Limiting Pets

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9:24pm Feb 15 2019


Posts: 2,155
I feel the opposite. I feel like it will encourage more activity and reward players who are most active, given some of the suggestions throughout this thread were implemented. For example, today we got a "add max" option in quickstock. It now takes a few seconds to stock the food pen where it was tedious and took EONS before.

For those of you listing problems, what kind of solutions can you envision for those issues?

**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚♫ and the haters gonna hate hate hate hate hate ♫**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚

10:01pm Feb 15 2019 (last edited on 10:02pm Feb 15 2019)

Normal User

Posts: 344
Going to have to still give a solid no, even with free food.
Kinda like what Fuzzball_NZ and Mangadreamer said, punishing users instead of providing and incentive doesn't grow a positive user base. It only drives people away. There might still be a strong base of users but it will definately be smaller.

And commentary on people's lives seems a little unnecessary and rude, no? Maybe dont do that guys :)



10:16pm Feb 15 2019 (last edited on 10:17pm Feb 15 2019)

Normal User

Posts: 603
As a person who has 3k or so pets, I am highly against this (for obvious reasons....I have attachments to many of my pets!)

However...I hope to see Res come alive again. The market is an absolute mess. The poor stay poor; the rich stay rich because they've been here many years.

My worry is that some of the mentioned details will actually drive some people away though.
Many people will become upset with having to keep up with feeding and just drop the game.

I have a a suggestion though:
Each user may only be allowed up to 1,000 pets IN TOTAL. (And for users who already have more than this, they will be restricted from adopting more pets until the number is under 1,000). I think this is the best solution without tears and real-life strain involved. I and many other users will be forced to sell countless pets, hence providing more awesome pets to be on the market and available for Kir, reducing value of certain colours/species/names, etc get my point. Hopefully.

Whether anyone agrees with my points or not, I felt it important that I post my opinion as i've been here many years and am indeed guilty of pet-hoarding.


10:30pm Feb 15 2019 (last edited on 1:40pm Feb 16 2019)

Normal User

Posts: 443

Seriously thank you to everyone that shared their thoughts! :) It's all really enthralling and interesting to me. And even if you really hate my guts now, I appreciate your input! xD

I don't think I can respond to every single post but tomorrow I'll go through and add the helpful ideas to the second post (I see a lot of reeeeally good ideas in here!) and update the first post to address the concerns getting repeated a lot. 

I'm still totally for this idea. :)

My goal is to collect all valid information/concerns on the first 2 posts. 
Probably a pro-con list if I can!


What seems to be clear at this point are the two distinct play styles on Res.

1] Collectors of pets that enjoy hoarding lots of creatu
2] People who prefer small, curated collections/name collectors

Sort of a quantity vs quality thing. I will say I underestimated how many users play for quantity and that's what has surprised me throughout all of this! :o My play style is definitely #2, and I suppose I struggle to see the appeal in #1. I guess that's because when I visit my showroom I would prefer to see a few well "designed" pets (thoughtful names paired with nice colors/effects/stats that I can easily browse through and hope others enjoy viewing. To me, if I can't remember owning a certain pet, it doesn't mean anything to me, so I toss/sell it. I guess I view pets more in a traditional sense as pets, and not like items - which make more sense (to me) to stockpile. 

Maybe this is the result of me playing during the days of pet bios, training and illnesses. Individual creatu were more of a focus to me right from the start. I also saw nice names dispersed over a wide number of accounts instead of only a few or inactive ones, so perhaps more users felt the same way back then, too. I see die-hard oldies like me that miss those days. The site felt more alive and new players stuck around. To many of us, returning the site to that state is worth having to care for our pets.

But maybe the issue is Rescreatu is not meant to be a game for people like me, and if so, I would concede to this! My play style is perhaps not suited to the way Res functions currently. Maybe it is meant to be an 'afk game' for hoarding endless pets that you can forget about for months or years at a time and I am just trying to push it in a direction that it's not meant to go. "It is useless to push a cart sideways." xD

Perhaps Rescreatu has developed too far in one direction to correct course now. Personally I don't see it that way. I think many users would adjust and it would make room for far more players than we see joining & playing now. I also think if pets are really as treasured as some of us feel, we would stay for them. I know I feel that way - I would put in the effort to keep my pets.


Ultimately the questions I would propose to Pat & company are:

1] What type of game encourages regular user engagement?
2] Do you view inactive users as a problem?
3] What type of game do you want Res to be in the future?
4] Are pets meant to function like items?
5] Should collecting pets (not names) be treated differently?

 It's clear there's something fundamentally not working when you're only getting 30 users online and you have users stating they prefer a game where they don't feel the need to login - and Rescreatu suits them because of this.

To those that say this issue of inactive users/dead accounts are due to a lack of features I would point you to the Shrines - a very big feature that required a massive effort to produce. There was a small flurry of activity at initial release and then an inevitable down-turn in site visits - a typical pattern for new events and features. I don't even think a battle feature will be able to negate the underlying issues that are holding Rescreatu's userbase down. There's no evidence to support new features are increasing site traffic. It doesn't draw users back into the game for long because they see the same problems are still going on.

I think if modern games are a testament to anything it's just how much time and money people will invest in games, and browser/app based games are no exception. They are thriving elsewhere. To say there is no audience for games that require effort and Res will only survive by being an ultra casual game just doesn't seem to be evident to me.

Games do need to support a large player base in order to be a success however. 
And that's where Rescreatu is falling short.


Sorry I'm on mobile yet again so I'll have to keep editing this 8) 


10:30pm Feb 15 2019 (last edited on 10:04am Feb 23 2019)

Normal User

Posts: 51
EDIT: Concern addressed by Oriette, Patrick, and other users.

Looking back now I do not think I can judge this idea for how much of a pain in the butt I think feeding my pets will possibly be as this idea is not even in development yet. Also the addition of being able to sell and have unnamed pets you do not have to feed completely addresses my concern. 

Also I have come to the conclusion that this will indeed help free names that have been hoarded, lost in mainly inactive users showrooms.

Original post [unchanged]:

Hmm... considering food as being free. 

Well, for me it makes a huge difference whether or not we'd have to pay for food or if it was free. Because I am a rancher and I absolutely do not want to pay for pets I am actively trying to sell. That's a messed up incentive structure right there and it matters a great deal. 

To me monetary cost matters a great deal. 

Even taking away monetary cost though, there is a time cost - unless you make it very very easy to get food. If it was very easy and food was free, I would be marginally more for it. 

BUT and a big but, is that I'm not sure it will have the wonderful outcome of really circulating names into the economy and making poor users richer and stuff. I mean, maybe it does circulate names back into the system... but how exactly that will effect the market? And who will end up with the wealth? I don't really know. I think that is something that is hard to plan for. 

Complete side note (has nothing to do with the above points) - I also don't know if this is because I am an adult user and I actually spent some money on CP, but I don't feel the supposed wealth inequality here in the way others seem to be saying. I mean, yeah, there are a great deal of users waaaay wealthier than me, but it hasn't hindered my ability to play the game and enjoy it.

 I will say a lot of the money I made when I was super new was by selling seasonal eggs when that time came around and then investing that money in the stocks. Now that option is gone and I am relying solely on selling creatu and sometimes items (but I really do specialize mainly in the creatu department).

he was a man of suffering, familiar with pain...

10:32pm Feb 15 2019 (last edited on 10:45pm Feb 15 2019)

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Posts: 1,447
I've been following this thread for a while but I haven't actually put into words what I was thinking. I won't pretend that I carefully read every response, some of them I definitely skimmed, but I'm going to try to organize my thoughts. I will be repeating some things that were already stated and I know this, I will try to indicate whenever I do this so it's clear I'm not just posting without having read both sides of the argument, but I think it's important to repeat some of these things in large part because I don't want it to seem like only one person has these thoughts and others don't also feel this way.

I'll put a tl;dr at the end of this so feel free to skip if you're like me and skim longer posts.

First things first, I'm agains this idea personally. I've read and seen the arguments on both sides and I can see where each side is coming from and both are coming from a good place. However, there are reasons I am against it, some personal and some general. Solutions to these (including ones posed before) will come after the list.

1. As was previously stated, this feels more like punishing users that can't necessarily get online often as opposed to rewarding those who do. There are plenty of ways to reward people for being active and many users worked extremely hard to get where they are and still come online often enough that they should be able to keep their names, which leads to my next point.

2. Just because someone has the time to log on and click a button to feed pets, doesn't mean they have enough time to get online and gather the food necessary.

3. This is very cost-prohibitive for users with large collections (previously stated) and while I understand that we're trying to move names, it'll hurt people who collect for memories or colors rather than "good" names.

4. For me, this deters collecting of really any kind (including names). You have to be extremely selective so you can keep your pets alive. Sure, it will end up freeing up names, that's a fact. However, it will also make a huge dent in the name market itself. Who wants to waste time buying a name that they don't absolutely adore just for the novelty (example: I sold Mustelid a while ago, no one except hardcore lovers of animals of that species would give it a second glance and even then probably only scientists because why have a name like that in your showroom when you can only keep up with say... 50 pets tops?). This wouldn't result in more name flow, it would result in less names and less of a name market in the long run.

5. A very large portion of my showroom is pets I'd like to sell or pets I'm keeping for when Kir inevitably asks for them. I'm sure a good portion of the pets I do have that I use that way will end up being allowed to die which just means more TU spent reviving them when Kir asks. However, why bother hatching often if it's going to be such a huge tax on you? Sure, you can just release pets you don't like, but those then end up in the forest where anyone can get them, resulting in a drop in prices for those pets and even less incentive to hatch more colors for those that DO sell them.

6. (previously stated) Why bother trying to sell pets? You have to keep them fed and the longer they sit (which can be a long time depending on the species/color/name/price) the more they cost you. You want it to go fast enough not to drain your wallet? Better be ready to sell for far less than you'd like. This combines problems from points 4 and 5 as well for even less incentive to hatch/collect and therefore less demand for selling.

7. (previously stated) It may not be what it was initially intended to be, but this is how the site has evolved. It has become a game of collecting more than pet interaction and while I see where it could be both, those who want to collect shouldn't be punished for it (looping back around to point 1).

Now then, I see how/why people are for this idea, don't get me wrong. I see where this appeal comes from so let's make list #2 here of things I personally feel would be important before moving forward with this, including things that have (you guessed it) already been suggested.

1. (Already suggested) Food pen feeding everything in your account. This is a no-brainer and would absolutely have to happen for this to be viable.
1a. (Already suggested) Better control over the food pen so we can pick and choose what's fed and what isn't (showroom categories, profile, rancher (categories?)). Maybe even include a priority list for what is chosen so if something HAS to go unfed it's the things you care less about.
1b. If we want to go even deeper, why not set how far we want our pets fed? Maybe a more gentle 70 that can provide a little buffer in our showroom (in case a food item fills them up over 70 so it doesn't have to be fed again for longer) but our profiles we'd want them at 90? This would go well with the last sentence in 1a. Nothing in lower "priority" categories is fed until everything in the higher priority ones is as full as it needs to be.

2. (Already suggested) Auctions shouldn't let pets go hungry, but we need a better limit on them. Auctions shouldn't be unlimited time. 1 week max (maybe 2, actual max time would have to be discussed) and you should only be able to make a set number at a time (5? That'd be my first suggestion). Honestly, even if this idea DOESN'T get implemented it'd be nice to get this update to the auctions. Some of the existing ones are absolutely ridiculous.

3. (Already suggested) Gardens. It'd be nice to have a way to make some of your own food. Not a punishing garden where food rots of course, just something that you can plant daily and come back to pick the next day or week or month depending on when you can get back online.

4. (Already suggested) More REs (automatically picked up like the TU ones) for free food. Either that or just some other way to get free food daily.
4a. (Already suggested) Make the apple tree less tedious. There are better ways to encourage interaction with our pets than forcing us to click through each one to pick apples. This would also prevent people from having to take out and put back and reprice all their pets.

5. (Sort of suggested) Make infinite use food items viable for this. Certainly not being able to put them in the food pen, that defeats the purpose, but perhaps updating the way they act. Right now, it would be restrictively taxing to use an infinite food item on all your pets. Perhaps each one can be used once daily (weekly?) to feed X number of pets (5? 10?). You could have a list or just a priority ranking (rank profile, showroom/ranch categories, etc?) and it feeds the hungriest pets in each section first? It would also be nice if the infinite food items all fed 100 points but that's neither here nor there. This would still require users to log in but it wouldn't make these rare, expensive items effectively useless.

6. Be able to see how many food points each food item gives. This is self-explanatory. I don't want to guess at how much a precious food item will fill my pets. We had this a long time ago and I'm still unsure why we lost it. I would advocate bringing it back either way.

While I see how increased NPC stock might help, in the end it's just going to get bought out just as fast as it does now to help feed the larger collections of pets. It'd be nice, but I think other methods of getting food are more important. I also don't think it's a good idea to make only rancher pets require less food. If we're going to do that, it should be showroom too. The reason we got showrooms in the first place (iirc) was because people were placing their pets at the max TU amount in rancher shops to "store" them and it was becoming unwieldy. If we only make rancher pets lose hunger faster everyone would just store everything in their ranch and we'd be back to square one in that regard.

Now, I've reiterated a list of things others have said and included my 2 cents for why I don't like this idea, but it's not fair to just say "no" and not provide alternatives. First, let's consider why we're doing this: To free names from users that don't play anymore. I've read multiple times this isn't to punish active players, even those that want to keep hoarding their names. So why not try some less drastic measures first? Here it comes, you guessed it, another list:

1. (Already suggested) Offer incentives for activity. We have the springs now, why not add a few more?
1a. I've always said this, but the springs could be more forgiving too, perhaps just drop a tier or a certain number of levels if you miss a day, not all the way back down. It's pretty demoralizing to have a streak of over 100 and suddenly be back down to 0 because you didn't have access to wifi for a single day.

2. We had exactly 1 round of name clearing from inactive accounts after the announcement that it would happen and then it was never mentioned again. Why not make it an automated process? If you haven't logged in for X months (12? 18?) your pets all get moved to your profile. All of them, everything in your showroom, ranch, all of it. They die naturally, lose their names naturally, etc. This prevents punishing those who still log on, but it removes the pets of those that don't.
2a. Make this process shorter than it is now. I honestly don't remember how long you have to be inactive to be cleared, but it's a VERY long time. 1 year is MORE than enough inactivity. I'd argue for an even shorter period of time (1 login is all it takes to reset the counter, not even doing anything while you're here, just logging in) but 1 year is a good starting point.
2b. With banned accounts that are definitely not getting unbanned (this will require some extra coding, perhaps a flag for "permanent" or "temporary" or "pending investigation" or whatever), make the timeframe shorter. 3 months? 1 month maybe.
2c. As someone who works with very large databases and huge piles of data on a daily basis, I know that clearing up unused data is EXTREMELY useful. There are places that the site is fairly slow and could be improved and one way is to simply have less data. I may make a different suggestion thread for this later but this would also help clear up rarities of items/pets and that would help in general with the site so I'm going to mention it here. Referring to point 2b, accounts who are 100% not getting them back, after the last pet on the account loses its name and is in the graveyard, they could simply be cleared out, the pets completely deleted from existence. Items too, and TU (although that won't help as much with the data issue but at that point it'd be for posterity). This will provide a far more accurate count of colors/species for pets and for the items that exist. There are currently 385 Regression Rays (for example) in existence. I'd be willing to bet that over 50% of those are actually on permanently banned accounts (not inactive, banned). If we're trying to help the economy, it's not just the pet economy we should be looking at but all of it, and a more accurate representation of where we stand with supply/demand is an important part of that.

3. (Already suggested) Give us more incentives to interact with our pets. Bring back training and battling, give us a bonus for interacting with a pet X days in a row, X days total. Maybe pets give us little mini-quests asking for a STOCKED item (meaning an item that can be found in NPC shops that aren't the BM) and in return they grow affection or give us a cute item or something. Things that encourage interaction and logging in rather than punish people that maybe can't every day.

4. The site is already moving very quickly in this direction and it's WONDERFUL to see, but I would be remiss if I didn't state the obvious in that a lot of the existing (smaller) complaints could be addressed. Small quality of life things that keep people coming back. I, for one, am ecstatic that we got a search bar in the hatchery, along with tons of other small updates that were made. These are all wonderful and as small annoyances are removed we can focus more on issues like this without having to turn around and say "yeah, well, these 10 other small things are getting in the way"

I'm sure I've forgotten some things I meant to include (some stuff about alienating users that have sunk real money into the site, users that have been around a long time, users that have worked incredibly hard for their names. Other stuff about how these people collecting names do contribute and how plenty of people don't care about these "good" names but are more interested in names many others don't want. Probably a multitude of other things as well), but this is long enough already because I'm terrible at organizing my thoughts.

My feelings against:
- Punishing for inactivity vs rewarding for activity (previously stated)
- Time requirement includes gathering the TU/food in the first place
- Cost-prohibitive and hurting those who don't have "good" names too
- Deterrent for collecting
- Why bother hatching?
- Cost of selling
- Natural site evolution

Things that would have to/should change (imo) if this WERE to happen (although again, I'm overall against this idea):
- Food pen feeds all pets (better control)
- No hunger for pets in auctions
- Gardens
- More ways to obtain free food in a less time-consuming manner
- Infinite food items not useless in this new setup

Alternatives and ideas that might be nice either way:
- Auction length/number limit
- Food items show how many hunger points they feed
- More login incentives
- Inactive name clearing (automated)
- More interacting incentives
- Fix existing issues/user complaints

Edit: Added a few points I KNEW I'd forgotten.


10:54pm Feb 15 2019 (last edited on 10:28am Feb 23 2019)

Normal User

Posts: 51
EDIT: Concerns addressed by Oriette, Patrick, and other users. Points I made in this post now no longer stand in my mind.

Original Post [unchanged]: 

Oriette, I do want to say that I think many users here who are quite against this proposed idea are not just the not-active ones or because they just don't even wanna log in. Clearly that is not the case. Think of Kina, who is quite active, but does not want to worry about her pets.

 I think it's more to do with a mental-energy thing. I think it's just constantly feeling like you're chained to something rather than users just not wanting to spend time on the site. 

I also think more things like blessings WILL increase user activity, but of course I think there should be more than just blessings. It would be cool if we had more actual-interacting-with-Creatu features and stuff like that. And of course I think people would like battling creatu. I've never liked battle-features on VP sites - not because they're bad, but because they've never been my thing. I think it's because I'm not competitive. 

Gardening with my creatu sounds lovely, though. :) Having creatu that can help with certain tasks around the site sounds fun. Choosing an active creatu and having it be able to help increase your odds of stumbling upon a rarer egg, or having a creatu who, due to the training or qualities you have given it, when it lays on a nest will make it more likely for you to hatch a rarer color.

Games that require regular user engagement... that's a good question.

On FR, for instance. You have incentive to get on the game every day to bond with your familiars because you are missing out on rewards for doing so (think of it kind of like our enchanged springs here on Res). You also want to feed your dragons, but more than that, you want to use up your turns to gather items because those turns don't roll over to the next day. So don't use them and you lose them. 

You also just have more stuff you can participate in, such as competitive things (what they call "dom pushes" where users from different "flights", kind of like our planets, compete against each other to raise and level up the most dragons) to being able to focus on breeding your dragons and running a hatchery. 

Also interestingly enough on FR, they implemented something where people can now put their dragons in a special tab in their lair where they don't lose energy so they don't have to feed them. Aka: a showroom where pets don't die, just like we have currently on Res. This will not effect the gameplay that much and people can hoard as many dragons as they so desire on the game, just like here on Res. The users on FR are very happy with this decision.

The different I guess is just the dynamics the game has. You can do slightly more with your pets - you can breed them. You can dress them up. You can level them up and fight with them. You can have them bond with familiars. I think this does help to attract people to FR. 

he was a man of suffering, familiar with pain...

1:42am Feb 16 2019 (last edited on 1:58am Feb 16 2019)

Normal User

Posts: 2,290
I agree with kelpie. I left past pet sites due to having constantly feeding pets. I could never afford it and my pets died anyway no matter what i tried.

If we had to give up the names of our pets to not have to feed them then so be it, though if we were able to keep a select few names in a special spot without having to feed them that would be nice.

I also have to agree with Hephzibuh though. They have a good point. Collecting creatu is very important part of this game. Trying to collect at least one of each creatu and color. Even the names make them unique. If they dont have real world names they should be allowed to be keep their names.

Plus there are those of us with bad health that cant be on constantly but try to be on as often as possible, at least once a day.  With my health i cannot be on for long periods of time which is hard. I do love my pets dearly and have been a part of res for years.


2:09am Feb 16 2019

Normal User

Posts: 73
Oh wow. There's a lot to unpack here. Thanks to @misshalloween for inviting me in. I appreciate it.

Okay, so I have some thoughts after reading the whole thing, and as usual, when I have an opinion, it's middle-line. I've been playing this game since 2009. I have a lot of pets, and I'm good at the stock market. I have a good bit of tu, and I tend to sit on items in case there's something I really want to trade for later. I am a rancher, and have never been a merchant.

So here is my opinion, having read the comments. Take them as you will.

1) I absolutely do not want to have to sign in every day, or even every month to feed my pets. Yes, I know it takes pets a while to die, but I have thousands and I spent a long time working to collect them. I spent Tu, and I traded, and I hatched them myself, and I don't want to lose them after working that hard to get them.

2) I care about a lot of the names I have. I have whole sets that I got before they got popular. I have names I bought, names I traded for. I have names that I hatched a particular color, bought a naming token, and took the name off a creatu in order to put it on another one. Millions spent, just to secure that combination of name and color. I don't want to lose collections just because someone wants a name I spent millions on. Talk about punishing a player for playing the game.

3) I am ALSO a color/type collector. I would LOVE to have a page for collecting nameless 'color collections' such as every sepia, or every color of iluvu (Someone else mentioned it. Full support for that option) it would clear out my showroom and let me SHOW the pets I really care about. This might go a long way to clearing out names people no longer care about.

4) Maybe put a significant bounty on pets? and I mean more than 1k from the Forest. Maybe 10k in food items? Points towards something really cool, but it takes a LOT of points to get it? Not Kir. Something that encourages people to turn pets in, and rewards them for doing so.

5) I don't think anyone has mentioned this, and if they have, forgive me. What about rancher shops? Will pets starve there too? if so, that will KILL the rancher trade completely. We can't afford to keep rancher shops going if we have to feed our stock AND our showroom. Pets often sit in the shop for months, or even years. Even when they're very reasonably priced. Talk about killing the rancher economy. I wish this was an exaggeration, but the merchants will not have this problem. Their stock can't die.

6) If pets don't starve in the rancher shops, people will just use them as a showroom. Catch 22. Kill the rancher trade, or leave an exploitable mechanic.

7) I've sometimes gone a year between visits to the site, and been delighted to find all my pets still here, waiting. Sure, my profile pets died, but I knew that would happen. But I was able to puck back up, and get involved in the game again. I even brought several new players in because it was fun to play with family and friends. If I had to start from scratch, I would be done. I would never come back.

8) Lastly, the emotional argument. Please don't kill my pets. I love them. Yes, I have a lot, but every time I go through my showroom, I see pets I worked for. I remember how excited I was to get that one, or to get the dye kit to make it that color. I remember the fourteen beans I fed it so it would turn the color I wanted. I remember how my sister gave me my first easero, and how my dad gave me the iluvu he hatched and named for me.

My closing statement is thus: I do not support. I've read the arguments. I've seen the pros and cons. I see some amazing ideas that would be great to implement, but not this way. Not in a way that turns a game I play for fun into an obligation I resent.

I'm not going to keep playing a game that isn't fun anymore.

3:14am Feb 16 2019

Normal User

Posts: 2,290
I also wanted to add, after reading all these comments, why not just scrap the whole feeding everything idea and go with Unicorn's idea:

"Also some ideas for user involvement:
- More games with other prizes ( less tu more weird items / clothes)
- more micro-events 
- scratch card or slot games
- games like words with friends that you can challange other players in
- private chat boxes for you and your friends?
  - items that are given out only if you log on to click for "the daily giveaway"
- new ways to train and interact with pets
- perhaps clothing for our pets followed by beauty contests that users vote on?
- perhaps an update to forums
- more quests that are time limited. such as you have 2 weeks a year to do this event quest and it is done. 
-more things related to kir. perhaps a riddle challenge or something"

I think this would get people more better involved. Having more things to do than just forcing people to have to feed all there pets. The showroom should be used as a collection as it was created for. If you want names so badly, take them from banned accounts. Shorten the length of time of inactive accounts. Eight years seems too long.  Maybe two or three is more oppropriate.  To me though names arent important. Yes i have like five or six names in my showroom i wouldnt want to part with, but again if you have to kill off pets just to get the names, thats pretty much punishing users who worked hard for their pets. Also as i mentioned in my previous post, if i absolutely had to give up names in my showroom to keep my pets alive, so be it, but i think if people are just giving pets random names that arent real names, then they should be allowed to keep them. It makes the pets fun and unique.


7:38am Feb 16 2019

Normal User

Posts: 1,367
I personally love some of the other ideas that have been floating around: gardening, a cooking quest, being able to cook more food in the cooking basin, daily login incentives, etc. I also think that clearing banned and old, inactive accounts at a faster rate (three years seems fair?) would be helpful. My favorite suggestion, though, has been to allow pet collectors to have collections of unnamed pets. That would not only free up a lot of names, but it would (in my opinion) make these collections even more aesthetically pleasing because half my pets that I keep for their colors won't have random, weird names that I don't actually like.


8:19am Feb 16 2019

Normal User

Posts: 1,764
Another suggestion, bring back spaces in names? Might add for more unique, less weird random names or gibberish. 


9:07am Feb 16 2019 (last edited on 9:28am Feb 16 2019)

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Posts: 20
Also: the thing about people wanting to make pet auctions only last one week is not feasible for people, like me, who use pet auctions as a means of earning money off of pets when people aren't buying from my merchant shop (when we still had the class system I was a merchant). If anything, it should be a year as the max time because I sometimes have to push out auctions several months because of the large volume of Creatu that I'm putting out there, but I have them all spaced out under a year away. Pet auctions are one of the things that get Creatu moving around on this site, but people shouldn't be able to set the time as 8+ or even 15+ years away, they should, however, be able to set the time as far away as a year because that's a reasonable amount of time.


10:27am Feb 16 2019 (last edited on 10:29am Feb 23 2019)

Normal User

Posts: 51
EDIT: Concern addressed by Oriette, Patrick, and other users. Concern addressed by ranchers being able to sell unnamed pets and not have to feed any pets that are unnamed.

Original Post [unchanged] :

I agree that rancher shops do propose a unique problem to this proposed change.

I am like waaaay much more against having to feed pets in my rancher shop than feeding the pets I own in my showroom. It makes absolutely no sense to have to pay to sell your pets. However, people would probably use rancher shops to keep their beloved pets from dying.

he was a man of suffering, familiar with pain...

10:35am Feb 16 2019


Posts: 394
"Going to have to still give a solid no, even with free food."

That's why I asked. If people would be against this even with food costs out of the picture, then the cost of food shouldn't be used as a reason to be against it.

10:54am Feb 16 2019

Normal User

Posts: 1,367
With all due respect, Patrick, in your initial response to this thread you said not to take anything you said as being in support of or against the idea. However, after reading through your posts, my feeling is that you tend to challenge or question responses that are against the idea much more often than you do reasons in favor of the idea. I may be wrong, but that's my interpretation. As such, if you're willing to share, I'm interested in hearing your thoughts on the major arguments both for and against the idea.


11:32am Feb 16 2019 (last edited on 11:33am Feb 16 2019)


Posts: 2,155
I disagree that a year is a reasonable time for pet auctions. Auctioning is supposed to be a quick buy, hopefully a bargain. It isn't intended to be used as a rancher shop, and not necessary now that we all have rancher shops. IMO auctions should be limited to a couple of weeks before expiring and returning to the account, similar to eggs in the market.

To those who are opposed to the idea originally suggested, what if all you had to do to keep your pets fed was log in and click a button at least once a month? Would that be acceptable to you? Why or why not?

**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚♫ and the haters gonna hate hate hate hate hate ♫**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚

11:49am Feb 16 2019

Normal User

Posts: 87
If all I had to do was log in and click a button it would totally be acceptable.

The problem that I tend to experience is that I have a lot of pets and hunger levels are hard to keep track of. I've been on here for 2+ years and legit it wasn't until this thread that I knew different food items gave different hunger points (lol no wonder everything kept dying). And whilst it does take a month for a pet to lose its name, the hard and painful experience I had was (because I can only make 1 resurrection potion a day max) when I find out a pet is in the graveyard sometimes I cannot save it.

It's gonna take me over a year to bring back my creatu but that's what happens when you have a lot of pets and haven't yet figured out how food works. 

In feeding pets there are 3 main deterrents/problems:
1. Money cost 
2. Time cost
3. Feeding is a mystery and hunger is hard to keep track of

The button thing would take away problems 1 and 3, so I think it would work a lot better ...granted it was once a month and not a weekly thing (time cost would be too high)

Also did want to say im grateful to all the new changes and it does feel like the site is being revived/there is more love in it 
it makes me really happy  

11:57am Feb 16 2019


Posts: 2,155
I'm curious to know why you're only able to make one resurrection potion a day? What is it that you need that you aren't able to get?

What would make resurrecting pets less of a chore? (PS for anyone new, you do get a forum avatar the first time a pet dies or you resurrect it...been ten years for me so I don't remember exactly but there is something there!) What would make it more of a fun experience?

As a side note, I found out yesterday that you can see the point value of food if you click on a food item in your food pen. That's a start, but not nearly convenient enough. I'd like to see the point values listed along with the price in NPC shops and I'm sure other places would be helpful as well.

**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚♫ and the haters gonna hate hate hate hate hate ♫**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚

12:08pm Feb 16 2019 (last edited on 12:14pm Feb 16 2019)

Normal User

Posts: 87
Blessed flowers. I had a ton of pets die the relcore festival and now I know it's because foods have different points and I needed to feed them more haha. It wouldn't have been feasible to buy all the flowers to bring em back in time so I've been picking everyday. They're already nameless so I'm okay with bringing them back slowly. 

Resurrecting isn't a chore, it's just sad because they're dead. My goal is to one day return to an empty graveyard. I don't think you can make it fun because if you connect to something like a creatu, which is the point of virtual pet games, there's no way you can be happy if it's sad or dead....actually if you put statuses like 'hungry/dying/starving' in the detailed info instead of 50/100 it might make the game feel more interactive. 

And thanks for letting me know!! That's actually really helpful!

Edited because it is 5am and I havent slept
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