9:35am Oct 24 2011 (last edited on 9:39am Oct 24 2011)
Content Manager
Posts: 3,135
So, we get alerts for everything from Rmails to transferred tu to received pets. What if, instead of one alert tab for everything, we break it down?
Say like this; You've just sold a pet, a Blonde Berrok, for 2mil and an Orchid Gondra. Instead of you getting two alerts, clicking and going to the alerts page, and going back to whatever you were doing, you get two alerts. One says "XXXX has sent you an Orchid Gondra named XXXX" and another says "XXXX has sent you 2,000,000 tu!"
Therefore, we can actually eliminate the alerts page. And if you need to know who sent you what, well. Memory, folks. XD Or write it down, I guess. (I'm so cruel. :C)
Content Manager
Posts: 3,135
I suppose. XD I almost put down "We could have a log for alerts"
but then I'm all 'That's the alerts page. :C'
Lol, thanks for input anyway, Broken. c: