean, can we not at least consider this? We're already considering such a giant change.

That said, I don't know if older users would like this idea either - but I dunno, I think older users might be more for changing the naming system than changing how showrooms work. I mean, if you're already thinking of making such a big change and you're running into a lot of opposition because people say this is changing their ability to collect pets in the way they like to, you might as well consider making changes to the actual naming system. That is a more direct change that much more directly impacts the issue at hand. Unless you're just thinking that it is a unique feature of Res we simply cannot do away with.

Why not? We're already thinking about getting rid of a unique Res feature. Why not this one instead? Just a thought.

he was a man of suffering, familiar with pain...

11:07am Feb 15 2019


Posts: 2,155
There are actually a fairly high number of young players (under 13), based on what I saw during all my staff years. We just don't see feedback and interaction as much from them.

"New things to participate in - like quests to gain what everybody is most excited about: getting more creatu, hatching in rare colors, putting new effects on their creatu... THAT is what people enjoy playing this game for."

Not everyone. I like obtaining items, being a merchant, holiday events, collections, the more interactive stuff. I'm definitely not most excited about creatu-related activities as they are now - in fact it's pretty low on the list. It was more interesting for me when we were able to train and battle, and heal illnesses.

**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚♫ and the haters gonna hate hate hate hate hate ♫**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚

11:23am Feb 15 2019 (last edited on 10:25am Feb 23 2019)

Normal User

Posts: 51
EDIT: Concerns and thoughts addressed. :)

Original Post [unchanged]: 

Lilith, I also enjoy holiday events. I like obtaining items, but not every item is equal in my mind. I specifically like items that are either HA related items or are items that will enable me to do something neat with my creatu. I loved the advent calendar because I got some very cool HA items from it and I am happy about that. I enjoyed decorating the tree, but I will note I was really trying hard to earn myself a Narwi egg. ^_^

Being a merchant is also cool. I was just thinking I don't usually enjoy quests merely for just items. I guess some people do like collecting items, but I guess that's not the biggest reason I play. I guess I'm here mainly for the creatu. :)

I was so happy and excited when the elemental effect for creatu came out. Finally, a quest I could participate in and enjoy. I loved it.

I can't speak to the age of users on the site. I am just wondering the age of our active users - not all current users. Maybe it would surprise me. It's just a feeling I've gotten after being on the SB and interacting with the users that are online most of the time.

Le Edit: Also I edited my previous post to add more thoughts. Because yeah.

he was a man of suffering, familiar with pain...

12:20pm Feb 15 2019 (last edited on 12:22pm Feb 15 2019)

Normal User

Posts: 461
Really like this idea!                                                                               
Do have one idea to add in though, maybe a way to have a limited amount of names that are safe??                                                         I. E every user has 5 'safe spots' in their showroom or on their profile, or a CS item that allows a pet to stay full forever?? (probably limited too).                                                                                           This was a very quick idea with not a lot of thought so discuss away! :) 

Roditore Queen, Always

12:34pm Feb 15 2019

Normal User

Posts: 115
Titanium I was thinking the same thing! Something like a “Showcase” instead of show ROOM, for 5-10 pets or something :)

12:53pm Feb 15 2019


Posts: 394
I'm interested in hearing peoples perspectives on this with the assumption that food is free. That's not to say food will be free, but I think discussing the point with this assumption can make things a bit more clear.

2:01pm Feb 15 2019

Normal User

Posts: 1,018
If food were free and easier to get I may be more on board. 
(I had a bunch typed out but my pinky some how jumped me to the Tumblr page on this dang tablet)
I know for a fact going to the Apple Tree would take hours to take all my creatu. Ice Apples would be saved for the tunnels. And I would be hesitant about using other apples because the what if factor of another possible Apple event? (Yes I know it's been a while since that Apple event but you never know)
Also if it comes to taking rancher pets out to the Apple Tree and adding them back to ranchers, repricing them every day. Will be beyond annoying. I would rise my rancher prices to make up the tu required to feed them.
Buying food in NPC shops would turn into events. Everyone would buy all the food they can as fast as they can and the slower would be hurting. I would have to hoard for a year to prepare for this. And everyone buying, those who don't need as much might just sell for a higher price, who knows how high it might get in merchants for food. And making it so you can't bulk buy in NPC shops permanently would bring it's own problems to a lot as well... So, so far I see a lot of problems. Esp for those who have a lot of loves to feed. 
At this moment I don't see how it'd be possible to try to get enough food to keep up with my creatu and be able to be active with events and other fun parts of the site at the same time. It'd be getting food for my creatu OR being able to do everything else on the site.
I've also made my point on how it's not just simple to just let pets die and lay hidden in their graves. There are those with made up names who are important to and as well as others.


3:31pm Feb 15 2019

Normal User

Posts: 15
I have to say no to this idea. While I agree with some of the above points made about desirable names being trapped for too long in inactive accounts and a few about the economy, I would not be able to maintain my pets: college gets hectic and i'll take breaks of up to a few months. While I could theoretically maintain my food pen and therefore my pets, it gets really costly considering the fact that i don't often get to make money when i am only on sporadically. While I could feasibly bear it and keep all my pets alive, but it would be incredibly annoying and it would drain my money. 

4:58pm Feb 15 2019

Normal User

Posts: 87
Accidentally deleted my reply so here is the tldr version on why I am against this: 

1. This change is based more on punishment than reward. By not feeding their creatu users have the consequence of losing their pets/getting them sent to the graveyard but feeding your pets...gets you nothing extra. You need to put more effort in to stay where you currently are in the game or be forced backwards.

The current system works well because putting creatu in my showroom gives me the benefit of not needing to feed them. The drawback however is that my creatu will not age and therefore I cannot have them be really old/prehistoric. People don't like change so for this you'd have to put something in to sweeten the deal e.g. a pet fed x amount of times gets the gluttony effect idk im making this up 

2. Whilst this change would be good for name collectors/people interested in names it's terrible for people that are not interested in names or people that like to collect really terrible/mundane names like "LeggyPeggy" or "TurtallyHappy". Of course with this system those kinds of names wouldn't be worth the investment. I feel like we'd end up with a divide where there are lots of unnamed creatu, lots of RWNs/RNs and nothing really in the middle. 

3. We are not looking at the empathically enough. This is a virtual pet game. The creatu that I have are my babies. For me they are not currency. Their value isn't in their colour or the rarity of their name. For me creatu are about connection. When I hatch a pet I have to sit there and think about what I want to name it. I put thought into it. The time and effort I spend is what makes the creatu valuable to me. A name on its own + an unnamed creatu just isn't worth the same. Most of my pets have really terrible names but they mean a lot to me. E.g. I have a nattie easero named 100km. It's called that because the day I hatched it I took a wrong turn on a bike ride and rode 75km past my destination. I had travelled 100 km, all the way onto the next island (shoulda known something was wrong when I crossed the sea bridge). You wouldn't know that skimming through my showroom but there are so many memories tied into those dumb names. It'd be terrible to lose them. It's seems a lot of people here have a great love of few things e.g. a coloured cs pet but I have a small love of a great many things which this system seems against.

4. Idk how the rest of yall are living but feeding creatu takes so long! I'm stalking the NPC shops all the time and it takes like 15 mins at least to stock my food pen every few of days (dont want to accidentally put the wrong thing in). I have 5 pages worth of profile pets (pretty much always do) and lemme tell you it is stressful and time consuming making sure no one dies...and I still fail quite a bit. I can't imagine how I'd manage with 100+ pages

5. I get the feeling that some people think hoarders are not contributing to res/not active users but we are and contribute to the economy all the time. Sure we don't sell anything but lemme tell you we are constantly buying. I get my money from stocks and the other games and spend it on collecting more pets. I spend well over 20M a week on creatu. You cant have a massive collection without spending massive tu. If you discourage collecting/implement this system instead of sinking money into rancher shops/where there are actual users I'd have to spend it all on NPC stores and I wouldnt want to buy as many creatu because they'd be too much trouble to care for. I feel like the only new ones I'd purchase would be for kir or to complete a collection and if I spend less the economy would slow. (If food was free I would still buy creatu at a slower rate because the time cost is still there)   

Side note: I would totally love a res-gardening thing

5:20pm Feb 15 2019

Normal User

Posts: 910
If this goes through I'm out.


9:03pm Feb 15 2019

Normal User

Posts: 49
The reality is if you want to grow any user base no matter what they site is.. you offer incentives... not punishments.

Punishing people for having lives and not trolling the internet 24/7 seems counter productive in all honesty.

Sorry mum cant go to Chicago with you to see uncle Bob in the hospital.. Res will Kill my pets.

Sorry but killing off peoples pets isn't an incentive, its just a rather big turn off.


9:06pm Feb 15 2019


Posts: 2,155
It takes over a month currently for a pet at 70 hunger to die and lose its name. Once a month activity is not a punishment.

**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚♫ and the haters gonna hate hate hate hate hate ♫**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚

9:11pm Feb 15 2019 (last edited on 9:12pm Feb 15 2019)

Normal User

Posts: 1,018
Not always a month, if it does take that long. When the tunnels were still open, one reset and I had a pet die and lose it's name right away and it wasn't at 0 hunger even. There are ways away before "Oh it takes time for all pets to die and such." For all pets. When in reality, with the glitch you got to hope you remember to put pets back in show room.


9:13pm Feb 15 2019


Posts: 2,155
Glitches can be fixed; that's not a valid reason for shooting down an idea.

**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚♫ and the haters gonna hate hate hate hate hate ♫**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚

9:18pm Feb 15 2019

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Posts: 1,367
Similarly, I don't feel like "your pets won't die that quickly anyway" is particularly comforting. I'm against this idea not only because I don't want to lose pets, but (for reasons others and I have already stated) I feel it isn't going to make the site better, more unique, or more fun. I don't feel like it will attract or retain new users, and it could alienate and drive away older ones.


9:24pm Feb 15 2019 (last edited on 6:09am Feb 16 2019)

Normal User

Posts: 28

If a person is valuing pixels over critical situations in real life, I think that's an issue they may have to work out themselves and not blame a website for. 

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