Mutant Creatu

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11:11am Nov 27 2020

Normal User

Posts: 436
After some personal attempts I want to say something I find it's not needed anymore. 
I think the mutant creatu should be removed from being able to be hatched. They are as rare as high colour pet, but not worth anything and it's frustrating hatching one. 
The reason I'm saying this is, because now we have Mutation Potions. Everyone who wants a mutant creatu can make one of their natural pet. 
I just don't want my rare hatch to be a mutant and more on Derp Days when we get a mutant is so unpleasant. 
I feel its gonna be better that way. 

Let me see your taughts ^^


11:40am Nov 27 2020


Posts: 394
My preference is to make mutant an effect.

2:44pm Nov 27 2020

Normal User

Posts: 436
Yeah, something that doesn't make it Hatchable. 

But in other hand if a mutant pet is made normal through mutation potion, does that mean the mutant creatu will lose its,, Mutant Effect"? 
Or it will be able to be turn on and off like other effects? 

Other option is to make the mutant creatu less rare (increase them more than 2%). 
That way they will be seen more usually than now and if we get them it's not going to be bad (bad in my opinion). 


8:15pm Nov 28 2020

Normal User

Posts: 3,005
I think I'd love to keep hatching them,
As an option. But, maybe not
Make the mutants an effect..but
Somthing natural that happens in
Nature at rare times.

This way we can apply effects to
Them, and trance them as well.

The mutant potion is for thoes
Hard-to-get mutants.

So, i disagree. 
We just need to make them
More useful,  and make them
More valuable to be hatched.

In 38 colors, and a thousand black
Gondras later... I rise over my
Army as the Gondra Queen!
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