More Frostlight + Hatch Color Idea

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5:19pm Nov 19 2016

Normal User

Posts: 110
I was thinking, since amber comes in October and achromatic in November... Maybe there should be a higher probability to hatch in the other colors (probably not, like, albino but still) during these months.
Or, maybe, every day/week a certain creatu egg has a higher chance of hatching in certain colors. I.E; on the first week of December, there's a higher possibility to hatch a Sirleon in the uncommon or rare colors. (The only thing that would be a problem is that it would have to be a very slight increase, otherwise people will be grabbing eggs like crazy and buying hatches.)


I would also like more frostlight creatus this winter! Especially for the CS ones without a frostlight effect and for Tesuris. Mmm... frostlight Tesuri... *drools*


12:06pm Nov 20 2016


Posts: 3,217
Just wanted to pop in and say that Achromatic hatches aren't limited to November. Every month a few select species are able to be hatched achromatic, these species change from month to month :D

Hmm, to be honest, I don't really agree with the main suggestion ;o; 
I could get behind having rare colour chances increased on special holiday's though; like a user's birthday, Christmas or New Years, but it'll have to be super carefully thought out. 

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