Make the Max Amount of Tu a Little Less Random

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5:50pm Apr 17 2013

Normal User

Posts: 4,751
*cough* It's not that big of a deal, but does anyone else have absolutely NO idea why that numeral was chosen? It's kind of ridiculous if you ask me, and rather confusing because if you reach that amount of tu and you take money out of somewhere, doesn't the money poof or something?
Wouldn't it be better just to have a nice, even, round numeral? Maybe 2,150,000,000 or something. If there is a reason that it is the number it is, I understand, but I just don't get it :U

Hi there

6:14pm Apr 17 2013

Normal User

Posts: 1,444
It was chosen not by us XD It's the largest number a signed integer can be on a computer :)


8:53pm Apr 17 2013

Normal User

Posts: 4,751
Oh, okay xD Still a random number, but at least it makes sense now.

Hi there

2:36am Apr 19 2013


Posts: 2,155

This will explain in more detail =)

**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚♫ and the haters gonna hate hate hate hate hate ♫**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚
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