3:35pm Apr 30 2012
Posts: 394
We've had a lot of new users lately so I think now is a good time to ask you guys your opinion on how we can improve the experience of being a new user.
Was the registration and log in process smooth for your first visit? Was it too confusing? If so where can we improve? How easily were you able to navigate and learn the website?
Any information about your experience joining the site will help us improve the process of joining and will help to improve the website :)
As incentive I will give a very rare & expensive item to a random person who participates in this discussion. Only replies that I feel are substantive and quality will be entered in the raffle.
3:43pm Apr 30 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 24
Hay this is fang12345!!!!!! And i think the sighnup was fairly easy and fast. I love this sight and as soon as i got on it, i was hooked. I love it!!!!!!! I even got my friend to join and that was only on the begining 20seconds i was on the sight!!!!!!
3:44pm Apr 30 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 2
well, i sighned in a couple of days ago, and it was pretty smooth. i left my email, username etc. it was easy to navigate the site, and i learned the rules quickly.
3:44pm Apr 30 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 56
I found this site when surfing the web. It was really easy for me to register and the only part that was confusing was when I clicked on battle- training and it didn't open. Then I went to FAQs and found out that it was being fixed. It was really easy to navigate and learn my way around the website. Only problem- the battle tab and auctions were kind of confusing too when someone closed an auction before it was supposed to be closed. I didn't get that at first.
3:45pm Apr 30 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 4
It was pretty easy to join, it wasn't really complicated if you ask me. I had a bit of trouble activating the account but that was probably just my email being slow. Either way it was a quick and easy process which I love! Since I hate having to take like 20 minutes just to join a site. I think there should be a little introduction thing for new users. Like it pops up and tells you different things about the site. Like where the credit shop is.. Because I had some trouble with that before I noticed where it was. But something like that would be very helpful. Although the FAQ's is a big help to me as a newbie and should be pointed out since its helped me a lot. Well after I got some help from the FAQ's it was pretty easy to get the hang of the site for the most part. There are still things I don't completely understand like the forums but i'll eventually get the hang of it all. Its set up pretty well so that also helps.
3:45pm Apr 30 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 5
I love the site. (: Everything was smooth and perfectly fine, except for the navigation. As of now, I've gotten used to it, but it was a little fuzzy for me in the beginning.
The log in process was okay, and it took me a few days to learn the website.
I think Rescreatu should have a little tutorial or walkthrough of the site, if possible.
Thanks for making this a great place!


3:45pm Apr 30 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 1
The registration process was simple enough from what i can remember, and it wasnt confusing at all.
The website is easy to navigate as well. I dont have any complaints, aside from the training center being down and the number of eggs you can hatch per day. Even for ranchers, 3 isn't that big of a number. Hope that helped :)
3:46pm Apr 30 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 5
Hi I'm Ghirahimstar1.Sighning up was really easy and fast too.This sight is extremly fun and I can't stop once I'm on.I really luv it!!!I showed my brother and he wants to play too.
3:47pm Apr 30 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 737
It was easy overall. Im alread in a res family and i feel that I belong here. I so very badly want to part of the staff but alas i am only 12.
3:47pm Apr 30 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 2
Registration was fairly simple and quick, didn't take longer than 5 minutes, which was nice Nothing was overly confusing quite straight forward, even my young niece was able to join without much issue A few of the in and outs of the site are still lost on me but only being less than a month in i should sooner or later figure it out. Plus many other, older users on here are very helpful and kind, they make the experience far more fun
if i can find anyone i do plan to recommend this site for sure, its like neopets but more unique and creative :D
3:52pm Apr 30 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 1
Hi! I first found this after of couple of ads and now am pleased I clicked the ad. I found that the registration was very easy and that it wasn't too demanding, but I think that the registration shouldn't ask names or last names, or anything like that. I think birth dates are essential, so are emails, so those can be skipped. The navigation of this site took about three seconds, it's a very easy to understand site once you understand it, but my ability to get clothes on my avatar was a little difficult, but I figured it out. I think that the site should move the clothes up so that they are next to your avatar, and make gray the categories that do not have clothes in them.
3:52pm Apr 30 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 11
Well, I mean, I'm a fast learner, but I got along fine. :3
3:55pm Apr 30 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 8
I joined about a week ago and am now hooked I got my friend on it to and she is now the same im very impressed by your community everyone is polite and seems willing to help and the talk is always appropriate so any help you need you can ask the community good job rescreatu and great staff! im still finding out things however and can become confused now and then forgive me if it sounds silly but maybe a list of code words rescreatu users have would be nice I just now learned that nattie ment natural im such a newbie! and the money system used in selling what exactly is k thousand? million? all look it up right after this but without previous experience im still not sure how to send money if I chose to pay for a hatch and such. that was my review great update what I give this site is an 11 out of 10! all be on here for hopefully years to come!
3:55pm Apr 30 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 1
I loved this site when it started up back in 2009. I was... 8 years old? I quit sometime in 2010. I'm 11 now, so I can actually do the things I want and understand it all. LOTS of stuff have changed, in a good way. I can hardly remember the old Res with all these new things. But I like it. The sign up was good, thorough, smooth. I was a little confused at first with all the new things. Within the day of signing up I learned my way around again.
3:58pm Apr 30 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 1
It took me a long time to learn and remember where and how to edit my profile. I also just had a problem with messaging someone and had to go to the support ticket thing to figure out why. I was trying to message someone that apparently is an underage gamer and I guess there's a limit on how many messages they can get. That would have bin nice to know, because for 2 days I thought it was my computer and was freaking out about it. I also find the quests hard, I don't understand them half the time and starting out I didn't know where anything was on this site, I find that the longer you are on the more confident you become and the easier it is to move around this site. You should also tell the advantages and disadvantages to being a merchant and a rancher when people first make an account so they understand, because I didn't at first until I stumbles upon it one day and finely realized why I couldn't sell items. You should also tell the advantages and disadvantages to being a resident for each planet, because I just picked at random and the one I could pronounce. Please and Thank you! :)
3:59pm Apr 30 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 4
I made an account just a bit ago. It was fairly easy. I learned how to navigate the site and get eggs fairly easy. One thing I would change is there should be a list of when event eggs are available to look for.
4:01pm Apr 30 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 5
i got into this a few days ago, but i think the registration was fine. i really wish i could hatch more than 3 eggs a day. that's been bothering me.
4:01pm Apr 30 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 1
It took me only seconds after my registration to get the hang of the game. Myy referrers basically explain the game to me and which class was best, so I breezed through. And I really like the mutants^^.
4:04pm Apr 30 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 5
I found this site because my friend showed me, then we showed two of our other friends. It was really easy to sign up and it didn't take us long to figure things out. Of course the site is addicting thanks to the variable interval schedule you guys have made with finding eggs!
4:05pm Apr 30 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 1
PhoenixFallen here. c: This site is great. The art is amazing and i love the part where we have avatars which we can dress up. Upon joining, I had a few confused moments on what to do next. I did wish there was a page where it lists the step by steps. And it would help if it checked itself off as we processed through the introduction. But after 2-3 days, I figured it all out. I enjoyed exploring the site. I found surprises here and there. ^^ I also wish the forum click page was a more view-able/noticeable since this is the first time I found out there was a forum.
But other than that, Rescreatu has given me a great and fun time. I hope to make more fun experiences in the future. :)