Just a crazy idea. What if we had a feature where we could make items become moldy? Dairy, vegetables, meats, fruits, breads... all of these can get moldy and gross! Maybe have a place on Reiflem ATQUATI to put the items in for a certain period of time to gather mold.
Why would you want to do this? Well, I'm going to just throw out a pet color concept now because this would be epic, in my opinion.
Feed your creatu a certain number of mold items and they become moldy themselves! How gross! All that mossy green stuff growing in patches on your creatu, but it still would be pretty fun, no?
Of course, you can't always succeed in making your item moldy. If you leave it in the "Moldifyer" too long then it just might get ruined and turn into a shrivelled, ugly little... burnt thing. Not much use for that other than to eat it to make your pet sick. Mwahaha.
But yeah. I think it'd be hilariously wicked to make items get moldy, and then possibly, if your pet eats... 100 of these items (or more), then they get all moldy too. Whaddya think? I'm open for suggestions OTHER than making your creatu moldy. Doesn't have to be a creatu color. Could even be a new item or a trophy or avatar. *shrugs* Could even create a clothing set for the new human avatars coming out!