Mobile App

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4:12am Nov 28 2020

Normal User

Posts: 64
Just a thought, but has there been any consideration on making a mobile app for Res? 

I'm not familiar with the ins and outs of making one, but with more and more people using their cell phones more often than their personal commuters, it might encourage interaction or even support for the site in it's entirely. 

I know I would use it all the time! 😝


10:47pm Feb 28 2021

Normal User

Posts: 226
Support! It's hard to use the web version on mobile


2:56am Mar 2 2021

Content Manager

Posts: 3,136
Support, but making a mobile app is time- and cost-heavy. Since we've had the next version of Res in development for some time, my personal view is that any kind of mobile development should wait until V-whatever (V4, I think) is either further along or completed before diverting attention to a mobile site.


8:26pm Mar 14 2021


Posts: 394
In principle, I agree 100%. Hope to bring something at least mobile friendly to ya'all at some point.
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