My First Idea Thread

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6:11pm Jun 24 2011

Normal User

Posts: 2,422

Urm... Ok, so, me and my friends were thinking, since Res is presumably going to launch into v3, that we should suspend signups. My reasoning is this:

Remember the hack? Appearently, it rolled EVERYTHING back three months, deleting my account and my friends accounts. Right now, new players are seeming to pop-up everywhere. I think it would be best to stop signups, in the case that another rollback happens. I'm not talking forever, just until v3 is up and running.

If this offends anyone, I'm sorry. It's just an idea.

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11:18pm Jun 24 2011

Normal User

Posts: 1,679
The reason there was a rollback for that long was because there wasn't backup in place.  If I understand correctly, the site now backs itself up at least once a day.  That's what all the reset lag is, I think.  So there shouldn't be any reason for another huge rollback to occur and we won't have to worry about this as a problem. :)
(Sorry for the awkward wording.  -tired-)

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11:51am Jun 25 2011

Normal User

Posts: 3,642

W'll wasn't the reason there wasn't any backup for three months that the hacker deleted some of it? x3

Honestly, I'm not sure we'll have to worry about any other big huge hacks happening. Res' security and hiring policy have probably improved a lot since then. I haven't even seen any of those little goof-hacks since probably 2009.

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