I have been putting a lot of things in the Relcore Trash lately, and I was thinking there should be a spot in the Quick stock to send your unwanted Items to the Relcore trash. So Instead of having to scroll through all your items and accidently put something in there you didn't want to. You can just click the Send to Relcore Trash, and be able to know what you are sending to it. And still be able to get Half the TU of the Original Price. :)
Thank you Guys, I hope Patrick and the other HTML And CSS and other code users actually decide to use this. Since It would make more people say "HEY! I don't have to wait like 2 months to get enough tu let's say 100K to buy this." :) or something like that. :) It would help a lot of people. :)
Total support. It would also make the trash a more used place, get items into circulation, so on and so forth.
I think there was a thread a little while ago that had a ton of trash suggestions. One of them was that all the items wouldn't show up, but random ones would. People would also use it more if that happened, broken said she would trash CS eggs if that was imputed.
Just wanted to bring back the second idea. Support definitely for yours though.