5:06pm Apr 30 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 813
Was the registration and log in process smooth for your first visit? I think that the registrational process was very easy as well as for the log in process for my first visit here. Was it too confusing? If so where can we improve? I do not believe that registering nor the logging in was confusing at all. How easily were you able to navigate and learn the website? I found the navigation of the site easy, but only after a couple of minutes, maybe an hour, of browsing, but other than that, it was simple and enjoyable.
5:07pm Apr 30 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 195
I love this site. It's my favorite site ever!!!! I love all the pets and the colors and basically everything about this website! I'm so happy I joined. I already got a silver otachie and i started a little more than a week ago!!!! But what i don't like is that you can only collect a certain amount of eggs a day. But other than that this site rocks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[tesuri enthusiast & ebilia whisperer]
5:14pm Apr 30 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 24
Hello, I joined, Saturday, maybe? Verification was only difficult for me, because I originally had an AOL account and it wouldn't send, but I changed it to a Yahoo one and I received it and things went smoothly from there.
I can agree with a lot of the people above, it was simple to figure out once you got the hang of it, I'm not completely adjusted yet but I'm doing fine and everyone is kind enough to help me out if I have a question.
I love all the pets here, they are just adorable and creative!~ Yet I may also agree that even for ranchers, three isn't exactly a large number and I get rather impatient, but I'm just an antsy person. ^_^;
overall I think that this is a wonderfully made and put together site, and I can't wait for the areas down to be up again, especially the battle section!~
5:25pm Apr 30 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 11
Hey Im KatyxKat I love res! Best website ever!!*is set as home page*
5:28pm Apr 30 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 10
Signing up was very easy however i was lost when i first started roaming around the site and i didn't know what i was supposed to do, i did figure things out on my own eventually, however i do think a walkthrough might be helpful in the beginning for new users later on
Will not be online Monday July 16 and Tuesday July 17, due to my brothers funeral.
5:29pm Apr 30 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 1
Hi, I'm qwerty16095. I love your website. It was really easy to navigate and join! THe graphics are awesome.
5:32pm Apr 30 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 1
Registration was easy. I have 2 friends who were playing that helped me out. Some of the navigation is hard, lots of clicks. When shops are empty or links don't work it is frustrating. Searching collections is tedious. With all that said, I am enjoying the game. Very clever.
bunny bun bun
5:37pm Apr 30 2012
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Posts: 2
I LOVE Recreatu! Easy fun and fast!
5:38pm Apr 30 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 3
i think this site was fairly quick and not-too-difficult, as it walked you through the basics before letting you off the leash. I love this game!
5:39pm Apr 30 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 1
Hey. Yeah, I thought my first time here was great but a suggestion in general: if someone out bids you in an auction and you get an alert for it, there should be a link you can click so you can see if you can bid again. I am trying to find which on eI was out bidded on right now and I'm getting frustrated trying to find it.
5:41pm Apr 30 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 1
It was very simple and easy to comprehend. Even my nine year old cousin had no trouble with creating an account by himself. I really loved the smooth-flowing sign-up. :3
5:46pm Apr 30 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 20
i found registering and logging in were easy. i found the tricky part was figuring everything out. the FAQ was really helpful but i still found it confusing at first. after a bit i got the hang of it but i'm still a bit confused but i'm learning as i go. i found out about this site on a friday and by the following monday at school i was getting my friend to play it to. we both ended up being hooked. like the others said, a tutorial would be nice. also maybe a thing to explain the holiday events. because from my own experience i didn't understand the hunt that you only have 48 hours really. and i lost my chance at it :/ wasn't until after that i realized what i did. so maybe a bit of an introduction to the holidays event would help to.
6:03pm Apr 30 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 36
Well I'll be honest, at first the site was pretty confusing. Registration, however, was smooth, and I applaud you for that. The opening page was appealing, I personally enjoyed the creatu silhouettes in the background. This may throw off the design, but I think that registered users should have a link to the explore page, it will provide new users with the sense that they are really delving into the worth that is Rescreatu. I was originally intrigued by the Latest Pets, only to find that I couldn't click on them for more information.
As for the concept, it's pretty simple to grasp. The information pages are appealing easily accessed, which I appreciate. It gives plenty of tools for those who want to collect pets or buy pets for the Kir's Quest. Pet Auctions are VERY well done, I was thoroughly impressed by the system. I was confused by the symbols representing the hatchery, inventory etc but they aren't too perplexing. There appears to be inconsistency with the quality of colour, shading and most importantly design of many of the pets. One can compare the complementing palette of the Indigo Gondra and the colour scheme of the Indigo Murren. I understand that you are going for a particular style of pet but some differences in quality are very striking. (I'd go on but I'd say you have enough art criticism, judging by the comments in the updates)
Overall, I really enjoy the site, it offers a choice of activities outside of just caring for one's pets. The games, stock market, community, avatars each appeal to different audience, so I can see how any young person would enjoy the site. Good job :)

6:09pm Apr 30 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 16
sup :D
6:12pm Apr 30 2012 (last edited on 6:16pm Apr 30 2012)
Normal User 
Posts: 54
The signup was simple and easy for me - nothing wrong with it exepct the CAPTCHA, I got it wrong multiable times even when I doubled check to make sure it was correct.
The site itself, I learned fast, and love the game! The navigation was easy, but it took me around a day and a half to figure out how to dress my character. :'3
A step by step guide to the basics/refrence guide, so newbies don't get scammed as often would be great, however!
6:34pm Apr 30 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 1
Everything was really easy, I can't remember the last time registering somewhere was so simple.
The only problem I had was trying to hatch my first egg, I failed twice in a row despite waiting for the egg to be fully incubated. It was like the new user guide was taunting me. Thank the gods my third hatching was a success, I even got a Sepia colored one~
6:35pm Apr 30 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 4
Wow! I joined about 1 or 2 weeks ago and I am addicted already! This game is fantastic! And the registration was so smooth and easily, it's amazing. Most sites I've been on took SO long to just register, and then I had to wait a few days for an email verification to be sent to my address. This one came instantaneously. I have to thank every member of the staff for the amount of work they put into this site! It's amazing!
6:44pm Apr 30 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 3
I found it really confusing regarding eggs and stuff. I was confused why it wouldn't let me do certain things. Then I realized that you had to hatch and egg first. (It took way to long for my first egg to hatch.)
6:46pm Apr 30 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 1
I found it a bit difficult at first, but after looking around a bit, I sort of figured it out, though to trades, shops, and quests sort of scare me. I think the ''info'' should be more accessible. It should also include some info about the trades centre, shops, auctions, games, exploring, ect, unless it is already there, and I'm turning blind.<3
7:01pm Apr 30 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 1
Well, for the most part, it was really easy to navigate. But the most confusing part was putting clothes on my character. I am really glad I found it, I love this game now that I get it and I have showed it to a couple of my friends.
'Go Rescreatu!!!! You rock!'