Mah Suggestions o3o

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9:02am Oct 30 2011 (last edited on 9:02am Oct 30 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 1,391
I was thinking it would be kind of nice to be able to delete your posts, and not in an abusive way. This would be an option for people who accidentally double-posted or something like that. It's happened to me before, and I find it really annoying. x3 I would just be posting on a thread, and I would end up double-posting the same post for some reason. And then I would want to delete the extra post because it would really bother me. D;


It would be nice if you could save a post, as in make a draft of it, when it's an unfinished post. Like, if you're working on an RP thread and you're not done, but then you just save it. Or if you're making a new art commissions thread and you're not done with it and all you have to do is save it. I know that you can just post, "not done yet, please don't post," or something similar to that on the thread. But - and this has happened to me millions of times - someone could accidentally post when they weren't supposed to because the thread wasn't finished yet and then your whole posting flow would be messed up.


It would be very cool to be able to attach a poll to your threads. It'd be very fast to get opinions of your art or your writing or something like that. It'd also be a quick way to get feedback about suggestions. You would be able to post a question, post answers to choose from, choose how many answers a user can pick, and how long it's going for.


Yet another suggestion would be multiplayer games. It would be really fun to play with your Respals (as long as they're online) in games, and then the winner would get a prize like TU. 1v1 games would be games like chess, checkers, etc. And there are a bunch of other multiplayer games as well.


Another cool game would be if there was a drawing board. There would be a main one where anyone is welcome to draw on the same doodle board, and there would be private ones where you can invite your friends - if they're online - to draw with you. And after you're done drawing, you can just leave or you can save the drawing and maybe there could be a thread or some sort of archive/gallery where you can show everyone what you drew. ;D


It would be nice to bulk send pets to your Respals, like if you're leaving Res or something and you're giving people more than one pet. It's kind of tiring to keep sifting through all of your pets and to keep typing in a username and clicking send...


I would love it if, when editing the stock of your showroom, you could choose if you wanted to go to a specific category and only view the pets in that category. Because sometimes I only want to take out pets from a specific category, but then I have to sift through all my pages just to find those certain pets. Also, when editing your stock, it would be cool to be able to change the order in which they're listed. Instead of viewing them all alphabetically when editing your stock, you should be able to view them by species, color, age, etc. If you get all those cool options when simply viewing your showroom, I think you should be able to have those options when editing your showroom. It would make editing your showroom's stock easier, I think.


10:21am Oct 30 2011

Normal User

Posts: 1,679

1) Hmm, leaning toward no support on this one.  I've always thought that being able to delete a post would be no more abusive than just being able to edit the abuse away.  But I thought of something else.  Let's say you go to check your advert thread just before you have to go somewhere.  You see that someone has posted an offer, but you don't have time to respond.  Then you come back to respond, but see that they have edited their post to say "Nevermind."  You can easily see that you once had an offer that has been withdrawn.  What if that same person just deleted the post altogether?  You'd be left wondering whether you imagined their post or not. xD

Anyways, for this one I think that the current way of editing is just fine.  No one is going to bite your head off for an occasional double post.

2)  Support!  That would helpful in lots of different ways. :)

3)  I like that idea!  They could be both fun and functional.

4)  Hmm, while I admit that this would be fun, I'm not sure that it's really needed on Res.  The function of the games is basically to provide tu for this game - that is, Res, a very big multiplayer game.  I think it's better to leave these things on specialty arcade game sites.

5) Similar response to number four, this might be cool, but there are other sites made for this, I'm not sure if it's necessary on Res.

6)  Support!

7)  SUPPORT.  Yeah, all the options that are used for viewing showrooms would make it a billion times easier to edit the stock.

Click for Graphic Commissions

1:02pm Oct 30 2011

Normal User

Posts: 1,391
Thanks for your feedback. <3 


10:19am Oct 31 2011

Normal User

Posts: 1,391
Bump. o3o


10:21pm Oct 31 2011

Normal User

Posts: 1,082
No to deleting post due to the fact that people WILL abuse it.

I'd say no to the drafts.
Just open a document in Wordpad or something to save your posts there. Copypasta once it's done and all that jazz.

Yes on the Polls. I like a quick way to get feedback from other users.

I am personally biased against against multiplayers games. Not going to add my opinion on this one.

About the drawing boards, I do like an Oekaki board, but what you're mentioning is like iScribble and users can easily contact each other to draw on there instead of having one on-site.

I don't think bulk sending pets is really needed. It's already a ton better than setting 69 or so junk trades like before v3. LOL.

Viewing the showroom in categories is definitely a plus. I have problems getting my pets out quickly since mine is so bloody huge. Support x∞.


6:35am Nov 1 2011

Normal User

Posts: 3,426
1) No support. Despite the fact that there are honest users that would make use of this is a good way, there's still the ones that WILL abuse it no matter what.
There are ways to help keep it from being abused, but overall it's more work with coding than it's worth.

2) Ehh, I'm kinda with Draco on this. It's another feature that takes more effort than it's worth.

3) Total support for the polls.

4) Ehh, not really too into this idea. Multiplayer games don't always work well with lag and problems on the other player's end. And I guess some people would enjoy it, but others maybe not so much.
I would much rather see a PvP function for the Battle System be worked on than meaningless games.

5) Uh, this reminds me of two things. One, and artist program online a friend of mine showed me (don't remember the name) and also an Oekaki. I'm not sure if this is a good idea or not. I guess I'm worried people would be trolls or immature and not respect other's work.
I'm not sure how much use and Oekaki would have. Most people prefer using their own programs to draw, not an online one, so once again it comes down to if the effort put out by the coders would be worth it.

6) I once again agree with Draco. That and it's doable easily. When my friend left, she asked me to hold on to a bunch of Creatu as well as gave me some gifts. In total, it was probably over fifty pets, and it wasn't that difficult for her to do.
Plus, there's a potential for abuse as well.

7) Total support. My showroom's starting to get pretty big, and there's still some problems with the dumb showroom not behaving right. It's getting frustrating because it's not worth the effort trying to organize it.

HypnoxSpazz 5evr

5:15pm Nov 1 2011

Normal User

Posts: 1,391
Thanks for your input. ;D


11:05pm Nov 2 2011

Normal User

Posts: 640
I love the idea about the drawing board. Rescreatu have been fantastic with focusing on a creative world. Less and less are drawing these days, and a drawing board may be the thing a young lad need to realize h*s dream! Culture is extremely important, and rescreatu support that greatly. But there can never be too much culture or what? ;)

And yes, deleting forum post. I can't say how annoyed I've been because of that. Seeing I often change my mind about my creatus, i could have use for deleting the post instead of just let a blank post stand there and look weird. Maybe also deleting the actual thread? 

Splendind I must say! :)


8:40am Nov 10 2011

Content Manager

Posts: 3,135
"It would be nice if you could save a post, as in make a draft of it, when it's an unfinished post"

Actually, an auto-save would be magnificent. :I I used to type on the RP forums a lot... And my laptop would die and I would cry. ;e;

I know it's probably irrational/impossible, but I can wish, right?

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