More pets on profile?

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12:31pm Apr 3 2018 (last edited on 12:59pm Apr 3 2018)

Normal User

Posts: 542
I would love to have a little more than 25 pets on my profile. Wondering if we can increase the amount merchants and ranchers can have on their profiles? Maybe make it an option to be able to buy more with CP? c:


2:13pm Apr 4 2018

Normal User

Posts: 678
I'm pretty sure you can have more on your profile (I definitely have over 50 sitting out right now as I try to age them). I did notice that only 25 will show up for me in the "All Pets" side box thing, so it would be cool if more could show up there!

(Unless I am a glitch in the system or something and I'm not actually supposed to have this many on my profile). 

But yeah, once again I do support that more should be able to show up in the "All Pets" box! 

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2:16pm Apr 4 2018

Normal User

Posts: 542
Yeah that's what I meant. More than 25 "showing" on the profile c:

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