4:07pm Apr 30 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 17
I love this site, it is very fun I started back in 2010 quit 2011 started again because it's so addicting my process wuz confusing

Plz help me survive by clicking me
4:08pm Apr 30 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 154
first of all, I think that this is better than fantastic!!! The site is Awesome!!! I was an easy one on, and I got a lot of my friends to join. But some of them say that the CAPTCHA was hard. Maybe you could improve that area.
4:09pm Apr 30 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 14
The game is very easy to get the hang of :D I've found everyone in the Cbox to be especially helpful and willing to answer any random questions I've had. I've had no complaints about the site, and I'm really enjoying my experience so far.
4:12pm Apr 30 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 23
I usually have a very difficult time adjusting to another adoptable website apart from Chickensmoothie; which is where I came from - but so far everything is running very nicely. Surprisingly I don't usually join any adoptables sites, nor did I have an interest. I was too accustomed to my "home turf" to put it bluntly. I tried out many adoptables sites such as dogdayz, wajas, aywas, magistream, eaglevalleysims so on and so forth, but usually it lasted a few days XD
Really surprised I'm still here and trying to be active through the art boards lol. I was always appealed to cute art and nice web designs and I guess Rescreatu hit the mark c:
Joining process was very easy and simple, no problems encountered in that area. I really liked how it was quick and direct c:
One problem I had encountered though was that I sent my friend my referral link so that she can also try out rescreatu, but the sign up didn't allow her to continue after submitting her e-mail. Don't know what was exactly wrong; but she ended up just joining normally.
Since I didn't know how to navigate that well being a newbie and all; I encountered some broken links here and there, but quickly learned what shop sign was for what after a few days. maybe the pictures on the map could be a bit more clear on what they are? It got pretty annoying later on when I had to keep on going back when I realized I had gone off the "planet".
Some features on the page were a bit confusing, don't exactly know what they do and such. For example, feeding the pets were a bit difficult to figure out by myself for a few days before I found the food pen.. thing. Not to mention that I am still quite confused what the Gallery is exactly for and things as the merchant shops and rancher shops.
There were a few questions that I had that wasn't in the FAQ, don't really remember the questions anymore ( oh, one of them was how I would be able to give a quest item to an npc XD. face palmed myself when I figured out how. ), that I had to bring up my courage to speak up in the chatbox to get the answer for. A walk through kind of thing would be lovely - since I still do have some part of the sites that I don't know how to navigate around or even know what it is ^^;
so far convinced 3 of my friends to join, and hopefully I would stick around c;
Hope my 2 cents help you guys get an idea of my experience here so far XD
Call me Winter or Bel *u*
4:16pm Apr 30 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 1
Well. i honsety thought signing up was no problem. it went smoothley. i am enjoying the site!
4:16pm Apr 30 2012 (last edited on 4:17pm Apr 30 2012)
Normal User 
Posts: 18
I found Rescreatu From a friend. It was easy to register. I was a slight bit confused until i read the help section. After a few days i got the hang of it, and hatched rare-ish pets. The purple tutorial box really helped!
Help me with my egg! 
4:17pm Apr 30 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 96
All though it's been over 90 days since I've joined, I started playing it heavily within the last sixty. I love this game! Like everyone else said, registration was easy. Unlike most games, you aren't struggling to make money. Once you get a good grip on it, the money come easily. If for no other reason, I get on here everyday for the Enchanted Springs. I love the Springs. I think it's one of the best parts. I'm hoping to one day get my hands on an Omni. I fell in love with it the first time I saw it. Over all, it's a great game. I'm having a lot of fun and unlike some of the other similar games that I signed up for, I keep coming back to this one for more.
Current Kir Quest: Albino Myotis\r\n\r\nMeragon and Draqua Collector
4:21pm Apr 30 2012 (last edited on 4:27pm Apr 30 2012)
Normal User 
Posts: 1
im a new user and it was a little confusing cuz i had to find 2002 and it was hard cuz i didnt know if i had to but day or month first but actually the 4 days ive been on it was easy and supper fun!!! lol
4:25pm Apr 30 2012 (last edited on 4:57pm Apr 30 2012)
Normal User 
Posts: 47
Allo, just a few things. For me signing up was simple enough but when I sent my referral link for two of my friends to join, they said they couldn't sign up but when they tried to sign up without it they were able to.
Over all I think after spending some time stumbling around I am getting the hang of it. The search function is hit and miss in terms of ease. Trying to find certain pets via species for auctions are a pain and seems non-existent. When doing name searches maybe a link to the person who has the pet could be useful? Not necessary, only a suggestion.
I don't go to the forums very often, but maybe have the "Go to page" on the top and the bottom so it doesn't take so long scrolling back up just to go to the next page? Is there a way to view just the posts you made? It's very possible I am missing it since I am not a frequent forum goer.
I didn't get the Easter event at all except for the Easero egg hunt and Kurrabi exchange and I only figured that out with the help of another user. It was confusing for someone just coming in in the middle of it.
To be honest a lot of it still confuses me and bits of it I still haven't gone to. Maybe a newbie guide/walk-through would be helpful for people like me who are less intuitive to new things?
Also just remembered, the name thing. As a newbie the whole concept of buying a name and not the pet and the like can be very confusing. Maybe there could be something in the FAQs about it? I know for me finding out a simple name cost 50mil was pretty scary when it was exciting just making it to a lowly million. XD
I hope you don't feel like I am tearing it apart. Overall I enjoy it. Thank you for listening.
Edit: Also can there be something added to the holiday/credit store/event eggs on their speices pages? I see the question "How do I get such and such?" a lot and even wondered that myself before someone very kindly explained it to us and I agree it would be useful if that kind of information were somewhere we could find it.
Another Edit: Also not sure if this was covered in the FAQs but it was confusing trying to put clothes on my human avatar XD
Ack, hopefully last edit: Also, this is me mostly being silly and newbie- like but can failed hatches not count towards hatches if we have so little hatches a day? It bites when all three attempts fail and I can only imagine how sad it would make a merchant if they were looking forward to a pet and only had the one shot fail.
Seeking: x9 Selling/Trading: My items for tu/food/pets.
4:31pm Apr 30 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 4
Hey, I saw this on the update and decided to give my opinion Im alizarinlove and I joined a few days ago. I thought the registration was really quick and smooth I liked the fact that I could put in a little information at a time and click continue because when It got to the email page I had mistyped something and had to redo that page. I was very thankful I didnt have to redo an entire form and only had to the email part. one thing that did confuse me was picking the rancher and merchant I think it would be helpful if I knew the benefits of each before I choose one as well what I would get based on where I picked to live. I think it would be very helpful to have a more indepth tutorial and a how to navigate the site option. it took me a while to find the FAQ and even that didnt anwer my basic questions like how to pet search. so a how to navigate tutorial that shows what every button does would be amazing. I did post on the introductions forum and the people were very helpful. With that said the site itself is great. I love the designs of the pets and the different colors. I like not knowing what my pet is going to hatch into until it does, I also like getting to name my pet whatever I choose. I also enjoy the auctions and trades. its a nice way for those who didnt pick a certain class (merchant/rancher) to get to sell our pets/items. I think it might also be nice to be able to earn hatches. through a game or maybe a quest. for a game you could choose to be awarded with a hatch instead of tu or for a quest it could be like "bring me 100 eggs and you get a extra hatch" I also enjoy most of the games and I like the dream builder. Thank you for reading and im glad I got the option to give my opinion.
4:35pm Apr 30 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 1
The sign up part was very easy for me. it didn't require any 'personal information' which made me more comfterable signing up. i really like rescreatu and try to visit once a day.
4:38pm Apr 30 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 1
A friend of mine showed me Rescreatu and wanted me to join her, since she was a bit lonely in here, and OH EM GEE that is actually super fun (lil' bit confusing too, tho, but that's actually alrighty) :D
4:39pm Apr 30 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 336
it was fairly easy though some of the questions i had to ask other players. Might i sugguest you make it to where you can breed creatu and make it easier to get the creatu like Jahra and ezhani form the other group
4:40pm Apr 30 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 123
I've been here since.. What, mid march? So I'm relatively new. The sign up process seems fine. Quick and simple. After reading through the FAQ I had very few questions, and what I did have questions about was quickly answered by users and staff in the chatbox. I really haven't had the problem of being hung up on something confusing for more than a few minutes. The chatbox is always quick to answer questions.
However. The initial choice of merchant/rancher and planet was slightly alarming. Being thrown at it without any information is the one problem I see with early game play. That, if it hasn't been fixed over the last month, should definitely be changed.
There are other small things around the site that could be changed to make things move smoother, but nothing too major. Just small convenience things. :)
Why is it always so late when I\'m awake?
4:42pm Apr 30 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 6
I found it was fairly easy and straightforward to sign up, I also think that there should be an introduction popup for newbies (something that they can choose not to read if they want, or can open it again later if they want to read it later on), it would make things a bit easier as I had to just click and see what would happen or where it would take me. It took me a while to get the hang of things and figure out how to play the game, it would also be great if the battle/training was up and running.
4:44pm Apr 30 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 5
I like it. I signed up after Gaurweth invited me, but I couldnt use her as a referral, which was odd. I jumped into the shout box and got all the help links and was told about the forums. After requesting a mentor, I received one within a few days and she is very nice and helpful. I also like the shout Box A LOT because the people there are very helpful when I have questions. Many things still confuse me, but after just stumbling around trying to figure it out myself, I'm slowly getting it. Do wish we had more hatches[least 5?], you collect do many eggs without even realizing it. and many I just ignore or sell. Otheriwse i do like this site and visit for at least an hour or two a day.
May Odin give you knowledge on your path,\r\nMay Thor grant you strength and courage on your way,\r\nand may Loki give you laughter as you go.
4:51pm Apr 30 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 23
Oh gosh. Guarweth has pointed out some things that I have totally forgotten to bring up, such as the Easter Event. Even though I knew that the event was going on; I didn't really know what I was suppose to do - nor did I have any clue what to even ask. Probably gonna regret I let the event end without me doing anything later on in the year :B
Another point would be the pet names? I learned about them last night and couldn't really grasp how you could possibly sell the name without the creature? Same with the "hatches" I saw some people trying to sell those and I had no clue what they were talking about untill I had to ask someone about it XD;;
A thread about some of the "slang" words would be much appreciated lol. // or.. there might be one and I just didn't find it yet lol.
Call me Winter or Bel *u*
4:54pm Apr 30 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 49
I got directed to Res by a few friends on Tumblr. Previously I'd been on Neopets and Subeta, but quit them due to varying reasons, and as such was a little confused by how everything works here. It's not so much "have fun with your pets!" and more "keep hatching cute critters to sell off to a random person" :B After the first two weeks, though, I got the hang of it pretty quickly. I love the creatu designs, but the fact that this place feels somewhat like a wasteland is kind of depressing. It doesn't feel worth it to go on the forums because I'll keep seeing the same people, I suppose, and it's always the same people who have the top squishy shelves or most collections or what have you.
Navigating the website is still difficult, though, because everything is so tucked away. It takes me at least five minutes to remember where the Graveyard is, which was a problem when I was trying to help a friend resurrect his dead creatu. I didn't know the Cooking Pot even EXISTED, and I still don't know where it is. And I'm sure there's even more that I haven't even been able to find. There's also the problem of broken pages, such as the Fire/Water Quarters on Reiflem and Atquati, nonfunctional games like Creatu Matching and things like Publish a Book that are still up but the date on it says 2010. To put it simply, Rescreatu really needs a bit of a cleanup before new things are added, like the Egg Market. :/ And that's not even getting to the Battle section of the site that, despite being on the main navigation bar you can't possibly miss, isn't coming back any time soon.
5:01pm Apr 30 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 1
i'd say it was pretty smooth considering that i'm on more vurtial worlds than i can count at first i didnt understand the fact i cant do battle or i couldnt make an acoution but i just looked at help but..... I WISH YOU COULD HATCH MORE THAN THREE EGGS A DAY
>:3 meep~<3
5:04pm Apr 30 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 1
well i thought it was easy to follow and quick. I dont think that it needs improvements but then again i have registered to many websites. But personally i thought it was good.