Rescreatu - Virtual Pet Game

Minigames (NOT flash)

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4:21pm Mar 29 2009

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Posts: 854
i have an idea! a grave game so if you click the right Tomestone  the ebilia is hiding behind then she/he will give you a random amount fo tu! 

Click Me!

Adopted from squibyclik her pleaz Paw is currently:Online

11:52am Apr 8 2009

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Posts: 298
You know those books where there say 'you come to a T junction, to go left turn to page ... to go right, turn to page ...' and it's like a whole adventure? you could do that with buttons for turn right, turn left, etc.


7:24pm May 21 2009

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Posts: 14
Not, not.

a tesuri lover b29;

7:25pm May 21 2009

Normal User

Posts: 14
Your not the idea excelent, im Brazil.

a tesuri lover b29;

11:43am Jun 23 2009

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Posts: 11

Tetris... everyone loves tetris.... the amount of points you make in the game can be devided by whatever amount (like 3/4) then thats the amount of tu you'll get or mabye devided by 5/6 and that is the amount of credits maybe.....


4:25am Jul 25 2009

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Posts: 22
I would love to see something you could earn credits for, though I know it's not likely. Thing is, the advertisement things you can do are highly unreliable (as in, I can't count on all my fingers how many of them I've done and never gotten the credits for), and I can't do paypal or the money/check things; I don't trust things like that. If we could just use credit cards straight up, that'd be different, but.. yeah.
Of course if there were a game like that, the amounts of credits you could earn would have to be extremely low, but you know. Maybe a sponsored game would be really awesome; just, something more reliable than the 'fill out these 40 pages of adds and such, or join this MMO,  and maybe you'll get  credits" deal. (which isn't to say I don't appreciate that, cus I do, it's just.. you know. Like I said, a lot of the time it just doesn't work)


7:16pm Aug 27 2009

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Posts: 197
Bingo? This could probably go in the luck section. Say, you could have ten chances a day to get a number, it would have to be like five in a row. Though, I was thinking, instead of a number(just to check your creatu knowledge) it would call a creatu name, and you put your amrker over the picture of the creatu. And how about calling it Creatu Bingo?


8:05pm Sep 4 2009

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Posts: 281

Guess the number your creatu is thinking of out of 0-100? You could have a certain amount of guesses, if you don't guess it right then your creatu gains 1 intellect but if you guess it right, then depending on how many guesses it took you you can gain a certain amount of tu or an item if you get it on your first go. The higher your pets intellect the more difficult the number is, even 0-1000 or something and the better the prizes...

Have a card game where there are two cards, one that you can see the number of the other which is face down. You have to guess whether the card face down is higher or lower than the one thats face up. If you get it right then you get like 20tu added to your stash, and as you keep playing to earn more. However if you lose after you keep playing you lose everything. Or you can say end game and earn everything that is in your stash. I think it should cost like 50tu to play.

umm.. you could have some kind of races, you bet on which ever creatu you think will win and then every 10 minutes they announce the winner, if you win you get triple the amount you bet...

You could have a quiz game of 50 questions and a time limit for it, and if you complete it (you get a trophy), depending on how long it took you, maybe you could have access to a secret shop that gives you 30% off certain items, or you could hatch one more egg for that day, or Not have to wait fo the incubation process, the questions would be quite difficult, like some would be riddles, other just short etc If you don't coplete it and you get half way you could get a little amount of tu for getting that far...

you could have a wishing well...

hmm.. maybe a maze type thing, where you click on arrows for which way to go. you could click for a certain maximum amount of times, and if you get to the treasure, the gaurdian of it could give you a small piece of its treasure, then if you get to the end (for the first time you would get a trophy) and then you could get like 1000tu..

yeah, thats all I can think of right now, sorry if I mentioned ideas that others have already thought of.



10:56pm Sep 12 2009

Normal User

Posts: 60
I'm not entirely sure if this is possible, but how about a scavenger hunt of sorts?

Everyday users can try to find 10 (or some number of images) scattered across the pages of this site. The user can just click on the image and it'll automatically be added to his or her collection.

Of course other users shouldn't be allowed to reveal the information of the whereabouts of the images. Or the images could be random events so cheating would be impossible.

6:37am Nov 9 2009 (last edited on 9:41am Nov 9 2009)

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Posts: 103

I think Mojizu may have something there with a creatu card game since there are many people out there who loves card games based on creatures and other things like animes. It will take a lot of time to create that card game, but it does sound like a lot of fun in the end. Different colored creatu can have different status compare to a nattie creatu and many of the creatus have ways of defending themselves such as a malal's screech and horns. there are plenty of items to use too, so why can't we attempt a card game? I'll send some crafty ideas to help out the card game as well if you decide to do it.

I'm also supporting the flower quest as well. It'll be better use for the flowers to have a use than wilting away in our collections, shops, trades, and storages.

I would like a scavenger hunt too. It also sounds like fun. Maybe some fun random items in relation with where you find them at and the choice to keep any of the items you find in the hunt over the prize would be a major upset in the hunt as well. We need to also make sure that the scavenger items can't be given to other players just for the use of the quest. Let's use this as an example...

Say you find a glittering pebble at the Aquati forest, a wild strawberry while roaming the Relcore Market, and a dirty lost golden bracelet that you can purchase some soap to clean it with while roaming Recore's markets again. You clean the bracelet to find out that bractlet can be wored by a Zenirix to block one attack during each battle. Going to turn in the items, the scavenger hunter that *censored*igned the quest to you gives you two options; turn in all three items for a scavenger hunter squishy(random prizes for each scavenger hunt) or you can select which scavenger item(s) you want to keep and turn in the rest of them to the hunter for tu instead. You choose to give up the stone to the hunter, kept the braclet for your zenirix, and sold the wild strawberry since it is a food item to another player. The player who bought the strawberry can't use it for their scavenger hunt because another player had found it instead of the current player, so they either stuff it into a collection or feed it to one of their creatus. Maybe the items found by other players that become useless to another player can give the useless item to the scavenger hunter for some tu as well.


10:05pm Nov 21 2009

Normal User

Posts: 2,282
I have an idea, a game  where you get to guess what kind of creatu egg, but thats easy


6:26pm Nov 29 2009

Normal User

Posts: 155

A simple game of number guessing, like from 1-100. Players could get a larger amount of tu if they guessed it immediately vs. taking 6-8 guesses (binary search would eliminate the number eventually, so give them a tiny amount if guessed in 7+ guesses, and only slightly more for 6, as most can be guessed in that time).

It could be something like guess how much the Berrok ate.

You could allow only one play per day, or up to 5 or 10.

LadyMargit, a Silicon Valley Grandma
Thanks to SoulyTer for the wonderful Siggie!
Bring back the Publish a Book Contest!

4:27pm Dec 7 2009 (last edited on 4:29pm Dec 7 2009)

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Posts: 50

Idea of babyducky:Seasonal,go to and put a holiday animation, word, or whatever you want in your profile or in here!Click on what you want and make sure it's NOT copywrited! Thanks!Merry Christmas!

tle="Virtual Pet">Virtual Pets BabehDuckehΘ

6:11pm Dec 14 2009

Normal User

Posts: 7
Minesweeper and Blackjack games would be Epic. Or maybe we could have games were the creatu race or play Chess against each other for TU?

2:23am Jan 11 2010 (last edited on 2:24am Jan 11 2010)

Normal User

Posts: 89

there's a game i used to love,but i can't remember the name if it. works like this though. there are three platforms beside each other,and on the very left platform is a stack of stones (more or less depending on the level) all you have to do,is move the stones,one at a time,all to the right platform. however,you can't place a larger stone on top of a smaller stone,or move a stone that's below another one. i wish i could explain it better,but if you had a game like that i would freak. o.o in a good way.


oh and checkers FTW!!!

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9:31pm Mar 2 2010

Normal User

Posts: 6,296
Iceshadow... go to Marpets. They have a game exactly like that. XD


12:24pm Mar 15 2010

Normal User

Posts: 258
maybe like a tangram game or something?


12:27pm Mar 31 2010

Normal User

Posts: 102
Love the Creatu Bingo idea..I would love to see a game that gives you rare eggs or a cs egg...of course that would be hard level...thanku

Thanku, Krazy K :)

11:11am Apr 11 2010

Normal User

Posts: 3,469
Maybe a game where it shows a small bit of a creatu and you have to guess what creatu, species and color?

"You're off the edge of the map, mate. Here there be monsters."


2:12pm Jul 7 2010

Normal User

Posts: 227

Digging in Dirt                              


You level up your pet (by the gym/training room on the screen).

Say your on level one on the selected pet and go to a diging site.Dig somewhere and win items some are worth a lot and some are like mad emoe squishy.But it all depends on the level the pet is on.You can try 3 times each day.But the pet can get destracted by other creatus and bugs. Its would be a fun and i think its great but maybe not. Some place might be better than the other. There could be a digging site on every planet.SO say you tried but didnt find anything on relcore but you could find it on scria.


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