9:23pm Sep 7 2010
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Posts: 237
Aardwolf: nice thought, it'll save the artists loads of work
8:55pm Sep 10 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 270
disagree, aardwolf. some people only like certain stages or certain pets. also, xeeroh said it's just getting the colors right that would be tricky. once you have the color you can just put it on any pet stage. F8746C3E-9A21-4D20-9890-39BA0719728A 1.03.01
4:58am Sep 30 2010
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Posts: 1,576
Isn't this going a bit into the Neopets direction where they have some robot paintbrush or something?
4:19pm Sep 30 2010
In Training 
Posts: 355
The words 'robot' and 'paintbrush' are not even used anywhere in this tread! I think staff can be clever enough in the application of color options that players don't have to worry about paintbrushes!
7:56pm Sep 30 2010
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Posts: 4,093
I like it, support. :3

Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe
2:02am Oct 1 2010
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Posts: 1,576
Xee , I meant that Neopets also has this. Also, it's rather weird. I mean, would their eyebawls change to some metal stoof? D"
4:50pm Oct 1 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 256
I really don't think that the dye kit would really be worth it. A metallic cream or a metallic sepia would simply be the original color with a few extra highlights and shadows added in to make it look shiny. If they were to remake every color with a few extras other than the shiny to make the sepia metallics look unique and easily discernable from their normal sepia counterparts, that would be even more work for the artists than making a new color kit. (if they revamped every creatu color on rescreatu simply to add shine, it would probably be as much of a work load or more of a work load than a simple metalic kit.)
3:54am Oct 14 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 393
I support!!!! I will probably save just in hopes that this will one day become a reality. <.< I know, I'm holding my breath. XD
5:47pm Oct 18 2010
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Posts: 270
metallic is a shiny color for lack of better deion. not a metal pet, a metalic color.
5:50pm Oct 18 2010
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Posts: 2,148
I want this and the gem dye kit. Omg. ; o; Shineyyyyyyy.
7:08pm Oct 18 2010
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Posts: 1,003
no support; in real life there are albinos and various other color mutaions, u could (though you shouldnt) dye your pet a different color. but, there is no such thing as a metalic animal (unless u count robots, which arent animals) and yes, it is more work for the artists who could be doing other stuff
9:46pm Oct 20 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 108
I like this idea. ^^ Support. Dragon: I'm pretty sure lizards could be a metallic colours, as well as birds.
"Terrible, terrible damage!!"
9:31pm Oct 26 2010
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Posts: 1,003
yeah, you see shiny crome lizards and steel birds all the time >_>
11:40pm Oct 26 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 237
omg whit what are you doing posting on here?
11:46am Oct 27 2010
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Posts: 270
Dragon: what morbid said, but also news flash this isn't real life lol the pets on here aren't real life animals although many are definitely based on some animals
11:58am Oct 27 2010 (last edited on 12:14pm Oct 27 2010)
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Posts: 255
I sort of like that the creatu colors try to be realistic instead of gimmicky. Metallic would be an awesome color for the RSTU001 though...I'd like it if it were RSTU001 specific I guess :) Edit: I got excited and thought of more details XD It could be like a metallic sheen you can spray onto your RSTU001, and it'd look very platinum-like. This is kind of a lame comparison, but sort of like when you pick up the metal box in Super Smash Bros. XD
12:02pm Oct 27 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 670
It's a good idea for the future, maybe when the artists have more time on their hands, or it could be worked on a little bit at a time so it'll get finished gradually. I support.