New Event Idea

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11:44pm Dec 21 2014

Normal User

Posts: 520
I have noticed that the price for mutants, dyed pets and achromatics has steadily been going down, but the rest of high color pets have pretty much stayed the same. I think that is quite a bit in part to Kir.

What I think would be fun is an event where he asks for those kinds of pets in exchange for a different point system with new pets and items that you can get as prizes. But rather than Kir saying 'I need an achromatic Narwi' or somthing to that effect, it could be more like the halloween army event where you can hand in what achromatics, mutants or dyed pets you want for different amounts of points by rarity. For example handing in an achromatic ebilia would be more points than an achro ardur, which in turn would be worth more than an achromatic otachie. This may hep stabilize the economy. Maybe some of the non retired CS pets could be tossed in the mix to give to Kir too.

I just had this idea a while ago and thought now might me a good time to put it into words :)


9:57am Jan 22 2015

Normal User

Posts: 284
Support, but no achromatics.
An event like this would only make them even more expensive and limited.

10:48am Jan 22 2015

Normal User

Posts: 520
That's the point though, the price for achromatics has gone down quite a bit since I joined. Thanks for supporting at any rate :)


8:58pm Jan 22 2015

Normal User

Posts: 3,006
Support...on everything but achro's.
They are too rare.
If he asks for them,not many could do this.

In 38 colors, and a thousand black
Gondras later... I rise over my
Army as the Gondra Queen!

9:03pm Jan 22 2015

Normal User

Posts: 520
Okay, clearing it up. This would not be a permanent thing the way I'm thinking of it. Also, it would be like Xezpa and Zorias event where you can hand in what you want, not like the current Kir quest. So you wouldn't HAVE to hand in your archos, but they would give more points than say a magenta mutant so somthing.


12:14pm Jan 26 2015

Normal User

Posts: 1,100

10:06pm Jan 26 2015

Normal User

Posts: 611
While I think this idea is nice, and I see the potential behind it, wouldn't this just make all these already expensive pets become even more expensive? Granted, achromatic, dyed and mutant pets aren't exactly super expensive but there really aren't THAT many of these pets as well (mainly achromatic and dyed pets), so by deleting them all to make room for even more pets that will become achromatic and dyed it doesn't really make too much sense, in my opinion. What if these pets COULD be accepted by Kir - but not in normal ways? This idea has been brought up before by other users, like Salt, but what if we could use achromatic pets as a sort of "pass" for our current quest? Example: Kir asks for Blonde Ardur but you don't have one so you try to entice him over with your shiny Achromatic Ardur. The pet would have to be of the same species, and I'm sure there would be a way for these to also award more than just the 2 points a blonde would normally give - maybe 4-5? As for mutants and dyed they could be passes for lower colors, like natural - ginger, while also awarding 1-2 points more than the other color normally would. So achromatic would be an automatic pass, while dyed / mutants would have their limitations - but could be stackable?? ;O ;O This is an open concept idea so if you've got any feedback or ideas on how to make it better I would love to see them! :>

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