So, know how you can send Emails to loads of different people by putting their emails all together, with commas in between? And the same message is sent to all those people?
Well, I think that the party admins should have that ability. To send an Rmail to all their members. My personal experience at the moment is that ResCharity needs an activation boost. It would be a whole lot easier for me to just be able to send an Rmail with the same message to all the members, instead of having to cajole them onto the forums - which some people do not enjoy, or don't often check. It would be an extremely tedious job, with nine hundred members, to trawl through the member list and send each person the same Rmail over and over again through the traditional means.
I don't think, however, that this idea should be implemented in regular Rmailing, for two reasons - chainmail and m*censored* spam. [And we all know how fail that is.]
So yes.
Thanks for reading, support is appreciated.