My Suggestions (for the new or soon-to-be old rescreatu)

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5:14pm Aug 6 2013 (last edited on 5:22pm Aug 6 2013)

Normal User

Posts: 54

Creatu suggestions:

Roshoo- looks like this: (Describing it)

Tail of a raccoon, nose of a meerkat, ears of a bunny, body of a panda. (But their natural color is orange)

Hair cuts:

Short(like short in the back, long in the front.


Low (not that many), Medium (kind of a face mask), Large (every single bit of face is covered in freckles)



12:57pm Aug 7 2013

Normal User

Posts: 1,673

Nice idea!!! Sorta like a Chimby but these updates?:

Skinnier nose, longer/puffier tail, more of a straight up looking ears?, rounder/puffier body?, and markings of a panda?

Like the idea for the hair cuts!!

Freckles? Don't have any so I do not really need to know if they are available. :D

Rejoining, I have a lot of TU that I find unused up. Got any good pets? Let me know, I might buy them

3:08pm Aug 7 2013

Content Manager

Posts: 3,135
I /think/ freckles are on the to-do list?

Not entirely sure huhuh.

But I DO know that they've been suggested several times - and not just face freckles either. c: Arms and legs as well<3

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