7:01pm Apr 30 2012
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Posts: 4
7:12pm Apr 30 2012
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Posts: 1
my sign up was fairy okay...but once I got on....things were a bit confusing and I'm still not sure about navigation, but I'll learn...just here to put up my opinion... :)
Hey, if you have a cheap or unwanted Liyure, PLEASE CONTACT ME!I am a artist, poet, bipolar depressed person with a love of cats and most animals....but I prefer not to meet any Nautilisses...or however you spell it, it is scary....
7:12pm Apr 30 2012
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Posts: 59
I found this site as an ad. on chicken smoothie. It was only confusing to how to recognise items.
7:19pm Apr 30 2012
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Posts: 1
hey! yeah... so i think the only confusing part to me was that you had to feed your pets, and that cost me the loss of my beloved booaloop! and please if i am entered in the raffle, the only valuble gift i want is my beloved gondra pet... if thats possible
7:30pm Apr 30 2012
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Posts: 1
I came here through another pet site. I've been on for around 9 or 10 days now. Regerstration was extremely easy and I thought it was very well done. As far as I can tell, you don't need to improve on the regerstration part.The only problem I had was trying to find out where everything was. It wasn't that difficult, but it would help to have labels for certian places. Like the hatchery, show room, etc... Maybe a better guide would help? Anywho, this site was really well done!
7:31pm Apr 30 2012
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Posts: 1
7:42pm Apr 30 2012
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Posts: 1
I think that the site was fairly simple to operate after I explored a bit, but a lot of my friends that I signed up were confused. The login was fast and very easy, but I was disappointed about the fact that to name my pets, i have to guess and add letters to see if i can name my pets that. I'm not sure what thats about, but other than that, I luv it here!
7:58pm Apr 30 2012
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Posts: 1
It was pretty easy for me to sign up. I'm still getting used to the site, but I like it here so far. I check back every day which is really good for me since I sign up for many different adopting sites and don't check them very often (sometimes never). This is a good site to be registered for. I do get a bit confused on what to do, but mostly I just explore and find eggs and then hatch them, don't know what else to do at the moment. :)
I love the art for the pets on here and I am so glad I don't have to put them in a signature for them to grow up. However, it is a bit annoying when you can only hatch 3 eggs especially when some of your hatches fail. It would be nice to be able to hatch eggs until you get a certain amount of them hatched successfully. I hope that made sense...
I really do like this site.
8:07pm Apr 30 2012
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Posts: 1
At first i found it a little confusing, but i quickly learned the rules and how to use the stock and stuff with the help of some friends who joined a few weeks ago. i love the site and tho somethings could be improved i believe it's doing pretty well so far. i was using a different site when i seen an "add" for Rescreatu, when i singed up it was love at first site! :)
8:29pm Apr 30 2012
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Posts: 1
Hi! I found this site from an add and liked it right off. The sign up was quick and easy, but after that I was quite confused on what to do. I've had to figure some things out on my own, which wasn't too hard, but it still would have been nice to have a bit more guideance or a tutorial that went more in depth. Overall it's a fun site and I am enjoying being here nonetheless. :)
8:30pm Apr 30 2012
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Posts: 19
I thought it was pretty easy when my laptop finally loaded the site correctly. Still trying to find my way around, tho. XDDDD
8:44pm Apr 30 2012
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Posts: 5
Haha, I'm just within the 60 day cutoff. XD
It's fairly easy to explore around here; everything is pretty much straightforward, although sometimes the incomplete parts of the world maps threw me off a bit. The FAQ was also amazingly helpful for the most part, and the people in the sb were both entertaining and extremely helpful. It's taking me a while to get used to this whole selling creatu because I usually go on pets sites that don't allow that, but it's certainly a very neat feature.
I will admit that the Food Pen confused me for a long time. I think it would be helpful if there was a bit more on how those features of the site worked.
9:35pm Apr 30 2012
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Posts: 1
Hey this is hekarukarato306. Sign up for me was pretty easy and fast but I did have some confusion with getting my user name to be accepted. When I was entering it wrong the page would just refresh for a new code to enter at the bottom without telling me I used a symbol I wasn't suppose to use.
9:43pm Apr 30 2012
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Posts: 1
Hey! It's Black Souls and I think the sign up was really easy.It is a fun game, but you should get a creatu that looks like a real wolf and can only be albino, calico, cream, white, black, and any other colors that are natural.
10:04pm Apr 30 2012
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Posts: 8
well, erm.
I was referenced to the registration, but for some reason, I was not able to register with the reference, I distinctly remember it would get to me typing my email and password [at about step 3, I believe], but when I clicked continue, it wouldn't let me go any further.
I eventually gave up and signed up normally [which was really quick and easy to follow. ovo ♥]
I was hooked to this site quite easily because of it's cute art style and fun atmosphere. :'D I also joined the site within the last few days of the easter hunt, which was a nice bonus too. ^^
and the forums. oh snap the forums, i love the forums so much. // stalks posts there rofl;;
but i think would be nicer for the people who joined the first few days to be introduced to the forum in the tutorial so they have a glance at it, because after I hatched my eggs I had no idea what to do next untill I discovered the forums. LOL
yeah. // end of word wall
10:07pm Apr 30 2012
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Posts: 1
i love it here registration was easy the games and exploitation are fun and easy to use i love how the people here are kind and generous they are always willing to help any user new or old i also love the veriety of different cretu available my favorite is the ebilia YOU CAN BET YOUR BRITCHES IM TELLING MY FRIENDS!
10:27pm Apr 30 2012
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Posts: 11
I foumd rescreatu while surfing the net. I love it ! It's so easy to navigate and use. But the only thing that i do not understand is the battle part and the time taken to incubate the eggs. It takes so long for the eggs to hatch. By the time the eggs are incubated, my mom would have forced me away from the computer. But all in all, Rescreatu is really fun and addicting. I look forward to new changes to improve this website.:)
10:59pm Apr 30 2012
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Posts: 165
Well ,as for me, a good friend of mine (warriorhawkspirit) recommended This site to me. I like this site alot. Maybe the only problem is that a lot of things go unexplained and it takes a while to understand them.
"Hello, this is... Mom Universe. Yes, the children are playing swords. Sorry, playing with swords. They\'re bleeding, oh noo they are dead. Don\'t call again. * click * Sorry I panicked"
11:17pm Apr 30 2012
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Posts: 226
I thought that the registration process was no problem, it was all pretty straightfoward and I was able to get throug hit without a hitch. What I was confused with was just navigating the website at first. Since there are links at the side, and the top left hand corner as well as along the top, it took quite a while for me to figure out what led where and where I could do things. Though it took some time, I did finally manage to learn it, and once your familiar with it, I think that everything else goes pretty smoothly. One thing that I loved was the FAQ page, that definitely helped a lot.
11:43pm Apr 30 2012 (last edited on 1:29pm May 1 2012)
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Posts: 5
Hey Pegasister here. When I found Rescreatu I was looking for something fun to do online that was more intertaining than neopets or any of the other virtual pet sites that I had seen before. Then I fround Rescreatu I was so excited. Everything about Rescreatu was amazing and simple yet addictive from the very start. I enjoyed the tour and was instantly hooked on the adorable cartoon anime like graphics and the idea of hating pets instead of going and choosing everything about the pet the idea of having tons of posibilities was amazing. Sing up was simple and easy and I didnt have to wait but a moment before recieving my activation email. When I became a full member of rescreatu I found that the staff and all the members were warm and welcoming they made me feel like this was a place I could really fit in. I love everyone here and hope to be a member of the staff someday soon!