New Creatu Idea

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10:09pm Jan 5 2010

Normal User

Posts: 356

YES.  I Totally support Fullmoon's post o 3o


Have it all Koi possibly~ But with white and black hearts <333


10:12pm Jan 5 2010

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Posts: 989
  1. There's enough pets right now. ;p
  2. They still have to revamp many of the pets.
  3. Lots of other features still need work right now.
  4. I'm pretty sure there's a genus mobula pet being rallied for already. ^^


11:33pm Jan 5 2010

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Posts: 13
either it could be a white fish or just a pair of fish that are black nd white.... that swim together creating the yin nd yang sign :)

3:08am Jan 6 2010 (last edited on 3:09am Jan 6 2010)

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Posts: 1,775
With the 2 fishies idea you'd get all that confusion. Do you call both the fish Bob? Or do you call them Bob and Bill?


Feel the love man D:<


5:30pm Jan 6 2010

Normal User

Posts: 22

I really think this would be a good idea because i really want a pet fish          Laughingtle="Laughing" />


5:59pm Jan 6 2010

Normal User

Posts: 355

Maybe we can mix the fish with a sting ray? It would be.. unique 8D


And stingray are amazing. >:U

Lost has left
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10:42pm Jan 6 2010

Normal User

Posts: 356
o 3o That's a cool idea Lost <3  Me Likey~


10:28pm Jan 7 2010

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Posts: 6,296
It could have feather's instead of scales! 8DThat would make it lookreally unique!


11:25pm Jan 7 2010

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Posts: 4,093
Dude, fullmoon, the image you just conjured in my head looks amazing. 8D

Support the feathers and hearts! >;O

Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe

1:22am Jan 8 2010

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Posts: 1,775

The feathers should look like this:

Y'know, with a little heart on the end.


Feel the love man D:<


3:41pm Jan 8 2010

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Posts: 6,296
I think that would be too hard for artist, as they would be trying to show the hearts.


5:24pm Jan 8 2010

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Posts: 1,775
As in if there were larger feathers, the hearts would be visible.


Feel the love man D:<


5:33pm Jan 8 2010

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Posts: 1,293
I think the fishes tail  and fins could be made up of larger feathers that have hearts on the ends. But, if not, I'm still all for the feathered koi idea! I mean, my mom and I were discussing what the new credit shop pet would look like before the Aerix came out, and I was all like: "I'd be cool if it was a fish, like the koi that Nana has! 8D"


7:52pm Jan 8 2010 (last edited on 10:17pm Jan 8 2010)

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Posts: 1,775

Awesome colour scheme idea!

Meet Tom, the prettiest fish in the world:

He's one of our biggest males and has a freakin' awesome colour! He's a bit camera shy and the pond needs a bit of cleaning so it isn't really that easy to see him.

But basically his colours are like this (poor, inaccurate illustration). The scales on his sides (somewhere around his lateral line) are really sparkly and his fins are like, friggin' shiny and silver. You don't come by fish with those kind of colours often, especially with shiny scales too. I love Tom :D


Feel the love man D:<


9:42pm Jan 8 2010

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Posts: 4,093
Ping. o___o
That is a seriously awesome fish.
In the last pic he is clear and.. omg. I wish I had that fish. x3

I'm all for this colour scheme as a natural colour! It's not too much like any of the natural or DK colours so it would work very nicely.

I like the feathered tail idea. c:

Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe

12:38am Jan 9 2010

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Posts: 1,707

I do and Do not support this idea. o__o I do think Aquati needs more pets, Infact I totally am confused by the whole Tesuri thing... but the idea of have a fish with feathers? Not really diggin' the whole idea Anything with feathers makes me think of Scria...which once again brings me upon the Tesuri case... Anything to me with feathers should belong on Scria, Also a new creatu just came out, the Aerix (With Feathers XD) I really don't expect patrick to tell the artists to make a fish creatu...Maybe but I doubt it. Sorry to bum everyone's joy but I'm just saying my opinion 


12:57am Jan 9 2010

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Posts: 1,775

Lemme explain why tesuris live in Atquati. We had this thing called planet banks and people who lived on each planet would contribute tu to the planet bank and whichever planet had the most tu would win a prize. In one case the tesuri was the prize and Atquati won it.


Feel the love man D:<


1:26am Jan 9 2010

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Posts: 1,707


3:12am Jan 9 2010

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Posts: 1,775


I wasn't there, but that's what I heard.


Feel the love man D:<


9:47am Jan 9 2010

Normal User

Posts: 356

Also~  Apparently Tesuri were going extinct in Scria, and so they repopulated in Atquati.  It's in the de ;o


"A few years later, the population of Scrian predators increased dramatically, and to our dismay, the Tesuri eventually disappeared from the face of Scria. Fortunately, this gorgeous creature was not wiped out forever. The two little Creatu that remained with Polara grew up healthy and strong, and had several healthy Tesuri pups. Because this species had no natural predators on Atquati, these Scrian Creatu were given the opportunity to learn to survive in the watery Atquatian climate they had been brought to, and thus their population thrived."

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